The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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, I like that.” Amy’s tentative expression turned wicked as she flipped the page of her script. After a few quick notes, she added her husband’s request to her copy of the contract. “Can I bite, too? Not hard enough to draw blood. Just nips and nibbles.”

“Any time, baby!” He lifted his wrist, clearly checking his watch. “Do you mind if we leave a couple minutes early, Dr. Bond? I’m so horny I’m about to bust my zipper.”

At the question addressed to her by name, Rory finally joined the conversation. “I think we’ve had a very productive session. If you’d prefer to stop here, that’s fine. We can review this scene next time, adding the new line, and we’ll develop the dialogue and choreography for the light bondage scenario. In the meantime, I’d like each of you make a list of things you enjoyed and things you’d change after every interaction involving sexual contact. It doesn’t have to lead to making love or even an orgasm. Maybe just a kiss. A hug. Light petting. No sharing or peeking. We’ll discuss both sides of each item before we work on role-playing at our next appointment.”

“But I don’t want Amy to feel bad for doing something she thinks I like when it doesn’t really do anything for me.”

Rory savored the knowledge that this couple truly cared about each other’s feelings. They made her job worth the effort. “If she doesn’t know what’s ineffective, how can she try to accommodate your preferences? Whether you’re in the mood for kink or vanilla sex, let’s be sure it’s the best it can be. Neither of you wants to settle for mediocre or is happy with the status quo.”

Frowning, Amy leaned her head on Carl’s shoulder. “After ten years of marriage, we should just know what works and what doesn’t.”

“And ten years of not wanting to hurt your lover’s feelings leads to the habit of keeping the little disappointments bottled inside. They add up over time, coming out when you have a disagreement instead of when you’re both in a positive mood about your relationship. The BDSM lifestyle, whether light or hardcore, requires unconditional trust. If one or both of you isn’t sure the other person is being completely honest, trust becomes difficult. We’re going to start a new habit for you.”

Carl clasped his wife’s hand as he rose. “We’ll do whatever you say. I can’t wait to do these scenes for real.”

Her cheeks coloring to a bright pink, Amy pushed to her feet as well. “Um, we don’t have to…you know, do it in front of you, do we?”

The meaning of her question took a moment to sink into Rory’s brain. She almost choked on her spit. “No. No, you can practice together in the private room before you play out the scene at home, but I don’t watch.”

Amy’s husband frowned. “Damn. That’d be hot knowing somebody could see what we were doing. Can we set up a digital camcorder in the private room? Then we could watch ourselves.”

Giving a nod, Rory swallowed her sigh of relief.

Better you than me.

“I’ve had other clients make that request. It’s actually a valuable learning tool. You can review the experience in a relaxed atmosphere and find ways to improve on it. I ask that you provide your own equipment so no one misunderstands and thinks I’m keeping a copy for myself or to share with others. We’ll all sign a waiver form stating all of this before you set up.”

“Cool.” Carl aimed for the exit. His desire to go home and get laid couldn’t have been any clearer. “Same time on Tuesday?”

“Yes.” Rory didn’t bother to escort the couple out. “Remember your assignment.”

Amy gave a parting wave as she disappeared past the door into the reception area. A moment later, the outer door clunked closed.

Yay for the last appointment on a Friday!

She hadn’t had a minute of downtime to recover from the conference after arriving home yesterday afternoon. The office door opened and closed again, making her silently groan.

“Hey, Rory. You ready to celebrate?” Winston DeLong strode into the consultation room, looking far too delicious in his business suit and power tie, with his dark brown hair slightly mussed where he’d probably finger combed it. He leaned down to kiss her forehead before plopping on the couch. Picking up the flogger, he twirled it around so the leather straps flared out. He wiggled his eyebrows. “Giving a lesson in BDSM again? One of these times, you’ll have to use this on me. Beat me, whip me, make it hurt so good, baby.”

A spasm rocked her uterus. If he only knew her fantasies about him and Miles, he’d probably take back what he’d said. “What do I have to celebrate?”

“I found a buyer for the fourth section of the building.” He continued rolling the flogger’s handle between his palms, his long fingers giving her too many wayward thoughts. “He signed the papers this morning, and I invited him for pizza and poker. Want to come? He’s anxious to meet you.”

She almost whimpered at his wording.

Hell, yeah, I want to come.

“What time?” She gestured at her skirt and heels. “Mind if I change clothes first?”

“He said he’d be there at six.” Winston glanced at his watch. “Shit, that’s in ten minutes. I better get upstairs. Pizza and wings should be arriving any second.” Feathering the straps along her calf, he stood and winked at her. “See you soon, Rory.”

The flirt tossed the toy on the couch and hurried away, not giving her a chance to say she’d have to be late. If she didn’t spend a little quality time with one of her vibrators, she’d never survive the evening.


* * * *



“Sure, thanks.” Barrett Cunningham jumped at Winston’s offer of some liquid courage. He hadn’t seen Aurora Bond in thirteen years, four months, and eleven days—since their high-school graduation. Not that she was likely to remember, or recognize, him. He might still be a nerd, but the braces, glasses, and pimples were gone. The crush had waned, but it hadn’t disappeared.

The doorbell buzzed, and the fourth owner of the building, Miles Parrish, waved for Winston to go back to setting up the poker table. He frowned at Barrett. “That’ll be Rory. Whatever you do,
stare at her chest. She’s self-conscious about it, and she gets really pissed when guys address her boobs.”


What else could Barrett say? He’d seen her punch the varsity quarterback in the eye for telling her she had an awesome rack their freshman year. Fortunately, nobody else ever commented on her breasts again, at least not to her face. Boys had always overlooked her intelligence and kindness, though, calling her Bunny behind her back. Yeah, she could’ve made a bundle posing for Playboy, but she’d put herself through college with a full-ride academic scholarship. She’d done pretty well for herself too, if her stake in the co-op was any indication.

He tipped up the bottle as Miles opened the door.

“Guess how much I won playing poker in New Orleans.” Her voice hadn’t changed at all, and Barrett’s cock twitched at the husky tone. Then she stepped inside Winston’s apartment. With a toss of long white-blonde hair, she grinned. “Nine hundred and eighty dollars. I faked out this biker named Felix in the last hand. You should’ve been there.”

Miles cringed. “As your accountant, I don’t recommend risking that kind of money in a game of luck.”

“Luck? I didn’t bet big until I knew I had him beat. Besides, I only started out with two hundred.” She turned, her eyes locking on Barrett’s gaze. “You must be the new owner. I’m Rory Bond.”

Barrett rose from the recliner to shake her extended hand. “Hi, Rory. I’m Barrett Cunningham.”

Would she recognize his name?

Several seconds passed.

Just when he was about to give up hope that she remembered him, her blue eyes widened. “Barrett Cunningham? Like Barrett Cunningham from Mrs. O’Donnell’s third-period Chemistry class?”

His pulse skittered. “And Mr. Finch’s American Lit class.”

She laughed, the sound hitting him square in the gut. “Geometry, World History, AP Calculus. Wow. It’s great to see you, Barrett.”

“Well, I can honestly say you’re one of the few people in our class I had any interest in seeing after graduation.” The admission was out of his mouth before he could stop it, but what did he have to lose? Pushing aside his nervousness, he leaned in to kiss her cheek, savoring the softness of her skin against his lips. “How’s life been treating you? Besides the big win at poker.”

She touched her fingers to her face. “Life is good. I’m a psychologist. I opened my own practice eight months ago, and business is booming.”

“That’s terrific. I’m planning to set up my software company in the new office.”

“I know it was a long time ago, but I’m really sorry about your mom. Did you get the card I sent?”

“Yeah, thanks.” That sympathy card was one of the reasons he’d never forgotten her. They might not have been anything more than acquaintances, but her acknowledgment of his loss had given him hope.

“Hey, Rory, you want a beer?” Winston’s question carried a hint of something Barrett thought might be jealousy. “We should eat before the pizza and wings get cold.”

Were Winston and Rory a couple? He hadn’t met her at the door or greeted her with a kiss, but negative vibes radiated off him as if Barrett had crossed an invisible line with Rory. With his luck, she was already involved in a serious relationship.

She wrinkled her nose. “Very funny. You better still have that bottle of merlot I brought last time.”

Holding out a wine glass filled with dark red liquid, Winston smirked. “You’re so easy to provoke.”

“And you can call me ‘Payback,’ because I’m also great at being a bitch.” She snagged the glass as she sauntered into the kitchen, the movement of her hips hypnotizing Barrett.

When Winston followed her, Barrett tagged along to get an idea whether he needed to back off or not. He sure as hell didn’t have any intention of going after another man’s girlfriend.

Instead of the half-expected hug from behind, Winston sidestepped her to grab a plate and loaded it with half a dozen barbecued chicken wings. “You’d pull off being a bitch about as well as I’d pull off wearing hooker heels and a mini skirt.”

Her lips twitched, and she laughed. “Now, that I’d like to see. The salon down the street does body waxing.”

Winston shuddered. “No duct tape on the short and curlies.”

“I suppose you could shave or trim.” She reached past him to the pizza. “Lots of guys manscape these days, you know.”

Lifting his eyebrows, he gave her a sidelong glance. “No comment.”

From the conversation, Barrett could only conclude that Rory wasn’t acquainted with Winston’s body well enough to know how much hair he had—or removed—so they couldn’t possibly be sleeping together. The sparring sounded more like friendly brother-sister banter than lovers teasing each other.

Miles clapped Barrett on the shoulder. “They’ll stand there until you shove them out of the way. Grab some food before they take it all.”

At the other man’s urging, Barrett stepped through the doorway into the kitchen. Rory handed him a plate and then slipped past Miles to the living room.

Seeming to follow her, Winston paused a couple steps from Barrett and turned to look at him. “She’s a really sweet woman, and I like sharing the building with her. Don’t screw up this arrangement.”

That’s how it is, is it?

Winston, if not Miles, evidently saw Barrett’s enthusiasm for reconnecting with Rory as a threat to the co-op. More than likely both men would’ve made a move on her if circumstances were different. Maybe Barrett had made a mistake signing the contract without meeting with all three other owners—because he probably would’ve passed on the apartment and office space if he’d known the girl who’d remained in his mind for thirteen years lived there. That fact had come out
he’d already signed.
Without a doubt, the unspoken rule about not fraternizing with her would’ve influenced his decision to buy.

Unable to form anything but a smart-ass remark, he let the silence stretch into a long, awkward minute.

Winston’s jaw twitched. The hissing accusation came with a shake of his head. “You’re going to sell out, aren’t you?”

The possibility
occurred to Barrett.

“Hey, guys!” Rory’s voice cut through the quiet but not the tension. “What’s taking so long?”

“Talking poker strategy.” The casual tone of Winston’s response belied his expression.

“Like that’ll do you any good. Hurry up!”

Seizing the opportunity to change the subject, Barrett turned to Miles. “She’s that good?”

Miles glanced toward Winston then back at Barrett. “Yeah, she’s good. Seriously, she almost didn’t buy in when she found out two guys had bought two of the other three units. Somebody hurt her, and you better not do the same.”

Barrett could hardly promise them she wouldn’t get hurt, but he sure as hell didn’t plan to do it on purpose. Besides, who was to say
wouldn’t leave
with a broken heart?

Transferring a couple slices of pizza to his plate, he debated laying his cards on the table. Would they even believe him? “Look, I’ve never used a woman, and I’m not starting with Rory.”

Winston let out a low growl. “So you’re not going to back off?”

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