The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: The Sextet Presents... Bound by Voodoo [Legends] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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A knock sounded on her front door, and she hurried to answer it. When she peeked through the peephole, all three men waited in the hall. They stood with their heads together as if plotting and planning a sexy-nerd takeover of the world. They’d already taken over her world without even trying.

After a fortifying breath, she opened the door. “Hi, guys. I hope you’re hungry.”

Turning as one, they smiled, sending her tummy somersaulting to her knees.

Winston stepped past her into the apartment. “Starving. I’m ready for the whole enchilada.”

“Me too.” Her new building mate edged by her to join Winston in the living room.

Bringing up the rear, Miles gestured for her to go in front of him. “I’ll get the door. Mm, smells delicious. Hot and spicy is just what I need.”

Rory aimed for the kitchen to keep from showing them how hot and spicy she wanted to get in the bedroom with them. The warmth that smacked her in the face as she eased the oven open didn’t begin to compare to the heat collecting between her thighs.

How am I going to survive another platonic night with three hunky men?

Setting the casserole dish on a trivet on the counter, she debated pretending she was sick to save herself embarrassment. She might manage to avoid doing something foolish, like asking her guests if they wanted to have an orgy, but she’d never make it through the evening without ducking into the bathroom for a quickie with her favorite vibrator.

“Need some help?”

She almost jumped out of her skin at Barrett’s voice near her shoulder. Somehow, he’d snuck up on her.

Pointing to the fridge, she tried to think of a task that would get him to move away from her before she lost control. “Um, drinks! Want to see what Miles and Winston—”

Her cell phone sang out the ringtone for forwarded calls from her office.


She grabbed it off the counter, checking the caller ID. Amy and Carl’s number lit up the screen. Tapping the Answer icon, she lifted the phone to her ear. “Hello. This is Dr. Bond.”

“Dr. Bond!” Panic tinged Amy’s exclamation. “Thank goodness you answered. I’m so sorry to bother you, but…but…Do you remember that book with all the different kinds of knots?”

Rory bit the inside of her cheek to stop a laugh from bubbling out. Her most enthusiastic clients had evidently decided to experiment before their next session.

“Anyway, everything was fine until I got my hand caught in the rope. And Carl, well, he’s tied to the bed, and we’re both naked. I thought about dialing nine-one-one, but then the guys from the fire station would all know we’re into kink, and they’d tease Carl when he goes to work tomorrow night. Can you help us?”

Life just gets better and better.

Forcing herself into professional mode, Rory swallowed her amusement. “Sure, I can be there in fifteen minutes.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! There’s a spare key taped to the underside of the rocker on the front porch.”

“Okay. I’ll get there as quick as I can.” Rory ended the call and waited for Barrett to close the refrigerator door. “I have to make an emergency house call. Go ahead and eat. I shouldn’t be gone more than forty minutes or so.”

Barrett gripped three beers between his fingers. “We’ll wait for you. Right, guys?”

Miles and Winston had moved to the entrance to the kitchen, and both nodded.

“Are you sure?” Snagging her keys and purse, Rory frowned. “You said you were starving.”

Stepping out of her way, Miles narrowed his eyes at her. “We’re not eating without you. Now, go so you can get back sooner. And be careful.”

Since they weren’t about to be convinced, she saluted Miles as she strode past them to slip on her running shoes. “Yes, sir. Winston, will you cover the dish with foil and put it back in the oven on warm please?”

Winston grinned. “I think that’s the first time we’ve ever won an argument with you. I guess all three of us have to take you on to come out on top.”

Her mind dove back into the gutter with his talk about taking on the three of them and being on top. Hurrying out the door, she held in a groan. “Back in a few.”


* * * *


The sight of Rory’s shapely ass in snug blue jeans had gone straight to Miles’s cock, especially when she called him “sir.” Her house call might’ve delayed the plan, but he could use an extra hour to fully wrap his brain around propositioning her about a foursome.

He was still a little pissed off at Winston for sucking Barrett’s dick—even if the long, curving appendage had drawn Miles’s attention the moment he’d walked into the room. Finding them naked on Win’s bed had nearly ripped his heart out of his chest. He and Winston technically hadn’t agreed to see only each other before the confrontation, but Miles hadn’t touched another man or woman during their liaisons. Now, they were in a committed relationship and inviting two more people to join them.

If I wasn’t so in love with Winston and Rory, I’d think I was a damn lunatic.

While he was attracted to Barrett, the idea of sharing Win and Rory with him triggered a twinge of jealousy. Did they have enough love to go around? Barrett hadn’t denied an attraction to him, but he hadn’t actually admitted it, either. The man still had one foot in the closet.

“Beer?” Holding out a bottle, Barrett broke the silence that had descended when Rory left.

Miles took the offered drink. “Thanks.”

Twisting off the cap from his bottle, Winston tipped up the cold brew. “Okay, you two, time to break the ice since we have to wait on our girl. Barrett, kiss Miles the way you kissed me, and Miles, rub your hand on Barrett’s cock. I know you want to touch it.”

“What’re you going to do? Sit and watch?” The suggestion that Win become the voyeur sent a jolt to Miles’s hard-on to go with the fidgeting nerves in his gut.

Winston laughed. “Yeah. And maybe jack off while Barrett fucks your ass.”

A drop of fluid leaked from his slit as Miles imagined having that beautiful erection sliding in and out of him. “What makes you think Barrett has the balls to kiss me, let alone fuck me?”

Unzipping his pants, Barrett whipped out his dick and furry testicles. “Got a pair right here. You want to touch?”

Used to leading sex with Winston, Miles was taken aback by Cunningham’s initiative. When he’d come out earlier, Barrett had demolished the closet he’d been hiding in, if his offer was any indication.

Curious as to how far he’d go, Miles set his beer on the coaster on the end table and dropped to his knees in front of Barrett. Miles tangled his fingers in the nest of pubic hair and gave a light pull. “You need a trim.”

“You’d rather blow me than let me screw you?” Barrett shrugged. “Fine. Come on. We’ll go see if Rory has some scissors in the bathroom. You can manscape me before you suck me.”

Miles wasn’t sure he liked the way Barrett turned the tables on him. He hadn’t expected a tug-of-war for control. Winston tended toward submissive, and Miles enjoyed being the boss with him—to the point of dominating. Could he give up power to Barrett for even a single encounter?

Getting to his feet, Miles grasped Barrett’s cock and led him to the master bathroom. Every movement made soft skin glide up and down the hard shaft, and Miles clenched his abs to hold his own response in check. No way was the newbie gaining complete control. “Pants down around the ankles and bend over toward the counter. Winston, position the wastebasket under him so we don’t make a mess on the rug.”

Both men followed his instructions, and Miles pulled open the drawers on the left one by one. Washcloths. Hand towels. Tampons. He only just resisted smoothing his palm across Barrett’s bare butt cheek as he rounded his quarry to check the rest of the drawers.

Starting at the bottom, he worked his way up. Hair paraphernalia. Makeup. “Jackpot.”

An electric trimmer lay amid an extensive collection of vibrators, dildos, and lubes. Imagining Rory playing with her toys made his dick twitch. Would she let them watch sometime—after they talked her into a sex party for four?

He gathered up the winding cord and trimmer, focusing on the task at hand. Near the back of the drawer, a creepy-looking doll half covered by a cloth bag caught his attention.

Winston reached past him to pick up the doll, catching the string meant to tie the bag shut. The sack fell on the floor, and three more dolls peeked out of the top. “What the hell is Rory doing with voodoo dolls? Aren’t they supposed to be for curses and stuff like that?”

Grabbing the pile at his feet, Barrett straightened. He laid the effigies in a row next to the sink, and the color drained from his face. “I had a roommate in college from the Louisiana Bayou. He told me all about voodoo. See the items pinned to each doll? That’s how you identify who the doll represents. The business card attached to that one is mine.”

“Voodoo?” Miles studied the almost anatomically correct dolls. “That’s my missing sock.”

Winston pointed to the middle doll. “I lost a button off one of my shirts a couple days ago. The three males were in the bag together. Do you suppose she’s been trying to influence us into having sex with each other? Not that I’m complaining.”

Barrett’s laugh echoed off the walls. “This is perfect. The targeted person shouldn’t know about the doll since he can cancel out whatever spell you use. She was hiding these from us, but now we can place a spell on her doll so she’ll accept all three of us. Watch.”

Opening the drawer with the combs, headbands, and colored elastic bands, he pulled out a band with a strand of long white-blonde hair tangled around it. He pinned it to the doll with full breasts and folds of cloth hidden in dried brown moss for a pussy. Next, he sandwiched her between the Barrett and Miles dolls, one cock aimed at her cunt and the other lined up with her ass. The third male doll, Winston, got her mouth.

“If this doesn’t work, nothing will.” Barrett carefully put the foursome in the drawer, adjusting their positions for the triple fuck. “You still want to give me a blow job, Miles? Or do you want to wait to see how things turn out when Rory gets back?”

Too turned on by the possibilities to think, Miles plugged in the trimmer. “Bend over again. Blow job or foursome, you still need a haircut.”

Barrett wiggled his ass as he resumed his stance, sending his balls wobbling and his erection swinging. “You have to kiss any nicks or cuts.”

With the wastebasket directly beneath Barrett’s dick, Miles knelt behind him, flipping on the trimmer. The buzzing almost drowned out Win’s chuckle.

Cupping Barrett’s scrotum, Miles held the handful forward and skimmed the razor along the strip of skin between the sac and the eye-level puckered asshole. A flurry of red-brown fuzz drifted downward. Another pass left the area clear of hair, and he squeezed one testicle tight inside its furry cover to remove more of the short, curly mat.

Barrett shuddered above him. “I might come from the vibrations.”

A hard kiss on the mouth from Winston made Barrett groan, and Miles was torn between horniness and jealousy. He cut the fuzz from the second ball and then zipped along one side of the rectum to remove the few stray curls. Not slowing down, he cleaned up the opposite side before moving around to the front.

The sight of Barrett’s erect cock was too tempting. Miles ran his tongue up the length, following the thick ridge to lick away the drop of fluid leaking from the slit before returning to shaving around the base. The job done, he switched off the trimmer and set it aside to concentrate on the tasty dick teasing him. Winston put the wastebasket back in its original place.

Taut skin covered the steel shaft, assuring Miles the new guy was as turned on as he was. He traced the outer rim of the smooth cap with his tongue and then took a return trip down to the now-hairless balls.

Winston stepped in back of Barrett, his feet and legs positioned directly behind him. “Looks like Miles made up his mind. How about if I help him get you off faster?”

Groaning, Barrett wiggled again. “There’s lube in the drawer. Put something in my ass.”

“I’ve created a monster.” Winston chuckled with his statement.

Releasing Barrett, Miles yanked open the drawer, grabbed a bottle of lube, and tossed it to Winston. “Fuck the man or I will, Win.”

With a thoughtful look over Cunningham’s shoulder, Winston hesitated. “Does that mean you want this tight virgin butt?”

Miles was torn. Did he want to blow a perfectly delectable dick or find the limit of his ability to dominate Barrett? Being on his knees put Miles in the submissive position.

Can I give up that power with the first encounter?

No, he couldn’t.

Licking the new drop of fluid from Barrett’s slit, Miles pushed to his feet. “I can’t pass up that opportunity. Any objection, Barrett?”

“You guys are killing me. I don’t give a damn who does what, but you better do it fast.”

Miles fumbled with the fastenings on his jeans and then jerked down them down to his knees. A generous squirt of lube had his erection ready to go in seconds. He slathered the rest along the crease of Barrett’s ass, circling his puckered hole several times before dipping inside.

His finger slid in knuckle deep with little resistance. “You like butt plugs?”

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