The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Good God, woman! Stop being so melodramatic. You won’t know their motives unless you ask. Assumptions make asses of people.

Her logical side took the reins, slapping the old insecurities back into submission. She was hardly stupid, and they’d given her no indication she shouldn’t trust them. Miles had allowed her to fuck his ass with a strap-on last night, and he’d asked Winston to make love to him that way the night before.

Yes, Barrett’s and Miles’s relationship had a ways to go, but the tension between them had lessened since Saturday night. The attraction had to overcome their mutual need to exercise control. One pushed. The other pushed back harder. If they could translate that aggression into passion, they’d probably fall madly in love.

None of her lovers had said those coveted words to her, yet all three treated her with respect and in no way took advantage of her. She’d known enough losers to recognize even the most charismatic player.

Eyeing the file drawer to her right, she slid it open to remove the voodoo dolls and line them up on top of her laptop. Barrett’s likeness now sported the thong he’d removed from her with his teeth two evenings ago rather than his uninspiring business card. He wouldn’t have suggested she replace the card with the panties he claimed belonged to him if he didn’t give a damn about her.

Ms. Deschamps’s advice echoed in Rory’s head.
“Keep yer mind and heart open, and ya will find happiness, Aurora. More love awaits ya than ya could ever imagine.”

Damn it. She’s right.

Her mind had been ready and willing, but her heart still remembered the last time she’d given love a real chance. Now, she had to formulate a plan to keep her roomies from selling—because she wasn’t giving up the men she adored.


* * * *


Watching Barrett stir the spaghetti sauce, Miles resisted the urge to ask for a taste. Some of the strain between them had dissolved over the past few days, but he still didn’t like relying on anyone. Micromanaging was part of his nature. He couldn’t give up all control overnight, and he wanted everything perfect for their meal with Rory.

“Want a taste, Miles?” Barrett held out the wooden spoon he’d been using to stir the sauce.

Relieved at the invitation, Miles leaned in to stick his finger in the dark-red puddle.

Frowning, Barrett pulled it back. “You can put the spoon in your mouth. Hell, we’ve all kissed and gone down on each other. I think we’re past worrying about cooties.”

The man was right. They’d done it
together, except the one act Rory had requested that first night. If the four of them were going to make the relationship work, Miles would have to surrender command to Barrett at some point in the not-so-distant future—tonight, if Rory went along with their idea.

“You’re right.” Stepping closer, Miles opened his mouth.

Barrett held the spoon to Miles’s lips, his expression not revealing any smugness at the concession. If anything, he seemed nervous. “What do you think? More garlic?”

With a taste, Miles let the flavors spread over his tongue. The cook deserved an ego boost. “Damn, that’s really good. Perfect.”

Moving back to the stove, Barrett switched off the burner under the sauce and adjusted the wooden fork across the pan with the steaming spaghetti water. “Thanks. I hope Rory thinks so.”

“She’ll love it.”

“What will I love?” Rory peeked into her kitchen, her long ponytail swinging past her shoulder to settle in a curtain over the lapel of her suit jacket. Her tote bag hung from her grasp, nearly dragging the floor. “Dinner? It smells fabulous.”

Miles hurried to greet her with a light kiss on her soft lips. “Food will be ready in about fifteen minutes if you want to change out of your work clothes.”

Her smile made his nuts contract. “You guys are spoiling me.”

“Nope. We’re treating you the way a sweet woman should be treated.” Barrett rested his hand at Miles’s waist as he squeezed around him to press his lips to her cheek. He didn’t move away when she turned to leave, instead tightening his hold on Miles and pushing the stiff outline of his cock into Miles’s hip. As soon as she disappeared, he nipped at Miles’s earlobe. “I’m not sure who has me hornier—Rory in her business suit or you in tight blue jeans.”

His balls contracting, Miles fought the urge to shove Barrett against the counter and instigate a tongue war. “We’re not starting anything right now.”

The computer geek grinned. “Maybe not now, but later? Do you have any clue how bad I want to fuck you?”

Miles’s asshole clenched. Was it from anticipation or anxiety? From the pounding in his chest, he had to admit anticipation probably outpaced nerves. “Yeah, I think I do. Water’s boiling.”

Saved by the damn spaghetti.

Slipping out of Barrett’s grasp, Miles aimed for the living room, where they’d set up the poker table to eat a civilized meal. Four place settings waited for them, a fancy tablecloth covering the felt tabletop and a cloth napkin at each place. After a slight adjustment to the flowers in the centerpiece, he struck a match to light the candles. Flame leapt up from the wicks, bathing the wineglasses in a golden glow.

The apartment door clicked open, and Winston let out a breathy exhale as he entered the room. “Everything ready?”

Miles nodded. “Almost.”

Pulling a bottle of champagne from behind his back, Winston grinned. “Positive thinking.”

Hopefully, the celebratory bubbly wouldn’t jinx their plan.

“Rory’s probably about done changing clothes. You better put that in the refrigerator before she comes out and sees it.”

Winston sauntered into the kitchen, drawing Miles’s gaze to his khaki-clad butt and strong thighs. Why couldn’t they skip dinner and go straight to bed?

Because Rory needs to know this foursome isn’t only about sex.

“What’s with the frown?” Rory’s murmur behind him made his pulse jump. She snaked her arms around him, leaning against his back as she palmed his zipper. “I bet I know how to cheer you up.”

Covering her hands with his, he linked their fingers. “I have an important decision to make.”

“Anything the guys and I can help with?”

The warmth of her skin and her offer to listen confirmed what his heart had been telling him since Saturday night. “You just did.”

Winston strode into the living room carrying the bottle of cabernet Miles had gotten from the local winery on his lunch hour and a basket of bread. Barrett followed close behind with a large serving bowl.

Guiding Rory around him, Miles led her to the nearest chair. “Looks like we’re ready to eat.”

She sat, spreading her napkin on her lap. He might’ve missed the fidgeting with the edge of the cloth if he hadn’t been watching her. “Wow, this is really nice. What’s the occasion?”

Barrett took the seat to her left while Winston poured the wine. When he finally settled into the seat across the table from her, Barrett slid the dish of pasta a little closer to Rory. “We want to talk to you about something after we eat. Ladies first.”

Her smile faded a bit, and her shoulders slumped ever so slightly. She scooped about half a serving onto her plate and then returned the utensils to the bowl. “Oh. Okay. Thanks.”

She waited until the spaghetti and bread had been passed to each of them before she took a bite. “Kudos to the cook.”

With his fork twirled full with long strands, Barrett winked at her. “Thanks.”

Her wine disappeared with most of her dinner still uneaten. Every movement seemed stilted, and her silence worried Miles. What if she wasn’t ready for what they had in mind? Were they moving too quickly?

Winston stood to refill her glass. “Are you feeling okay, Rory? You’re awfully quiet tonight, and you haven’t eaten enough to keep a bird alive.”

What looked like a fake yawn accompanied her shrug. “Tired, I guess.”

Was that a hint that she’d prefer a night to herself? They’d spent almost every free minute together over the last three days and nights, and it had been heaven.

As soon as her glass was full, she downed another swallow. Wineglass in hand, she pushed her chair back from the table. “Look, I know what you want to talk about, and the answer is no.”

Miles’s stomach dropped to the floor, the food in his mouth losing all its flavor. How could she know? The plan had been laid out while she was downstairs in her office, so she couldn’t have overheard the discussion. He waited for her to give them a reason, but she drank more of the cabernet and crossed her arms in front of her.

Finally, she set down the glass. “I can’t believe the three of you contacted Mrs. Hartwell behind my back. If you wanted to sell out, the least you could’ve done was tell me instead of letting me hear it from your listing agent. Well, I’m not selling, and neither are you.”

What the hell?

Ah, shit.

Her accusation reminded Miles of his initial reaction to Barrett’s announcement that he intended to pursue her and Winston’s strange behavior after the poker party. He hadn’t given the idea of selling another thought until he’d walked in on Win and Barrett. Since Saturday, it hadn’t entered his mind. He should’ve e-mailed the real estate agent to tell her he was keeping the apartment and office.

Barrett pushed up from his seat. “Rory, I only considered it because Winston and Miles warned me not to even think about dating you the night of the poker game. Moving out seemed like a better option than having them try to sabotage my attempt to have a relationship with you. Everything’s changed now. I don’t want to sell, and I’m not taking no for an answer from you.”

“If you don’t want to sell, why would you expect me to?” Her eyebrows sank into a vee. Then she blinked and pursed her lips. “Unless the three of you…”

Unable to follow the confusing line of the conversation, Miles stood and motioned for Winston to join him. “Rory, are you sure you know what we wanted to talk about? Because I don’t think you do. Will you sit with us on the couch?”

She hesitated as if debating telling him she’d rather stand, and then she marched to the couch, plopping down and crossing her arms under her breasts. “Fine, talk.”

Win dropped down next to her, and Miles gestured for Barrett to take the other side. Settling on the coffee table, Miles rested a foot on either side of hers. Although her posture suggested irritation, her eyes were bright with unshed tears. Those tears had to mean she wanted more than only kinky sex, didn’t they?

Placing a hand on her knee, Miles waited for her to meet his gaze. “Yes, we each thought about selling, but circumstances have changed. Our plan is to remodel the four apartments into a place for the four of us. A master bedroom. A couple spare bedrooms. A big kitchen and dining room. Sleeping with you every night isn’t the same as living with you. Our clothes are still in our own apartments, and we leave every morning to get ready for work when we should be sharing breakfast with you. We want a committed relationship, Rory.”

A lone tear trickled down her cheek, and she brushed it away. “I don’t have to tie you to the bed to keep you from moving out?”

Winston held his wrists up as if ready to be shackled. “It couldn’t hurt. Actually, it sounds like a really good idea. Do you have any handcuffs or silk scarves in your stash of goodies?”

Chapter 11


A giggle bubbled up from Rory’s throat, as much from relief and elation as Winston’s uninhibited sense of humor—except he looked completely serious. “I might have something useful.”

He scrambled to his feet, grabbing her hand. “We can finish eating later.”

Barrett reached across her to grasp Winston’s arm. “We’re not going anywhere until she gives us an answer. I realize this is happening really fast, but we’re crazy about you, Rory. Will you help us redesign the second floor so we can live together?”

Almost everything about their relationship had changed overnight. The most important part had stayed the same, though.

They treat me with respect, and I trust them.

Only one aspect held her back.

She glanced between Miles and Barrett, unable to keep from wondering if they’d ever care for one another the way she cared for both of them. Pushing Miles into connecting with Barrett could backfire, but could she take the chance that they might never fall in love?

The attraction was there, and a little patience and some nurturing would go a long way to helping them grow closer. Besides, hadn’t she decided to put her foot down if they admitted they wanted to sell?

“No” wasn’t a possibility.

Leaning in, she kissed Barrett, then Winston, and finally Miles. “We’re going to need at least two master baths and four huge closets.”

Winston lifted her onto his lap. “A small closet will do for me. I don’t plan on wearing any clothes at home.”

She snorted a laugh, his comment summing up his easygoing attitude. “Works for me.”

Her other two men stood, Barrett leading the way to the bedroom. “Good thing he looks great naked.”

“You all do.” Hooking her arms around Winston’s neck, she nibbled his ear. “How did I get so lucky?”

“We’re the lucky ones.” He cradled her as he stood, his long stride helping them catch up to Miles and Barrett at the bedroom doorway. “I call caboose!”

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