The Rise of the Fallen (The Angelic Wars Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: The Rise of the Fallen (The Angelic Wars Book 2)
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thought we could use the Angel's Road.” There, Chris thought.
I've said it.

Chef shifted his feet and Judge Hawkes looked at Chris
with some surprise.

you remembered my conversation with Angelica? Yes, the Angel's Road.
But what I said to her then was true. It takes great strength of
will, and tremendous physical toughness as well, to journey on that
road. At least, that is what several Angelics have told me.”

Sariel said something like that too. But he thinks we can use it, if
you give me your permission, that is.”

permission? Really.”

Chef moved away from the window finally and took the
seat next to Chris. The judge watched him and the two men exchanged a
glance that Chris couldn't read.

willing to follow the judge's lead on this?” Chef asked him.

sure. He's the boss, isn't he? If I'm part of the Dominion, I have to
follow orders like everyone else, don't I?”

Chris couldn't quite understand why Chef seemed so
surprised by his wish to get the judge's okay.

of course you do. Or you should.” The big man grinned at him.
“But you're an independent young cuss. I think both the judge
and I are just a bit...surprised by this sudden change in attitude.”

Chris said. He could feel his ears getting hot. “Well, it was
Sariel's idea actually. He said what I just said, that we're part of
a group now and a group needs a leader.” He looked at Judge
Hawkes. “And that's you, sir.”

you, Christopher. I appreciate that vote of confidence, more than you
know. But even if you can use the Angel's Road, you cannot go alone.
Sariel can't use his powers in front of the Fallen or he would be
discovered for who he really is, and we must avoid that for as long
as possible. So the question is, could you take others with you on
the Road?”

Chris felt a surge of excitement. He's going to say yes,
he thought. Or he will if I can take someone along.

see what Sariel says, sir. He told me to call when I needed him.
Let's see if he meant it.”

Chris looked through the window at the featureless blue

I need you. Can you come?

am here, my other self,
the angelic voice almost at once.
What do you need?

here, sir,” Chris said to the judge, who nodded. “You can
ask whatever you want.”

Chris listened to that inner voice for a moment.

says that I can pass his answers on to you; he doesn't want to expose
himself unless it's necessary.”

wise precaution,” the judge said. “Very well. Sariel, it
is good to speak with you again. I am inclined to allow you and
Christopher to use the Angel's Road, but not alone. Tell me, could
you transport a security detail of say, six, with you on the Road?”

Chris paused and then nodded. “He says yes. But
make sure that they are strong of mind and of spirit.” He
waited again. “Because the Road is unlike anything they will
have seen before. Those who are weak can be...damaged by the

Chris shrugged. “I'm not too sure what that means,
but he sounds serious.”

sure he is.” The judge sat back, rested his elbows on the
armrests of his chair and frowned into space.

need at least one Angelic to go with you. Natalie, if she is willing.
You work well together. I don't want to send all of the staff from
the Nest along; I trust them more than any of the others here and I'd
like to keep a few nearby. But I think three of them should go with
you, and one of the security guards from the castle. And finally,”
the judge looked at Chef, “I think Mario should join you as

Chris looked at Chef, startled, but the big man was

wise choice, Ethan. It's about time I got to do some field work.
Besides,” he clapped Chris on the shoulder, “I'm quite
fond of my young friend here. I wouldn't entrust his welfare to
anyone else, not right now anyway.”

Judge Hawkes said. “Sariel, is that acceptable?”

Chris listened. “It is, sir. He is pleased that we
are taking Natalie; he likes Gloriel a lot, I think. And the others
are fine.”

He looked at Chef with a mischievous glint in his eye.

quite fond of you as well, Chef,” he said with a grin.

Chef looked startled and then laughed a bit

well. I am flattered beyond measure.” He bowed slightly in his
seat. “And thank you, Sariel. I will protect Chris with my
life, of that you can be sure.”

says he knows that,” Chris said. “That's one of the
reasons he likes you so much.”

well. I can have everyone ready in an hour.” The judge
hesitated. “Something just occurred to me. I have no idea where
you and Sariel have to go to reach this Road. Could you ask him?”

Chris listened intently and then chuckled.

sir, but it was Sariel that made me laugh.” The judge raised an
eyebrow. “He says that you don't find the Road, the Road finds
you. He says that we could take the Road from this very room if
necessary.” Chris looked dubious. “I don't know how that
would work, but that's what he says.”

I had no idea that it was so ethereal.” The judge sounded

pushed himself to his feet.

I'm heading out on this Road, then I'd better change into something a
little more practical.” He glanced down at his casual slacks
and sweater. “This outfit simply won't do.”

smiled at Chris and then looked at Judge Hawkes.

back here in an hour?” The judge nodded. “Right. See you
both then.”

headed out of the door and Chris asked the judge what he wanted him
to do.

like you to change as well, Christopher. Hiking boots, heavy shirt,
and grab a jacket. Leave your phone in your room, please. We can't
take the chance that it might get lost on the trip.” He smiled
a bit ruefully. “We've had enough security breaches without
giving the enemy access to our communications network.”

sir,” Chris said. As he was leaving the office, the judge was
already on his phone organizing the trip.

only took Chris about a half hour to get ready. The staff of Valiant
had supplied him with a lot of clothes and shoes, and he had no
trouble finding boots, heavy jeans and a canvas jacket to take on the
trip. As he was changing, he spoke to Sariel who had, for once,
stayed with him.

it hard to open an entrance to this Road thing?” he asked out
loud while rummaging through his closet. Pink sneakers? Who wears
pink sneakers? He tossed them aside and kept poking around.

not hard,
Sariel replied.
I fear that even with the protections laid on this castle, that use
of power may get the attention of the Fallen.

paused, a pair of brown hiking boots in his hand.

attention? Would that be a bad thing?”

Any angel can find the Road, but few would dare use it. On the other
hand, if Lilith is to be believed, it is quite possible that members
of the Fallen use it, perhaps on a regular basis.

he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled on some wool socks, Chris
stopped with a perplexed frown.

would that be a problem?”

we might run into one or more of them on the Road itself. That could
be bad, Chris.
sounded a bit worried.

I hadn't thought of that.” He pulled on the boots. “You
know, I just thought of something else. If this Road goes, well,
everywhere, why don't the Fallen just load up their troops and pop
into the middle of Valiant? It sounds like they could do that

could almost see Sariel shaking that massive head of his with its
crown of gold-shot brown hair.

doesn't work that way,
the archangel said patiently.
is a period of disorientation as one leaves the Road and returns to
the physical world. Anyone caught at that moment would be an easy
target for an attack. And Valiant, like the Dominion's other
safe-houses, and like the Nest, is inundated with protective wards. I
can feel them all around us. Amulets and talismans are embedded into
its structure and there have been generations of blessings laid upon
its walls, layer upon layer, like coats of paint. This building truly
is almost impenetrable to evil.


it isn't immune to human infiltration, as we've learned to our

that's true,” Chris said with a sad sigh, thinking about Jamie.

finished tying up his boot laces and looked around.

I forgetting anything?” he asked, more to himself than to

jacket. I believe the judge requested that you bring one. And leave
your phone behind.

right. Thanks.”

plugged his phone into its charger and left it on the table next to
his bed. He grabbed the tan-colored canvas jacket and tapped his
pocket to make sure that he had the hilt with him. Then he took a
last look around and left his room. He made sure to lock the door
behind him.

he began walking back to the judge's office, he ran into Natalie.
Like himself, she was wearing good, durable clothing.

grinned as he saw her and she smiled back.

you came up with this crazy plan?” she asked as they fell in
beside each other.

guess so. I mean, Angelica basically gave me the idea.”
Natalie's face fell and he mentally kicked himself for mentioning her
former best friend. “Sorry.”

shook her head. “That's okay. I'm getting better at dealing
with her betrayal all the time. Time. It heals all wounds, they say.
Guess they're right.”

asked her if she'd heard about Jamie and she nodded sadly.

judge told me when he called. I'm so sorry, Chris.”

me too,” he replied. There was really nothing more to say.

looked at him after they'd walked in silence for a minute.

you leave your phone behind?” At his nod, she grimaced. “Me
too. I feel almost naked without it though. I understand why we have
to; things get lost when you're traveling. But it's still a pain.”

I guess. You know, I was wondering if you and Gloriel had ever
traveled on this Angel's Road before.”

They turned a corner and saw George, Beatrice and Tony up ahead, all
walking together and dressed pretty much as they were.

guess we know who's coming with us from the Nest survivors,”
she said as she pointed at the trio.

cool. I like all of them, but George and Beatrice seem to be the
toughest of the Nest staffers.”

agree.” They lost sight of the others as they turned a corner
ahead of them. “I'm not sure I'm thrilled with seeing Tony in
the group though.”

Chris' inquiring look, Natalie gave a little shrug. “The team
medic? Looks like the judge expects trouble.”

not,” Chris said as they turned the same corner. Ahead, the
three adults were just entering the judge's office. “You know
Judge Hawkes better than I do, but I think that he tries to cover all
of the bases. Just in case.”

that,” Natalie replied as they reached the office door. It was
still open and they walked inside.

well, we're all here. And in record time too,” Chef said in his
booming voice. He sounded happier than Chris remembered hearing him
in a long time. He looked at the man and was rewarded with a broad

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