The Secret Catamite Bk 1, The Book of Daniel (14 page)

Read The Secret Catamite Bk 1, The Book of Daniel Online

Authors: Patrick C Notchtree

Tags: #biography, #corporal punishment, #gay adolescents, #scouts, #gay adolescence, #gay boy romance, #sex between best friends, #catamite, #early sexualization

BOOK: The Secret Catamite Bk 1, The Book of Daniel
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"Thanks," said Simon. "So, what
is it then?"

"I can come," said Daniel,
looking to gauge Simon's reaction.

"Where to?" said Simon.

"No," said Daniel, "I mean come
off, get spunk."

"How do you know?" asked Simon,

"How do you think, idiot?" But
Daniel was smiling. Simon flushed at his silliness.

"When did it happen?"

"Thursday. I was going to tell
you yesterday, but never got the chance at school and I was at
Scouts last night."

"What's it like?" asked Simon,
his curiosity about this new facet of Daniel's body enlivening

"Scouts? It's good," said

"No, now you're the idiot. I
mean what's it feel like?"

"It feels fantastic. It's like
this great feeling goes right down your cock and round your body,
and the spunk comes up."

Simon looked in awe at his
friend, aware that at nearly twelve this was a new phase in
Daniel's life.

Daniel put his arm round Simon.
"I was thinking about you, and that made it come," he said.

"About me?" said Simon,

"Who else? I was thinking about
us, what we do and that."

Simon felt pleased that he had
been a part of Daniel's feat, and that, coupled with his present
closeness, spurred him on. "Do you want to now?" he asked.

Daniel nodded, and checked their
surroundings again. "All clear," he said, and they quickly took off
their clothes.

As they started to feel each
other's warm bodies, Simon noticed Daniel's arousal and took it in
his hand.

"I love doing this with you,
Simon," said Daniel.

"Me too," said Simon, thinking
of the warmth and comfort it gave him, tempered now a bit by
nervousness at this new development that Daniel had revealed.

Daniel responded in kind to
Simon's touch, and they continued to caress and stimulate.

Then Daniel stopped stroking
Simon but said, "Don't stop now, Simon."

Simon carried on, he could feel
the mounting tension in Daniel, his hardness increasing until
suddenly, with a sigh, the precious liquid was there, Daniel's
moist blue eyes looking into Simon's. Daniel's tension subsided,
Simon let go.

"It's better when you do it,"
said Daniel, using his hanky to wipe himself with.

"I'll do it again, if you like,"
said Simon.

"Not now," said Daniel. "It
takes time to make some more. But you can next time."

"Why is it better?"

"Coz you're there, doing it, I
s'pose," said Daniel. "It's like – " He tried to find the words –
"like a fire, a fire down below that spreads all over."

Simon started to sing a sea
shanty he knew from school.

"Fire! fire! fire down

Fetch a bucket of water, boys,
There's fire down below! "

Daniel laughed, and joined in.
The two stayed for a while, talking, lying close. Simon now aware
of something new in Daniel's body, a new power that intrigued and
fascinated him, for he knew that he too in time would undergo this
transformation. But for the time being he revelled in the new
potency of his friend and wondered what it might mean for their

They heard the voices of some
kids in the spinney. To be on the safe side, they got dressed and
left the den, walking back across the allotments.

"You won't tell anyone, will
you," said Daniel.

"I never have."

"I mean about me, now. Spunk and

"Course not. They might ask how
I know."

"Good. Come on then." Daniel
burst into song, sheer exuberance and happiness radiating from him.
Simon joined in, their singing loud and clear in the sunshine.

"Fire! fire! fire down

Fetch a bucket of water, boys,
There's fire down below!

There's fire in the fore-top,
fire in the main,

Fire in the windlass and fire
in the chain

Fire! fire! fire down

Fetch a bucket of water, boys,
There's fire down below! "


  1. 1956/6 Church Parade

"Will you come? Please?" Daniel
looked at Simon sitting on his big bed, hoping for the answer he
wanted. Daniel had been going to Scouts on Friday nights for some
time and often would talk to Simon at the weekend about it, as well
as his triumphs – usually – at the swimming club on Saturday
morning, also demonstrating his growing prowess at the piano. Simon
had nothing similar about which to tell Daniel, but it didn't seem
to matter. But now Daniel was asking him to go to Church the next
day, because the scouts were having a church parade and he was
carrying the Union Flag when they marched into church and when they
marched out. Daniel wanted his best friend there.

"I'm carrying the Union Flag.
It's an honour to be picked, you know." Since joining scouts,
Daniel had never referred to the Union Jack and corrected Simon if
he did. Simon was unsure.

"Well, make sure it's the right
way up then," joked Simon. He had never thought about there being a
right way and wrong way up for the flag until Daniel had pointed it
out. Now, when out in the city or on their bikes, if they saw one
flying upside down, they would go and point this out to the owners,
who were often disbelieving.

"Course it will be. Well? My
parents are going, maybe Louise. You can sit with them if yours
aren't going."

The prospect of his parents
going together to church struck Simon as odd. Mummy he knew didn't
like the church because of something that had happened before he
was born, Daddy just said he had seen enough in the war to know
there was no God. Simon found that disturbing because he was sure
deep down that God was real, and anyway Daniel said he was.

"OK then," said Simon, smiling.
Daniel returned the smile and gave Simon a hug.


"Mummy, I'm going to church in
the morning."

"Oh? What's brought this on?"
asked Mummy.

"The Scouts are having a parade
and Daniel is carrying the Union Flag."

Frances looked up from her tea.
"For a moment I thought my little brother had found Jesus. But it's
just Daniel after all."

Simon chose to ignore that. "Can
I, Mummy?"

"I expect so, I'd better make
sure you've got clean clothes. You don't want me to come with you,
do you?" At this Frances looked up sharply.

But Simon recoiled from the
idea. "No, it's OK, Mummy. Daniel's Mummy and Daddy are going, so I
can sit with them I expect." Frances resumed her tea.

"Fine then, dear. You had better
wear a shirt and tie."

Simon accepted this as the price
of going, and anyway he wasn't sure what one wore at church, so he
was prepared to be guided by Mummy on this one.


"Are you going to come with me?
We've got to meet half an hour before, but you could watch," asked
Daniel. Simon, spruced up, had gone round to Daniel's in good

"Do that if you want to, Simon,"
said Mrs Gray. "We'll come down a bit later."

"OK then," said Simon, whose
eyes were firmly on Daniel, dressed in his scout uniform. Simon had
seen Daniel in uniform before, but somehow today, freshly ironed,
it seemed to invest him with a new authority, somehow emphasising
Daniel's new potency.

"Super!" said Daniel, and went
through to the hall mirror to make final adjustments to his
uniform, making sure the neckerchief was even and positioning his
beret correctly. He turned back to Simon. "How do I look?"

"Perfect," said Simon, wishing
he too could look as good. But Daniel had a natural poise that
meant he looked good in the scruffiest clothes. In his uniform to
Simon the effect was stunning.

"I was supposed to get my hair
cut, so I hope Skip isn't cross," said Daniel. In the heyday of
short back and sides, Daniel had his hair a bit longer. It brushed
his ears and just reached down to his collar, thick and dark. Simon
thought Daniel's hair was good, and wished he could let his grow a
bit more. Daniel took pains with his appearance, and Simon knew
there was no way he would ever have a short back and sides.

The two walked down over the
footbridge to the church. Simon felt a bit nervous because there
were several other scouts there, all bigger boys, but they knew

"Hiya Daniel. Who's this?" asked
a bigger boy who had two white bars on his shirt pocket.

"Simon. He's my friend and he's
going to join when he's old enough."

Daniel had said this before and
Simon knew it was true. The day he was eleven, he would join and
follow in Daniel's footsteps. So he just nodded.

"You'll be very welcome. We'll
have you in Harriers if we can," said the boy moving off to talk to
some others.

"That's Miles Evans, my Patrol
Leader," said Daniel, proudly, "and Harriers is my patrol. He's at
Henrys, where I'm going. Be good if we could be in the same

"Troop, fall in!" came a shouted
command. Simon looked round to see more scouts now, and two men
also in scout uniform. But the order had come from a big boy, who
Simon noticed had three bars on his shirt pocket, the middle one
went under his scout badge.

"That's John Riley, the troop
leader. I'm going to be troop leader one day, just you wait. Watch
me, won't you?" said Daniel as he left.

"Bearers, over here?" called the
Troop Leader. Most of the scouts were getting into lines, each
patrol together but Daniel and another boy went over to the Troop
Leader and were given leather straps to wear over their shoulders
with a little pocket hanging in front. Then the two flags were
brought out, a large green flag with the scout badge and the name
and number of the scout troop on it, and a large Union Flag. Daniel
took the latter and raised it into the air and dropped the end of
the pole into the leather pocket, the strap taking the weight.
Daniel and the other flag bearer took up position in front of the
whole scout troop. Simon, along with a crowd that had now gathered,
watched bewitched by the sight of the boys all lined up, silent
now, disciplined and waiting for instructions. Simon wished he were
eleven already. The only sound was the fluttering of the two flags
in the breeze, until they were startled by the church bells pealing
out. But the boys all held ranks and then listened as final
instructions were given out by one of the scoutmasters. The scouts
all came to attention, then stood at ease again.

"Hello, Simon, shall we go in?"
It was Mrs Gray, Mr Gray with her. Simon nodded and they went into
the church. They found a seat a few rows back and waited. Simon was
given a hymn book.

Then everybody stood and the
cross entered followed by the choir and the vicar. But then came
the Scouts, led by the two flag bearers, holding their flags up at
matching angles as they moved between the pews. Daniel was looking
straight ahead, head held high. He looked glorious. The flags were
placed at the altar as the scouts filed into the pews reserved for
them, and Daniel took his seat at the front. Only then did he
permit himself to look round for his parents and Simon. Their eyes
met and they smiled at each other, then Daniel turned back.

The service didn't mean a lot to
Simon, the hymns weren't ones he knew from school, but he followed
it, overawed by the sense of occasion and the majesty of the
ceremony in this ancient building. There was a moment of
embarrassment for Simon as the collection plate was passed round
and he had no money, but Mrs Gray said it was all right.

There was a pause, and then the
choir came out and knelt along the altar rail. The Vicar gave each
one something, and Simon was close enough to hear the words. "The
body of Christ keep you in eternal life". Another person followed
with a silver cup, from which each one drank to the words, "The
blood of Christ keep you in eternal life." It seemed magical to
Simon. Then Daniel was on his feet and with the other flag bearer,
leading the scouts to kneel at the altar rail. Simon strained to
watch and listen. Daniel was not offered the bread or wine, but
bowed his head. The vicar placed his hand on Daniel's dark hair,
saying, "Daniel, The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his
face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his
countenance upon you and give you peace."

Simon heard Daniel say "Amen."
The vicar knew Daniel's name! Daniel stood up and turned. He looked
so serious, thought Simon. And so special. Simon looked at Mrs Gray
next to him. She was smiling with pleasure and when she saw Simon
looking at her, she smiled again. "He's done well, hasn't he?" she
whispered. Simon just nodded, not trusting himself further.

But now the scouts were leaving
the rail, one or two receiving the bread and wine, most having
received a blessing, although few by name like Daniel. The organ
was now playing and the rest of the people were now going out and
it was their row's turn.

"Are you coming out with me,
Simon?" said Mrs Gray. Simon's first reaction was to stay where he
was, but something made him say yes. "Just keep your hands by your
side when the priest gets to you," she advised.

They knelt at the altar rail,
Simon next to Mrs Gray, Mr Gray beyond her. The priest came along
the line, placing the wafer on the hands of each person, with the
same words, "The body of Christ keep you in eternal life". It was
Mrs Gray's turn and Simon tried to watch without turning his head,
but also aware of Daniel sitting back in his front pew, not far
behind him. He knew Daniel would be watching him and didn't want to
let him down.

The vicar stood before Simon,
hesitated slightly but Simon, copying Daniel, kept his head bowed
and his hands by his side. He felt the vicar's hand on his head, as
it had been on Daniel's.

"The Lord bless you and keep
you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to
you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace,"
said the vicar, then raising his hand moved on. Simon felt a
delicious tingle of warmth spread from his head down his body. He
stayed still, drinking in the strange feeling of contentment that
this had given him.

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