The Reluctant Outlaw (Love Inspired Historical) (22 page)

BOOK: The Reluctant Outlaw (Love Inspired Historical)
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Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosing
The Reluctant Outlaw.
I hope you enjoyed reading about Evan and Juliana’s journey to love. My favorite heroes are like Evan—tough, determined and loyal—with a measure of tenderness thrown in. Like Evan, many of us struggle with fear in different seasons of our lives. We can find comfort in the fact that God is in control. Nothing surprises Him. I admire Juliana’s ability to cling to God’s promises even in the midst of her ordeal. As His children, we must learn to do the same when trials come our way.

East Tennessee is near and dear to my heart. Born and raised about an hour from Gatlinburg and Cades Cove, I visited the mountains quite often and worked in Gatlinburg for a time. The majestic beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains, as well as the abundance of animal and plant life, draws millions of visitors each year. It was a pleasure to write about such a special place and envision what it must’ve been like over a hundred years ago.

I would love to hear from you! You can write to me at Love Inspired Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279, email me at [email protected], or visit my website at:

Best wishes,

Karen Kirst

Questions for Discussion
  1. When Juliana is kidnapped, her faith in God’s protection remains firm. Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve questioned His plan for your life? Were you ultimately able to trust Him? What was the outcome?
  2. When we first meet Evan, he’s struggling with grief and consumed with the need for revenge. When tragedy strikes, why do you think some people turn to God for comfort while others blame Him in anger?
  3. How does Juliana’s arrival in Evan’s life change his priorities?
  4. Understandably, Juliana doesn’t trust Evan when he vows to take her home. Do you think she acted foolishly when she stole his horse and took off on her own? Why or why not?
  5. How do Juliana’s upbringing and personality aid her during her ordeal?
  6. Evan feels that he failed his brother, James. How does this fuel his drive to protect Juliana?
  7. Evan and Juliana allow the Talbots to believe they are man and wife. Is it okay to let someone believe something about you that’s untrue if it’s for a good reason?
  8. How do Evan’s illness and recovery affect his relationship with God?
  9. How does Evan’s illness test Juliana’s faith?
  10. Why does Juliana refuse Evan’s offer of marriage of convenience? Keeping in mind the social customs of the period, is she right to turn him down? Why or why not?
  11. Evan doesn’t want to risk loving Juliana for fear of getting hurt. How does fear limit us? What does the Bible say about how we should handle fear?
  12. Even in the midst of her ordeal, Juliana is sensitive to Art’s turmoil. What are some ways we can reach out to those around us who are hurting?
  13. Evan admits that forgiving the men responsible for his brother’s death will take time. Is forgiveness instantaneous or a process?
  14. What’s the difference between revenge and justice?
  15. How does each character change by the end of the story?

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1283-1


Copyright © 2011 by Karen Vyskocil

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