The Spanish Armada (60 page)

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Reuocation of sundrie her Maiesties subiects remaining beyond the Seas under colour of studie, and yet liuing contrarie to the Lawes of God and of the Realm. And also
against the reteyning of Jesuits and Massing Priestes, sources of sedition and other treasonable attempts,
Greenwich, 10 January 1581 (London, Christopher Barker, 1581).
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The effect of certain branches of the Statute made in Anno. XXXIII Henry. VIII touching the maintenance of Artyllery and the punishment of such as vse vunlawfull games, very
necessary to be put into execution
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The Queenes most excellent Maiestie, being minded in this daungerous time to intertain a certain number of captaines and souldiers for the garding of her royall person under
the government and lieutenancy of the Right Hon. Lord Chamberlain . . . by this proclamation straightly to charge and command that all and every person and persons . .. do observe and keep such
rates and prices for all kinds of victuals, horsemeate, lodging and other necessaries . . .
St James’, 17 August 1588 (London, deputies of Christopher Barker, 1588).
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The Queenes Maiestie being given to vnderstand that diuers souldiers vpon the dissoluing of the campe at Tilberie in the countie of Essex have in the way homeward sold diuerse
their armors and weapons which have been delivered vnto them by the officers of those Counties where they have been levied . . . and besides the sale of the said armor and weapons have most falsely
and slanderously given out that they were compelled to make sale of them for that they received no pay which is most vntruely reported,
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Christopher Barker, 1588). (
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By the Queenes commaundment forasmuch as it is found by good proofe that many persons which haue serued of late on the seas in the iourney towards Spayne and Portingall, in coming from
Plymouth and other portes . . . have fallen sick by the way and diuers died as infected with the plague . . .,
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