The Spanish Outlaw (5 page)

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Authors: Marie Higgins

BOOK: The Spanish Outlaw
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“What is that?”

After he returned the poker, he moved away. In the past, whenever Anton’s gaze drifted over her, trickles of delight danced on her skin, but this time he tilted his head and studied her with a judgmental stare that made her want to squirm.

He shook his head. “I do not think I will trust you with that information.”

Anger sparked inside her. How dare he try to turn the tables on her! He was the guilty one, and she the soon-to-be detective. Yet...she also needed to gain the trust she didn’t have. Any good agent knew that, and any smart detective would do all they could to reach their goal, which is what she

“Why can you not trust me?” she asked. “I’m willing to give you a chance to prove your innocence.”

He lifted his dark brows. “Indeed?”

Through her lie, she tried to keep a serious expression. She wasn’t ready to believe him.  Still, too many holes lay uncovered in his story, especially about his illegitimacy. “Yes.”

“Show me.”

She inhaled sharply.

During Anton’s silence,
Vivian’s fierce heartbeat knocked harder with every second that passed. Although she wanted to believe, there was still that matter of proving her worth to Mr. Pinkerton. With so many doubts lingering, she had no other choice but to string Anton along. For now, she’d pretend to be on his side until she held the tangible proof of his guilt, then she’d turn him over to her employer and Juanito Ballí.

Anton’s finger smoothed over his mustache, drawing her attention to his lips, the very same heavenly pair she’d kissed not too long ago. She scolded her wayward thoughts.

“Lie to your employer,” he said. “Tell him you have found me, but give a different location. Tell him to inform my uncle of my whereabouts and to meet you there.” He paused. “And I will wager my uncle’s men will arrive earlier and try to kill me.”

She chuckled. “That won’t work, because Mr. Pinkerton will be there, also.”

“Juanito Ballí and his men will be there to kill me long before your employer arrives.” He stepped closer, and his masculine scent of spice enveloped her. He circled her waist with his arms and pulled her to his solid chest.

She rested her hands on the lapels of his gold vest and stared up into his intoxicating chocolate eyes. It was going to be hard to pretend to believe let him touch her and allow his affection. But she had to. How else could he start to have faith in her?

“My sweet Vivian. If you want me to prove my innocence, do this one thing for me. That is all I ask.” His expression relaxed as his gaze pleaded with her. “Please. One more day is all I need to prove to you my uncle is trying to kill me.”

Curse his
irresistible, hypnotic eyes.
She didn’t know how any woman could resist him, because she definitely couldn’t when he gazed at her like this. But she must. Determination flowed through her, and she vowed she’d be long as she didn’t look at him or let him touch her.

This case proved to be harder than she’d expected.

Chapter Three


Anton tightened his arms around Vivian, the quick rhythm of her heart pounding against his chest. When uncertainty flickered in her eyes, he held his breath and waited for her answer. A smile touched her lips, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn’t
allow her to turn him in. Having her take him to his uncle would mean death for both of them. It was bad enough to put himself in harm’s way, but he couldn’t do that to Vivian. She didn’t deserve such a fate.

“Anton, you’re a hard man to resist, and although I’m going against my better judgment, I’ll agree to give you one more day.”

His heart raced with excitement. With her help to prove his uncle’s deceitfulness, maybe Anton could bring an end to the pain and suffering of the people on Padre Island caused by Juanito’s hand.

Gracias, mí dulce
,” he murmured, then lowered his lips to seal the bargain.

Her eyes closed, and her head fell back, allowing his lips to pay homage to hers
as he kept the kiss gentle. She slid her hands up his neck and threaded her fingers through the hair at his nape, daring him to try to pull away.

Her j
asmine scent enclosed around him in a flowery haven. Without being able to stop it, he released a soft moan from his throat and pulled her closer. Her passion surprised him, but he welcomed the cooperation. In the days ahead, he’d need it to prove his innocence.

He broke the kiss and buried his face in the sweet curve of her neck, trying to calm his irregular breathing. “Curse you, woman. You
certainly know how to twist emotions inside of me,” he whispered against her silky throat.

She drew back from him, her forehead creased. “Why do you say that?”

“Because you are so hard to resist even as hard as I try to fight them away.”

A brilliant smile touched her mouth. “Then we’re evenly
matched, because I have the same confusing emotions flitting through me.”

He chuckled and gathered her close, ready to kiss her again, but a thundering knock on the door startled him.

“Anton, I must speak to you,” came the urgent voice of his friend.

He placed a quick kiss on
Vivian’s lips before stepping to the door and opening it.

His servant hurried in and closed the door. “Forgive my intrusion, but several minutes ago, three Spaniards presented forged invitations and tried to enter the party.”

Fear crept into Anton’s heart, tightening his chest. “Are you certain?”


“Did they ask for anyone in particular?”

“They wanted to meet the main performers, but mentioned your name in particular. I suspect they are the men sent by your uncle.”

“Did anyone at the party recognize them?”

“The few guests remaining in the dining room denied their acquaintance.”

Dios Mio!
” Anton pushed his fingers through his hair. “Where are they now?”

“Out front by the trees.”

Anton released a heavy sigh. “I need to leave without drawing attention to myself. But how?”

“We will disguise you.”

Anton chuckled, even if humor was not his first emotion. Although he’d been in the opera for many months, he didn’t have any other clothes with him but the ones on his back. If they were on stage, he’d have several outfits in one of the side rooms.

“With what costume?”
He motioned his hand across his body. “This is all I have with me.”

Pedro looked over Anton’s shoulder to the couch behind him and grinned. He jerked his thumb in that direction. “I have the perfect attire for your escape.”

Anton swung around to see what his friend had in mind. Vivian’s companion remained slumped on the couch with her head tilted back and soft snores fluttering her lips. Anton groaned and shook his head. “Surely you jest,” he mumbled as he and Pedro hurried to the couch.

rushed to stand by his side and clasped his arm. “What is going on?”

“Remember when I told you about my dangerous uncle?”


“I do not know how, but it looks as if he has found me. Some of his men are outside the house waiting for the right moment to seize me.”

She arched a brow. “They are?”

Sí, Señorita
,” Pedro answered for Anton. “They are lurking by the front trees as we speak.”

switched her gaze from Pedro back to Anton. “What makes you think they are going to kill you?”

Anton rolled his eyes heavenward as irritation bubbled inside him. “Have you not been listening to one word I said this evening? It does not matter. I have no time to go over it again.” Anton turned to the older woman asleep on the couch and said over his shoulder, “
Vivian, help me undress your companion.”

“What?” Her voice
rose in panic. “If you think I’m going to—”

Vivian,” Anton interrupted, “I do not have time to argue with you. Do not fear. I will not take advantage of the poor unconscious woman. I just need to borrow her clothing so I can leave without being noticed. Thankfully, she is tall, and I think I can fit into her dress.”

He prayed this disguise would work. He couldn’t have his uncle find him now.

“Anton, I must protest to this insanity.” She leaned over and placed her hand on his fingers while they plucked the buttons of Margaret’s dress apart. “What if those men enter after you leave and see my friend lying here without her clothes? They’ll certainly realize something is amiss.”

Anton exchanged grins with Pedro. When Anton met her stare again he chuckled.
“My dear, innocent beauty. Those men will not suspect a thing. Half the women at this function tonight are wearing less than this.”

blinked, and her mouth fell open. It took a few moments before she gasped and lines of anger appeared on her face. “Are you suggesting this place brothel?”

Vivian, but neither is it the social event of the season.” Anton tried not to laugh at her shocked expression. “The people who came to this party expected to end up in a room sharing a bed with a willing partner for an unforgettable night of passion.”

” she shrieked and slapped his arm. “I can’t believe I’m in an establishment such as this.”

Anton returned his focus back to Margaret and yanked down her skirt. “Now, are you going to help or not?”

He realized the news wasn’t to Vivian’s liking, but he couldn’t dwell upon that now. He’d do anything to get out of this party alive, and the more time they wasted arguing, the quicker his uncle’s men would find Anton and kill him.

She finally moved beside him and helped undress her friend, leaving Margaret in her shift, pantaloons and stockings.
Vivian grabbed the woolen throw off the back of the couch and placed it over her friend.

Anton pulled Margaret’s clothes over his own. Vivian watched with a blank expression. Once he draped the black scarf over his hair, he donned Margaret’s bonnet, using the black netting to cover his facial hair.

“I think you’ll have to shave,”
Vivian snapped. “Those men outside will have to be blind not to notice your mustache.”

Pretending to cough, he covered his mouth. “Not if I do this.”

She scowled. “You still don’t look very feminine.”

Anton arched an eyebrow. “And you think Margaret did?”
He glanced at his friend who nodded. In an attempt to hide his lack of womanly assets, Anton gathered Vivian’s black lace shawl around his shoulders. “Is this better?”

“Yes, but Anton? I have one more question. How will I return my friend to her home this way?”

Hesitating, he realized he could not leave Vivian here. If he left her alone, she’d run to Mr. Pinkerton. Anton couldn’t allow that. Not until he had the proof to deny his uncle’s accusations. “Not to worry, dear Vivian. Pedro will see that your friend is returned home.”

“How will I get home?”

He grinned. “You are coming with me.”

? I’m not leaving with you.”

“No, you are not. You will be leaving with someone dressed as your companion.” He grabbed her hand and held tightly. “
We have no more time to waste.”

* * * *

Sitting ramrod straight, Vivian folded her arms across her chest, ready to spit nails. How dare Anton force her to go with him? Why, it was practically kidnapping. And, poor Margaret. The woman would not be forgiving whether Vivian could do anything about the situation or not. Would Mr. Pinkerton understand? Probably not, since she placed another employee in harm’s way just to prove a point. She cringed. Her employer would definitely not understand now.

Anton peeked out the back window of the darkened coach, his body jerking with every bumpy movement. She tried not to touch him, didn’t even want their clothes to brush against each other. How could she get rid of him once they arrived at her house?

She halted her thoughts. Did she really want to get rid of him? No, he remained her suspect.  Staying by his side was essential. Unfortunately, she was too upset to think about what the next little while would be like with him so close.

Anton sank back in the seat and stripped off the ridiculous bonnet. When his knee bumped
Vivian’s leg, she scooted away without looking at him.

, Vivian,” he said after much silence, “for not causing a scene when we left.”

“What else could I do?”

He scooted closer and slid his arm along the back of the seat, resting it near her shoulders. She threw him a glare.

“You could have screamed and drawn attention to yourself,” he answered. “Instead, you walked like a real lady to the coach. You made me proud to be your lady’s companion.”

She swung her head away, hoping he didn’t see the grin pulling at the corners of her mouth. Even as much as she hated him right now, his appearance made her chuckle.

His fingers captured her chin, turning her face back to him. “Although you are trying to remain upset with me, I know you are glad you helped.”

“No, I’m not,” she said in gentle tones. “I’m quite upset that you left Margaret behind.”

He smiled. “Nonetheless, you are happy you helped.” His thumb caressed her lower lip. “You want to believe in my innocence. Am I correct?”

She held her breath. He needed to trust her again, which meant she had to put aside her anger. “Yes. I want to believe you.”

“Then peek out the window behind us and you will see a rider following.”

She turned, parted the curtains on the window, and glanced out. True to his word, a man on horseback followed at a distance. She swung her head and met his stare. “Pedro said there were three men. Where are the other two?”

“They must think I am still back at the house.”

“Then why is he following us?”

“To make certain I did not escape with you. These men take no chances,
Vivian. It is like I said before. My uncle is a cunning man.”

She sighed and faced forward as she relaxed against his side. “What is next?” Tilting her head, she raised her gaze to his. “What will happen when we reach my house?”

“I do not know. We will have to see how long he stays and watches your residence.”

“Hopefully he gives up easily.”

“He will not.”

Dropping her gaze to the shawl he still wore, she played with the fringe. “I hope Margaret doesn’t hate me for leaving her.”

“Is Margaret really your companion?”

“No. She’s…a friend who works with me.”

He chuckled. “Then

, she will hate you.”

She scowled and slapped his leg. He grabbed hold of her hand, and suddenly, their closeness and the semi-darkened coach created a heady mood. A quick rhythm started in her heart as he gazed into her eyes. Dare she allow his touch? She knew how quickly her body melted. Yet, she needed to gain his trust once again.

“How long before we reach your
?” His voice came out deep, sensual.

She swallowed the cotton dryness in her throat.
“In about ten or fifteen minutes. I live just over the suspension bridge.”

“Are you tired?”

“Not really. Are you?”

“How can sleep lure me to its lair when the beautiful woman sitting beside me is more enticing?”

As always, his words stirred flutters in her chest. “Anton, you’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

“Trying to make me swoon.”

“And what is wrong with that? Besides,” he continued without waiting for her answer, “what else have we to do for ten minutes?”

Oh, the rotten man! Did he think of nothing else? “We can talk.”

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