The Source Field Investigations (27 page)

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Popp then tested a variety of plant extracts to see if any of them could actually change the quality of light emissions from a human body—such as to potentially find a cure for the light-scrambling effects of cancer. Every substance he tried only seemed to make the problem worse, except for one: mistletoe. Indeed, one woman in Popp’s care was able to completely cure her cancer through the use of mistletoe extract.
Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp is not the only early pioneer whose work deserves a second look. Another classic breakthrough was Adamenko’s “phantom leaf effect” from 1975. In this case, Adamenko was studying Kirlian photography. All you do is put a leaf or other living thing on an electrified Kirlian plate, and you then see a beautiful aura that appears around it as a fuzzy electrical current. To Adamenko’s amazement, when he cut off the top of a living leaf and put it on the Kirlian plate, a phantom image of the missing piece would still appear for ten to fifteen seconds.
Many different groups have repeated this experiment around the world, and it was common to read about it in the 1970s pyramid power books.
Again, normal electromagnetic energy should not be able to do this—but the effect does fit in perfectly with our concept of a Source Field. Every living organism stores and releases photons inside its DNA, but you can remove the DNA, and the photons mysteriously still keep spiraling in that same area for up to thirty days. This is almost certainly what is causing the phantom leaf effect. It is therefore possible that if you left the leaf on the Kirlian plate for a longer period of time before you cut it, the phantom might also last longer—as that entire area has now built up a greater spiraling flow within the Source Field.
Genetic Restructuring and Healing
Just one year after the phantom leaf effect was discovered, Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev made a very significant breakthrough that takes us even farther down the “rabbit hole.” Kaznacheyev started out with two hermetically sealed cell cultures—and infected one of them with a disease. When he shined the light from the diseased cell culture into the healthy cell culture, the healthy cells mysteriously got infected with the disease.
Bear in mind that there was no possible way, through any known genetic process, that this could have happened. The only way this could have worked is if the DNA inside the healthy cells actually rearranged to form the DNA of the virus. The virus then cannibalized the cellular material around itself to form more viruses, as it normally would have done in its typical life cycle. We are seeing DNA and living tissue being rearranged by the genetic codes contained within coherent light.
Even more interestingly, when Kaznacheyev put a piece of glass in the way, the healthy cells did not get the disease. Glass, again, blocks infrared and ultraviolet light—so the genetic codes for the virus could not get through to the healthy cells. Of course, Gurwitsch used the same method to block the energy emerging from the tip of a growing onion. And if you put a pane of quartz in the way, in either Gurwitsch’s or Kaznacheyev’s experiments, the effect still works—and the key is that quartz allows infrared and ultraviolet to pass through.
How could a burst of coherent light completely transform the DNA molecule—and rearrange it from one life-form to another? Don’t forget that we are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic waves that are bursting with information. We have cell-phone conversations, satellite television and high-speed Internet access going on all around us—uploading and downloading untold gigabytes of information. Laser light is very coherent—meaning there is a great deal of structure within it. This makes it ideally suited to carry information—just like we already do with other electromagnetic waves, but much more efficiently in this case. Just one pulse of light may well contain the entire genetic code to build an organism. And based on Kaznacheyev’s landmark discovery, it appears that DNA is ready and waiting to be rearranged from one type of organism to another—if it receives the proper codes first. This will become much clearer, with multiple examples, as we go on.
After discovering the DNA Phantom Effect back in 1984, Dr. Peter Gariaev made additional discoveries in 2000 that have profound implications for human health. In this case, Gariaev started out by collecting seeds that had died of radiation poisoning from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Amazingly, by simply shining a non-burning laser light through healthy seeds of the same variety, and redirecting that light into the dead seeds, the radiated seeds miraculously recovered—and were completely healed. They could now grow into fully healthy adult plants.
This excited Gariaev greatly, so he decided to try a similar experiment on lab rats. In this case, he gave them a lethal dose of a toxin called alloxan. Typically, this toxin destroys the pancreas, an organ that creates insulin in the body to regulate blood sugar—and the rat dies within four to six days from Type 1 diabetes. Gariaev removed the pancreas and spleen from a healthy rat, shined a laser beam through it, and redirected that light into a rat that had been poisoned with alloxan. Amazingly, even though this experiment was repeated many times, involving three different research groups in 2000, 2001 and 2005, nearly 90 percent of all the rats who received this treatment experienced a full recovery. Their pancreas regrew, their blood sugar normalized, and within only twelve days, they were good as new.
What’s even more fantastic is that Gariaev was able to send the light from the healthy pancreas across a distance of twenty kilometers, using non-locality (no cables or wires required) and the healing effect still worked just as well.
As I’m sure you’re starting to see, these healing results are equally as miraculous as what we saw from the Russian pyramids—and they are taking place without the use of pyramid technology. In 2005, Gariaev reported that “by the same means, we have significantly curbed the aging process in human cells, and even grown new adult human teeth in individuals who had lost them.”
I contacted Dr. Gariaev to get more information. As some of his technical papers reveal, all of which are still in Russian at this time, this was an accident that happened while he was treating an elderly woman for diabetes. Specifically, he was trying to regrow a healthy new pancreas for her by energizing the blood of her ten-year-old grandson—and beaming in the proper healing frequencies. In Gariaev’s model, a child’s DNA still has the parents’ and grandparents’ energy signature in it—but in a healthier, younger configuration. This process involves the use of a specially modified, wide-spectrum red laser. Most of the details are still in Russian, but can be found at Gariaev’s official Web site,
This woman only had one tooth left in the front of her mouth. After two weeks of treatment, she started experiencing pain and swelling in her jaw. Bumps appeared in her mouth and three new teeth cut through the skin—all of which were wisdom teeth in the back. This forced her dentist to completely redo both her top and bottom denture plates to account for the new growth. Gariaev also sent me an X-ray diagram of what happened, but did not have a “before” photograph available for comparison. Sadly, before Gariaev could repeat the experiment with others, Bauman’s State University in Moscow declared it “pseudoscience,” terminated the experiment and fired him. Some might consider this to be a fatal indictment of Gariaev’s credibility as a scientist, but this is not uncommon. Many, if not most of the scientists who make discoveries like this end up being scorned, ridiculed, feared and attacked. So many different scientists have independently discovered the same things that it is very unlikely we are dealing with hoaxes or pseudoscience at all. Indeed, the evidence is clear that this is a medical revolution waiting to happen. Given the results of the pancreas study, a single organ donor could now regrow hundreds of organs for other human beings . . . and in rats, the entire process only took twelve days.
Another Russian scientist named Budakovski proved that we may not even need the donor organs at all. Budakovski started out by taking a holographic image of a healthy raspberry plant with a red laser. He then shined the hologram into a raspberry tumor, known as a “callus.” Normally we consider tumors to be useless tissue that we should surgically remove and throw away—but the holographic light completely transformed the tumor back into a healthy raspberry plant.
This proves that once you have the energy signature you need—the information—you will get results. No living tissue is required to supply the original code—you just need the code itself, which can manifest in coherent light. In this case, the holographic image captured the wave information that told the tissue in the tumor how to regrow into a healthy plant.
One of the single most significant and revealing breakthroughs was discovered by Dr. A. B. Burlakov, another Russian scientist. Remember Popp’s discovery that fleas, fish and other organisms are all absorbing light from each other? Burlakov put growing fish eggs next to each other, so light could pass between them—even though they were hermetically sealed. Here’s the amazing part: if he put older, more mature eggs in front of younger eggs that were just getting started, the older eggs apparently sucked the life force out of the younger eggs. The older eggs grew stronger and faster, and the younger eggs withered, experienced deformities, and had significantly higher death rates. Burlakov noticed that mother fish were careful to never lay their eggs next to other fish eggs, and this seemed to explain why. On the other hand, if Burlakov put a slightly younger egg next to a slightly older egg, the younger egg would absorb life-giving energy from the older egg. Its growth and development would actually speed up until it was at the same level as the others.
I spent years trying to find a scientific study featuring data like what Burlakov discovered, because so many other breakthroughs seemed to be leading us in this direction. Everyone has experienced being around people who are an energy drain, and some even call them psychic energy vampires—though that is an awfully harsh and disrespectful term.
It is easy to overreact once you are equipped with this knowledge, and accuse others of stealing your energy. However, this doesn’t necessarily serve you well in the spiritual sense, because it reinforces the idea that your energy is a finite thing that can be taken from you. I believe the truth is that there is limitless energy in the Source Field—and if you do start to feel drained, you can replenish yourself by moving into a state of coherence. The loving space, coming from the heart, keeping your mind quiet and peaceful, all appear to actively rejuvenate your batteries in a very short time. A handy visualization that works for me is to think of our energetic duplicate, or aura, as being similar to a balloon filled with water. The size of the balloon can increase and decrease depending upon how much energy you have stored within you. We cannot directly measure the size or shape of this balloon with any instruments currently available, but with Burlakov’s fish-egg study, we see the negative side of all this—where the strong can absorb Source Field energy directly out of the weak.
This may also be happening in pack animals that cluster around an alpha male for strength, guidance and protection. Popp found out that when we are under stress, we release a great deal of the light that is stored within our DNA. Some of it appears to be going to heal our cells, but perhaps that’s not all it does. In Backster’s experiments, the stress and death of living organisms sent out a wide-ranging signal that was available to plants, bacteria, eggs and other life-forms in the area. Nature may therefore have a built-in system where the herd automatically releases their energy when they are feeling stress and fear. Then, by looking up to their leader, their alpha male, they send their energy directly to him—just like in Dr. Glen Rein’s study where the DNA samples did not get energized unless we wanted them to be. It could very well be that this is a natural survival mechanism where the herd sends their collective, combined Source Field energy to their leader, so he will be stronger, faster and more effective in battle to protect them. This may also explain why sports teams seem to consistently perform better in their home stadium rather than in their competitors’ arenas. Granted, some of it is obviously caused by the fact that they know their own playing field better, and they are inspired by the sound of the crowd—but there may also be an energetic component as well that we just haven’t acknowledged yet.
With Burlakov’s discovery, we have solid evidence that this exchanging of energy is going on all the time. It is also interesting that healing effects occurred where the stronger eggs helped the weaker eggs—if they were fairly close in their level of development. It seems that if a mother fish lays some eggs, and some of them have minor birth defects that slightly slow down their rate of growth, Nature has a corrective mechanism that uses the energy from the other eggs to bring them up to speed. However, if the egg is significantly less developed than its neighbors, perhaps it’s considered to be too far gone—and it’s own life force is then absorbed for the benefit of the older, stronger eggs. Since Burlakov was also aware of Gurwitsch’s work, he tried putting a piece of glass between the two sets of eggs—and once again, by shielding off infrared and ultraviolet light, the effect completely stopped. As expected, it worked perfectly if he used a piece of quartz instead.
Burlakov also found that by using different wavelengths of light and polarizing lenses, he could create freak abnormalities—such as multiple heads and multiple hearts. If he then reintroduced the normal wavelengths, these abnormalities disappeared—and the fish larvae would revert back to their usual pattern, showing no signs of ever having been mutants.
This creates significant trouble for the Darwinian model of evolution, which is all based on mutation—but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

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