The Source Field Investigations (36 page)

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Over the years, Dr. Nelson used three different kinds of random-number generators that are either based on “thermal noise”—the natural rise and fall of temperature within an electrical circuit—or “electron tunneling,” which is the flow of electrons through tiny pathways, such as what we find in a computer chip. The circuits were carefully shielded off so they could not be influenced by external electromagnetic fields or temperature changes, and he also insured that the aging of the components could not be a factor either. According to Nelson, “Over more than a decade, this basic experiment yielded an enormous database—with a bottom line indicating a small but significant effect of human intention on [these] random data sequences.”
To put it plainly, Nelson found that ordinary people like you and me, particularly in larger groups, could actually change the numbers that came out of the computers—and create “patterns in chaos.”
As Nelson said in a 2008 paper,
For example, we took the REG [Random Event Generator], connected to a laptop or palmtop computer, to concerts, rituals, religious ceremonies, sporting events, board meetings, and various other events that might create a state of “group consciousness” . . . over several years we accumulated more than 100 datasets from “resonant” situations, and a smaller but substantial number of “mundane” locations [such as shopping centers, busy street corners and academic meetings]. . . . In a nutshell . . . the largest or most reliable effects seem to involve ritual, or some other influence that is designed to bring people to a shared state of mind.
A Global Consciousness
In 1995, two different random-number generators, twelve miles apart, showed a measurable change during the exact time that millions of people were watching the Academy Awards on television.
Dr. Dean Radin found strong spikes at the most critical moments of the O. J. Simpson trial in 1997, across five different REGs in five separate locations—and this was one of the most highly watched events in television history.
During Princess Diana’s funeral in 1998, twelve different REGs in the United States and Europe also showed “statistically significant departures” from the normal levels “at the most critical or poignant times.”
In late 1997, they began building a worldwide network that could run twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to look for these patterns. All this data was transferred by the Internet to a central location at Princeton University where it could be analyzed. By the year 2001, the Global Consciousness Project had expanded to the point where there were thirty-seven computers around the world generating these numbers, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Right as 9/11 started happening, and the news began spreading across the world, they got results.
We find that over a period of 3 months, one date is associated with a statistical anomaly: September 11, 2001. On this date, the time range appearing most often [among the 37 computers] is 6 AM—10 AM, peaking around 9:00—10:00 AM, and the location primarily the East Coast of the USA.
Indeed, the closer the computers were to New York, the stronger the effect. A score this high would only occur about once in a million seconds by random chance alone, which is roughly a two-week period. According to Dr. Dean Radin in 2001, “These effects are the most strikingly persuasive evidence I’ve seen so far that mass-mind attention/intention affects the physical world—perhaps because this event has also been the most horrific.”
The Global Consciousness Project discovered that random-number generators display curious patterns of order that emerge during major, worldwide events.
Science is about prediction. You can’t just sit there and wait for things to happen, and then analyze them afterward. In this case, when a major event is coming up in the world, you write down what you expect will happen in advance, and then see if your prediction comes true. As of 2008, Nelson reported that they had picked out “over 250 rigorously vetted, pre-specified events” ahead of time, so they could indeed predict whether something might happen—rather than just looking for “spikes in the data” like 9/11, and analyzing them afterward. These 250 events included “tragedies and celebrations, natural and human caused disasters, [and] planned and spontaneous gatherings of great numbers.” In each of these 250 cases, a noticeable worldwide effect occurred—creating what they called “moments of global consciousness.” The odds that all 250 of these events could have been caused by something other than our collective consciousness were calculated at ten million to one.
Let’s go back to September 11, 2001—the most striking effect they had ever observed at the time. If thirty-seven different computers all over the world recorded a noticeable change that peaked between nine and ten A.M., then that implies that every power line, every electrical circuit worldwide was experiencing a hiccup during this time—somehow caused by our global unrest. Now we’re right back to Shnoll’s effects again—except that this time, we are causing the same things to happen by our own collective consciousness.
If the combined power of our thoughts can create measurable effects in random-number generators all over the world, creating flickers in the flow of electricity, what about the earth’s magnetic field? Geologist Gregg Braden revealed these effects in his book
Fractal Time.
In September 2001, two geosynchronous operational environmental satellites (GOES) orbiting the earth detected a rise in the magnetic field of the earth that forever changed the way scientists view our world and us. The GOES 8 and GOES 10 each showed a powerful spike of earth’s magnetic field strength . . . that topped out at nearly 50 units (nano-Teslas) higher than any that had been typical for the same time previously. The time was 9:00 A.M. Eastern standard time; 15 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center and about 15 minutes before the second impact. The correlation between the events and the readings was undeniable.
On September 14, 2001, there was a worldwide prayer for peace that involved many beloved public figures, and was broadcast on all major television stations around the world. Millions and millions of people participated in this global meditation. Amazingly, during this exact time, the graphs showed a huge effect in the opposite direction from where they went in 9/11.
On the 14th of September, there was a special emphasis on such collective spiritual moments, including major organized periods of silence in Europe and America. . . . The picture is compelling . . . the trend shows a marginally significant decrease . . . steadily opposite to the [usual] direction.
This clearly implies that we can push the flow in both directions—either into more chaos and flickering in the case of a great tragedy, or greater coherence in the case of a worldwide prayer vigil for peace. When we are at peace, the randomness of the computer circuits becomes even more perfect—perhaps because the flow of electricity is much smoother and more coherent than usual. These effects are completely consistent with the Source Field data we’ve discovered in previous chapters, including the Russian pyramid studies.
When Obama won the 2008 presidential election, the electrical effects were at least as strong as 9/11—if not stronger: “The figure speaks for itself . . . it appears that the election shows at least as strong an effect as the terror attacks.”
When Obama was inaugurated, millions of people focused their attention on thoughts of peace—and once again, the graphs decreased substantially, just like they did in the worldwide peace meditation of September 14, 2001.
The result is graphically quite striking, with no trend for the first 4 hours of the period, then a very steady trend showing smaller than expected network variance [i.e., network change] for about 12 hours. . . . [These decreases in] network variance [are] often associated with occasions that are meditative and celebratory.
Dr. Nelson made formal predictions for seventeen different global meditations and found a “strong positive effect,” saying that “overall, the odds against such a persistent departure from expectation are about 300 to 1.”
Brian Williams later added in an additional thirty-nine global meditations to the original body of data they were studying, and although the effect was somewhat smaller, it was still there: “the result remains consistent with the hypothesis of a positive significant effect.”
My friend Dr. Claude Swanson, an MIT graduate and former applied-physics consultant for a variety of government, military and private corporations, summed it up very nicely in his excellent book
The Synchronized Universe.
Our Western culture has taught us that thoughts don’t matter. If each one of us goes around each day carrying anger and resentment, the Western belief is that it has no direct effect on the world. As long as we refrain from overt violent actions, the present belief is that no harm will be done to others. But in view of the present evidence, this can no longer be maintained. We are truly tied to one another, and even our thoughts affect one another. James Twyman has led several worldwide synchronized group prayers for peace. Those prayers had measurable effects, and even altered the physics of the quantum background and the level of chaos worldwide for a time [as discovered in the Global Consciousness Project.] . . . He observes the following: “. . . conflict in the world is the result of conflict within us. We project that feeling into the world because we are not ready to accept that we are the cause, and therefore the solution, to that conflict. Thus wars have raged in the world since the beginning of time, because we are not ready to deal with the conflict where it really is—within us.”
The Gravity of the Source Field
n life, afterlife and reincarnation, we have a continuing consciousness that is unified with the greater Mind of this Cosmos. Pyramid technology appears to have been built to concentrate this intelligent Source Field energy for biological, psychological and even spiritual healing. Thanks to the Global Consciousness Project, we now have compelling evidence that our own minds can also create a direct, measurable effect on how electricity flows throughout wires, components and computer chips all over the world. It appears that in moments of great tragedy, or times when many of us focus on the same event, our minds create worldwide hiccups in the flow of energy. Our thoughts do seem to create an energy that directly affects the behavior of others.
Einstein was ultimately looking for a unified field that he could build the entire Universe from—all space, all time, all matter, all energy, all life, and of course all of consciousness. In the famous “E equals mc squared” equation, you have Energy on one side and Matter on the other—which means that Matter must ultimately be made of Energy. Einstein hoped to prove that electromagnetic energy was the unified field—which would mean that the flow of time, as well as gravity, was an electromagnetic effect. He was never able to prove this was true—nor has anyone else since then. Einstein did, however, acknowledge that there had to be an energy in empty space that could make time speed up or slow down—depending on how fast you moved through it. Indeed, many scientists are looking for the unified field, and they have created a variety of different names for it: zero-point energy, virtual particles, quantum foam, dark matter, dark energy, and others. If anyone does solve the puzzle, the payoff is huge—as once you understand how to access the unified field, you could theoretically control gravity and time. The Source Field we’ve already talked about seems to fit these concepts perfectly—we just have to learn to think in an entirely new and unexpected way.
If there is a unified field—and most physicists are convinced there must be—it would automatically, by design, be responsible for creating all matter in the Universe. We’re not just looking at an energy that drives the flow of time—we’re looking at the Source of all space, time, matter, energy and life in the Universe. It does not appear that the Source Field created the Universe in a single, spontaneous Big Bang, in which all atoms then keep on running for infinity—with no new energy input. By design, the Source Field is actively responsible for keeping matter going—moment by moment.
Scientists normally assume that atoms and molecules will just keep on spinning and spinning forever, without ever running out of energy. Dr. Hal Puthoff
suggested they must be drawing off of an energy field in order to exist—just like a candle flame must burn oxygen and wax in order to stay lit. Since most single atoms are nice, round spheres, the Source Field will flow into atoms equally from all directions. The flow into the earth would obviously behave the same way. We would see a spherical current of Source Field energy flowing into it, moment by moment, to keep all the countless atoms and molecules that make up the earth humming along. The Source Field also needs to flow into all living creatures on earth. We now have seen very strong evidence that all life-forms on earth must continually absorb photons of light, and store them in their DNA in order to survive. The Source Field apparently creates these virtual photons when there is rotating, vortex movement within the field itself. For biological life, the most important frequency is 380 nanometers. If this frequency gets scrambled, our DNA can’t absorb and store the light it needs—and we develop cancer.

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