The Secret Chamber of Osiris: Lost Knowledge of the Sixteen Pyramids (27 page)

BOOK: The Secret Chamber of Osiris: Lost Knowledge of the Sixteen Pyramids
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About the Author

Scott Creighton
is an engineer whose extensive travels have allowed him to explore many of the world’s ancient sacred sites. The host of the Alternative Egyptology forum on, he lives in Glasgow, Scotland.

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The Giza Prophecy
The Orion Code and the Secret Teachings of the Pyramids
by Scott Creighton and Gary Osborn
Foreword by Graham Hancock

Esoteric Egypt
The Sacred Science of the Land of Khem
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Land of the Fallen Star Gods
The Celestial Origins of Ancient Egypt
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The Giza Power Plant
Technologies of Ancient Egypt
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Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt
Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs
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Black Genesis
The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt
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Ancient Egypt 39,000 BCE
The History, Technology, and Philosophy of Civilization X
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Return of the Golden Age
Ancient History and the Key to Our Collective Future
by Edward F. Malkowski

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Creighton, Scott.

    The secret chamber of Osiris : lost knowledge of the sixteen pyramids / Scott Creighton.

        pages cm

    Summary: “Reveals the true purpose behind the pyramids of Giza and the location of the secret vault of Egyptian treasures hidden on the Giza plateau.” Provided by publisher.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

print ISBN 978-1-59143-769-7

ebook ISBN 978-1-59143-187-9

1. Osiris (Egyptian deity) 2. Egypt—Religion. 3. Mythology, Egyptian. 4. Pyramids of Giza (Egypt) 5. Egypt—Antiquities. I. Title.

BL2450.O7C74 2014



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Page numbers in
refer to illustrations.

All page number are refer to the print edition of this title.


Abdel-Alim, Dina, 136–37
Abu Roash pyramid, 203
Aclimon, 18–19
Africa, 146
African Humid Period, 145
afterlife, 79–80, 199–201
Agassiz, Lake, 143, 152–53
, 32
akh, 97–98
akhet, 97–103,
97, 100, 103
Akhet Khufu, 92–93, 95–1
07, 97, 100
Akkadian Empire, 215
Alhokim, Ibn Abd, 17
Allen, James P., 106
Allen, Walter M., 113–14
Alm, Brian, 63–64
Al Nilam, 166
Al Nitak, 164, 166, 175–76
Alongi, Dan, 144
Amaunet, 197
amphitheater at Giza, 6, 31–33
Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, The,
anonymous chambers, 59–64
Ante Chamber, 76–78, 77
Antiquities Guards, 33–34, 41–42,
        85–86, 89
Apis bull, 206–7
Arabs, 19–21
Arctic Sea, 172–73, 174, 176
ark of the gods, 1–2, 25–26, 177–81
artificial mountains, 25
Ascending Passage, 72–74
Assmann, Jan, 96

ba, 62–63, 96–97
Babbit, Frank Cole, 43–44
balloon bulb, 195–98,
balloons, 188–92
Baltensperger, W., 171–72, 173–74, 176
Baptistery, 178–79
barley, 204
barycenter, 36–41, 37
Bates, Richard, 145–46
Battuta, 21
Bauval, Robert, 7, 9–10, 28, 63, 69–70
Beban el Malook, 206
Belzoni, Giovanni, 205–6, 210
benben stones, 88
Bent Pyramid, 58–59
black sediment, 150–51
Blue Nile River, 145
boats, 79–80
body of Christ, 43, 204
body of Osiris, 2, 203–11
bone fragments, 80, 205–8, 209–10
Book of the Dead
, The, 212
Boorstin, Daniel J., 4
Bretz, J. Harlen, 141–44
Brewer, Humphries, 113–15
British Museum, 131–32, 132
Budge, E. A. Wallis, 23, 94, 212
bull bones, 205–8, 209–10
burials, 44.
See also
intrusive burials

Cairo, Egypt, 4–5
Campbell, Patrick, 112
Campbell’s Chamber, 118–29.
See also
        Khufu cartouches
Carter, Howard, 112, 209–10
catastrophism, 141–44,
Cayce, Edgar, 16
cenotaph pyramids, 57
Cepherenes, 206
Chi, 141
China, flood story of, 141
chthonic temples, 212–13, 215
circumcenter, 36–41, 37
Clift, William, 205, 208
Columbia Basin, 141–42
concavities of pyramids, 28–29, 34–35
construction of pyramids, 182–98,
Cordilleran Ice Sheet, 142–43,
142, 170
corn mummies, 204
Corpus Hermeticum, 16–17, 40
cosmic order, 200–201
counterweight systems, 183
Creighton, Scott
    barriers to discovery, 82–91
    end of journey, 216–23
    offering of, 40–41
    travels of, 4–15, 31–36
crested ibis, 97–98, 101–2, 104
cult of Osiris, 159

Dahshur pyramid, 203
Dakota smokeless fire pits, 190–91, 193,
Daoud, 114
Davison, Nathaniel, 109
Day 7 Magazine
, 136–37
death, 201–2
deglaciation, 143
deluge, 140–42,
, 153–54, 177–81,
Dendera, 196–98
Descending Passage, 72–73, 78
Dilbeck, Gwynne Ann, 178, 179–80
Diodorus, 206
disaster-recovery plan, 23–26
dismembered body of Osiris, 2
Djeda, 27–28, 35–36
djed pillar, 211–15,
Djoser at Saqqara, 55, 56, 147
DNA, 88
Dodwell, George F., 177
drought, 144–48, 152–53
Duat, 96

    pole shift of, 170–
77, 173–75
    rotational axis of, 24, 127
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
, 143
Edwards, I. E. S., 112–13
Egyptian Pyramids, The
, 182
Egyptologists, 1–2, 10, 44–45
    on dating of pyramids, 154, 159–61
    flawed paradigms of, 50–51
    future of, 137–38
    on inscriptions, 59–60
    Inventory Stele and, 159–61
    purpose of pyramids, 199–200
    on sarcophagi, 80
    on the Sphinx, 158–61
See also
tomb theory
Emerald Tablets, 39–40
equatorial bulge, 171–72
Erdmann, Stefan, 136–37
Ethiopia, 17–18, 145
Evans, Lorraine, 88–89

Fayed, Mohamed Al, 86–87
Femano, Philip, 75–76
Ferguson, John, 151–52
Festival of Khoiak, 204, 209, 211–15
Fifth Dynasty, 27–28, 97
Firouzabadi, 17
First Intermediate Period, 147
First Time, 106–7, 201
Firth, 147–48
Flood, 94–95, 140–44, 142, 153–54,
flying blocks, 187–98,
flying solar barques, 195–96,
Fourth Dynasty, 27, 48, 159, 189
fraud, 113–15

G1, 2, 7–9, 10–15
    concavities of, 28–29, 34–35
    cracks in, 149–50
    Orion’s Belt and, 67–69, 166–67
    as recovery vaults, 25–26
See also
secret chambers
G2, 28–29, 31, 33
    base of, 67, 69
    Belzoni’s find in, 205–11
    Orion’s Belt and, 166
    sarcophagi and, 80
    shape of, 13, 39
G3, 53
    casing stones of, 155–57,
    concave faces of, 12–13,
12, 29–30
    guards around, 33
    shape of, 55
    tomb found in, 112–13
Gates of Paradise, 178
Gentleman’s Magazine, The
, 206
Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 178
Gilbert, Adrian, 28, 69–70
Giza amphitheater, 6, 31–33
Giza plateau, 7–15
    Great Giza Triangle and, 38–41, 39
See also
secret chambers
Giza Prophecy
, The, 153–54
Giza pyramids, 1–2, 42
    concavities of, 28–29, 34–35
    construction of, 182–98,
    dating of, 153–54
    myth of Osiris and, 41–48
    pole shift and, 173–77, 174–75
    as precession clock, 161–70,
162–63, 165
    purpose of, 149–52
    repairs of, 154–61
    triple centroid and, 36–41,
See also
tomb theory;
Gorlitz, Dominique, 136–37
grain elevator explosion, 151–52
Grand Gallery, 72–73, 152
Granite Leaf, 77–78, 77
granite plugs, 74–76, 75
granite veneer, 157–58
grape, 204
Great Barrier Reef, 144
great deluge, 94–95
Great Flood, 21–24, 140–42,
        153–54, 177–81,
Great Giza Triangle, 38–41,
, 168,
Great Pyramid of Khufu (G1), 2, 7–9,
    concavities of, 28–29, 34–35
    cracks in, 149–50
    as recovery vaults, 25–26
See also
secret chambers
Great Year, 164, 169
Greenland, 172–73, 173, 175, 176
Griffiths, John G., 213–14
gunpowder archaeology, 108–9

Hall, Manly P., 18
Hancock, Graham, 7, 157–58
Hassan, Selim, 159–60
hatched discs, 121–22
Hawass, Zahi, 82–83, 83, 89–90, 216
hawkers, 89–90
Heliopolis, 27
Henry, Robert, 151–52
Hermes Trismegistus, 16–17, 21, 161
Herodotus, 44
Hetepheres I, 56
hidden chambers
    clues to locations, 26–30
    legends of, 16–24
    as recovery vaults, 25–26
hieroglyphs, 99–103
Hill, J. R., 120, 123, 128, 129, 130–36,
133, 135
Historical Chronicles
, 206
Holocene period, 143
Hor-em-akhet, 158–59
Horus, 108–9, 158
hot air balloons, 188–92
House of Sapti, 27
Huni, Pharaoh, 56
Hunterian Museum, 205
Hwran Hor-em-akhet, 158
hydraulic lifts, 183
“Hymn to Osiris,” 40–41

ibis, 97–98, 101–2, 104
Ice Age, 170
ice damns, 143
ice sheets, 170, 172–73
incenter, 36–41,
intrusive burials, 79, 112–13, 200,
Isis, 158, 159
Isis and Osiris
, 43–44, 204

Jochmans, Joseph Robert, 16–19, 27
Joseph, 21–22
Josephus, 18

ka, 62–63, 96–97
Kawab, 60–61,
Kennedy, John F., 183
Khafre, 7–8, 159
Khafre Pyramid (G2), 28–29, 31, 33
    base of, 67, 69
    Belzoni’s find in, 205–11
    Orion’s Belt and, 166
    sarcophagi and, 80
    shape of, 13, 39
Khartoum, 145
Khasekhemui, 147
Khufu, 9–10, 27–28, 52–53, 54, 60,
See also
Great Pyramid
Khufu cartouches, 135
    discovery of by Vyse, 108–10
    orientation of, 130–36,
133, 135
    Vyse’s journal, 115–29
kilts, 87
kingdom, 1–2
King’s Chamber, 108–9
    access to, 76–78, 77
    cracks in, 149–52
    degree of shaft, 176
    location of, 72–73

ladders, 52
Last Glacial Maximum, 172
Laurentide Ice Sheet, 170
Legends of the Gods
, 93–94
Lehner, Mark, 19–20, 97–98, 194
Lepre, J. P., 11–12, 56, 182
limestone, 9, 182–83
living words, 63
logograms, 101, 103
Lorter, Charles, 209

ma’at, 200–201
Mandeville, John, 21–22
Marcellinus, 17
Mariette, Auguste, 32
Massey, Gerald, 27
mastabas, 51–52, 80
Masudi, Al, 17
Mddw, 109
Mededu, 109
Meidum pyramid, 154–55, 203
meltwater, 143
Menkaure Pyramid (G3), 53
    casing stones of, 155–57,
    concave faces of, 12–13,
, 29–30
    guards around, 33
    shape of, 55
    tomb found in, 112–13
Meresankh II, 61,
moghra, 110–11
Montgolfier, Jacques, 187–88
Montgolfier, Joseph, 187–88
Montgolfier balloon, 187–92
Mortuary Temple, 9, 157–58
mummification, 87–88, 202, 209–10
Munster, County Kerry, 88–89
Mystery Tool, 194–95,
myth of Osiris, 2, 41–48,
Myth of Osiris
, 44

Nile River, 7, 144–45, 201
Noah, 177–81
Noah’s Ark, 177–81,
Nu Kua, 141

ochre paint, 110–11
Old Kingdom, 97, 144–45, 152–53, 214
Origen, 178–80
Orion Mystery, The
, 28–29, 69–70
Orion’s Belt, 28, 69–70, 161, 166–67, 169, 175
Osborn, Gary, 21, 153–54
Osirian doctrine, 213–15
Osiris, 2–3, 169
    body of, 203–11
    hymn to, 223
    myth of, 41–48, 45–47
Osiris beds, 204–5, 209–10
ostrich eggshell, 153–54,

papyrus, 187–88
Payne, Dennis, 110, 222
pendulum time line, 162–63,
Perring, 124, 134
Petrie, Flinders, 12, 149–50
Picknett, Lynn, 28–29
Pieri, 205
Plato, 139, 201
Plutarch, 44, 204
Pochan, André, 11
polar wander, 171–72
pole shift, 170–77,
portcullis slabs, 76–78,
precession clock, 161–70,
162–63, 165
Prince, Clive, 28–29
Prism Stone, 73–74
proglacial lakes, 143
Project Osiris, 23–26, 183–92, 196–
        98, 212–13
Provincial Pyramids, 57
pyramid of Khafre, 28–29, 31, 33
    base of, 67, 69
    Belzoni’s find in, 205–11
    Orion’s Belt and, 166
    sarcophagi and, 80
    shape of, 13, 39
pyramids of Giza, 1–2,
    concavities of, 28–29, 34–35
    construction of, 182–98,
    dating of, 153–54
    myth of Osiris and, 41–48
    pole shift and, 173–
77, 174–75
    as precession clock, 161–70, 1
62–63, 165
    purpose of, 149–52
    repairs of, 154–61
    triple centroid and, 36–41, 37–39
See also
tomb theory;
Pyramid Texts, 44, 204

Queen’s Chamber, 176
Queens’ Pyramids, 79–80

Ra, 94–95
radiant light, 97–98, 102–3
ramp theory, 183, 185
Raven (assistant to Vyse), 128, 129,
rebirth, 201–3, 204
recovery goods, 25, 44–45, 147–48,
recovery vaults, 44–45
revivication, 203, 212–13, 214
rotational axis, 24, 127
Royal College of Surgeons, 205

Sah, 169
Saite Period, 159, 161
Salhouk, 17
Sandys, George, 22
sarcophagi, 80–81
satellite mapping, 69
Schoch, Robert M., 158–59
Scota, Princess, 86
“Scotichronicon,” 87
Scotland, 86–89
sea levels, 141, 143
secret chambers
    clues to locations, 26–30
    legends of, 16–24
    as recovery vaults, 25–26
security, 71–79,
75, 77
, 89–90
seeds, 204–5
seeds of rebirth, 200–201
seed storage, 26
shape of pyramids, 55–56
Sitchin, Zecharia, 2
size of pyramids, 51–52
sky carriers, 196–97
Smyth, Piazzi, 74
Sneferu, 57–59, 154–55
solar barques, 79–80
sonic levitation devices, 183
soot, 150–51
soul, 62
soul shafts, 79–80
South America, flood story of, 141
Sphinx, 8, 8, 106
    precession clock and, 164–68
    repairs to, 159–61
Sphinx: History of a Monument
, 50
Sphinx Temple, 157–58
spirit, 102–3
Sp Tpy, 106–7
Stadelmann, Rainer, 207
Staple, Philip, 111
stars, 127
star shafts, 80
Step Pyramid of Djoser, 202–3
Step Pyramid of Saqqara, 55
stone tools, 194–95,
Surid, 18–21
Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 23

Tana, Lake, 145
Templar Cross, 14–15,
Temple of Hathor, 196–98
Temple of Isis, 159
tensor, 171–72
thermodynamic lifting, 188–92
Third Dynasty, 48
Thoth, 23
    Flood and, 95–107
    portrayal of, 93–96,
Three Kings, 28
Three Wise Men, 28–29
, 139, 201
time, 184, 186
tomb theory, 10, 49–51
    anonymous chambers, 59–64,
    intrusive burials, 79
    multiple pyramids, 57–59
    preconceived plan, 64–71,
66, 68, 70
    Provincial Pyramids, 57
    pyramid shape, 55–56
    pyramid size, 51–55
    queens, boats, and soul shafts,
    sarcophagi, 80–81
    security, 71–78,
75, 77
Tooley, Angela, 209–10
trial passages, 72
triple centroid, 36–41,
Trismegistus, Hermes, 21
trussing, 128–29
Tutankhamun, 88, 202–3

Uccello, Paolo, 180,
UFOs, 183
University of St. Andrews, 145–46
Usick, Patricia, 131–32

Virgins of the World,
visibility, 184
Vyse, William Howard, 2,
    allegations against, 111–12, 113–15
    anomalies in the cartouches, 117–29,
118, 122, 124, 126–27
    discovery in King’s Chamber, 108–10
    discovery of soot, 150–51
    dubious discovery, 112–13
    journal of, 115–17, 132–33
    orientation of the cartouches, 130–
133, 135

Wadi Qubbanet el-Qi-rud, 209–10
Washington (state), 142
West, John Anthony, 158–61
Westcar Papyrus, 27–28
wheat, 204
White Nile River, 145
Woelfli, W., 171–72, 173–74, 176
World Heritage site, 89–90

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