The Stowaway (9 page)

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Authors: Jade Archer

BOOK: The Stowaway
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He saw Rachel blanch and rushed to explain. “I don’t mean that I regret it. But I…I screwed up. I tried to crawl back to the nice, comfortable spot I’d carved out for myself where I didn’t have to think about it. But…in the end I couldn’t. And then—”

Devlynn and Rachel continued to watch him as he brought his rambling to an end. He stood in the doorway to Devlynn’s quarters more naked and vulnerable than he had ever been in his life. And he didn’t know what to do next. How to make things right.

Finally, Rachel very tentatively raised her hand towards him, palm up—a small, hesitant invitation to join them.

Arek found himself crawling across the sleeping platform without any conscious decision to do so, almost as if Rachel pulled him in on invisible strings—one attached straight to his heart.

When he was finally sitting on his haunches facing them he placed his hand very carefully in Rachel’s still extended hand, and…it was like coming home.

Slightly afraid of what he would see, Arek risked looking over at Devlynn.

“You…want me?” Devlynn asked—still sounding as if he didn’t quite believe it.


Devlynn took a deep, shaky breath and looked down where Rachel was still holding Arek’s hand. “I hate that you hid this from me. That you shut me out like that. If I’d known, if you’d let me understand I would have…I don’t know…done something. Been there for you. Tried—”

“Did you ever let Arek know how much you loved him?” Rachel asked.

There was no reproach or recrimination in her voice, but Devlynn still blushed to the roots of his spiky brown hair.

“No. No, I didn’t.”

“Why don’t we start from now,” Rachel suggested, reaching out to take Devlynn’s hand and add it the one she had joined with Arek.

Could it really be that simple? Was it possible for them to just…move forward? Rachel seemed to think so. But what about—


Devlynn seemed to consider Rachel’s words very carefully for a moment—all the time looking down at their joined hands.

“Have you…have you ever been with a man before?” Devlynn finally asked, looking up and stunning Arek with the warm, hopeful passion in his sultry brown eyes.

“No. Have you?”

Devlynn’s cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. “A few.”

Arek’s gut clenched tight—thinking about Devlynn with some faceless stranger in a dark backroom somewhere.

“Not anymore!” Arek snarled and Devlynn’s gaze turned molten at the outburst. Arek fought hard against the question that popped into his head when he thought of Devlynn with another man, but in the end he had to know. “Did you like it?”

“Yeah, but—”

“But what?”

Devlynn just looked at him. Long and hard without saying a word. And Arek heard everything that he wasn’t saying anyway. Devlynn had wanted it to be the two of them. Not some faceless fuck in a dingy spaceport alleyway. He’d wanted—

Rachel sighed. “Do you have any idea how hot the two of you look right now?”

Arek turned to focus on Rachel. In a lot of ways it was easier than facing Devlynn—there certainly wasn’t the same heavy weight of history and complications between them. But in other ways it was just as difficult. There was a fluttering uncertainty and nervousness in the pit of his stomach as he stared into Rachel’s flushed face and wide, desire-filled eyes. He wasn’t sure what to expect from her. She was a new and largely undiscovered universe for him.

“You…you want this? Devlynn and I…and…and the three of—?”

“Oh, gods yes!”

Rachel leant forward and sealed her lips to his without a second’s hesitation—apparently through with waiting for them to edge their way around one another. Arek surrendered willingly to the distracting, welcoming warmth and softness of her lips. When she ran her tongue along the seam of their joined mouths he opened eagerly.

Their tongues met and tangled—sliding and dancing across one another. Exploring and tasting enthusiastically. Hands soon joined in the amorous expedition—touching and caressing as they learnt and mapped each other’s responses.

Finally, Rachel pulled away on a groan.

“I want to see you,” she said, tugging on his tunic.

Her quick fingers made light work of the fastening, then pulled the material wide and slipped it back over his shoulders. When she was done, she languidly trailed her fingers down over his chest, and every nerve ending came to life under her questing digits. Her heated gaze went straight to his cock as it thickened and responded to her heated stare and tender caresses.

“You’re so beautiful,” she breathed as she continued to touch and explore.

Devlynn leaned in. “So are you,” he whispered against the sweet spot just below her ear, and Arek saw her shiver in response as Devlynn left a small kiss behind.

Still kissing the long column of her neck, Devlynn manoeuvred in behind her and began to free the closures at the front of Rachel’s tunic until he could push the gaping material aside and down her arms—leaving her gloriously bare and exposed. Her nipples tightened in the cooler air, growing to stiff peaks. Then Devlynn cupped her breasts and brushed his thumb across the hard nubs and her head fell back against his shoulder with a sigh of bliss. She reached back, running her fingers through his hair tenderly, pushing into his hands.

Arek tore his gaze away from Rachel and focused on Devlynn for a moment. He looked delicious holding Rachel against him. Hair tousled. Cheeks flushed. Eyes bright and smouldering with passion.

Suddenly, Devlynn’s heated brown eyes looked directly at him and Arek felt his heart jolt at the lust and longing and desperate need in his gaze. Now was not the time for half measures of stifled desire. He wanted to see Devlynn naked and lost in passion every bit as much as he wanted to see Rachel that way. Denying them both would just be stupid. And Arek was through with being stupid.

“You too. Take off your shirt,” Arek growled, watching Devlynn’s reaction closely.

The rough command seemed to be just what Devlynn wanted to hear. Rachel appeared to like the idea too as she moved aside to watch. In seconds, his tunic was stripped over his head. His sleek, muscular chest made Arek ache to reach out and caress along the solid pectorals and brush his thumb over the tiny nubs at their centre.

Arek didn’t even try to hold back his moan.

Suddenly, Rachel was there, kissing gently at the lobe of his ear then whispering softly against it like a mischievous sprite from the Marshan sector. “Kiss him.”

Arek leant forward as if under a compulsion, but before he could make more than a few inches, Devlynn was already there. As if a pressure release valve had been opened, Devlynn was suddenly kissing him. Hard and aggressive. A fight for dominance that Arek met wholeheartedly until it was all thrusting tongues and nipping teeth and fierce moans.

Finally, Arek managed to take control, but it was a wild, tentative kind of control that threatened to break at any second. And he loved it. The challenge. The thrill of possession and the promise of being overcome at any second.

Arek locked Devlynn’s head firmly between his hands so he could plunder Devlynn’s mouth at will. Devlynn moaned and surrendered to the demanding kiss, but at the same time his own hands cruised up to Arek’s nipples and began teasing them mercilessly.

It was so good. So wonderful. Then he felt Rachel working on the fastenings of his trousers. The exquisite torture of her touch as she freed his cock, followed by the bliss of her stroking along his aching shaft almost had him exploding right then and there. Arek raised himself up on his knees, thrusting into her hand, and found himself bumping into Devlynn’s hard cock.

Rachel wrapped her hands around them both so their cocks were rubbing together—holding them and stroking them with just enough pressure. She swiped the sensitive heads of their cocks with her thumb and Arek thought he was going to shoot right then and there.

Fortunately for his ego, Devlynn broke the kiss first. “Oh, gods! I want…I need—”

“What?” Rachel asked in her seductive whisper. “What do you want, Dev?”

Devlynn was looking lost and bewildered and so damn needy it stole Arek’s breath completely.

“Rachel?” Devlynn begged.

Rachel’s eyes softened and she opened her arms. As Devlynn fell into them she kissed him, and Arek nearly shot again. Only by wrapping his fist around his cock and squeezing did he stop himself. Fuck, they were so magnificent together. Hard, sleek muscles. Soft, round curves. He had everything right in front of him, and he nearly missed it. Arek would have kicked his own ass, but he didn’t want to risk losing a second right now.

As the kiss came to an end, Rachel pulled away and smiled. “How about we finish getting out of these clothes, huh?”

It sounded like the best idea Arek had ever heard—his cock certainly thought so as it gave another throb of agreement and a clear trickle of pre-cum slipped down his shaft, still protruding from his open pants.

Within seconds they were all completely naked and staring at each other. But what started off as awe, soon settled into a moment of uncomfortable ‘now what?’ as they continued to look at each other.

That was until Rachel’s face transformed into a cheeky grin.

Still sporting an impish smile, she turned around and lay on her back with her head directly in front of Devlynn’s knees. She pulled and tugged at his hips until he got the idea and lowered himself so she could take his cock into her mouth and begin sucking. At the same time, Devlynn ended up facing her pussy.

It didn’t take him long to get the idea. Soon they were pleasuring each other—moaning and groaning as tongues and mouths got to work making Arek harder and harder as he stared down at the pair. His gaze was continually drawn to the tight curve of Devlynn’s ass and the wrinkled pucker of his hole now exposed between smooth cheeks as he straddled Rachel’s head.

Arek didn’t think for one second that Rachel’s manoeuvre had been anything but deliberate manipulation. But at the same time he wasn’t sure he cared.

With an unsteady hand, he reached out and ran his thumb over the tight entrance to Devlynn’s body, startled when his soon-to-be lover jerked violently in place.

Devlynn pulled away from licking Rachel with a gasp.

“Please, Arek. Please.”

Arek knew exactly what he was asking. And by all the gods he wanted to. Oh, gods, he so wanted to fuck Devlynn’s tight ass, but—

“Left. Drawer. Top. Please, Arek. Please. I—”

“Hush. It’s okay. I’ve got you,” Arek replied, quickly scrabbling in the top drawer of Devlynn’s bedside locker.

Within seconds he found lube…and several other interesting toys and gadgets that would require further investigation at a later date. But now was not the time for sightseeing.

Not wanting to torture, but still knowing that he needed to prepare his lover, Arek applied plenty of the special lube to the fingers of his right hand and dribbled a generous amount between Devlynn’s cheeks as well.

As soon as the gel touched his hole, Devlynn jumped. “Oh, gods! Oh, gods! Arek…so…so long…wanted you—”

“Shh. No more waiting, sweetheart. You’ve got me.”

Devlynn moaned and Arek took the moment to circle his tight entrance, before carefully pushing the tip of his finger in. When it moved in easily and Devlynn was pushing back against him, Arek grew bolder. Soon he had two fingers inside Devlynn, working him open.

Unfortunately, the mere action of getting Devlynn ready was pushing Arek right to his limits. He was so turned on, he didn’t think he was going to last long enough to get inside.

And all the time, Rachel sucked and moaned on Devlynn’s cock. Ramping up his libido still further.

Taking his gaze away from the glorious ass in front of him for a second, Arek peeked around Devlynn to see Rachel’s hips thrusting up to meet the tongue pleasuring her clit. Her fingernails left small crescent shaped marks where they dug into Dev’s flank—clinging to him and urging him on.

The sound of Rachel releasing Devlynn’s cock on a loud groan got Arek’s full attention.

Rachel’s hips continued to thrust as she panted for breath.

“Hurry, Arek. I can’t hold on much longer. Want to come…all together.”

“Me too,” Devlynn added, before lowering his head back to pleasuring Rachel again.

Well, there was nothing like a challenge. And Arek knew he wasn’t going to last much longer either—it was somewhat of a relief to hear his lovers say they were so close.

Lining up his cock, Arek gently nudged at Devlynn’s hole. But Devlynn was having none of it. With a quick backwards thrust, Arek found his cock taken half way into Devlynn’s body in one swift move.

Arek couldn’t control it anymore. With his hands on either side of Devlynn’s hips, he pulled back slightly then thrust all the way home in one smooth heave of his hips. Devlynn went wild beneath him. Rachel’s muffled cries and moans joined in and soon all three of them were writhing and moving together—the only grace and coordination that of blind passion and desperate need.

Finally—mercifully—Arek came. His cock emptied deep inside Devlynn’s body as bright pinpoints of light exploded behind his closed eyelids. Wave after wave of orgasm swept over him like the pulsing surges of the solar storm—powerful, unrelenting and completely devastating. In the distance, he heard Devlynn cry out moments later and Rachel’s lusty moan several seconds after that. The entire bed platform shook with their orgasmic cascade.

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