Read The Rock Star's Christmas Reunion: contemporary holiday romance (A Charisma series novel, The Connollys Book 1) Online

Authors: Heather Hiestand

Tags: #A Charisma Series Novel, #The Connollys, #Book One

The Rock Star's Christmas Reunion: contemporary holiday romance (A Charisma series novel, The Connollys Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: The Rock Star's Christmas Reunion: contemporary holiday romance (A Charisma series novel, The Connollys Book 1)
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He came out of the closet. “Nothin— Jeez, Yakima, are you trying to kill me?”

She backed out from under the bed, aware that he was staring at her ass in the tiny red panties. They definitely didn’t cover everything. “Just trying to keep you interested.”

When she looked at him, he had his hands to his forehead. “We do not have condoms.”


He gave her the two thumbs up. “Medicine cabinet. Don’t move.”

Did he really want her doggy-style on the carpet for their first time together? Maybe the second time, or third. Her mind swam with the possibilities. But, she was getting cold, so she got back to her feet.

Just as her hand touched the velvety gray blanket covering his bed, he reappeared with a box in his hand. “Smart girl. You know my house better than I do.”

“I got lucky.”

His lips curved. “That was the plan, finally. But you moved.”

The words shot out of her mouth before she could edit herself. “Punish me?”

He stalked forward, a predator sensing prey. “You like that sort of thing?”

She giggled. Really, her body was in the most awkward position, one hand down, half bent over the bed, breasts swaying, skin goose-pimpling, naked except for her panties and socks. She glanced down and saw he’d kicked his off. Her gaze travelled up and she saw that his socks weren’t the only thing that had departed.
. The boxers, too. And he was ready for that condom, his penis jutting arrogantly, thick, long, and dark with arousal.

“My mouth just went dry,” she whispered, and went back to her knees. He hadn’t been demanding doggy-style, he’d just expect, and rightly so, that she’d have to worship when she saw him. Black boxers really could camouflage the magnificence within.

She held out her hand, beckoning him forward with demanding fingers. He stared down at her, the box slack in his hand. Since he didn’t seem to understand, maybe because all the blood had gone south, she reached around one of his lean, well-muscled thighs, and pulled him closer.

The first thing she did was lick. Oh, yes, he had beaded there, lubricating himself to enter her. She tasted the fresh, salty essence then worked her way over his generously flared head, swirling her tongue around his sensitive flesh.

He groaned and she heard a soft plop as the box dropped from his hand onto the bed. Liking his response, she slid in deeper, her hands stroking up his thighs. She squeezed his ass, then reached for his scrotum, massaging the twin sacs until he shuddered. He sat down abruptly, then set his hand against the back of her skull.

She sucked in her cheeks and took him deep. Where she expected him to pull her hair, or try to force her to take him even deeper into her mouth, instead he stroked her, playing with the strands of her hair. Was Bax Connolly a gentle lover? Her thighs dampened with the thought. As much as she liked him in her mouth, she wanted him between her legs even more.

But he was so deliciously into it. He grunted and his hips began to move. She had one hand on the small of his back, and despite the chill of the room, sweat broke there. She risked glancing up at him and saw his eyes were closed, his being completely open to sensation. It reminded her of his guitar face, from that brief time when he performed solo live. She couldn’t stop, couldn’t deny either of them this pleasure. Taking her hand from his back, she shifted it to the base of his erection and began to stroke what she couldn’t reach with her mouth.

He gasped as her strong chef’s hand milked him, while her tongue swirled lovingly around his tip. When she stroked a finger behind his sac, he cried out and convulsed. His essence flowed into her mouth. She swallowed him down and kept sliding along him until he quieted.

Eventually he stilled, his hand leaving her hair and descending on his thigh. Though he was still hard, she pulled away, resting at his feet.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” he murmured. “What brought that on?”

“You’re too pretty to resist.” She tried to smile, but her jaw was too tired. Even now his penis was such a monster. Patting his knee, she rose to her feet. “I’m going to get some water.”

“I can get it.”

“You just,” she wiggled her fingers, “enjoy the afterglow.”

In the bathroom, she stared into the mirror. One girl, with curiously shining eyes and a very swollen mouth. Her hair hung tangled over her shoulders. She washed her hands then pushed her hair back and knotted it. When she cupped her hands under the faucet and drank, she wondered how long it would take before Bax was back in business, and if they would be interrupted before he had time to give her what her body craved.

She walked back in, aware of the sway of her own hips, her unfettered breasts, her hair brushing against the nape of her neck. His scent perfumed the air, but she wondered if he could smell her, too. His hands had been in her hair and she was so

His head lifted when she stood just a couple of feet away from him. Uncertain of where to put her hands, she just waited. And pulled off her panties, very slowly.

“Now you’re hesitant?” he asked, laughter in his voice.

She glanced down at his erection. It had relaxed about halfway. Not that she had vast experience with which to judge these things. She admired his abs, worked her gaze up his tattoos again, then met his eyes.

He held out his hands to her. Reaching forward, she took them, feeling the calluses on his fingers on the back of her hands. She shivered as she thought of how that rough sensation would feel on her soft skin. He pulled her over him. She straddled his legs. Now she could smell herself, spread open like she was.

He put his hands in her hair again. Her hair instantly unknotted, spreading over her shoulders. “I feel like saying all these politically incorrect things about beautiful Native American maidens.”

“How about you stick with beautiful and leave the rest,” she murmured. “Luckily it isn’t politically incorrect to think dirty thoughts about rock stars.”

“Maybe someday. We’ll get our turn.” He shifted underneath her. “What with all the persecution we face from streaming services and music pirates.”

“And all those diseases you pick up from flying internationally.”

“Right.” He traced a design down her arm. “But I’m not feeling downtrodden at the moment. How about you?”

“Starting to feel ill-used,” she admitted.


“You’re all glowy and I’m still, well, not.” She pressed her lips together.

“You didn’t even get spanked.”

She shook her head as her nipples peaked. Instinctively she leaned forward so that they brushed his chest. His broken heart tattoo disappeared behind her own flesh. He pulled her forward, roughly, and devoured her with his mouth. His tongue swept into her with a delicious display of power. “Is that what you’re into?” she asked when he came up for air.

“I believe in exploring anything and everything with a lover.” His mouth was an inch from hers. His breath had wintergreen on it. “How about you?”

“Small town girl.”

He chuckled. “Small towns are the craziest. Sure, rock stars are known for the sex toys and pretzel-y models and all, but places like this? You’ve got your sex parties and wife swapping.”


“Oh, yeah. My parents were into some crazy shit. I blame it on my mother. You can find it all in a small town, it just isn’t so blatant.”

“How have I missed all this?”

“I think a lot of the experimentation comes with the boredom of a long relationship. Not everyone keeps that crazy chemistry going.”

She ran her short fingernails down his chest. “We have to enjoy it while it’s here.” Her fingers slipped into the nest of dark hair where belly turned to hips. “Oh, wow.” She glanced down. “Seriously? You’re hard again?”

He picked her up with ease and flipped her onto the bed, then crawled over her. “I’m starting to feel like it’s a public service to be your lover. Haven’t you slept with anyone under forty?”

She laughed and pulled up her knees. While she caught him glancing down quickly, his eyes darted up for just a second before returning. A double take, over her body, no less.

“You’re so wet,” he groaned. “I just have to taste.” He slid off the bed, onto his knees, and lowered his head to her sex.

She felt the slide of his tongue from her clit to the bottom of her labia. He wriggled his tongue into her channel. Her hips bucked, her back arched. She’d meant to invite him to open one of those condoms, but instead,
. Sounds escaped her lips. Was she begging? Probably.
. He returned to her clit, circling it with his tongue, vibrating it against her.

“I need,” she begged.

“I know what you need, babe.” Two of his long, strong fingers slid into her, spreading her, doing delicious, knowing things to nerve endings.

She luxuriated for a moment, moving her hips. Tension coiled low in her belly. He was sending her so high, so fast. Weeks of waiting for her first orgasm with him. Wait. Her eyes popped open. She pushed at his shoulders, slid
on the bed.


She stared down at him. “You. I want you in me, Bax.”

“I was.”

“No.” She lifted her hand. “You. Come here.”

He climbed up on the bed, crawled over her. “You can have more than one orgasm, you know.”

She shook her head. “I can’t. I’m not like that. I want you in me.”

“Sweetheart, I promise you, you can. You’ve just been doing it all wrong, with the geriatric population.”

She pushed at his shoulders, feeling wide-eyed and crazed. “I want what I want.”

He glanced around. “Seen the condoms lately?”

“I can’t even focus right now.”

“Right.” He swiveled until his feet were pointed in her direction. Sliding half off the floor, he reached for the box. “Ha! Got it. Don’t mind my ass in your face.”

She slapped the sexy globes. “No tats there.”

“Have to draw the line somewhere.” He ripped the box open and held a condom into the air. “He shoots! He’s gonna score!”

“You’re insane.”

He grinned. “And you love it. Now, assume a position and get comfortable. We’re gonna be here for a while.”

She was already on her back. Yes, she knew there were other ways to do things, but she and her high school boyfriend had never managed anything but fumbles in the back seat that only lasted a couple of minutes. In college, she’d been introduced to straddling, given the composition of dorm rooms. There’d been the ends of beds, and desk chairs, with her college boyfriend. Then…her thoughts stilled. Had she really not had sex in over two years?

He tore open the packet. “Yakima? You look like you’re thinking hard. Never a good sign at this moment.”

“I only have had sex in two positions. And not in over two years.”

He nodded slowly. “Then you’re going to get an education.”

That was it? Apparently so. She watched, fascinated, as he rolled the condom on. He grabbed for her closest leg, and pulled her toward him until the tip of his erection met her opening. “I don’t think we’re gonna need lube.”

He stared into her eyes as he clasped her hips, pulling her around him, instead of thrusting in. Her eyes fluttered closed as her body fought to relax around his intimidating bulk. He controlled every movement, his arms locking her thighs against him, his hands around her hips.

“How flexible are you?”


He slid his hands up her legs, unbending her knees until her feet were on his shoulders. “Look, it’s a new position.”

“Yeah.” It came out more like a groan. Her head went back. He felt so good inside her, so right.

His hands moved from her hips. She felt his fingers on her, circling her clit, then he ground his palm down. Panting, she pressed up, circling her hips, trying to get there, but it was too fast, they’d only just started, she…broke apart, her body shuddering.

When she returned to her senses, she discovered her knees were folded over his elbows and her entire body had gone limp. He leaned over her, his gaze fixed with concentration, and he kissed her forehead.

“That’s one,” he said in her ear. “Good girl.”

She wrapped her arms around his back as he moved into a familiar position. When she had a little strength back, her legs folded high over his back. He slid his hands up and down her sides.

He let her go easy for a while, but then he changed his position somehow. Her clit came back into play. She pushed her feet into his thighs and rocked with him. Couldn’t stop herself, didn’t even remember she couldn’t come twice. His breathing was harsh in her ear, no words now.

When she felt it again, that glorious spiraling, she cried out his name, and let go. She felt him arch into her, her body pulling his down into pleasure.



Chapter Thirteen



Bax woke slowly, feeling an unusual level of lassitude. He rolled over, smelled unfamiliar shampoo on the other pillow. Ah. He hadn’t spent the night alone. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and looked for Yakima. For once the sex hadn’t been meaningless. The girl he’d been trying to get with for weeks had finally succumbed. Christmas at home with a girlfriend for the first time in years. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d shared the holidays with someone special. His relationship with Remy hadn’t become official until after last year’s holiday season.

BOOK: The Rock Star's Christmas Reunion: contemporary holiday romance (A Charisma series novel, The Connollys Book 1)
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