The Spanish Outlaw

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: The Spanish Outlaw
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The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.



The Spanish Outlaw

Copyright © 2013 by Marie Higgins

Cover Design by Sheri



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Other stories from Marie Higgins

“Waiting for You” – Paranormal / Time-travel Romance -

“Love Lost in Time” – Time-travel Victorian Romance -

“Becoming a Lady” – Regency Romance -

“Dreaming of You” – Romantic Comedy -

“In the Arms of Danger” – Romantic Suspense  -

“Crazy For You” – Romantic Comedy -


Christian Historical Series

“A Walk In Heaven” – (book 1) -

“Touching Heaven” – (book 2) -

“Reaching Heaven” (book 3 not out yet)


Regency Romance Series

“The Sweetest Kiss” – (book 1) -

“The Sweetest Touch” – (book 2) -

“The Sweetest Love” – (book 3) -

“The Sweetest Secret” – (not out yet)


Victorian Romance Series

“Love Me Always” – (book 1) -

“Charmed By Knight” – (book 2) -

“True Love’s Deception” – (book 3) -

“Belong To Me” – (book 4) -

“Love Comes Blindly” – (book 5) -


Colonial Romance Series

“Take My Heart” – (book 1) -

“Falling in Love Again” – (book 2) -

“Wonderland by Night” – (book 3) -

Ladies' man Anton Romero is smitten with Vivian Wentworth from the very beginning. He wants nothing more than to get to know the stiff Miss Wentworth—and perhaps make her relax so she’s not so uptight—until he learns she's investigating him for a crime he didn't commit.

Innocent and naïve, Vivian is convinced
that Anton is the outlaw her superiors have painted him. But her over-zealous determination puts both of them in danger and he is forced to play the honorable rogue.

Sweeping her away to Padre Island off the coast of Spain seemed like a clever idea at the time. But how can he protect them both from his uncle's murderous games when Anton's heart
falls victim to a woman as full of independence as she is desire.



I want to thank my readers who continue to support me.
Thanks to Veronica Mesia for helping me edit this story.

I would also love to dedicate my story to a great entertainer. If not for him, I would have not created a story about a man with
Spanish Eyes
. Engelbert Humperdinck is an awesome singer and has been my inspiration for many more books to come.

Chapter One


New York City, 1879


A furry brown rat
crept toward Vivian Wentworth as she stood in the alleyway. Afraid to make a noise, she held her breath and flattened against the wall of the building. Her main purpose was to keep herself hidden right now, but if that blasted creature came any closer, she feared she’d scream and bring attention to herself.

Her heart beat faster, loud enough to wake the dead. Pushing herself against the wall, she waited for the rat’s next move. Her mission tonight was not about the threatening animal in front of her, but a different kind of rat.
A robust and handsome Spanish rat. The one at the soirée across the street.

She glared at the vermin on the ground as it took another step her way. Beady eyes fixed upon her with menacing intent. With one quick motion, it jumped and landed on her silk gown. Hissing, she shook her petticoats. The beast flew through the air and landed yards away, then turned and scurried away.

Beside Vivian, her companion erupted into a fit of soft giggles. Elbowing her partner, Vivian scowled and jutted her chin. Margaret Brown would have acted the same way if the rodent had attacked her instead.

peered around the corner from her hiding place to the two-story Victorian mansion across the street to see if they had been exposed. Shadows played in the corridor as laughter floated from the opened windows. She waited for the right moment she and Margaret could sneak inside.

A tall man strolled from the mansion to the front step and looked across the yard. In lithe movements, he walked away from the building a
nd stopped beneath a hanging Chinese lantern. The light sharpened his black hair and olive tinted skin into chiseled perfection. Vivian’s heart raced even faster than before.

It’s him!
The other rat she’d been waiting for.

She pressed herself against the rough side of the building. When she thought about catching the thief, a grin tugged at her mouth and determination surged through her.  She couldn’t think of
any other way to talk with the accused on a personal level without drawing undue attention to her profession.

She dared another peek around the corner. Her object of interest
scanned the streets, his hands linked behind him as he gently rocked back and forth on his black boots. After a few moments, he turned and strode back through the opened doors with the smoothness of fine silk. He resembled the miniature she had in her possession, although he appeared much more handsome in person.

At that moment, a masked couple raucously stumbled over the first two steps of the mansion before meeting the doorman. The masked man, wearing an ostentatious red and orange costume with too many feathers, handed the servant a card. Once the doorman scanned the missive, he motioned his hand for the couple to enter.

Vivian growled and turned to her partner. “The front door is no longer an option,” Vivian whispered. “We’ll need an invitation. Quick, let’s try the back way into the soirée, instead.”

Margaret sighed and shook her head, pointing over her shoulder. “We cannot go that way, either. Those tall hedges will be impossible to climb, especially in our expensive gowns. And the bushes are so thick. I don’t see a way through
them at all.”

patted the waist of her silver gown trimmed with black lace, to make certain her mask was still latched to her middle. Fancier than anything she owned, it wouldn’t break her heart to soil the gown for a good cause. She’d do anything in the line of duty, and Margaret would do well to follow her lead if she wanted to become a good agent.

Squaring her shoulders,
Vivian met Margaret’s heated stare. “Make haste, Margaret. Idleness is something we can ill afford right now.”

Margaret gasped. “You’re not suggesting—”

“Indeed, I am. We may have to squeeze through the hedges.”


Vivian scowled and pushed past her companion. If the middle-aged woman wasn’t serious about proving to their employer women would make impeccable agents, Vivian would do this thing herself just to prove her worth.  As an active suffragist, she wouldn’t be happy until she showed ignorant men what she was capable of accomplishing.

Although her employer, Mr. Pinkerton, wasn’t ignorant, she needed to prove him wrong. He thought
the only talent women had was for office filing. As much as she enjoyed working in the office, her dream was to become a full-fledged agent. But in order to do that, she had to break a few rules.

It was worth it.

“This is underhanded and you well know it,” Margaret muttered.

“All I know is we
are close to catching our Spanish thief, and I’m not going to allow anything to stop me.” Vivian lifted her gown to her ankles in order to take quicker steps.

“We are going to get caught and tossed out
of the party,” Margaret grumbled.

shook her head. “We will be wearing masks, or have you forgotten? Nobody will know who we are.”

By the time they reached the hedges, Margaret’s breaths came out ragged. Perhaps
Vivian should slow the pace. But time slipped by too quickly, and shadows grew thicker the deeper the night progressed.

She bent low and studied the hedges as she crept, hoping to find a break to enter through. Although...maybe Margaret wouldn’t fit.
Vivian glanced over her shoulder and eyed her friend’s full figure. They had to try. This might be their only chance.

’s heart quickened with each step she took. Tonight would be the ideal time to get to know the Spaniard. She even had the perfect topic of conversation. The opera. For two weeks, she’d attended the same performance. How could she not? His singing amazed her and left her breathless. She’d tried numerous times to introduce herself to him, but apparently, he wasn’t receiving visitors.

A light flashed between the hedges and caught her attention.
A hole, where the branches appeared to have been snapped. Her hopes lifted and she smiled.
It might be a tight fit, but they could squeeze through.

She came to a sudden stop. Margaret bumped into her from behind and let out a small squeal.

“Shh...” Vivian turned and placed her hand over the other woman’s mouth. “I found a way to get inside.”

Margaret’s eyes widened. When
Vivian pointed to the spot in the greenery, her partner scowled and shook her head. “My large body cannot wedge through that tiny opening,” she mumbled against Vivian’s palm.

“Yes, you can. We sha
ll both fit.” She dropped her hand from Margaret’s mouth and stepped closer to the hedge. “I will go first.”

Bunching up her skirt and holding it close to her body,
Vivian maneuvered sideways through the bushes. Branches yanked hair from her tight bun and swept dangerously close to her eyes. When she reached the other side, relief gushed through her.

Quickly, she brushed her gown and smoothed her hair. Deep shadows guarded her entry. Close to the house, a few couples strolled in the moonlight, their throaty giggles rising in the night. Thankfully, they were evidently more interested in each other than searching the yard for intruders.

Grunts and groans from Margaret brought Vivian’s attention back to her companion. “For heaven’s sake. Be quiet.” Vivian held some of the branches back to allow her partner through.

The poor woman had scratches on her face and more of her hair hung loose than remained in the knot she’d styled that morning. Just as Margaret stepped onto the grass, she tripped on a fallen branch and stumbled to her knees.

When she looked up at Vivian from the undignified position, Vivian held in a groan of her own. No doubt she’d hear a mouthful soon, but the first order of business was to fix Margaret’s hair before someone noticed. Hopefully, the mask would hide the scratches on her face.

“Have you completely lost your senses?” Margaret muttered as she scooted out
the rest of the way. “Good grief, woman. Will you stop at nothing to prove your worth?”

crouched to her companion’s level and frowned. “No. I’m here for a purpose, and I will do everything I can to accomplish that goal.”

Margaret folded her arms in front of her and huffed. Ignoring the icy stare,
Vivian pulled out her mask from the thick band circling her waist. “Quickly, get in disguise, Margaret. We don’t want to appear out of place.”

As Margaret searched for her mask, a large, very masculine hand appeared in front of
Vivian, reaching out to help.

“May I offer assistance?”

“Yes, thank y—”

She sucked in a quick breath and fell back on her buttocks, staring up at the dark-haired man w
ith the charming smile. Even though shadows played across his face, she would know him anywhere since she’d dreamily stared at his profile and gazed upon his magnificence for the past two weeks at the opera.

The very man she snuck into the party to find. The thief,
Antonio Romero stood in front of her…offering his hand, no less!

With her heart beating frantically in her ears, she scrambled for something intelligent to say. Now she must slip into character.

She cleared her throat, preparing her British accent that took her weeks to practice. “Thank you, kind sir, but I fear my friend and I have lost our—” She scanned the area around her partner who still sat on the ground, staring with wide eyes at the man. Margaret’s mask lay on the ground.

“Oh, there it is, Margaret.”
Vivian cheered as she picked up the mask and handed it to her friend.


Margaret took the mask and settled it over her eyes. It tilted haphazardly on her face, and
Vivian bit her lower lip to hold back an embarrassed groan.

The man chuckled, his deep voice sending ripples of warmth over
Vivian. She scooted to stand, and he took her hand, helping her up. Since she had not put on her mask, she decided to introduce herself...what she wanted him to know, anyway. “My name is Miss Vivian Harring, and this is Miss Margaret Smithers.”

The Spanish
God bowed. “
Buenas noches, Señoritas
. Have you been at this party long?”

shrugged. “Long enough to lose a mask.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I admire your quick humor.”

“We have introduced ourselves, but you, sir, have not told us to whom we are speaking.”

“Forgive me. I am Anton.”

She arched a brow. Could Anton be a nickname for Antonio? “Anton? Just Anton?”

He nodded. “That is my stage name, and we are at a soirée for the opera, are we not?”


He held out his hand to Margaret, but kept his gaze on
Vivian. “Will you permit me to escort you and your companion inside for a drink? I am certain you both are in need of refreshment after such a grueling search.”


Margaret took his hand, stood, and brushed her other hand over her attire to remove the broken twigs and leaves. Vivian swept her hand over her own gown and hair. Hopefully, she looked better than she felt.

So far, things had not gone her way. She needed to right the wrong, or else how could she prove herself a professional?

Anton proffered his arm to Vivian. “Shall we?”

“Yes.” She slipped her hand around his elbow, and immediately his body heat radiated and melded into her palm. Delightful shivers danced over her, and she silently cursed her reaction to the attractive man.

Entering the side door leading into a parlor, a man dressed in servant’s clothing greeted them. Like Anton, the man’s skin color attested to his Spanish heritage. With only a nod from Anton, the manservant moved to the liquor tray and poured drinks. Sounds of the party drifted through a set of double doors on the far wall, but they were the only occupants in the room.

What were the odds that Anton had already consumed his share of alcohol? With the easy-going atmosphere, he would undoubtedly tell
Vivian what she needed to know.

Like a gentleman, he escorted her to the sofa. As she and Margaret sat, he moved to his manservant and whispered something in his ear. She wished she could hear what he said, and especially why Anton had a gleam in his eyes as he looked her way?

In the light, Anton was more handsome than she ever imagined. Hair slightly longer than it had been in the miniature she’d taken from Mr. Pinkerton without his knowledge, Anton still radiated masculinity.  His broad shoulders and chest fit comfortably into his pearl white silk shirt, gold cravat, and vest. Deep blue trousers molded very nicely to his long legs, and his black boots elegantly shined to perfection.

From the information she’d previously gathered on him, Anton had left a trail of broken hearts in his wake. He was definitely a notorious scoundrel who could make any woman swoon.

Vivian sighed. Tonight would be difficult because of her silly infatuation. Try as she might, she could not deny the sudden attraction, but it had been a while since she found any man this intense and handsome.

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