Read The Promise Online

Authors: Kate Benson

The Promise (18 page)

BOOK: The Promise
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“Oh my God,
Baby. You’re so tight,” I pant. “You feel so fucking amazing.”

“So do you,” she whispers
up at me, her eyes still hooded. “I’ve wanted you inside me so bad.”

all yours, Sophie,” I whisper as I bury my mouth into the side of her neck, biting and sucking as our bodies continue to move in perfect rhythm. “You own me, Baby.”

My words
seem to ignite her need and I know that after her confession I won’t last much longer either. It’s been a while for me, too and she’s had me on edge for over a month. I release her hands and begin to explore her body, kissing and sucking my way across her neck and chest. As I latch onto her skin with my teeth, she lets out a deep groan of pleasure and pulls the hair on my neck while digging her nails into my arm roughly. Everything she’s doing to me is sending me over the edge.

, you’re gonna make me come,” I admit, feeling her begin to tighten and pulse around me at my words.

“Me too,” she pants
and closes her eyes. “Please don’t stop,” she begs desperately.

“I won’t,” I promise. “Open your eyes and look at me
Sophie,” I tell and she immediately does as I say. “I want to watch you come… Are you ready, Baby?”

“Oh my God yes!” s
he yells when I bite down on her bottom lip, thrusting harder and faster, never breaking our eye contact.

“Give yourself
to me Sophie,” I grind out possessively, hearing her breathing hitch. “Go, Baby,” I whisper and that’s all it takes. She calls out my name loudly as she digs her nails deeper into my arms. We’re plummeting together in the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced in my life.

In this
moment, everything becomes perfectly clear to me.

My feelings for Sophie a
re much stronger than I’d thought. I know now I’m falling for her.

ve already fallen.    

Chapter Thirteen




As I’m lying beneath Chase’s hard body, my mind is in a million places at once but also nowhere, all at the same time.

I had no idea it could ever be like

on’t get me wrong, Jack and I had a great sex life and being with him was always amazing. He was never shy about his body or our lovemaking. That man knew my body like the back of his hand and when he was home, we barely managed to keep our hands off of each other. There was always something beautiful, magical and special about making love with Jack that I could never put my finger on. It will always mean a lot to me that we were able to share that part of ourselves together.

Sex with Chase i
s a completely different experience. It is special and I feel beautiful when I’m with him, but there’s something different. There was such intensity with him, such urgency. Even though I could tell he was holding back and trying to go slow for my sake, it’s obvious he felt the things that I felt, too.

The way he touched me, spoke to me, drank me in and
inhaled me like I was a drug is unlike anything I ever experienced with Jack.

Sex with him
is so intense that it’s rendered me speechless. It’s addicting. It’s carnal, animalistic. Sex with Chase is
I’ve been laying here for at least five solid minutes and I’m still unable to speak.

Chase remains
in place for a while, his head on my shoulder while we both try and catch our breath. Finally, he raises his head up to meet with my gaze. As he leans down, his lips brush mine, languid but intense, filled with of all the emotion of the words we can’t yet speak.

He trail
s kisses down my neck, across my shoulder and then back up again before giving me one last lingering peck on the lips. We lock eyes with each other and after another minute, he shatters the silence with his low whisper.

“You okay Babe?”

I nod. “Yeah I’m
,” I answer as we both beam at each other.

“You’re much, much
better than good, Baby. You’re amazing,” he kisses me on the forehead, “and you’re beautiful,” left eye, “and you’re sweet and wonderful and lovely,” right eye, left cheek and right cheek, “and you’re sexy as hell,” nose, “and you’re my gorgeous, perfect…” he kisses my lips sweetly before clamping down onto my bottom lip with his teeth, letting out a satisfied hum, “dirty girl.”

He roll
s over onto his back, keeping our bodies connected but so that I’m now resting across his chest. I look down at him with a blush for a moment before I look away shyly. He notices and pulls my chin back over, forcing my eyes to meet with his. “Don’t be embarrassed, Baby,” he starts, as he stares up at me with a wicked smirk. “That was fucking
.” His admission makes me smile and I lean in to kiss him softly on the lips. My hair is falling into his face and he gently tucks it behind my ear with his fingers, running his hands through the strands as he does. “Bath?” he asks.

“Why do I stink?” I laugh
as I ask him.

His chest vibrate
s beneath me as he chuckles at my bad joke, “No you smell really good actually… I just want a bath and I’m not ready to be away from you yet.”

I smile and place my lips on
his chest, “Okay let’s go have a bath then.”

We walk
into the bathroom and while he runs our bath and turns on my MP3 player, I brush my hair out and pin it up to keep it from getting wet since I’ve already washed it. I pour bubble bath into the tub and visit the laundry room to grab some fresh towels for us. As I walk back into the bathroom, I see he’s turned the water off and has already climbed in. It’s a good thing I have a huge tub or else his large frame would have never have fit inside, let alone the both of us.

I step in and s
it down in front of him and he presses me to his chest and begins running warm water over my shoulders and back. I pull my knees up to my chest and close my eyes, placing my arms on my knees and resting my chin there.

I almost forgot to tell you I’ve got the day off tomorrow,” I tell Chase quietly.

“That’s awesome
, Baby,” he says quietly. “So I have you all day tomorrow then?”

m … hmm. Anything you’d like to do?” I squeeze body wash onto my loofah and he takes it from me before running it gently over my back.

“Whatever you want to do is fine with me. I’m just happy to spend the day with you.”
The sweetness of his answer makes me smile.

I’m all yours,” I answer.

“I love to hear you say that
, Baby,” he whispers into my hair and kisses the top of my head. “I hope you realize that I care about you …
a lot

I turn my head to the side to steal his gaze.
“Yeah I know you do. I care very much for you, too.”

He kisse
s me on the shoulder, picks the loofah back up and then begins to wash my arms for me. I close my eyes and lean back into his chest, settling comfortably. He presses his lips softly to the side of my head as continues running the loofah over my body, making small circles over my stomach.

The speakers begi
n to play the soft melody of Snow Patrol’s ‘Chasing Cars’, and Chase begins singing the words quietly into the crook of my neck as he continues bathing me from behind. His voice is deep but so melodic and soothing to my senses that I’m lost in an instant with the sweetness of the moment and the lyrics he’s singing to me.

I feel
so relaxed and safe with him that I hadn’t even realize I’d been softly singing along until the song is over with Chase holding me tightly in his embrace.  




As I walk into my new English class, I feel like a million eyes are watching me. I’ve never been comfortable in situations like these because I’ve always been a little shy. Since the guidance counselor had such a hard time locating my transcripts, I’m about fifteen minutes late which makes it worse because the teacher, Mrs. Whittle, is in the middle of a lecture on Othello and obviously not particularly pleased about the interruption.

“Can I help you?” she ask
s irritably as I glance around and notice thirty sets of eyes firmly trained on me.

“Um, yes ma’am. I’m a new transfer and Miss Clement said
that I was to give you this,” I tell her quietly, handing her the sheet of paper the counselor had given me as I was leaving the office.

“Ah, yes. Okay,” she pauses
before studying the sheet, “Miss Ryan, as you can see, we’re pretty full but I think there’s a seat near the back of the classroom if you’ll make your way back. We are on page 232 in your textbook reviewing Othello. I hope that you’re familiar with the material?”

I nod and work
my way to the back of the class as everyone in the room continues to stare at me the majority of the way. As I make it about three quarters of the way through the cramped space, I hear a noise and feel my eyes automatically glance in that direction.

…” My eyes land on a beautiful boy with light brown hair, tanned skin, full lips and the most gorgeous blue-green eyes I’ve ever seen before. He’s smiling up at me. “There’s a seat over here.”

I walk
over towards him and sat to his right as I return his smile.

“Thanks,” I whisper and he nod
s while keeping his smile.

Closer up I c
an see how attractive he is. He’s wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt that hugs his body just right, showing his muscular arms, but I don’t even think he knows how good he looks.

I g
et settled into my seat and pull out the book I’d been given in the counselor’s office while trying desperately to remember what page the teacher had told me to turn to. A hand reaches over to get my attention and I look back at the hot guy who had helped me.

“232,” he whisper
s and when I mouth ‘thanks’ back to him, he winks at me.

Wow, he
is really hot. I manage to make it through the rest of class without needing anymore assistance but I can’t help sneaking glances over at him every few minutes.

He caught me looking a couple times and I’d have been embarrassed if I hadn’t caught him doing the same. Instead, we just exchange small smiles.

When the bell rings to dismiss us to our next class, I stand to gather my things but drop my pen on the floor. Leaning down to pick it up, I see a pair of black Chucks staring back at me and I look up to see him smiling down at me again.

“Hey,” he sa

“Hi,” I answer smiling back. “Thanks for your help. That could have been so much more awkward for me.” I laugh
nervously and he joins me.

“No problem at all,” he look
s down at my paper and then back up at me. “Sophie,” he winks. He puts his hand out for me to shake it. “I’m Jack.”

i Jack, nice to meet you,” I say with a smile and takes his hand in mine for the first time. He squeezes my hand and I feel my heart flutter a little in my chest. When his hand lingers in mine and our eyes meet, I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and he smiles what would become my favorite lopsided smile.

“Mind if I walk with you?” he ask
s quietly without looking away from my eyes. He seems to have been affected, too.

I smile up at him again and as we turn to walk out of the classroom, he place
s his hand on the small of my back.

Although a little
disoriented, I wake up quietly to find Chase wrapped tightly around me. My face is in his chest, and I can tell without even looking up at him that he’s sound asleep by his heavy breathing. I lay silently resting my head against his outstretched arm and start thinking about everything that has happened between us in the short time we’ve known each other.

From the outside looking in, I’m sure our relationship
would seem a little unconventional and maybe it is but I think that it has to be.

Chase and I
met in a pretty normal way, but the circumstances of how we came to be are anything but typical, I guess.

On one hand, things have been moving at a rapid pace. We’ve been
spending every spare moment we have together, and to many, I suppose having sex just over a month into our relationship would seem fast for someone who’s been through what I have, but it feels right to me.

ve only been seeing each other for a month and a half, but we’ve been inseparable pretty much since day one. This means we’ve had forty five dates, we’ve spent countless hours together and neither of us can deny there’s a strong connection and genuine emotions there.

I ca
n’t feel guilty about anything because I know Chase knows more about me than most. Not to mention, he’s not only stuck around through my insecurities and secrecy concerning Jack, he’s managed to do it while being patient and understanding. I know it’s more than I may deserve and definitely more than I’d expected from him in the beginning.

ss than two weeks from now will be the first anniversary of Jack’s death. Ana and I have made plans with their cousin, Lucy, and Jack’s best friend Matt to drive back to Camden to visit his grave next Wednesday.

I ha
ven’t told Chase I’ll be going out of town and we’ll only be gone for two days, but I know it’s something we’ll have to talk about, especially with as much time as we’ve spending together. I’ve decided I’ll tell him about the trip this week and then after I get through this trip, I’ll open up to Chase and tell him everything that happened between me and Jack.

I know it needs
to be done and that Chase deserves to know the truth, but what’s more is I trust him and feel as though I’m finally ready to share more of myself with him.

With this new revelation, I smile inwardly and snuggle in closer
to him. I need to visit the bathroom but as I start to move, he starts to his grip tightens around me and I hear him make a deep groan of protest, which makes my smile widen.

“Don’t wake up yet
… Go back to sleep,” he says in his deep, rumbling post sleep voice, still not releasing his tight grip from around me.

“I’ll come right back. I n
eed to use the bathroom,” I tell him as I kiss his chest and look up to face him. He opens one eye and looks down at me suspiciously. He looks insanely sexy this morning, with his face beginning to collect a shadow and his just fucked hair lying against my girly pillows.

“Really?” he asks

really! Why would I lie about having to pee?” I laugh while rolling my eyes at him.

“You wouldn’t,” he sigh
s. “I just that know as soon as we move we won’t be this comfortable again.”

“I know
, Babe. I’m sorry,” I say. “I’ve waited as long as I can but now I can’t wait anymore. I really have to get up.”

BOOK: The Promise
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