The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Miles froze with his shirt up around his chest, and the urge to groan at Winston’s train reference was almost too strong for Rory to suppress. She hadn’t figured on Winston giving Miles a not-so-subtle nudge.

Pulling the polo over his head and tossing it on the floor, Miles started unfastening his jeans. “I call pussy. Looks like Barrett’s between me and Win.”

Winston set her down on the bed, her heart about ready to pound out of her chest. How could she encourage Miles without making a big deal of his suggestion? “I can’t wait to have you inside me.”

The predatory look Barrett gave Miles caused a contraction in her uterus. “And I can’t wait to be inside him. He has the most perfect male butt I’ve ever seen.”

A hint of a smile assured Rory that Miles was really okay with taking his relationship with Barrett to the next level. Love for her guys warmed her heart.

Pushing his jeans and boxer briefs past his hips, Miles raised his eyebrows. “I’ve never seen a dick quite like yours.”

Barrett followed Miles’s lead by kicking off his pants, his erection jutting out and slightly to the left. “What kind of lube do you want?”

“You pick.”

Her gaze flicked to Miles, and his lusty expression told her all she needed to know about his desire to be in the middle. That he wanted to build a stronger connection with Barrett for the benefit of the foursome was clear. No matter his uneasiness, he was trying to ensure the success of their relationship. Damn, but she loved him for being that generous.

With two of her three men stripped bare, Rory focused on shimmying out of her clothes. Soon, she and Winston had every bit as much skin showing.

He crawled onto the bed, his palm cupping her jaw and his tongue diving into her mouth as he lay next to her. Distracted from the interaction between her other two lovers, she warred with Winston over control of the kiss. His token effort reinforced her thoughts that he preferred letting her, Miles, and Barrett rule during their lovemaking.

My sweet, gentle Winston.

His willingness to play that role fed her hunger. He tasted wonderful, and she explored his mouth to help satisfy her craving. Thumbs feathered across her sensitive nipples, triggering a rush of moisture to her cunt.

Easing back, she withdrew her tongue to give him a light kiss on the lips. “How are you going to be the caboose with your wrists tied together?”

“We’ll tie him to the bed later.” Barrett squeezed a generous glob of lube onto his palm and then rubbed it on his cock. “Right now, he’s going to have to settle for fucking me.”

Catching the tube of K-Y that Barrett tossed to him, Winston rolled his eyes. “How the hell is that settling?”

Miles stalked up from the foot of the bed, spreading her thighs as he covered her body. His breath tickled her neck. “Nobody’s settling. Get lubed, Win. What are we using for restraints, Rory?”

Guiding his face to hers, she kissed him long and slow, her train of thought trying to derail from his sensual sparring. “I have some, um, Velcro straps in the, uh, second drawer of the nightstand.”

Barrett tugged open the drawer, withdrawing the entire package of twelve straps. He grinned when he dropped them on the bed. “Looks like there’s enough for more than just Winston. How about you, Rory? Are you into bondage?”

Another rush of wetness flooded her pussy, and she raised her arms to grasp the corner spindle of her four-poster bedframe. “I’m willing to try anything at least once.”

“Anything?” His eyebrows rose as he opened the net pouch. He pulled out a single length, fitting it to her wrist before threading it around the post to her other arm. “Wrap your legs around Miles’s waist so I can bind your ankles, too.”

She lifted her feet, running her arches along the pair of muscular calves and thighs positioned between her legs. The bindings on her wrists gave her plenty of leverage to wiggle against the erection teasing her opening. “I’m wet and ready for you, Miles. Do you mind if we skip foreplay this time?”

He rocked toward her, the rounded head of his dick gliding through her slit, sending anticipation skittering to her inner muscles. “Whatever you want, Rory. Thinking about you is all the foreplay I need.”

When his cock bumped over her clit, her body arched of its own accord, and he slipped deep inside her cunt. The connection fanned the flames already coursing through her, but she needed to experience the affection shared by them all. “Then let’s go, guys. I want to be fucked fast and hard.”

Winston gave Barrett a light smack on the ass. “You’re next. All aboard.”

Fastening the straps on her ankles, Barrett grinned. He held up another pair of bands. “Actually, you need to get into position next so I can tie you to the bed. Put your back against the post diagonally across from Rory.”

Winston wasted no time lining himself up not far beyond Miles. Rory had to crane her neck to see around her raised legs as Barrett guided Winston’s hands behind him. After several seconds, Barrett encircled his captive’s balls with the second strap, threading it between Winston’s impressive thighs—presumably to attach the end to the post. The man was leashed in place, but he wasn’t in the doghouse. He was in heaven, if his glazed gray eyes were any indication.

Climbing in the middle of Miles and Winston, Barrett blew her a kiss and then ran his hand along Miles’s hip. “If you want me to stop, say the word. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

“I want you to fuck my ass.” The husky words were barely out of his mouth before Miles twisted around to reel Barrett in for a quick, rough kiss. “Put that amazing cock inside me.”

Barrett nodded.

The thick shaft filling Rory’s pussy pushed deeper still, and she could only assume Barrett had driven himself into Miles in a single thrust. They both groaned with her.

A gusty breath feathered along her neck as Miles exhaled. “Damn, Cunningham. No wonder Rory and Win love being fucked by you. Hook up that caboose. This train’s about to leave the station.”

Although she couldn’t see Winston enter Barrett, her men closed their eyes for a long moment before they began to move. The rhythm they set convinced her more than ever that they belonged together—all four of them. Every forward lunge caressed her G-spot, and the look in Miles’s eyes set her heart beating faster. She freed her voice, the ecstatic cries rising in her ears as her orgasm raced closer.

Miles stiffened above her, his thick cock swelling and then shooting wet heat inside her. His sudden shout surprised her. “God, I love you, Rory!”

The admission released the last of her control, hurling her over the edge into bliss. As much as she wanted to return his sentiment, she couldn’t speak past the lump or the screams in her raw throat.

More male voices echoed off the walls, signaling Barrett’s and Winston’s own discovery of the ultimate sexual pleasure.

Barrett disengaged first, and he tumbled onto the blankets next to her, panting from the exertion. His warm smile revealed satisfaction. “Infatuation before. Not anymore. I love you so much, Rory Bond.”

A tear escaped, and she fought to respond without success.

Reaching behind him, Miles touched her foot. The audible rip of Velcro accompanied the loosening of the strap on her ankle. He withdrew from her, turning toward Winston.

In under a minute, Winston was free of his bonds. He flopped down on the mattress opposite Barrett. “I love you too, sweetheart. Just like I love Miles. And I’m damn close to being in love with the high school nerd over there. He’s too hot to resist.”

Miles straddled her waist, unfastening her hands from the corner post. “I have to agree. I can see myself falling for Barrett the same way I did Win. We’ll get there.”

His unexpected and confident-sounding confession gave Rory the courage to admit her head-over-heels feelings. “I’m crazy in love with you guys, and I’ve found my happily ever after, even if it is a little unconventional.”

Rolling off the side, Winston stood and stretched. “I’ll contact a couple architects in the morning. Right now, I’m going to clean up and serve you supper in bed.”

Barrett joined him. “I’ll help. How about another glass of wine, Mrs. Cunningham-Parrish-DeLong?”

Her lips curved upward of their own accord at his teasing. “Too bad we don’t have some champagne to celebrate.”

Brushing a strand of hair from her cheek, Winston smirked. “Ah, but we do.”

She snuggled up to Miles when he crawled into Barrett’s vacated spot. “How did you know I’d say yes to the remodel?”

“I’m an optimist. Besides, you wouldn’t have had casual sex with us. You’re a romantic at heart.” Winston winked at her as he unhooked the strap from his balls.

Gathering the bindings, Barrett tugged open the nightstand drawer. “Oops, wrong drawer.”

He pulled out the dolls she’d brought upstairs from her office earlier. The representations of her and her lovers clung to each other by their moss hands, though he grasped only the big-breasted one by the waist. How had they gotten stuck?

Miles nuzzled her neck. “We’re not letting you go. You didn’t have to superglue us together.”

“But I didn’t.” Rory levered up on her elbow to take a closer look.

Cradling the hanging figures in his palm, Winston furrowed his brows. “The stuffing’s knotted together where the fingers would be.”

Barrett smiled and pulled Winston downward as he knelt beside the bed. He released his hold on the dolls, linking his hands with Winston and Miles. Still attached to each other, the gifts from Ms. Deschamps landed in a pile on the sheets.

Understanding dawning in her mind, Rory slipped her fingers through Winston’s and Miles’s larger ones to complete a circle like the voodoo dolls. “We’re bound to each other, the way we were meant to be.”









When her fingers aren't attached to her keyboard, Mellanie Szereto enjoys hiking, Pilates, cooking, gardening, and researching for her stories. Many times, the research partners with her other hobbies, taking her from the Hocking Hills region in Ohio to the Colorado Rockies and the Adirondacks of New York. Sometimes, the trip is no farther than her garden for ingredients and her kitchen to test recipes for her latest steamy tale. Mellanie makes her home in rural Indiana with her husband of twenty-five years, their two children, and two cats. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Indiana Romance Writers of America, and Hearts Through History Romance Writers.



For all titles by Mellanie Szereto, please visit




Siren Publishing, Inc.

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