The Promise (7 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

BOOK: The Promise
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“Ana?” I call walking out to the balcony to find her laughing
with Drake. Good Lord, they haven’t wasted any time at all, they’re all over each other. She turns to greet me, still laughing at whatever joke he’s just told her.

“Oh hey Soph, I hope we didn’t wake you. I got some furniture for the balcony a
nd ran into Drake and Chase. They were nice enough to offer to help us set it up. What do you think?” She asks pointing at the new furniture set she’s just purchased. It was dark wood with green cushions that had a white palm tree design all over them. I’ve never really given much thought to outdoor furniture but these look nice enough.

“I like it.
It looks comfy. Listen, I need coffee. Did you happen to pick any up while you were out?” I ask, desperately hoping she had. I am
a morning person. I hear Chase chuckle quietly from behind me.

“Oh, crap! No, Soph I’m sorry I didn’t. I picked up some at Starbucks when I left this morning. I meant to grab some for the house while I was out but I forgot. You want us t
o go grab you some?” she offers. I know she feels bad but there’s no way I’m going to have her go get me coffee.

“No, don’t be silly. I’ll go get it I just wanted
to check before I left,” I say turning to walk back in when I slam directly into Chase’s chest.
Good Lord, he has muscles everywhere!
I didn’t know he was standing so close behind me. The white t-shirt he’s wearing did little to hide them but touching them?

“If you’re going into town, do you mind if I ride with you? I need to stop at the hardware store. Apparently, the table was missing a few bolts from the packaging and Drake’s got me blocked in. The hardware place is right next to Starbucks. You
don’t mind, do you?” Chase asks, breaking me away from my gawking. I don’t love the idea of him riding in Jack’s truck but I can’t exactly tell him no either. He seems like a nice enough guy, not to mention he’s helping Ana put our stuff together.

“Sure,” I say
with a shy smile. I’m surprised to find it isn’t my normal fake smile, but a genuine one. “I’ll be ready in just a minute.”

I wa
lk into my room to brush my hair, changing into something more suitable to leave the house in. It amazed me that I’m comfortable enough around Chase and Drake that I‘d forgotten I’m still in my very unflattering pajamas.

wearing Jack’s Rolling Stones T-shirt and a pair of short sleep shorts, but usually I don’t let anyone except Ana see me like this. I opt for simple since I’m only going to be running errands. Coffee is still in the forefront of my mind.

I thr
ow on my jeans and a blue and white striped tank top before grabbing my white flip flops from beside my door and slipping them on. I wash my face and re-braid my hair quickly and am ready.

I’d taken a bath last night so aside from this it does
n’t take long until I’m ready to meet Chase by the truck. However, I’m surprised to find him patiently waiting on the other side of my bedroom door when I open it.

“Ready?” he asks,
smiling warmly.

“Yep,” I answer
, grabbing my keys off of the counter and throwing my phone into my bag. Chase holds the front door open for me, shutting it behind us as we make our way to the truck. I climb in before reaching across to unlock the passenger door for Chase and say a silent ‘
love you’
to Jack. I’ve never allowed another man in his truck. Even though the feelings between Chase and I are completely platonic, it still feels weird having him in here with me.

“Thanks. This is a really nice truck, Sophie. I would’ve never pegged you for a Dodge girl
but it suits you,” Chase says with a smile.

“Thank you,” I
say. As I put the truck into reverse, I realize I have no idea where I’m headed. I’ve seen a Starbucks down the road but I don’t remember a hardware store. “Um…where to?”

“Oh, sorry!” he chuckles
. “Just take a right out of the complex and then you’re gonna go all the way to the stoplight before taking another right. I’ll tell you what to do next when you get there.”

“Okay,” I say as I
turn onto the street. For a few minutes we ride in comfortable silence until I come to the light Chase had mentioned. As I make the turn, his voice breaks the silence in the cab of the truck.

“Okay, once you get up here to the second stop sign, you’re gonna see a shopping center with an Albertson’s in it
. You’re gonna want to take a left into that parking lot.” As he explains the directions, he stretches his arm across the back of the seat, pointing so I can see clearly where he’s directing me to go. I think he’ll move his arm from the seat when he finishes but he doesn’t and I find it a bit unnerving.

“Okay,” I sa
y nervously.

“So tell me about yourself, Sophie. Why did you and Ana mov
e out to Rockport?”

There it i
s. The end to the uncomplicated friendship I’ve been enjoying with Chase. Shit.

“Um, just needed a change of scenery is all. How long have you and Drake lived here?” I ask
, trying to steer the conversation away from me.

“I’ve lived here my whole life and so has Drake but he actually lives in Corpus now though,” Chase explain
s. “He has a lot of business, but most of it is out here so he spends a lot of time traveling and overseeing all the jobs we do.”

“What kind of work do y’all do?”

“Well, Drake’s company, Mitchell Construction, does a lot of different things, a lot of residential work but mostly commercial construction. We build homes and businesses and Drake oversees all of it,” he speaks animatedly with his hands. “What kind of work do you do, Sophie?”

“Well, I actually haven’t found anything yet but back in Camden I worked at a bookstore and I really enjoyed it. I’ve waited tables a few times and I think Ana said they were looking for help up at the bar so I guess if I have a hard time finding someth
ing I could work there.” I pull into the parking lot as Chase points out the Starbucks that is placed conveniently across from the hardware store. I guess I could’ve been polite and pulled up to the hardware store first but I had to have some coffee. When I said as much to Chase, he laughs.

“Understood,” he says
stepping out of the truck. I’m gathering my purse and keys when my door opens and I look down to see Chase has opened it for me.

“Uh, thanks. You
didn’t have to do that,” I tell him.

“Sure I did. I’m a S
outhern boy, Sophie. I was raised to open doors for pretty ladies,” he says with a wink. I climb down and watch him shut the door.

“I guess I’ll meet you back at the truck?” I sa
y as I head toward the glorious smell of coffee. Before I can reach the door, Chase has already beaten me there.

“I thought I’d walk w
ith you, if that’s okay?”

“Okay,” I answer,
walking through the door.

Standing in line while wait
ing to place my order, I inhale the smell of the beans and let out an appreciative sigh. I hear his deep chuckle coming from beside me.

“You really like
coffee, don’t you?” Chase asks, clearly amused.

“No, I absolutely love it,” I say
honestly and laugh along with him.

“So do you know what you’re going to have?” he asks.

“Do I know what I’m going to have?” I scoff playfully and he laughs again at my reply. “Of course, I know! I’m getting a venti sugar-free peppermint, white chocolate Frappuccino with fat free milk and light whip, no chocolate shavings and an extra shot of espresso.” 

“Wow!” Chase laugh
s, his eyes wide. “That is extremely specific!”

“Hey, I know what I like. Some of these people come in here and change their orders every time they come in and mix it up but not me. I find something I like and I stick with it. You know the old saying,
‘if it ain’t broke …’” I glance up to see Chase’s odd expression. “Well, my coffee ain’t broke.”

’re loyal. I like it,” Chase says with a wink as we walk up to the counter to place our order. I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. When the pretty brunette at the counter asks what she can get me, I look up from digging into the vortex that is my bag to speak to her. Before I can answer her though, I hear Chase’s voice. “We’ll take two venti sugar-free peppermint, white chocolate Frappuccino’s, both with fat free milk, light whip, no chocolate shavings and an extra shot of espresso, please.” I stare at him in disbelief. “I gotta see what this perfect coffee of yours is all about,” Chase says shooting me another wink. “Do you want anything else?”

Um, no that’s it, thanks,” I say still a little surprised. Chase smiled at me and turned back to the brunette. After fumbling with the latch on my wallet, I drop it back down into my purse and raise my eyes to find the brunette’s brown ones glaring into mine. Wow, she is
attractive. She’s a little taller than me, probably about five foot seven with a petite frame, sensual curves and full lips that are perfectly glossed. She’s wearing more makeup than I ever do, but it compliments her olive tone. Although she’s still scowling at me, she is undeniably beautiful.

“Who’s your friend, Chase?” I hear
the girl say to him. If I’m not mistaken, I hear a slight twinge of jealousy in her voice.

“Sophie, this is Lauren. Lauren, this is Sophie. Sophie is new to town, Lauren and I used to
… um, we used to date,” Chase says uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck.

i Lauren, it’s nice to meet you,” I say, smiling at her.

Hi, Sara,” Lauren responds smugly, the fakest smile I’ve ever seen in my life spreading across her face. This girl is going to spit in my coffee, I just know it.

“Sophie actually,” I sa

“Whatever. Your coffee is ready,” Phew! She didn’t make it!

“Thanks, Lauren,” I smiled at her. Daddy always said to ‘kill ‘em with kindness, it pisses them off.’

“See you soon, Chase,” Lauren says, completely
ignoring me.

Goodbye, Lauren,” he calls back, no shortness of annoyance in his voice.

As we walk back outside, I can
feel the tension rolling off of Chase. I feel bad for him because he obviously feels awkward about running into his ex and I can tell he likes me. I like him, too, even if it isn’t entirely in the same way.

“Listen, Sophie. I’m really
sorry about her, she’s just …” he starts nervously.

“Nothing to apologize for, Chase, really. Lauren seems

,” I laugh and watch him visibly relax, a smirk spreading across his face.

“Ha! You’re funny!”

“Well, thanks for the coffee. Let’s get the hell out of here before she t
akes me out with a scone,” I say as I head to the hardware store, wearing a grin to match his.




Chase and I spend the next hour or so together and I’m surprised how easy he is for me to be around. We visit the hardware store and since its right next door, I run into the grocery store and grab coffee and a few other things I need. We slip into easy conversation, joking and laughing together like we’ve known each other for years. I’m stunned at how much I’m enjoying his company. He hints around that he wants to take me out on a date, but I can’t encourage that right now.

I really like
him and oddly, I’m very comfortable with him considering we’ve only just met. I can’t continue to deny the attraction I feel for Chase but I also know I’m still in love with Jack.

ll the way down to my bones.

Chapter Seven




When we arrive at
the apartment, it’s around eleven. Drake and Ana are in the kitchen making sandwiches for lunch. I don’t miss the way Drake is going out of his way to touch her arm or brush past her and Ana definitely doesn’t seem to mind.

As long as she
’s happy, I really don’t care. Drake seems nice and I can definitely see why Ana finds him attractive. He’s the epitome of tall, dark and handsome with dark, olive skin, black hair, blue eyes and a body that he very obviously spends a great deal of time working on. I don’t know how he and Chase ever get any work done with all the hours they obviously spend in the gym.

We enjoy
our lunch out on the patio on our new furniture and afterwards Ana excuses herself to get ready for work. I was expecting Chase and Drake to leave but apparently they’ve decided we’re all going to go up to the bar for a few drinks. Part of me doesn’t really feel like it but I have to admit I’m enjoying myself and decide it won’t kill me to get out of the apartment for a while. For months I’ve spent my Saturday nights in my pajamas on the couch or in Jack’s room in front of the television so a night out doesn’t sound awful. Besides, I can tell that it means a lot to Ana for me to come and I want her to be happy.

As soon as Ana i
s ready for work, she and Drake leave and I stay behind to get ready. I look at Chase who’s waiting patiently on the couch in front of the TV and tell him he doesn’t have to wait but he waves me off.

“Don’t worry about it, take your time. If it’s alright, I’d like
to wait for you here.”

“Of course,
that’s fine if it’s what you want to do,” I answer. “I just don’t want you to feel like you have to.”

“No, it’s okay. I want to,” he smile
s warmly at me before turning back to the television.


I leave him on the couch and make my way towards the bathroom so I can take a shower and get ready. I’m not really sure what’s happening with Chase, but it’s really starting to confuse me. Obviously I still love Jack, I know I always will. That’s one thing I’m sure of. I still want him, I still yearn for him, and I still cry for him on a daily basis. I’m used to feeling that way, as awful as it is. I know it was all part of the mourning process and will last for a very long time, maybe forever. That isn’t the part that confuses me though.

What is confusing me a
re the new feelings I’m developing for Chase. I would have to be a fool to not see that he’s attracted to me and an ever bigger one to deny that I find him attractive as well. I mean, the man is

He stan
ds about six four, has blonde hair that hit the top of his collar, owns the most amazing azure blue eyes I’ve ever seen that stand out against his bronzed skin. His smile is beautiful and he wears it almost constantly. His body I’m sure would rival a Greek God. Any girl would find a man like him attractive. He is also really nice, he makes me laugh and I can’t help feeling a little flurry inside whenever I see him.

Even though I do
n’t think I’ve ever given him reason to think I want more than a friendship with him, he’s always the perfect gentleman. Opening the door for me and always walking me to Jack’s truck at the end of the night when I’ve seen him at the bar. If, and this was a big
, I was ever to move on, Chase is exactly the kind of guy I’d consider. I just don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. I can’t deny the twinge of jealousy I felt today when I met Lauren and he told me she was his ex. Maybe this is the most confusing of all. Chase isn’t mine, I’m not his, so I have no reason to feel jealous of Lauren but there it is. I

I want to talk to Ana about this but I
’m still not sure that this is a subject she would be comfortable discussing. I’ve never hesitated to talk to her about anything before but this is different. This is about feelings concerning a man other than Jack and I’m not sure how she’d take it, even if I made it obvious I’m still not ready to move on.  

I thro
w on my favorite short blue jean skirt with a dressy hot pink tank and a pair of matching sandals. I decide to wear my hair down and after adding a little bronzer, mascara and pale pink lip gloss, I decide I’m ready.

I walk
out of my room and see Chase is still waiting patiently on the couch but he’s changed his shirt while I got ready. Now he was wearing a blue button down that perfectly complements his eyes. He has the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, causing the tribal designs on his arms to peek out, his hair is pushed back and away from his face. The top three buttons are open, revealing a Native American looking necklace and the top of his muscular chest.

“Wow,” he says
. “I’m glad I had this shirt in my truck and decided to change. You look great, Sophie,” he adds while raking his eyes over me appreciatively.

. You look nice, too,” I say as I feel the heat rush back into my face. If I continue to react like this to him, I’ll never need to wear blush again.

We walk
in silence to the door as I gather my keys and phone, tossing them into my purse. As I lock up the entrance to our apartment, I feel Chase’s eyes on me. I’m about to turn to walk down the stairs as Chase speaks.

“So what are
you gonna sing tonight?”

hat are you talking about?” I ask, genuinely confused by his question.

“It’s karaoke night up
at the bar. That’s why Ana wants us to go. Her shift ends early tonight and we thought it would be fun to sing some karaoke.”

Oh no!
I haven’t sang in front of anyone since Jack passed away. I don’t know if I can do that.

“Um, I don’t know if I’m going to do that. I guess we’ll have to see. I don’t really like to sing in front of other people,” I sa
y quietly.

“I hope you’ll change your mind
, Sophie. It’s all part of the fun!” he says, smiling down at me as I internally groan.

How the hell am
I going to get out of this?
Tonight is going to be a very long night.




Chase and I drive separately and I didn’t waste a second using the alone time to my advantage, quickly dialing Ana to ream her out. She knew exactly what she was doing and it’s made obvious when she answers my call. I’m right in the middle of a stream of very colorful four letter words when she finally speaks.

“Hey Soph! How’s it going?” h
er happiness just further pisses me off.

“Not good Ana. Not good at all. My very best friend in the world completely betrayed me by tricking me into doing something she knows I
do anymore!” I’m seething and honestly, I’m beginning to panic.

“You’re right, Sophie, you
sing anymore and that’s stupid. Do you really think it’s healthy to just stop doing everything you used to do?” I can tell she was trying her best to keep our conversation as private as possible but it’s hard while she’s working. Even quieter, she whispers, “That is
what he would’ve wanted and we both know it.”

I kno
w she’s right, Jack had always told me how much he loved my singing voice and we spent hours singing together while he played his guitar. It was truly one of the things I loved most about our relationship, our shared love for music. It’s also one of the most painful things to remember.

Nowadays, the only time I s
ing is in private or when I’m at the cemetery singing to him. I know this is something I’ll have to get over eventually, but I’m still angry that Ana had decided to take things into her own hands.

“Listen, I know what yo
u’re saying and I understand. I know you’re right but you have to let me cope with some of this on my own.
the music part. I’m on my way and I’ll be there soon, but Ana please don’t push this on me. I need more time. I have enough shit to worry about right now,” I rant.

“Okay, Sophie, I’m sorry, you’re right. I should’ve at least given you a heads up. I won’t push it but I really think you should consider what I’ve said. I know how much singing means to you and I’d hate for you to give up on it and I know it’s not what he’d want either.”

“Okay, I’ll think about it. See you soon, okay?”

“Okay, drive safe, I’ll see you.” Ana sa
ys before ending the call.

After a ten minute drive and two five
minute anxiety attacks, I pull into the parking lot of the bar and watch as Chase’s headlights pull in beside me. I take a few deep breaths and climb out of Jack’s truck, grabbing my purse to meet Chase at the front of his large white work truck. He offers me his arm and after brief deliberation, I take it.
Calm down, Soph, it doesn’t mean anything, he’s just being nice.
God he smells good. Clean and masculine with a hint of citrus.

“You alright?” Chase ask
s me. It’s not until this very moment that I realize I’ve been holding my breath.

“Yeah, sorry. I’m j
ust a little tired,” I lie.

We walk into the building and I release
Chase’s arm before finding my way over to the bar. I plant myself up on my usual stool and watch as Chase takes the seat beside me. Drake and Ana have been here for awhile already and they both look up to say hi. When Ana’s eyes meet mine, she sees my nervousness and hands me a beer, leaning over to whisper “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it okay?”

When she look
s at me again, I can see that she’s truly sorry for not giving me more warning.

“Thanks,” I mouth
, squeezing her hand.

“Hungry?” Chase interrupt

a little. How about you?”

“Yeah, I could eat but I’m kind of with you. Not too hungry. Wa
nt to share something?”

“Sure, you pick,” I say.

Before too long, our nachos arrive and the four of us slip into comfortable conversation. As time passes, the bar starts to fill up and there are people already starting to dance. Some are even lining up for karaoke. Chase asks me again what I’ve decided to sing and I tell him I really don’t feel like it.

encourages me but once I refuse again, he doesn’t press the issue any further. Instead, he walks over to the signup sheet, writes his name and selection onto the paper and then comes back to sit with Drake and I. Ana’s shift is almost done and while she cleans up and counts out her drawer, we start looking for a table for the four of us before they’re all taken.

Drake waves
us over to a vacant booth in the corner that has just emptied out and we take our drinks over to sit with him. Chase excuses himself to the men’s room and for the first time, Drake and I are alone.

“So, Sophi
e, how is your evening going?” he asks politely.

“Good, thank yo
u. How about you, Drake?” I ask back.

“I’m doing good Sophie.
Thanks for asking,” he starts. I can tell there’s something else he wants to say, but isn’t sure how to start. After a second, he continues. “Sophie, I know you don’t know me very well but I want to say something.” I just look at him, honestly surprised that he’s got anything to say to me beyond pleasantries.

Don’t get me wrong, Drake is always extremely nice and gentlemanly, but it’s obvious
his attention is locked on Ana. “Sophie, I don’t know what happened to you and though I have a hunch, I know that it’s none of my business. My point is, Chase really likes you
a lot
and I want to tell you that he’s a really good guy so if you’re on the fence about him, don’t be okay? He’s one of the best men I’ve ever known and I’m not just saying that because he’s my cousin.”

e’s said a lot of things just now, but after hearing the words “
I have a hunch”
I stop processing. Does he know? Did Ana tell him? I mean, I can’t get mad at her if she did, Jack
her brother, but I just hope he doesn’t mention anything to Chase. I want to be able to decide what Chase needs to know about Jack and me, not Ana or Drake.

“What do you mean,
you ‘have a hunch’?” I ask internally cringing. Drake’s eyes meet mine, quietly studying me before he decides how to answer my question.

“Ana told m
e about her brother and that you two were close, but don’t worry, that’s all I know and I’ve not said a word to Chase because Ana asked me not to. Even without that, I know it’s not my place. I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable, but I hope you’ll think about what I’ve said about Chase.” His steel blue eyes are locked on mine and I can see the sincerity there as he speaks. He’s a little intense for my taste but I can definitely see what Ana sees in him. I nod and move further into the booth as Chase walks back over to join us.

“What are we talking about?” Chase sa
ys happily unaware.

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