Read The Third Wednesday Online

Authors: Shara Azod,Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Erotica

The Third Wednesday (2 page)

BOOK: The Third Wednesday
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She was better than that. Wasn’t she?



When Eduardo moved up to her shoulders, she wanted to cry. Her pussy throbbed, unfulfilled, empty, and oh, so wet. The man who was too sexy for her own good went about his job efficiently, but damn, it was so hard not to believe there was a little something more with the way he handled her. Instead of her growing sexual attraction fading, it only got worse, even when he instructed her to flip over so he could do her back.

In defiance, Tonisha failed to pull the sheet up over her when she did so. Boldly, she flipped onto her stomach, letting her ass hang out there for him to kiss, damn it. How dare he turn her on like this? Let him look. She went to the gym four times a week. Her trainer might have been a Nazi in her past life, given how hard she made Tonisha work; one thing Tonisha knew for damn sure was she had a perfect ass. Yeah, she couldn't seem to get rid of the soft mound of her stomach no matter how hard she tried, and yeah, her thighs were more than generous, but she knew her ass was a thing of beauty.

He must have thought so too, given the small hiss he let escape. Good. Let his ass suffer like she was suffering.

Too bad her satisfaction flew out the window as soon as he touched her again. Holy hell, how could a massage on the freaking shoulders be so sensual? Working slowly, he made his way from her shoulders to her back just above the curve of her ass, then back up again. Apparently he liked the view, because he made no effort to cover her, either. That or he was ignoring her behind completely. Funny, it certainly felt hot, as if someone had focused all their attention on it. Frustration was a living, breathing thing. Why wouldn’t he touch her just a little bit inappropriately already? It gnawed at Tonisha from the inside out. She wanted to either flee the room in utter embarrassment or grab the man by the front of his perfectly pleated pants, rip them open, and demand satisfaction. Given she was a woman of action, one of the most powerful people in her world, the former wasn't as likely to happen as the latter.

Silently, she cursed the man. Somehow, she was certain this was all his fault. She buried her face in the pillow and smothered another groan. All the while, Eduardo continued to stroke her back, caressing in firm, soothing movements.

"My pardon, madam." Eduardo broke the tense silence with that deep, quiet voice of his. "You're more tense than when I started. Perhaps madam needs a more...intensive therapy?"

"Yes." Tonisha didn't recognize her breathy whisper as her own. "I think that would be a good idea."

"You will tell me if you are uncomfortable. Yes?" God, he really did have a sexy voice. Like a well-aged cognac, deep, smoky.

"Just do what you think is best." If he wasn't going to spell it out, she wasn't asking. If it came down to it, if he refused to take the hint, she'd order the bastard to fuck her. That was rather crude, but this was really ridiculous. That would make her just as bad as the spoiled CEOs she was always bailing out of trouble. But frankly she could care less. No one had turned her on like this with a simple touch. And he was a perfect stranger.

Slowly, as if waiting for her to stop him, Eduardo moved his hands down either side of her spine in a firm caress. When he reached her buttocks, he hesitated briefly before running his hands over the rounded globes, kneading gently but firmly.

Tonisha groaned again, clutching the sides of the massage table in a death grip. The man was going to kill her. Or she might kill him if he didn't get on with it. Of course, this was a massage. Nothing about it needed to be fast. It was all about relaxation, slow and easy. Eduardo certainly believed that, if his actions were any indication. Over and over he kneaded her buttocks, getting to every part as if each muscle group deserved his undivided attention.

When he began working on her thighs nearest her buttocks, Tonisha spread her legs just the slightest bit. She couldn't help it. His grunt as he continued his torturous ministrations to her aching body told her he approved of her actions. Strong fingers shaped her inner thighs, not quite skimming her pussy, but there was no way he could miss the moisture leaking steadily from her. Each time he trailed his fingers around the inside of her legs, she pushed back at him, trying in vain to get him to just brush her clit or her pussy lips. Just that little bit of contact would set her off. Over and over he slid his hands and fingers over her ass and upper legs, the tension becoming almost unbearable. How could this possibly continue without her completely losing control?



"Turn over, miss." His voice was still that soft, unassuming tone, but did she hear a husky note of desire in it? For the first time in her life, Tonisha was actually afraid to meet a man's gaze. If he wasn't as affected by this as she was, she'd be utterly humiliated. Fortunately, she needn't have worried. When she turned over, Eduardo was at her side, the front of his pants bulging with what looked to be a very impressive erection. Her gaze snapped to his, the relief overwhelming. Some of the tension drained away, but it was quickly replaced with more sexual tension, so strong she could smell it. As if there wasn't enough of that already.

Eduardo, never taking his eyes from hers, dribbled a small amount of massage oil in his palms and rubbed them together to warm the liquid. Ever so slowly, he lowered them to her breasts, kneading them in much the same way he had her buttocks. Her nipples pebbled between his fingers as he continued the sensual glide.

Closing her eyes, Tonisha gave herself up to the sensations Eduardo created so effortlessly. Strong, sure caresses roamed her breasts and torso. No patch of skin was left untouched. Hips to belly, then back to breasts, Eduardo played her body like a finely tuned instrument. Before he'd finished, Tonisha writhed unashamedly beneath him, moaning and whimpering her need without fear he'd rebuff her or deny her what she so desperately needed.

Arching into his touch, Tonisha stopped even trying to restrain herself. It might be inappropriate behavior, but she was beyond caring. Eduardo's hands were pure magic. Her skin tingled. And it wasn't the massage oil. He left a trail of burning fire everywhere he touched, everywhere he even looked at her. And he was looking. The appreciation in his gaze made her glad her personal trainer was such a sadist.

His hands left her breasts and torso to move down her legs once more. The oil he used made her skin gleam. The soft light from the candles flickered, playing across her nude body, caressing her with shadows and highlights. She knew she had beautiful skin. Hints of reddish hues blended with the darker tones and made her look exotic.

With long, sure strokes of his hands, Eduardo moved back up her body to extend the seemingly never-ending pleasure to her arms and hands. He kneaded into her palms before moving back up her arms to work out the muscles from her biceps to her shoulder. The stretch as he used the heel of his hand to glide over the tense knots he found there was equal parts pleasure and pain. After a few glides over her arm, he again moved to her breast, this time catching the hard little nipple between his fingers and tugging gently before moving on. Tonisha almost thought the move had been unintentional until she looked at his face. Stormy dark eyes met hers without flinching. The man definitely knew what he was doing.

Once caught in the trap of his sensual gaze, Tonisha found there was no looking away this time. He wanted her to keep looking at him, and she was powerless to deny him. Slowly, ever so slowly, he bent his head to her breast. Warm breath fanned the rigid peak as he looked at her. He wasn't asking permission, just giving her time to stop him. Because Tonisha knew unless she actually said the words, he was taking the massage to the next level. She'd be damned if she even tried to stop him. It would be like refusing the most critical part of her therapy. And it
therapy. Her monthly ritual was as much about putting herself in someone else’s keeping as it was to relax and enjoy herself.

Fascinated, Tonisha watched as her nipple disappeared between his lips. A hiss escaped before she could stop it, her whole body clenching in desperate need.

"Eduardo..." Although she had spoken, she had no idea what she was about to say. Stop? Yeah, right. Not so much. It felt too good. It had been way too long.

"Shhh," he commanded. "Just relax. Let me channel your tension and remove it with pleasure."

Who was she to argue?

He took her nipples with long, slow, flat licks of his tongue. Both breasts received equal attention. There was no way she could stop the way her fingers threaded through those silky, black locks of his, even if he'd told her to. It was almost like a naughty dream, an incredible fantasy she couldn't control. Eduardo lavished attention on her breasts until she not only squirmed, but moaned and bucked her hips helplessly at him.

That was when he kissed his way down her body to her navel, delving into the little indenture with his tongue. All the while, he never broke eye contact with her. The intense scrutiny was a little unnerving. It was as if he watched her for the slightest reaction, the minutest change in expression. Tonisha had had many lovers, but none of them had ever paid this much attention to her. This truly was all about her pleasure.

His kisses trailed from her navel down the soft slope of her belly, nipping the tender flesh only to lave away the sting. Lips moving over her freshly waxed mound, Eduardo licked and rubbed his face against her skin. Tonisha could have sworn he inhaled deeply and relinquished a slight growl, but she couldn't be sure. The blood pounded in her ears with pent-up energy. The need for release into one hellacious orgasm nearly drowned out even the soft music.

Small pebbles of sweat broke out all over her skin, and her breathing was labored. Oh, God, she needed to come, she needed him to kiss her deeper in a more intimate kiss. Having him so close she could feel the heated air of his breath against her most sensitive flesh was torturous.

“Soon.” The sound of his rich voice startled her. Had she said that out loud?

Tonisha tried to relax, tried to draw in enough air to calm her racing heart. It wasn’t working. Not when Eduardo opened her thighs even wider and began to nibble on the delicate skin there. Forget trying to keep it together. A distressed moan escaped as she bucked her hips upward in a plea for satisfaction.

“Please, please, please...” Begging was not something she was used to doing in her everyday life. Right now, it was all too appropriate.

Finally, finally she felt the hot swipe of his tongue against her labia. A single tear of frustrated joy slipped from her eye as she lifted her hips, opening her legs as wide as she could. Thankfully, this time he took the hint and deepened the carnal kiss, thrusting his tongue inside her quim. Gripping the table, Tonisha allowed herself to be swept away as Eduardo slipped his tongue in and out of her pussy, then moved to suck on her clit before moving back down again. So close! She was just on the edge when he stopped, pulling away and leaving nothing but cool air in his wake.

“No! No, please, I need--”

“I know what you need.” The heat in his emerald gaze seared her down to her bones. God, no one ever talked to her like that. Most people were terrified of her. But not this man. “You
to come. You
to wait and allow me to take care of you.”

That knocked the wind right out of her sails. As much as she wanted to argue, it was damned sexy to have a man take charge like that. Plus, he had inserted one thick finger where his tongue had so recently been, stealing her ability to think rationally. The slow, exquisite ache began to build all over again, forcing her to roll her hips in rhythm with his finger. Soon, the digit was joined by another, filling her almost as well as his cock certainly could.

And speaking of which, she really, really wanted that cock. She wanted to see it, touch it, kiss it.

“I want to taste you,” Tonisha shocked herself by saying. Generally speaking, she was not the kind of girl who went for the oral. Oh, she liked getting it, just hated returning the favor generally speaking. But for some reason the thought of pleasuring this man that way made her mouth water.

Eduardo didn’t seem as shocked as she was by the declaration. A wicked grin broke out on his face as he curled the fingers he had inside her upward, seeking and finding that very special spot, then stroked it vigorously. Tonisha barely had time to comprehend what was happening before his mouth swept down once more, his lips closing around her clit, sucking without mercy.

BOOK: The Third Wednesday
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