The Spanish Outlaw (2 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: The Spanish Outlaw
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As he spoke Spanish to his manservant, Anton gazed across the room and met her eyes once again. A humorous smile touched his scrumptiously shaped lips while he ran his finger over his
well-groomed mustache, black as midnight. He whispered something else to the servant, then crossed the room toward her.

She held herself still, trying to stay in control. His towering frame stopped next to where she sat on the sofa. Deep chocolate Spanish eyes held hers prisoner.

So far, Anton had proved to be a gentleman, very placid and charming. Still, she was leery. Yet a glint sparkled in his soft eyes, promising Vivian his company would be a pure delight.

He handed
Vivian’s drink to her, one to Margaret, and took one for himself. When the manservant left the room, Anton sat on the two-seater chair across from her. He ran his fingers over the stem of the glass, his eyes twinkling as he looked at her, almost as if he held some kind of secret.

She sipped her
wine, hoping he didn’t suspect she had secrets of her own.

“I must confess,” Anton began after a few awkward moments of silence. “I recognize you from the opera.”

Vivian choked on her drink. “You do?”

. It surprised me to see the same face night after night in the balcony box. Usually one performance is enough for most people.”

laughed, remembering to uphold her British accent. “I am not like most people, Mr. Anton. If there is something I enjoy, I strive to maintain the pleasure for as long as I can.”

“As do I.”
He smiled. “But please, just call me Anton. As long as I may call you Vivian?”

“Of course.”

He sipped his wine, then lowered the glass. “May I ask you a question?”


“In all the times I saw you sitting in the balcony, not once did a man escort you. Do you not have a beau or husband?”

“No, I am unattached.” Her heart skipped.

His dark brows rose. “But how can that be? Because of your beauty, men should be lined up at your door.”

Her face heated as she silently cursed her innocence. Good agents shouldn’t be this inexperienced, and if she wanted to become one, she should learn not to blush so easily.
Yet, this was her first time at being an agent. She had nobody to teach her, so she must make rules up as she went along.

Thankfully, she was able to
convince Margaret they could change Mr. Pinkerton’s mind about having women agents.  Vivian knew female agents would be more effective for finding their mysterious Spanish thief than male agents. Mr. Antonio Romero might not trust a man as well as he would a woman.

Anton was clever, but
Vivian viewed herself as a perfect adversary. Nobody disappeared without leaving some clue behind, and he had taken more than just jewels this time. This ladies’ man stole women’s hearts, which made it easier to find his trail.

She smiled. “Men are not lined up at my door, especially when I refuse to encourage them. If a man does not interest me, I let him know immediately.” She sipped her drink. “I would rather not waste his time if I can help it.”

He relaxed in his chair, crossing one leg over the other. The material stretched in an indecent manner across his muscles. It was highly unprofessional to be this attracted to him. It didn’t matter if he looked like Greek Gods had sculpted him. She must get over this infatuation for him fast.

Beside her, she glanced at her companion whose eyelids drooped.
Vivian dared not elbow Margaret in the arm and make a scene, but it disappointed Vivian to think her friend could not be more conscientious.

tried to show Anton a relaxed smile. “What made you decide to perform in an operetta group?”

“I fear my love of singing leads my heart right now.”

“I think you have the most fascinating voice. I also enjoy watching you perform. Your acting abilities are better than I have ever seen. You delve into your character, and your deep emotion captures the audience.”

. I led a boring life before I joined, so when the opportunity presented itself, I climbed aboard and rode off into the sunset.”

“Was your family not upset with your decision?”

“No. My parents died before this happened. ”

“How old were you?”

“I had not yet reached my eighteenth year.”

Her heartbeat quickened. So far his life fit well with the Spanish thief the agency looked for. “Then who raised you?” Now, if she could just get him to confess his real name.

He hesitated, and she thought a line of anger crossed his brow, but his expression softened again. “My father’s brother, but not for long. I joined the military when I turned eighteen.” He shrugged. “It seemed the thing to do at the time.”

She frowned. “I am truly sorry to hear about your parents.”


The deep timbre of his voice relaxed her while he talked. So far, their conversation had gone smoothly, and she hadn’t experienced that uncomfortable
giddy feeling since she’d first looked at him. As long as he kept his distance, she’d be able to keep from falling apart like a love-struck girl experiencing improper feelings for the first time.

Keep things nice and simple and everything will go splendidly.

A slight noise caused her to glance at her associate. Slumped in the corner of the sofa, Margaret’s head lolled back and gentle snores fluttered from her open mouth.

Embarrassment burned
Vivian’s face. She reached to shake her friend awake, but Anton sprang from his chair and knelt by Vivian’s side, taking hold of her hands.

“No,” he commanded in soft tones. “Let her rest.”

Vivian forced down the lump of panic in her throat. What could possibly be wrong with Margaret? “But she fell asleep. I must wake her.”

He grinned. “I would not count on your companion waking any time soon.” He patted
Vivian’s hand. “You see, my servant put a small amount of sleeping powder in your companion’s drink. She will be out for a few hours yet.”

A gasp tore from
Vivian as her heartbeat took on a fierce rhythm. She swallowed the knot of fear lodged in her throat. “Why...why would he do something like that?”

“My manservant is very suspicious of overprotective companions.” Anton rose and pulled
Vivian with him.

She held her breath. Did he suspect her treachery already? She thought she’d covered her tracks. If so, then why did he drug Margaret? His manservant wouldn’t have done it without Anton’s approval.

Anger poured through her, and she fisted her hands. It was important to remain strong and stay in control. She could not lose her temper now.
Think Vivian! What would a good agent do?
She needed to gain his trust...and his confession.

He stepped forward, closed the space between them, and wrapped her in his arms. The room seemed smaller, and her wobbly legs unsure of their strength.

His improper intentions frightened her to death. If they drugged Margaret’s drink, what did they have in store for her?

No matter what, Vivian must do something to gain control over her innocence. She
make him believe she knows what she’s doing.

* * * *

Anton had only one thing on his mind, and it didn’t include waking Vivian’s older companion. Vivian was more beautiful and more charming than he’d imagined, and he didn’t want to waste a minute of his time, nor hers. She’d told him earlier she informed men when their attentions were not wanted, and so far she’d yet to convey a negative response to him.

That was a good sign.

He stroked her cheek, still warm from embarrassment over her companion’s untimely slumber, and trailed his thumb over her bottom lip. Fascinated, he admired its gentle curve, loving the luscious raspberry color that contrasted with her creamy smooth skin. High cheekbones, straight nose, and a delicate, curved chin made her face nearly perfect. Her hair was a lovely, blondish-brown color, almost like wheat. But it was her eyes that held him prisoner. Bluish gray flecks of sunshine.

Her beauty couldn’t hide her charade. She had a secret, and determination pushed him to find out why she
asked so many questions, and in an accent that seemed far too strained at times.

He wondered why she took such intense interest in him.
His manservant had told him about this woman who had come to the opera every night and sneaked around back stage while asking questions about Anton. When he saw her and her companion crawling through the hedges, Anton became more curious by the second.

Vivian, would you accompany me outside for a walk in the gardens?”

moistened her lips with her tongue. The urge to kiss her tempting mouth became strong, but he refrained for now. There would be time for that later...he’d see to it personally.

She hooked her
arm around his elbow, and he escorted her through the side door onto a small patio that overlooked a flower garden. A thick patch of trees bordered the secluded area, keeping their walk very intimate. As they strolled, her body shivered against him, her breath escaping in uneven spurts. He smiled, loving the power he had over women. He’d always thought himself experienced in the art. Rarely did a woman refuse him. This one would fall as easily, he was certain.

“So, Anton, where will your operetta group be traveling next?”

Her voice shook, and he tried not to grin. Certainly, he made her nervous. He loved that kind of power he had over women. “Since it is the end of the season, we will take a short break for a few months. I plan to stay in New York during that time.” He looked down into her upturned face. “Does that please you?”

“Why would you think such a thing?” One of her perfectly shaped eyebrows rose.

He gave a low chuckle. “This will give us more time to get to know one another. Is that not why you are here with me now?”

Her lips twitched as if she tried to keep herself from smiling. “I think you are jumping to conclusions.”

? Are you not interested in me?”

She shrugged.

The moon gave enough illumination to show him her amazing blue eyes. He moved in front of her, circling his arms around her slender waist, pulling her body against his. A gasp sprang from her throat, but she obeyed his gentle prompt and rested her hands on his chest.

“You mentioned earlier that life is too short. If I find something I enjoy, I, like you, want to savor the moment. You, my dear
Vivian, are one of the pleasures I seek.”

“You have only known me for a short time.”

“But I have sung to you for two weeks. I have memorized every line of your face.” He traced his fingertip along the side of her jaw. “And every curve of your delicate figure.” He dropped his hand to her shoulder and caressed it. “How can you say I do not know you, when in my mind, I have already touched you? In my dreams, I have kissed your sweet lips, held you tightly as your uncontrolled breath brushed my neck.”

Her breathing grew faster,
yet oddly, she seemed more relaxed in his arms. Seduction was within his grasp.

He lowered his head and swept his lips across her cheek. “And I know you have been thinking of me. Why else would you come every night to see the opera? Why would you look at me the way you do with your fascinating, angelic eyes?”

Her eyelids closed.
Almost there.
Brushing his lips across hers, he hesitated, teased, and prolonged the sweet pleasure—if only for a moment. But he couldn’t wait any longer. He had to kiss her.

Anton stifled a victorious groan as he settled his mouth over hers
. Yet his victory was short-lived when she turned her face, and his lips grazed her cheek.

“Oh, you are good.” She chuckled low in her throat.

He looked into her glowing red face and arched eyebrows. “Pardon me?”

Her smile widened. “Oh, yes, you are very good, indeed.”

, but I have not given you enough by which to judge me.”

“No, I refer to your attempt at seduction, not your kiss.” She withdrew from his embrace and walked to a potted plant near the edge of the patio, glancing over her shoulder. “Your words are perfect, your timing precise, and your teasing kiss could not have been better. But, I decide when I will let a man ta
ke liberties, and now is not that time.”

This beautiful creature amazed him. No other woman had been able to see through his charade. He
inhaled deeply. What other things did she see? Perhaps he should be careful around her. Yet, his suspicions only made him want her that much more.

Perhaps she was a temptress, only here to put a spell over him. That could be the only reason he felt this way.

In an attempt to set her at ease and lower her guard, he gave her his best charming smile. “I assume, then, you are an expert at being seduced?”

“No, but I saw through your performance, which is somewhat s
urprising given how impressed I have been with your acting ability.”

Leaning against the waist-high rock wall separating the patios, he relaxed and folded his arms. “You think I jest?”

“You are not being honest.”

Her silver evening gown, made of shimmering silk, fitted tightly, enhancing her generous curves. Rows of glittering beads adorned the bodice and long sleeves.
The sophisticated ensemble made the most of her looks and made her eyes sparkle greater than before.

Vivian, you have put a spell over me, and I find myself, anticipating the very moment I have you in my arms, passionately kissing you.”

After the words left his mouth, it surprised him to find they were not lies. This woman affected him differently than
most, and it intrigued him. Could it be because he suspected her charade? He’d never met a more adventurous and secretive woman.

In the se
nsually charged silence, her gaze traced his face and traveled down his body before the corners of her lips lifted in a mocking grin.

“Why don’t I believe you?”

Fascinated, he kept his smile steady. This woman was brilliant, almost too brilliant. How did she read him so well? “What is it that you desire, then?”

“I want to know what you want.”

“But I have already declared my intentions.”

“Yes, and I refuse to believe you.”

He pulled away from the rock wall and stepped to her side. “Then how, my sweet
, am I supposed to make you accept the truth? What can I do to convince you of my loyalty?” He caressed the side of her face, letting his thumb trace her lips again. “Because I cannot go much longer without wanting to hold you, touch you, and kiss your sensuous mouth.”

“Tell me, Anton.” She touched the golden lapel of his vest. “When, during all of your performances, did you get the chance to look at me?” Her eyebrows lifted. “In those fourteen days, the only time I saw you even glance my way was tonight and not until the very end.”

He lifted her slender fingers to his mouth and brushed light kisses along their tips. “Oh, but I noticed you. How could I not when you made the balcony booth light up like heaven?”

She chuckled. “I believe you have memorized these words and used them numerous times on other women you pursued.”

“You insult me.” Kissing her palm, he let his mouth linger perhaps a moment longer than he should have.

“And you insult me if you think I am going to fall into your arms and be swept off my feet.” She snatched her hand away. “I am not some simpering female waiting to swoon at any moment.”

He studied her with greater interest. No other woman had ever presented such a challenge. Vivian was more intelligent than most women he’d tried to charm, and his pride stung over her refusal. He wasn’t certain he appreciated that.

“You are an amazing woman,
Vivian, and you have captured my interest.” Before pulling back, he sighed heavily. “But tell me what I can do. Since you have no desire to be seduced tonight, there will be no flowery words or tender caresses, but I do want you to stay a little while longer.”

With a smile, he realized he wanted this. Had he ever sat and talked to a woman? What could he say to a female who actually used her mind? “Promise you will stay?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Of course.
I will not keep you if you wish to leave.”

She hesitated as she glanced inside the opened doors toward Margaret.
Vivian’s expression held a flicker of distrust for a brief moment, but when she met his eyes and nodded, the lines in her forehead softened.

“I would really like to get to know the real Anton—not the
performer, singer, or the seducer, but the man inside this body.” She tapped lightly on his chest.

“As you wish.
I will watch my suggestive words, and for the remainder of the evening, I will speak only about the most boring subject life.”

Her smile brightened her face and put a twinkle in her
blue-gray eyes. If he didn’t watch it, he could get trapped in just her gaze.

“Thank you,” she replied. “You have made my night.”

Anton knew it would be harder to break this incredible woman, but soon she would make
night very memorable.

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