The Sword And The Olive (83 page)

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Authors: Martin van Creveld

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Ben Tsvi, Y.
Bernadotte, Count P.
Betar (youth movement)
Bevin, E.
Bialik, Ch.
Bir Gafgafa, Battle of
“Black Saturday”
Blue band ranks
Bush, G.
C-130 Hercules aircraft
Camp David peace agreements Israel’s strategic position changed by
Carmel, D.
Carter, J. E.
Censorship, militaryrelaxed during nineties
Center of Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Intelligence Division (CID) combats Jews in Palestine
Centurion tankin 1967 War
CH-53 helicopter
Challes, Gen. M.
Chamoun, K.
Chankin, Y., founds Ha-shomer
Chaparral gun
Chasson, R.
Chayim Arlozorov
CHEN (women’s Army Corps), establishedpost-1973 expansion of
Cheney, R.
Cherut Party
Chets anti-ballistic missile development of
Chieftain tank
CHIM (Home Guard)
Chinese Farm, Battle of
CHISH (Field Force)early in War of Independence occupies Haifa
Choffi, Gen. Y.
Churchill, Sir W.
Circessians, in Israel conscripted by IDFin Frontier Guard
Civil defense (Hagana Ezrachit), failure during Gulf war
Coast Guard, Palestinian
Cohen, E.
Cohen, Y.
Cold War, start ofend of affects Israel
Combined arms, rejected by IDF
Command and staff college
Command system, 1956 under Rabinin 1973 War of IAF
“Cordon and search”
Czech arms deal
David, King
Dayan, M.early life arrested by Britishjoins PALMACHdefends Galilee against Syrians commands at Ramla and Lyddia and partition of PalestineCIC Southern Command and Unit plans Sinai Campaign 1956 performance evaluated resigns as COS and armored corps and Rabinwarns against war with Syria appointed defense minister and decision to assault Golan Heightsand aftermath of 1967 War under Ms. Meir and War of Attrition warns about coming warin 1973 War resigns as defense minister
Dayan, Y.
DC-3 Dakota transport aircraft, imported by Hagana
Decorations, instituted
Defense (Emergency) Regulations and censorship
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)
Dinstein, Ts.
Directed telescope
Dir Yassin, massacre at
Dori, Gen. Y.
Dowbigin, H.
Dragon missile
Drori, Gen. A.and Sabra and Shatilla massacre
Druze people, in Israel conscripted by IDFin Frontier Guard
Dulles, J. F.
Durendal bomb
Eban, A.
EC-2 Hawkeye
Efrat, Gen. Y.
Einan, Gen. M.fails to surround Syrians
Einstein, A.
Elad, E.
El Alamein, Battle of
, sinking of
Elazar, Gen. D.CO armored corps assaults Golan Heights appointed COS on eve of 1973 War in 1973 War and Canal Crossing1973 performance evaluated
Electronic warfare
Emergency depots (YAMACHim)
Entebbe raid
Eshkol (Shkolnik), L.becomes prime minister and Dimona reactor threatens Syriareplaced by Dayan as defense minister and decision to assault Golan Heightsand 1967 victoryand nuclear programand settlments
ETSEL (National Military Organization)splits attacks British early in War of Independencestorms Dir Yassinattacks Jaffaand the sinking of
Eytan, Gen. Mitla Passin 1967 Warcommands in Jordan Valleydefends Golan Heights appointed COSconscripts marginal youth rebuilds IDFand Begin and involvement in Lebanoncommands in Lebanonleaves COS postcompares Arabs with bugsand IDF morale
F-4 Phantom fighter bomber as nuclear delivery vehicle
F-15 Eagle fighter
F-16 Falcon fighter
Fahmi, Gen. I., plans 1973 War
Falame, raid of
Falaise, Battle of
Fauzi, M.
(heroic fighters)
Fein, Lt. Col. E.
Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee (of the Knesset) and bloating of IDFand IDF morale
FOSH (Plugot Sadeh)
Fouga Magister, training aircraft
Fourier, J. B.
Franjiyeh, S.
Frederick II, the Great
Frontier Guard (Mishmar Ha-gvul), createduse of conscripts induring Palestinian Uprising
Galil assault rifle
Galili, Y.
Gaulle, C. de
Gavish, Gen. Y., CO Southern Commandduring 1967 War
Gavriel missilerange extended
Gazala, Battle of
Gaza Strip, attacked by IDF as
n base Egyptian forces in occupied by Israelis, 1967 fate considered resistance to occupationstart of Palestinian Uprising in
Gazit, Col. S.
Gefen, J.
Gemayel, A.
Gemayel, B.killing of
General Staff, creation of and the service arms and raids on West Bankpresses for war and 1967 campaign objectives doctrine altered expands IDF expansion ofseeks to invade Lebanonand Palestinian Uprising
General Staff Division
Gesher, Battle of
Geva, Col. E.
Genghis Khan
Gibli, Gen. B., and

Unfortunate Business”
Giddi Pass, Battle of
Golan HeightsIsraeli assault on fate considered 1973 Battle for post-1973 planning for annexed to Israel
Goldstein, B.
Golomb, E.
Gonen, Gen. S. appointed CO Southern Front in 1973 War
Gorbachev, M. S.
Gordon, C. G.
Gordon, J. L.
Goren, S.
Greenberg, U. Ts.
Ground Forces Headquarters (MAFCHASH), created
Guderian, Gen. H.
Gur, Gen. M.enters Mitla Pass, 1956occupies Jerusalem, 1967 appointed COS resigns as COSand expansion of IDFand involvement in Lebanon
Gush Emunim
Gush Etsion, Battle for
Hachsharot (PALMACH Preparatory Groups)
Hagana, foundedand 1921 riotsduring 1920s and 1929 riotsduring 1930sand riots of 1936-39during World War IIafter World War IIstarts operations against British conscripts manpowerearly in War of Independence and Arab refugee problemarmaments ofand Navy women in founds arms industry
Ha-koach (sports club)
Harari, Lt. Col. Y.
Harel brigade
Harkavi, Gen. Y.
Harpoon missile
Har Tsion, M.
Ha-shomer, foundedfirst Jewish self defense organization during World War Idissolvedwomen in
Hawk missile
Hecht, Y.resigns from Hagana command
Heikal, M.
Herzl, Th., and future Jewish Army
Histadrut (National Labor Organization), parent-organization of Hagana and Hagana women
Hitler, A.
Hod, Gen. M.
Holocaust syndrome
Home Defense Command, established
Hussayni, A. aland Arab Revolt of 1936-39
Hussayni, Abd-al Kadr
Hussein, King of Jordan joins 1967 War attacks PLOand 1973 Warduring Gulf crisis
Hussein, S.builds up Iraqi military; threatens Israel
Ibrahim al Awwal
, captured recommissioned
Indirect approach, in 1967
Infiltratorsin Jordan Valley
Iraqi nuclear reactor, destruction of
Iraq Suedan, fortress of occupied by IDF
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
Islamic Jihad
Israel Aircraft Industries builds fighter aircraft
Israel Air Force (IAF)early aircraft ofearly doctrine ofin Sinai Campaign attacks
Ibrahim al Awwal
attacks friendly forcesprofessional pride ofevolution after 1956fights Syria attacks Iraqisattacks Egyptian airfields eliminates Jordanian Air Force, 1967 bombs Golan Heights1967 role evaluatedalters doctrineduring War of Attritionduring 1973 Warand Golan Heights Battleand Sinai Battle1973 performance evalauted post-1973 rearmamentdevelops long arm strike capability bombs Lebanondestroys Syrian missilesbombs Beirutplans to attack Iraq
Israel Defense Force (IDF, TSAHAL) early leaders trained in SNStraining of future commanderscommand organization ofhistory of 1948 Warreplaces Hagana confronts Arab invasion fails to stop Egyptian advance fighting in summer 1948, 88; attacks Egyptians 1948 performance assessed absorbs immigrants doctrine ofand top level political organization service arms of and reserve system officers of women in prestige ofand border incidents exceeds government orders prepares war against Egypt 1956 performance evaluated and Israeli society armored corps of officer training inincidents on Syrian bordermobilizes for 1967 Warplans for warassaults Golan Heights celebrates 1967 victory after 1967 War rearmsand War of Attrition mobilizes for War and defense of Sinai and Golan Heights Battle and Suez Canal crossing withdraws from Egypt and Syria1973 performance evaluated criticizedpost-1973 reorganization of rearmsand Entebbe raidgrowth of women’s role expanded in might peaks provided with home-built arms and nuclear weapons programraids Lebanoninvades Lebanonand Sabra and Shatilla massacre cohesion affected withdraws from Lebanonconfronts Hizbullah changes in, 1985-1995 education in becomes bloated turns to high technology confrontations with Iraqplans during Gulf Warand Iraqi missilespolices Occupied Territories and Palestinian Uprising atttacked by media morale collapses public loss of faith indevelopment summarizedeffect of Palestinian Uprising on

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