The Source Field Investigations (28 page)

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According to Russian researcher Dr. Alex Kaivarainen, both bacteria and insects have been observed to experience remarkable healings by simply being close to other members of their own species who were healthy. Parsons and Heal poisoned bacteria with antibiotics in 2002, and found that they recovered if they were near other bacteria that were healthy. Agadjanian got the same results in 2003 with insects.
It certainly pays to have healthy friends. Think about how people who are dying tend to reach out with both hands to touch someone who comes up to speak with them. It may very well be that a two-handed touch enhances the absorption of the Source Field.
Is it possible that human beings can send energy to bacteria, plants, animals and other humans, and help improve their health in some way? This is exactly what Dr. Daniel Benor discovered after analyzing a total of 191 different controlled studies of spiritual healing. Amazingly, 64 percent of these studies showed statistically significant effects—including studies where the healing work was performed over substantial distances.
Let’s not forget that 36 percent of the studies did not appear to show any healing effect—so what you usually see in the mainstream media is an article that discusses one of the experiments that failed, and then concludes that we have “scientific proof” these effects do not and cannot work. This is simply not the case.
Alexandra David-Neel visited Tibet in the 1920s, and wrote up her stunning observations in the 1931 classic
With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet.
Among many fascinating things she witnessed firsthand, some of which we will discuss later, the Tibetan monks explained to her that all of their mystical abilities came from being able to harness waves of energy—through meditation.
The secret of the psychic training . . . consists in developing a power of concentration of mind greatly surpassing even that of men who are, by nature, the most gifted in this respect. Mystic masters affirm that by the means of such concentration of mind, waves of energy are produced which can be used in different ways. . . . That energy, they believe, is produced every time that a physical or mental action takes place.
So, as we make our own thoughts more coherent, we may increase our ability to access the Source Field—and determine how and where it flows. This is a very important point, as it helps explain why so many ancient spiritual traditions place significant importance upon meditation. Let’s again go back to our seven thousand people meditating, and reducing all terrorism in the world by 72 percent. It appears they are doing this by creating coherence in the Source Field. This in turn affects everyone else’s minds directly, since we all share consciousness with each other in a measurable sense—and this is truly a fascinating new way of looking at ourselves and the world.
In Kaznacheyev’s stunning discovery, healthy cells picked up the genetic code of a virus from diseased cells—through nothing more than the information structure of disease that he transmitted into them. This strongly suggests that DNA is not fixed in one configuration, but the code can actually be transformed from one life-form to another on a strictly energetic basis. This fascinating discovery opens the door to a whole new investigation of one of the greatest scientific mysteries of all: the evolution of species. Is this truly a random process, as most Darwinian scientists insist, or is something else going on? Believe me, I’m definitely not a creationist who thinks every word of the Bible is literally true, and that nothing on earth is over seven thousand years old. Nonetheless, it is ridiculous for the mainstream media to polarize the discussion between “science” on the one hand—a model that is more than one hundred years old, and fraught with problems we will soon explore—and “religion” on the other. The evidence we’ve already looked at suggests that the codes for life may exist in the Source Field itself. This information then flows into our own reality through ultraviolet light—not unlike how visual information may be flowing into the pineal gland through a stargate-like silver cord tethered to our energetic duplicate body. In the next chapter, we will explore new data on species evolution and find out if we have any proof of these radical new ideas.
Energetically Driven Evolution
he Great Pyramid appears to be one of many ways that our ancient ancestors gave us a prophecy of a coming Golden Age, which reaches a key turning point in and around the year 2012. The pyramid structure itself appears to be part of the message. When Russian scientists built pyramids out of PVC pipe and fiberglass, with no metal, they found a variety of remarkable effects. The scope of these discoveries is stunning—and it forces us to completely reexamine everything we think we know about science and physics. Cancer, rather than being some mysterious and awful problem, can now be traced back to a loss of coherence in the light we store in our bodies—as all carcinogens end up scrambling light at a 380-nanometer frequency. Within the pyramid, cancer-causing chemicals quickly become nontoxic—as if their molecular structure were rearranged in a way that supports life, rather than damaging it. Similarly, any geological and meteorological problems that threaten human life are remarkably reduced simply by building pyramids.
Once we begin looking for pyramid power–type effects on a scientific level, within biological systems, we find fantastic new discoveries. This includes the fact that we do appear to have the power to heal others with nothing more than our own thoughts, perhaps by visiting them directly with our energetic duplicate body and releasing photons containing healing codes—and ancient cultures were apparently well aware of this. We also found out that the DNA molecule leaves behind a phantom that absorbs light from its environment, almost like a miniature black hole, and holds it in place for up to thirty days—even once the molecule itself is taken away. This raises a very important question: Which came first—the DNA or the phantom? Is it possible that the phantom actually comes first?
Gariaev already proved that the DNA Phantom can absorb photons of light, and hold them in place. Could the DNA Phantom be strong enough to do the same thing with atoms and molecules? We do have some interesting clues. In 2008, Dr. Sergey Leikin put various types of DNA in ordinary salt water—with no proteins or material that could help them communicate with each other. Each type of DNA was tagged with a different fluorescent compound. Surprisingly, the DNA molecules that were identical to each other were then mysteriously drawn together—displaying a “telepathy-like quality.” Specifically, matching DNA molecules were roughly twice as likely to gather together than molecules with different genetic sequences. Leikin believes this is merely caused by electrical charges, but the important point is that it works.
Further experiments may well prove that the Source Field is doing this—and assembles DNA out of tiny atoms and molecules that have not yet formed even basic amino acids.
In 2007, a team of scientists from Russia, Germany and Australia, led by Dr. V. N. Tsytovich, discovered that ordinary dust arranged into DNA-like structures when suspended in a plasma of charged particles—similar to the conditions we find in outer space. A computer model was built to reproduce this environment, and no order or structure was expected—but the dust naturally formed into corkscrew-shaped helical structures. These DNA-like structures were attracted to each other. They would divide and form two equal copies of the original, similar to the process of reproduction. They would change the structure of their neighbors simply by being nearby them. They also evolved into increasingly complex structures as the simulation continued. According to Tsytovich, “These complex, self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter . . . they are autonomous, they reproduce and they evolve.”
Furthermore, in 2006, UCLA professor of astronomy Dr. Mark Morris announced the stunning discovery of a DNA-shaped double helix nebula near the center of our galaxy: “We see two intertwining strands wrapped around each other as in a DNA molecule. . . . Nobody has ever seen anything like that before in the cosmic realm. . . . What we see indicates a high degree of order.”
NASA image of a nebula near the center of the Milky Way galaxy that is curiously similar to a DNA molecule in shape—first noticed by Dr. Mark Morris.
Just as this book was in final edits, in January 2011, a Nobel Prize–winning biologist announced that he had transferred a piece of bacterial DNA into a sealed test tube with nothing more than water inside. The water in the test tube rearranged into an exact duplicate of the DNA, which was floating in another sealed test tube next to it. In order for this to work, the original DNA sample needed to be greatly diluted, and a weak electromagnetic field of seven hertz had to be applied. After eighteen hours, some of the water molecules in the sealed tube transformed into perfect DNA molecules. John Dunn wrote about the implications of Dr. Luc Montagnier’s discovery in
What does all of this mean? It could be that the propagation of life is able to make use of the quantum nature of reality to project itself in subtle ways, as has been hinted at in previous experiments. Alternatively, it could be that life itself is a complex projection of these quantum phenomena and utterly depends on them in ways not yet understood because they are incredibly hard to detect. . . . Water might be a good medium in which DNA can copy itself using processes that hint at quantum entanglement and “teleportation” (our term).
DNA may well be created by a quantum template that we can’t even see or measure directly, but exists as a structure in the Source Field—and is written into the basic laws that govern matter and energy. Could this energetic structure gather photons, atoms and molecules together—to spiral life as we know it into existence? The answers may very well be staring us in the face, as Montagnier just discovered—but most scientists do not want to go there. Ever since the Reformation, there has been an unspoken deal between scientists and the Church—“You deal with the spirit and we’ll deal with the facts, which of course is that life is an accident, and there is no higher purpose or intelligence to the Universe.” Nonetheless, this is as much of a blind, religious belief as anything else. I personally believe in evidence. So let’s see what we can find.
The Evolution of Life on Earth
No matter where we look on earth, we find bacteria. As reported in
Scientific American,
a wide variety of microorganisms were found in core samples taken from 500 meters below the Savannah River. Even at core samples from 1.7 miles below the earth’s surface (2.8 kilometers), living bacteria are still being found. In normal topsoil you can find over one billion bacteria in a single gram of dirt, but even in rock samples from 400 meters down into the earth’s crust, you can find anywhere between one hundred and ten million bacteria. Over nine thousand different types of microorganisms have been found in these subsurface areas, and some of them were found in temperatures as high as 167 degrees Fahrenheit (75 degrees C).
You may also think that Darwinian evolution is scientific, but consider this—once you’ve got microbes, the vast majority of all the magic that needs to happen in order to create life has already taken place. You have DNA, protein synthesis, respiration, movement, awareness—as well as all the magical photon-capturing properties we’ve been exploring here. Our earth is only four billion years old, and it very likely started out as a molten rock. Things didn’t cool down enough for oceans to form until 3.8 billion years ago, but even at this time, rock samples have been found that contain all the basic isotopes plants create from photosynthesis.
Even better, a primitive, yeastlike organism has also been found in 3.8 billion-year-old rocks.
That means that as soon as the earth had water, life essentially appeared instantaneously.
Once we reach 3.5 billion years ago, we find many more fossilized microbes in rocks that were not melted by volcanic activity. According to Dr. Johnjoe McFadden, “The world is just not big enough to evolve life if it relied entirely on chance. . . . These fossil microbes look like organisms alive today, and are likely to have been just as complex. Life may be improbable, but it was quick.”
Just to prove how ridiculous the odds really are, an MIT biologist calculated how likely it is that even one protein with a hundred amino acids could form by random mutation—and it came out to one chance out of a number with sixty-five zeroes.
A 2008 article in
magazine revealed new discoveries that bacteria can live in the earth’s most inhospitable areas—including the smoldering heat inside volcanoes and nuclear reactors, and the freezing cold temperatures deep within the Antarctic ice. In fact, Antarctic bacteria were able to be thawed out and brought back to life after ten million years. The article also says that microbes can survive the shock of being launched into space, and amino acids—the precursors to all biological life—have been found in the dust from comet 81P/Wild 2.
Another recent study from the Imperial College of London found uracil and xanthine, the precursors to DNA, in fragments from a meteorite that crashed in Australia in 1969.
In January 2011, the Geological Society of America announced that living bacteria were found floating in fluid that was trapped inside salt crystals for 34,000 years. They were shrunken and small, and appeared to be in a hibernation-type state. It took them about two and a half months to wake up and begin reproducing normally. “We’re not sure what’s going on,” Professor Tim Lowenstein said. “They need to be able to repair DNA, because DNA degrades with time.”

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