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Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell

The Taming of Jessica (16 page)

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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She composed herself as best she could, as Sebastian took the crop in his hand and stepped up to where she hung in her bonds. He trailed the leather keeper over her body, using it to circle each of her nipples in turn.

‘You have glorious breasts, slut,’ he told her, ‘but they would look so much better with a ring through each nipple. If you were mine, I would have rings in your pussy lips too, so I could padlock them together if I chose, and make sure no one played with your cunt except me. Not even you, slut.’

Jessica glanced down, not wanting to see the expression on his face as he outlined all the things he would do to her body, as if she really was nothing more than his possession. Almost without meaning to, her gaze settled on his crotch, and the bulge that strained against the fly of his skin-tight jeans. Not as big as Jason’s, but still a nice size, enough to make her feel it as he stretched her pussy walls apart …

‘But there are other things that can be done to your nipples,’ Sebastian continued. He moved away for a moment, to rummage in another drawer. When he returned, he held two small metal objects that reminded Jessica of the bulldog clips she’d used in her secretarial days. Even though his words had already let her know how he intended to use them, she couldn’t prepare herself for the bite of the first clip as he attached it to her nipple. Losing her composure, she cried out, the chain that held her in place rattling as she jigged from foot to foot in an attempt to lessen the pain.

‘Stay still, slut,’ Voller ordered her, fixing the second clip to her other nipple. Again, it pinched like fury, and she did her best to bite back her cry of anguish.

‘Clips here too, I wonder?’ Sebastian cupped the mound of her pussy, and she shook her head, eyes wide with fear. Surely he couldn’t mean to fasten those cruel metal jaws to her soft nether lips? She’d never be able to take the pain. His touch became more sensual, causing her to relax into the feeling of having her clit stroked. Then he stepped away. She almost screamed at him not to go back to the drawer. Her alarm was unnecessary; he merely licked his fingers with relish, lapping up the wetness that had transferred to them as he’d fondled her.

‘She tastes so delicious. Like the finest of wines,’ he commented. ‘And I’m sure the prospect of punishment has only heightened her bouquet. She wants this, Raynes, whatever you might say. She wants me to thrash her. And what the slut wants, the slut gets.’

With that, he walked round behind her. He was out of her line of vision, but she could smell his aftershave, surprisingly light for such an avowed dominant, and hear the soft squeak of his leather boots as he moved. He played the crop over her buttocks, acquainting himself with their contours.

‘I will not ask you to count the strokes, nor will I let you know how many you are to receive. That, as you are by now well aware, is at my discretion – and mine alone.’ That last remark had to be directed at Jason. He didn’t react, though Jessica could tell her master was itching to pluck the crop from Sebastian’s fingers.

Through all this, as the two men had circled each other, each trying to assert that his method of discipline was the right one for her, Max had stood watching. What did her husband have to say about all this – if he had to choose, would he prefer that she be beaten by Jason, who knew and respected her limits, or Sebastian, who wanted to take her well beyond the threshold of what she’d so far endured? By not stepping in, or attempting to sway the German from his course of action, she supposed he’d made his choice. Well, she would take everything Sebastian had to give; she would show Max how well she could suffer, and she would make him – and Jason – proud of her.

Her resolve almost crumbled to nothing when the crop slashed down on her backside for the first time. Sebastian didn’t hold back; he put the full force of his arm behind the stroke, and she yelled at the top of her lungs as a bolt of fire sizzled through her punished cheek. A second stroke fell, on the other cheek, and she cried out again.

‘Make as much noise as you like,’ Sebastian said. ‘These walls are thick. No one can enjoy the music of your cries except us.’

He really did enjoy making her scream; it was clear in his voice. Sebastian considered himself a master craftsman, and the evidence of his skill would be the marks his crop left on her skin.

Without giving her pause, he striped her arse again and again, each line running parallel to the ones he had left already. Hot torment flooded her body, every blow increasing her anguish. She writhed in her bonds, wishing there was some way to escape from the agony he was inflicting on her, and knowing that she had nowhere to go. Her arms were beginning to ache, tears spilled from her eyes, and she knew already that the sea journey on the little boat that would take them back to St Thomas and their connecting flight to Antigua would be a most uncomfortable one.

Sebastian altered his line of attack, slashing at her thighs. Again, the strokes were placed with precision, coming down on the places where the skin was softest and most vulnerable. How many had she taken in total? A dozen? More? All she knew was that it felt like he’d been beating her for ever.

She looked over to Max and Jason. Her husband’s expression could only be described as pure lust, as he drank in the sight of her punishment, and she wouldn’t be at all surprised to find his cock hard as iron in his underwear. Jason, meanwhile, seemed torn between anxiety and frank admiration – for her fortitude, not Voller’s skill with the crop, she was certain.

Aware that her attention had wandered elsewhere, Sebastian brought the focus sharply back to him by coming round to stand in front of her. The pain in her clamped nipples had subsided to a dull throb, almost forgotten as she fought to cope with the fearful hurt in her buttocks and thighs.

He used the tip of the crop to flick one of the pinching little clips. Even that gentle touch was enough to waken the fire in the aching bud. Repeating the action on her other nipple, he smiled at her sobbing plea not to hurt her further.

‘I knew you’d be beautiful when you begged,’ he said, running his finger down her cheek to wipe away a stray tear. Like her master, he had the ability to switch from cruelty to tenderness in a heartbeat, and her body responded as it always did when Jason showed her kindness; her pussy fluttered and she realised that pain had begun to meld with pleasure. ‘Beg me now, slut, beg me to whip you till you come.’

‘No, please …’ He couldn’t mean that, surely? She’d taken so much, and there had been moments when the safeword had hovered close to her lips. He couldn’t intend to carry on with her cropping.

‘Beg me,’ he repeated, sliding his fingers into her pussy and using two of them to fuck her with slow in and out movements. ‘Do what I tell you, because where I give pleasure, I can also give pain.’

The crop slashed down, almost without her being aware of it, and caught her squarely on the left breast. She squealed in pain, even as her pussy muscles clutched possessively at his invading fingers.

‘Where shall I strike you next?’ he asked. ‘The other breast, or maybe –’

He pulled his fingers out of her gripping hole, and ran the crop’s keeper over her mound and down into the cleft between her lips. His intention was unmistakable.

‘God, no, please!’ she cried. ‘You can’t – please!’

‘You know I can do whatever I want. You could use that special word my friend here seems so keen on – and such pretty flowers they are too – or you can take your punishment like a good girl.’

Those words, the ones her master always used when she had truly pleased him, seemed so wrong coming from Sebastian’s lips. From somewhere, she conjured up the last of her defiance. ‘Only my master can give me permission to come.’

‘Is that so?’ Sebastian brought the crop down on her right flank, then her left. She looked over at Jason, eyes full of mute appeal, knowing that his intervention could bring this to an end.

‘Yes, it is,’ he said, voice strong and steady. ‘And I give you that permission, Jessica. Come for me. Come like you never have before.’

To Jessica, pushed beyond endurance by the pain of the clips and the crop and the strain in her bound limbs, it seemed that even before Sebastian whipped the flesh at the apex of her mound, her orgasm took her. It spiralled her up to a place where nothing and no one could touch her, pain and pleasure fusing into something deep and sweet and all-consuming. She babbled nonsense as she came, racked by spasms that set the chains rattling and dancing all over again, and then she was being freed from her restraints and pulled into Jason’s arms.

Of all the men in the room, it somehow felt right that he was the one who held her close, soothing her as she came slowly back to awareness of her surroundings.

‘You did so well,’ he told her, ‘but it’s not quite over yet.’ With that, he removed the clips, and she almost cried out again as sensation began to flood back into her tormented nipples. He bent his head, and suckled each of the sore buds in turn. ‘That better?’ he asked her as he straightened again.

‘Yes, thank you. Thank you for everything, Jason.’

Their eyes met, and their lips followed, as she kissed him with all the passion she had, not caring that her husband stood only a couple of feet away. So much emotion in one kiss, she thought as they finally broke apart. Lust and desire and need and want. And beneath it all, the acknowledgement that this was goodbye, and it would never happen again. If things were different, she could really fall in love with this guy. She tried to ignore the little voice in the back of her head that told her she already had.

It left only the formalities to be concluded. Jason went to shake Max’s hand. ‘It’s been an honour and a privilege to own your wife,’ he said, ‘and now she’s all yours. She’ll do whatever you ask of her, and if she doesn’t –’ he grinned ‘– well, I think you know how to deal with her now.’

‘Thank you, Jason,’ Max replied. ‘I couldn’t have wished for a better man to tame Jessica.’

Jason turned to Voller, who paused in the act of shrugging on his shirt. ‘And Sebastian, mate, I’ve learnt a few things from you about how to treat a submissive. I just don’t think I’ll ever be putting them into practice.’

With that, he strode from the room, leaving Jessica to throw herself into her husband’s arms and feel the closeness of his body for the first time since they’d left London.

Chapter Seventeen

‘I think you and I need to talk.’

Max looked down at Jessica as she lay on the big bed in his suite. He’d taken her there once they’d left the dungeon, and now he was rubbing a soothing salve into the welts that Sebastian Voller’s crop had left on her arse. As gentle as he tried to be, she winced at his touch, and he could almost curse the man for having inflicted such a brutal punishment on her, if it wasn’t for the fact the sight of Jessica writhing and sobbing beneath the blows had excited him beyond belief. He was still hard, his cock aching for relief.

Jessica rolled on to her side, clearly trying to find a position that was comfortable for her. ‘Talk? About what?’

‘What happened just now, mostly.’ He took a breath, wondering best how to begin. ‘Jess, when I brought you out here, I wasn’t totally convinced I was doing the right thing. I thought you might rebel the moment you found out what kind of place this really was, and demand to go home. But you didn’t. And I’m so proud of you for staying, and submitting to everything that’s been done to you.’

‘I needed it, Max.’ Jessica linked her fingers with his. ‘And even a couple of weeks ago, I would never have thought that, but I’ve learnt now that there’s a part of me that responds to being kept in line.’

‘And I’ve learnt a few things about myself this week too. Mostly that I get turned on by watching another man discipline you. Even an arrogant, self-centred bastard like Voller. If he’d demanded that you suck his cock after he’d whipped you, or wanted to fuck your arse, I wouldn’t have objected. I’d have enjoyed the sight. In fact, that’s the one thing I’d have liked to do more of this week, watch you service some other guy.’

‘So you weren’t in whichever suite it was yesterday, when I was blindfolded and having to suck two men off at once?’ Jessica asked.

‘No, I wasn’t, and when we get home I’m going to make you tell me every last filthy detail of what you did to them.’ He sighed wistfully. ‘That’s the one thing Damon should do to make this place even better. Install digital recording equipment in all the rooms, so guests could have mementos to take home …’

He stopped, aware that he was getting side-tracked from his main point. Though that didn’t stop thoughts flashing through his mind of what Jessica might have looked like, on her knees and paying attention to two hard, jutting cocks.

‘But there’s still one thing I need to know. It’s been eating away at me for a couple of days now, ever since I saw you at Damon’s table the other night, and with everything that happened just now …’ Max couldn’t stop himself blurting out the words. ‘Are you in love with Jason Raynes? Because I’m pretty damn sure he’s in love with you.’

‘Max, I …’ This time, when Jessica’s eyes met his, tears glistened in their green-gold depths. ‘I have very strong feelings for him, I can’t deny that. After everything that’s happened between us this week, it would be almost impossible for me not to.’

Max snorted. ‘Are you sure? Because I look at a woman like Honey Forrester, and she seems to treat everything that’s done to her as one big game.’

‘But that’s how she operates. She deliberately winds up whoever’s dominating her by not taking anything seriously, because she knows he’ll react by punishing her. I’m sure she loves her husband, just as I love you.’

‘That still doesn’t answer my question.’

Jessica sighed. ‘You’re the man I married, Max. You’re the man I promised to love and obey for the rest of my life, and when you spanked me after you brought me back from Envied, I realised just how much that promise meant to me. But Jason pushed buttons I didn’t even know I had, and he showed me what being properly mastered is all about. You’ve watched him, you’ve watched the other men here; you can treat me the same way, I know you can.’

‘That’s as may be, but –’

She put a soft finger to his lips, cutting him off. ‘If you and I weren’t together, then yes, I would give myself to Jason. He stirs things in me that no one else ever has, apart from you. And he might not be the pretty toy boy you fought so hard to keep me away from, but he’s so right for me in so many ways. All of which are completely immaterial, because after today I’m never going to see him again, am I?’

Max pulled Jessica up till her face met his, and they kissed. How long had it been, he wondered as he tasted the softness of her mouth, since he’d held her in his arms and kissed her quite so thoroughly? And why had it taken the fear that he might lose her to another man to rouse him to this peak of passion?

‘God,’ he murmured, when they came up for air, ‘I’ve done so many things, seen so many things this week, and when it comes down to it, what I want to do more than anything else is make love to my wife? How vanilla is that?’

‘There’s nothing wrong with good old vanilla sex,’ Jessica said, watching him as he began to shed his clothes. ‘We just know now that it’s more important for us to keep things spicy.’

He tossed his shirt to the floor, conscious that they didn’t have much time. In just over an hour, they would need to check out and make their way down to where the boat would be berthed, waiting to take them off the island. His shorts and underwear followed. So much to do; his bags still needed to be packed, and someone would have to collect Jessica’s things from her room …

No, he told himself, let that wait. This is more important. If this week has taught us anything, it’s that we can’t get back into the habit of relegating sex to the last in a list of chores.

Conscious of finding a position that would be comfortable for Jessica and her punished arse, he rolled her onto her side, and slotted in behind her. As he guided his cock to her entrance, he heard her give a murmur, and wondered if he’d accidentally placed his weight against some sore spot.

Instead, she said, ‘And if anything will stop you feeling jealous, just remember Jason was never able to fuck me without a condom. He’s never felt what you feel right now.’

She was right; there was no barrier shielding him from the hot, velvet interior of her cunt, nothing to prevent this most intimate of connections. And though he usually preferred to be able to look into her eyes as he fucked her, this felt right, to be spooning with her, his leg draped over her hip and his cock sliding into her with slow, shallow thrusts. Jessica pushed her rump back at him, a little gingerly, and the self-imposed restriction of her movements sent a wicked thrill through him. In future, if the marks of a punishment were emblazoned on her arse as he fucked her, it would be because he had placed them there. Or he would take her pussy, or her arse, while he had her in bondage, feeling her strain in her restraints beneath him as his cock ploughed into whichever hole he chose.

Yet something still pricked at him; the faint, almost suppressed tone of disappointment in Jessica’s voice when she’d talked about never seeing Jason again. He’d already confessed to her how exciting he found it when she was forced to pleasure another man – or woman, given the state he’d been in when watching her undergo her “customs examination” at the hands of Delice Abrams. Would he gain anything by making sure she was exclusively his, as he’d intended to do by bringing her here to learn what it meant to be tamed – or would he simply end up the loser?

He could hardly follow his own train of thought, as his need to come grew more desperate and the pace of his thrusts into his wife’s beautiful body increased. Somehow, he managed to blurt out, ‘It doesn’t have to be the end.’

‘What do you mean?’ Jessica asked, her own fingers buried in her cunt as she sought to match her orgasm to his.

‘You and Jason. It doesn’t have to end when we all leave the island.’ Then the come surged from his balls, flooding into Jessica’s strongly convulsing body as she came a moment behind him, and for a moment nothing mattered as he emptied himself.

When he finally rolled away from her, fighting the urge to sleep that usually followed good sex, the plan returned to mind, in sharper focus than before. He reached for the phone, and when the receptionist picked up, he asked her to put him through to Jason Raynes’ suite.

Jason stood at the side of the bed, taking inventory in his mind of everything he’d brought with him to make sure he left nothing behind. He’d emptied the closet of his clothes and footwear, and the bathroom of his selection of toiletries, along with the half-finished complimentary bottles of shampoo and shower gel. If nothing else, when he used them, he would remember how Jessica’s body had smelled when she’d used those same products.

The contents of the toy chest were his to take away too: the flogger, the silken ropes, the lube and healing salve. He’d packed those deep in the bottom of his bag; souvenirs of the most unforgettable week of his life, and the woman he’d created those sweet memories with.

It had almost broken his heart to watch her walk out of the room with Max’s arm around her, after she’d orgasmed under the lashes of Voller’s riding crop. So strong, so brave, so beautiful; she truly was his perfect submissive. He would search for a long time before he found anyone who came close to her. But he had to let her go; he’d taken on the task of training her on her husband’s behalf, and he’d done it to the best of his ability. Though he still saw flashes of the wilful cougar who had apparently driven her husband to distraction, they only served to help make her the complex woman who presented so much more of a challenge than a brat like Honey or a compliant pain slut like Simone.

Give it a few weeks, he told himself, and all this will seem like some kind of dream; something to distract yourself while you’re ordering another overweight, out of shape businessman to do another set of 20 press-ups. Move on, and let her go, however painful it is.

He was in the process of zipping up his carry-on bag, ready to go downstairs and check out, when the phone rang. Expecting to hear the voice of a receptionist, reminding him that he needed to be on his way very soon, he found himself instead being greeted by Max Sheringham.

‘Wait for me in reception when you’ve checked out,’ Max said. ‘I’ll be with you in ten minutes or so. Don’t worry, they won’t let the boat go without us.’

‘What’s all this about, Max?’

‘Let’s just say I have a proposition for you. One I think you’ll be very interested in.’

BOOK: The Taming of Jessica
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