The Taste of Magic (27 page)

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Authors: Gina Rosavin

BOOK: The Taste of Magic
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"Adrian, you promised…"


He smiled, his eyes warm and full of desire. "Yes, I did. But Kat, you enchant me, and I cannot resist. Please, let me show you what you do to me. What I can do for you."


"There's too much unsettled between us."


"Then let's settle it." He planted tiny kisses around her mouth, along her cheeks and jaw.


Desire warred with sanity, but perhaps due to her exhaustion, desire soundly defeated the tenuous hold on her wisdom. His fingers now moved across her chest, and she arched into the touch. She felt his smile as his lips followed the path of his fingers, and he pulled her tightly against him.


The next moment, she reclined in his comfortable bed, Adrian leaning over her. Disoriented, she gasped for breath and clutched at the duvet. He drew away, his blue eyes hardening with concern.


"Kat? Is something wrong?"


"Warn me when you're going to do that, please."


He grinned in relief. "Forgive me." He lowered his mouth to hers, and she quickly forgot her bewilderment, and gave herself over to the hunger he awakened. His fingers deftly undid the buttons of her blouse, and she gasped as he covered her breast with a light caress. The simple touch spurred her desire further, and she pulled his shirt free, anxious to feel the cool skin beneath. He shivered as her fingers ran along his spine, and he pulled his mouth from hers, breathing heavily.


"I've missed you." His voice was ragged and harsh, and only heightened her ardor, the evidence of his own hunger spurring her on. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she drew him back to her, whimpering into his mouth as his hands reached between her legs, finding her heat and stoking it, his seeking fingers inflaming every nerve in her body.


His mouth left hers once more, and she moaned in protest. The moan quickly changed to a sigh as he trailed a moist path along her throat to her breasts. His lips and tongue tormented her while his fingers sought out every sensitive part of her body, until she was no more than a quivering puddle in his arms. As he skimmed her thigh, she spread her legs wider, feeling as though she would combust. But he leisurely stroked her, as if immune to the urgency churning within her.


"Adrian, please…"


"I don't want to rush, Kat. I want to savor each moment." She forced her heavy-lidded eyes open. He gazed steadily at her, his blue eyes tinged with flecks of gold. The sight only inflamed her further. Her hands moved along his lean muscled torso, finally reaching the proof of his desire. He moaned as she stroked him lightly.


"Adrian, now. I need you. I want you."


He ran a finger down her throat, to the valley between her breasts. She lifted herself into the touch, while maintaining her light grasp on his hardness. He shuddered at the gentle caress.


"You will drive me to lose control."


She nodded. "Yes, lose control. Adrian, feed from me."


His eyes widened. "But Kat…"


"Do it. Please, Adrian."


He shook his head. "I thought you didn't trust me."


The urgent need faded and she bit back a curse. "Let's not think about that now. All I know is I do want this, I want you. Maybe it's because I'm tired, maybe it's because in the night I can forget about everything else. But I can't help it."


She'd barely finished speaking when he covered her mouth in a frenzied kiss which left her panting. His hand stroked her hip, moving lower to find her core, as his lips moved along her throat, forcing a ragged moan from her lips. She closed her eyes against the spinning room, allowing the heat and sparks he ignited to overtake her.


Then he was above her, his hardness nudging at her heat. She lifted herself, smiling as he buried himself deeply within her, his mouth once again fused to hers. He moved slowly, his strokes driving her higher, until she couldn't do anything but feel the surge of pleasure radiating outward. He nibbled gently at her throat, and she arched her neck to give him better access. She barely registered his chuckle before the sensation of his fangs piercing overcame all rational thought. There was no pain this time, a slight twinge of discomfort perhaps, but the intensity of her pleasure increased. His heart sped up, beating in time with hers, and she twined her fingers with his as he fed from her, the sensuous motion of his lips sending her hurtling toward the zenith. She flew across the first peak, and then higher still, ecstasy and joy coursing through her, making her tremble with its force. Being with him like this was so right, there was no place else she would want to be.


He pulled away from her neck, lips darkened with blood as he threw back his head. A passionate howl escaped him as he drove her further, and she exploded into particles of fiery light, the embers coming back together in a fierce rush which stole her senses. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled over her, until it finally slowed, reduced to little swells that made her shudder with delight, his body atop hers a welcome weight.


Adrian eased himself off her and cradled her close. The pleasure she brought him was unlike anything he'd ever known. Feeding from her tonight was even better than the first time, for this time, he was able to savor the smoky subtle taste that defined her. He turned her head and peered at the two wounds on her neck. He licked his fingers and pressed their damp tips against the marks, helping them to heal.


She snuggled close, and he inhaled deeply of her sweet perfume. He had never expected her to react so strongly, especially since she'd been so adamant about not letting him close. But it was clear that on some level, she did trust him, whether she realized it or not.




"Yes, my dear?"


"Don't leave me."


He tightened his arms around her. "Never."


She moved so listlessly, had he taken too much? He sent a silent message to one of the servants, ordering a pitcher of juice. Pomegranate, for its restorative qualities. Katerina snuggled against him, her eyes already closed in slumber. He kissed the top of her head, his hands idly roaming her back. Tonight had brought many surprises, and this one, while the most hoped for, was the least expected.




Chapter Twenty




Sunlight stirred Katerina from her slumber. Keeping her eyes closed against the brightness, she burrowed deeper into the warmth of the blankets. Sudden recollection of the night before brought her fully awake, despite her efforts to fight it.


She tossed back the covers, groaning against the blinding light. Holding her hand to shield her face, she forced herself out of the bed. Adrian's bed.


What had she done?


She recalled begging him to take her. To feed from her. He'd brought her incomparable pleasure, along with the sense of truly being where she belonged. She walked to the window and pushed it open, inhaling sharply the early morning air. It did little to ease the tension knotted in her stomach. "No," she moaned. Despair fought its way through her. He had lied to her, again and again, he used her, he didn't love her. And she had just given herself to him, as if she were a puppet to be manipulated. Practically thrown herself at him. She hung her head. Shame settled like a lump of burning coal in her stomach.


The door opened. She didn't have to turn to know it was Adrian. His heady masculine scent reached her, she could hear his sigh of appreciation as he watched her. Sudden realization of the sharpness of her senses filled her with dread, even as his affection for her filled her with familiar warmth.


Then he was before her, lifting her face, studying her with concern. "Something troubles you."


It wasn't a question, and she was grateful, for she was sure her voice would fail her if she tried to respond. So she nodded.


He sighed and drew her near, and it was all she could do not to wrap her arms around him. But she had to remember this was not real. He controlled her, even with his apparent lack of exerting it. Reverse psychology, she realized. She shoved him away.


"Just because we shared…a night together, doesn't mean I forgive you."


He tilted his head to one side. "What have I done now?" She shook her head and threw up her hand in frustration.


"You lied to me. Over and over."


"I thought…"


"I know what you thought. If I jumped into bed with you, everything would be all right. But it's not. Nothing's changed."


He stepped closer, one hand reaching out, but she backed away. If he touched her, all her intentions would fly out of the open window.




"No. You won't get away with it. I won't let you. You bought out my company to keep me under your employ, you used my father to keep me close. He's still working for you. You planned to use my powers for your own gain. What else am I forgetting?"


"How you begged me to take you."


The truth was as harsh as if he'd slapped her, leaving her in stunned silence. She opened her mouth to respond, but found no words. She had begged him, had wanted him to bite her, and she wouldn't change it. Just the idea she would do it all over again only made her angrier, but more with herself than him. Her weakness for him was worse than any of his exploitation. He'd never denied he wanted her. However he could get her.


"Kat, you're tired. You're not thinking clearly. Have some breakfast, you'll feel better, and we can work this out."


"Don't patronize me. I won't let you control me."


"I'm not trying to control you. I've been trying very hard to make it clear."


"You manipulated me into your bed last night."


He sighed and shook his head. "I know better than anyone if you didn't wish to be there, you wouldn't."


She wanted to scream with frustration. Once again, he was right. His uncanny ability to see what even she couldn't recognize in herself frightened her. She recalled the day of her lessons with Stefan, when she had told her teacher almost the same thing. No one else made her feel whole, and no one had ever been able to read her like Adrian. Did she fight the inevitable?


Anger slowly faded, replaced with a strange sense of resignation. Why was she fighting so hard? She didn't resist when he stepped near, this time letting him pull her close. But she remained motionless in his embrace, trying to resist the warmth and comfort he stirred when he stroked her back.


Kat, let me take care of you. The strain of the last days has been too much.


I told you to stay out of my head.


It's impossible. When your emotions are so raw, I cannot ignore them.


You knew all along I didn't want to fall in… She crushed the thought before it could form and sensed Adrian's disappointment.


What? He urged her to continue.


"Nothing," she said aloud. Her stomach rolled. The nausea increased with alarming speed. Fearing she would embarrass herself, she pulled free of his embrace and dashed into the bathroom, locking the door moments before her stomach emptied violently.


Adrian's pounding made her head throb. She moaned and rose on shaky legs, rinsing out her mouth and splashing cool water on her face.


"Katerina? Are you all right?" His voice, muffled by the door, was laced with panic and she felt a perverse sense of satisfaction knowing he could feel fear, that it was she who had caused it. His fear for her. The realization startled her into momentary stillness, then she shook herself free.


She yanked open the door, but he wasn't there. His hand on her shoulder startled her, and she bit back a scream as she turned. He stood behind her. "Don't do that!"


"What's wrong? Are you ill?"


She sighed. "No, I'm not ill. I'm tired, and I think you took too much blood last night."


"I've never heard of such a reaction. Perhaps I should call Vining."


"No, I'm fine now. But I can't do this anymore." She walked through the chamber and out the open doorway. He followed as she strode down the hall to her own room.




"You constantly coming at me. I need to go see my mother." She stopped at her rooms and turned to face him. "Don't follow me. If you want to prove to me I can trust you, start now by doing as I ask."


He nodded and she didn't look back as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. For several moments, she simply leaned against it, knowing he still stood outside. Their connection was still open, but he did not try to influence her in any way, his presence simply enveloped her in warmth. She laid a hand against the wood, a strange melancholy overtaking her as the bond faded and he cut off their link.


Her stomach churned again, and she ran for the bathroom for the second time. As she refreshed herself, she wondered if perhaps his feeding last night had done this. It hadn't the first time, but maybe the second time was different. He assured her a blood exchange was necessary for her to be turned, but she didn't know if she believed him.


She dressed slowly, trying to shake the dizziness accompanying the nausea. This didn't make any sense. Unless….no! Impossible! There was no way she could be…she refused to let the thought form. She must be coming down with the flu. Of course, she'd been tired lately, the hectic pace of keeping up with Adrian had left her physically exhausted. If she had managed to catch something, could she have passed it to him since he drank her blood? Could he even get sick? She would ask her mother. If she ever got there.

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