The Scorpion's Tale (30 page)

Read The Scorpion's Tale Online

Authors: Wayne Block

Tags: #revenge, #good and evil, #redemption story, #hunt and kill, #church conspiracy, #idealism and realism, #assasins hitmen

BOOK: The Scorpion's Tale
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James shook his head and laughed quietly. “It
matters not where I was sitting. The only matter of importance is
that I overheard your entire conversation with Steven Capresi.”

Joaquin looked doubtfully at him. “Your
hearing must be superb, my friend. There was a lot of noise at the
pub. Sometimes I could barely hear what Steven was saying and he
was across the table from me. I doubt you heard anything at

“Can you really take that chance? You think I
am bluffing, but can you really afford to call my bluff and assume
you know what I heard or did not hear?”

Joaquin looked away. “I taught you well,
James. You were always an expert gamesman. You’re right, I won’t
take that chance.” Joaquin stroked his chin and looked into the
cold eyes behind the eyeglasses. “You are getting paranoid, James.
You contacted me and I have nothing to hide from you. No one is
more important to me than you. That’s why I’ve been your gatekeeper
to the priest. Just because this is the first time someone’s come
to me doesn’t mean that I’d break the promise I made to you so many
years ago. I’ve never stopped loving you and I’ll always protect

“Good. It pleases me to hear you reconfirm

“What do you want to know?”

“Is he still intent on killing me?”

“Yes, he is. Why did you kill his pregnant
wife and little girl?”

James bristled. “Do not judge me, old man!
You have done far worse.”

“I know, my old friend,” Joaquin said,
calmly. “But we’re discussing you, not me.” Joaquin studied James’
face, trying to discern any outward sign of emotion. “Something is
deeply troubling you, isn’t it?”

James closed his eyes for a moment. “It seems
I have lost the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. The
lines of demarcation you taught me after leaving the island have
now become quite blurred. I regret my actions with the child and
her mother. I made a terrible mistake. Can you understand,

“I understand perfectly. I also see you are
more tortured than when you were a young boy. I see a tragic saga
written over your face, something you cannot disguise. The years of
remorseless killing have finally caught up with you, as they did
with me.”

“It is certainly not that dramatic,” James
replied. “I have nightmares but I can still sleep. As you are well
aware, I am used to having nightmares both when I sleep and when I
am awake.” James continued staring at the ocean. “Did you tell him
anything about the island?”

“I did not, although I wanted to. I did as
instructed, and told him you were raised by nuns in the Amazon and
then adopted by missionaries. I also told him of your parents’
untimely demise.”

James nodded approvingly. “And what of how we

“That you were a cat burglar attempting to
steal from my room.”

James laughed heartily. “That is very good. I
love that fairy tale. It is so compelling. And he believed

“He had no cause to doubt me.”

“Hmmm. Perhaps I will get an opportunity to
enlighten Mr. Capresi about the island.”

“As we’ve always agreed, that will be your

“Do you think it is a good idea for me to
meet him?”

“I don’t see why you should. It’ll likely be
a very brief meeting and only you will come out alive.”

“Do you like him?”

“Very much. You and he are very similar. In
fact, he’s exactly like you were many years ago. He’s driven by
anger, hatred, and revenge. I don’t believe he’d have much to
discuss with you.”

James took a sip of his drink and closed his
eyes. “I disagree. I believe we have a great deal to discuss.”

Joaquin shrugged his shoulders and stared at
the ocean. “Again, James, that is your choice.”

“Does the name ‘Capresi’ mean anything to
you?” James asked, while carefully studying his mentor’s face.

“No. Should it?”

James continued staring at Joaquin. Satisfied
that Joaquin was telling the truth, he relaxed into his chair.

“Do you remember Tomasso Capresiano? Perhaps
the name ‘T.C.’ would better jog your memory.”

Their eyes met for only a split second, but
it was all James needed. “Ah, I see that you remember our old

Joaquin swallowed hard. “Of course I do, but
what’s this got to do with Tomasso?”

“Tomasso changed his name to Capresi.”

“Is Steven related to Tomasso? Is that what
you’re telling me?”

“Steven is his son.”

“How do you know this to be true?”

“Charlie told me,” James replied.

“How do you know Charlie wasn’t lying?”

“I believe Charlie because I had a pistol
pointed at his head when he disclosed the information. I have found
that a loaded weapon often brings forth the truth from even the
most pathological of liars.”

Joaquin nodded with understanding. “That is
most interesting. Does Steven know anything about his father?”

“Nothing. According to Charlie, Steven
believes his father was in the food business.”

“Good. I haven’t thought of Tomasso for many
years.” He smiled faintly. “We had wonderful times together in the
old days, did we not?”

James managed a tortured smile. “We certainly
did. I believe those may have been the best days of my life.”

“Mine, too,” Joaquin admitted, staring
absentmindedly at his glass.

James lifted his glass slightly into the air
and Joaquin clicked his glass. “To our good friend Tomasso. May he
rest in peace and may we fondly remember the meaning of his true

“Here, here,” Joaquin replied.

They sat in silence sipping their drinks.

“That would make the little girl Tomasso’s

James nodded. “Do you still believe I have
nothing to discuss with Steven?”

“Is this the reason you haven’t killed him

“Perhaps,” James answered, “among

Joaquin was staring off into space when James
interrupted his thoughts. “So you said you sent him to see our good
friend Pierre?” James asked.

“Yes, I am your trusted gatekeeper.”

“What do you think Pierre will do with our
American friend?”

“I’m not really certain.”

“And did you tell Steven that you were an
assassin having the same reason for revenge?”

“Yes, just as you wanted. His reaction left
no doubt about his mission. But I’m curious about something. Why
haven’t you killed him yet, James? You’ve had numerous
opportunities. Why are you toying with him?”

James grinned. “I want to at least give him a
sporting chance and he has come quite far. He may even be a worthy
adversary, who knows. Besides, I want him to feel confident about
his last mission on this unforgiving planet!”

Joaquin stared unflinchingly at him. “No, my
friend, there’s more to it than that and we both know it. It’s
neither the thrill of the hunt nor because of Tomasso. Tell me the
real reason.”

James stood, and walked to the railing, then
turned around to face Joaquin, brandishing his gun. “I have always
respected you, Joaquin, and I always will. You were always there
when I needed you, and I was there at the end when you needed me.
You could always see the real me. Would you believe me when I say
that I want to ask for his forgiveness before killing him?”

Joaquin’s attention was riveted on the gun.
This was a man Joaquin no longer knew well and he did not know what
kind of behavior to expect from him. “Yes, James, I would believe
you. Absolution is good for the soul.”

James laughed. “You taught me that in another

“It’s not too late for you, James. Look at
me. I’ve managed to make changes in my life even though I carry the
sins of my past.”

“You said that many years ago. Maybe then you
were right, but now it is too late for me.”

“I told Steven he must remain in Quito for at
least forty-eight hours before venturing into the mountains to
Tena. I warned him about altitude sickness. That should give you
the additional time you may need.”

“That was very good advice, my old friend. I
am going to Rio Di Janeiro. Since I know where Steven Capresi is
heading and approximately when he will be arriving in Tena, I can
afford to make a very brief detour to tie up a few loose ends.”

Joaquin nodded.

“I want you to know that I am indebted to you
for your friendship and tutelage. You took me under your wing and
gave me a renewed purpose when nobody else cared about me. I will
be eternally grateful.”

Joaquin closed his eyes as James stood and
approached him, gently kissing the top of his mentor’s head.
“Goodbye my old friend. You were the father I wished I had.” James
then placed an envelope in Joaquin’s hands with the last
instructions he would ever give his friend.

James quickly disappeared out the front door
of the apartment, leaving Joaquin to wonder what part of the
monster he had created and what part of the man seeking forgiveness
could be attributed to him.




The Scorpion boarded the plane to Rio in a
business suit, sporting a neatly trimmed goatee and short, light
brown hair. He was traveling under the guise of a Brazilian
import-export broker. He spoke fluent Portuguese with the flight
attendants, who were taken by his charm. A beautiful brunette
brought him a mimosa and flirted with him for a few minutes. As she
moved on to the next passenger, he propped his head comfortably
against his pillow and closed his eyes. It had been good to see
Joaquin. He had obeyed his instructions and had been loyal to the
end. It had not escaped his attention that Joaquin had been quite
taken with Steven Capresi, as had Charlie and Billy. It did not
surprise him that Steven had been so well received by the line of
contacts he created years ago as an early warning system. Steven
had all of his father’s attributes: charm, intelligence, good
looks, and most of all, sincerity. He was not looking forward to
killing him. He had truly hoped that Steven would have given up and
returned to New York, but now he was on his way to Ecuador. For the
first time in many years, the Scorpion’s world was threatened. It
was an exhilarating sensation and it was up to him to raise the
stakes of the hunt. For now, he could no longer think about Steven.
He had an assignment to complete and this was a job he was eager to
finish. His only pressure was time. He could not believe that he
had allowed his obsession with Steven to delay his arrival in Rio
and possibly jeopardize the completion of his assignment. He would
have only one opportunity to accomplish his mission and he had to
be perfect. Then he could worry about Steven Capresi. Nothing was
going to dampen his mood. It had been awhile since he had thought
about Nick Manzione. He had made a promise to Nick, and was looking
forward to keeping it.




Giorgio was mixing his third vodka tonic when
the doorbell rang. When he opened the door, he was greeted by a
revolver pushed up against his temple. Louie grinned as he grabbed
Giorgio’s arm and twisted it behind his back. Giorgio moaned in

“Bon Giorno, Giorgio,” Louie said. “Nice to
finally meet you.”

Realizing it would be in his best interest to
remain in his apartment, Giorgio resisted as much as possible.
Braulio subdued Giorgio by striking him on the head with the butt
of his gun. Blood streamed down the side of Giorgio’s face as the
men dragged him into a waiting limousine.

Nick was seated in the limo with his back
against the driver’s compartment. Pete sat next to Nick along with
his precious black leather bag. Louie entered the car, followed by
Giorgio and Braulio. Giorgio was sandwiched between them, sitting
directly across from Nick.

“Where are we going?” Giorgio asked.

Nick grinned. “I thought you could take us
for a scenic tour of the city. We’ve been stuck in the hotel and
you haven’t been very hospitable. Personally, I take great offense.
By the way, how the fuck could you be so stupid to think we
wouldn’t know you were taking a stroll on the beach with Gia?”

Giorgio said nothing and his reticence
annoyed Nick.

“You made it very simple for the boys to
follow you from the beach. That was your undoing. Otherwise, we
would have had no way of finding you.” Nick let Giorgio think about
his mistake for a moment. “It probably tears you up knowing that
I’ve been banging your delicious cousin. I know you had your time
with her so you know how awesome she is in the sack. But believe
me, Giorgio, I’ve taken the word perversion to a whole new level
with her.”

Giorgio suffered in silence as Nick tortured

“Let’s talk business.” Nick produced the
jewelry box and showed Giorgio the severed finger. “This is the
ring finger of my man, Eddie. Who killed him?”

“Honest, Nick. I have no idea. I had nothing
to do with this, believe me.”

Nick pursed his lips together. “I would very
much like to believe you, but you’ve already double-crossed me with
Renaldo. You’ve hurt my feelings. I thought we were friends.”

“Nick, I swear I never double-crossed

“I spoke to Renaldo, you dumbfuck. He said
you cut a deal with him.”

“I didn’t cut any deal with Renaldo.” Giorgio
did not want to protest too much. The less he said, the less chance
he might get tangled in his own lies. In his alcohol infused state
of mind, he was having difficulty keeping track of everything he
had said. The most logical approach for Giorgio was to deny

“Okay, we’ll see. I’m really pissed about
Eddie. He was a good friend. When I find the person responsible,
I’m going to cut him up myself, piece by piece. For now, just
relax. Close your eyes. You’re going to need your strength.”



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