The Timekeeper (21 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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“Nope, nothing on any revolts or thefts, but I might be able to tell you a little about the Angels. I’m going to need a tad more details though.” I looked at Echo, and she gave him the background he was looking for.

In truth, I didn’t know shit regarding Angels and their weird-ass beliefs. They worked for Heaven, possessed wings and I had a bad habit of saving the ones well suited for working for me. Otherwise, I was clueless. Echo grinned at me and shook her head.

“Forgive her, Angels aren’t her forte. She’s managed to figure out how to hide them, make them fall, and procreate with them, but that’s about it. I believe the Angels we are looking for are part of a sect of renegades no one had been successful in tracking down. They’d all be ex-Order of the Seraphim.

“I wasn’t able to find an actual name for them, but their sole purpose is to speed up the falling of the Veil. They’re the only group of Angels who’d be interested in taking out Ilana. If she dies prematurely then everything will slowly fall apart. They will screw up the reincarnation cycles
” Wow, I wasn’t sure how Echo found any of this out, but I didn’t care
sounded pretty on the spot

“So Miss I-Know-Everything, what about Fey revolution?” She rolled her eyes at me and gave me a nasty look.

“Don’t you think I would’ve told you if I had anything you didn’t already know? Duh, chick. I’ll keep asking around
Right now, it seems to be a bunch of rumors.” I nodded, I’d figured.

They weren’t going to advertise what they were up to, and if anyone was aware of the plan, no one was talking. The one thing I was sure of, this was political and it involved the Council

“Alright, ladies
or lady, rather. It’s a start. I’ll do some research and try and track down the unnamed sect. Shouldn’t be difficult, only so many groups of renegade Angels are running around with that goal in their charter. I might dig up something by the end of the day, assuming you can keep yourself alive long enough to find out.” I glared at him.

“I’m glad you think this is funny, really, I am.” He chuckled, finished his drink in one large gulp and slid himself out of the booth.

“Oh, Ilana, I joke because I’m not worried. Nothing is going to happen to you, you’re far too cunning and seriously over-protected. Only a moron would think of coming after you. I’ll call you later with whatever I find. Always a pleasure, ladies.” He bowed his head and walked away. I glanced over at Echo, who watched Nathan walk out of the bar. 

not just Angels anymore, huh? Even mortal men are catching your attention. This is not going to work out well for you in the end, Mrs. Jones.” She never took her eyes off Nathan’s backside.

“I can look. Geez. Nathan is as blah as they get, but that rear end of his should’ve been put on someone with a little more pizzazz
” We both started laughing.

I’ve got some other things you can take care of for me, if you’re interested.” She gave me skeptical look.

“What would that be?” I grinned. This request should improve her day. I genuinely cared for my friends and family, regardless of popular opinion. Sometimes, I wanted to make them smile, even if it was going to drive me insane in the process.

“Looks like you’re planning another wedding, assuming you accept the task. No date set yet, fuck I haven’t talked to my father or the Council, but it takes a while to pull everything together. You’re getting the official heads up.” Her face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning.

She beamed and started bouncing up and down with excitement. I was waiting for her to start clapping, which thankfully didn’t come.

“You and Dexter are getting married! Oh, this is so exciting! Your father is going to be happy. Wait, is he on board with having kids?”

I took a sip of my rum and coke trying to resist the urge to smack her

“Of course. Dex seemed pretty excited, happier than I am about this development anyway. He’s not the one who has to go through the pregnancy, labor and delivery. He never had children, so this will be his first opportunity. He’s got good reason to be stoked
” This time she did start clapping and bouncing. I rolled my eyes. Some things would never change
She was always going to be a dingy nutcase

“When are you planning to tell Azazel and the Council? Your Dad will probably be ecstatic, but the jack-asses you work for are gonna be pissed.” I nodded

“Ya think? Dad won’t be happy with who I’ve decided to take as a husband, but he’s going to be thrilled about the alliance we’ll have with the Vampires now
and the prospect of more grandchildren will tickle him pink. The group of raging leeches I work for are going to explode in a holy
fit. They’re also going to pop out a litter of kittens when I inform them I intend to retire after this lifetime. My talents are better used elsewhere.” She smiled.

Echo had been waiting for me to tell the Council to go pound sand for a while. Their need to repeatedly screw me over made her furious, and she’d been encouraging me to quit for centuries.

She wasn’t the only one who’d be thrilled regarding my decision for self-termination. My father and my husbands were going to jump up and down with excitement as well. We’d be good as long as they didn’t start clapping while they were hopping around like a bunch of buffoons.

Azazel wanted me to come home and stay. Azul requested settling down and separating myself from the Council. Zev would find it convenient way to harass me and track me down
Assuming he could figure out a way to get into the kingdom and still keep his head. Dexter would have an easier time seeing me after we married
and we’d have a place to raise our children

“Let me know as soon as you set the date and the colors, I don’t even remember what the traditional third wedding shades are, I’ll look it up
Don’t worry
If they suck we won’t use them. Oh, and I’ll need the location too. It’ll need to be at night, as Dexter is a Vamp, so things will be a little trickier
Try and aim for a date with a full moon.” I nodded.

I didn’t want to ponder any of this
Echo might not stop, even if I asked her to nicely. She deserved a bit of fun and I wouldn’t take that away from her

“Okay, well I’m off to run some errands real quick so you can catch up with Drake. I’ll be back in about a half hour.” I stopped listening to her as she had rambled on and I was sure she’d figured it out. She couldn’t fault me, I had too many things on my mind
and I loathed wedding planning.

I waved goodbye as she stood up
and moved myself, and my drink, to the bar. Drake was patiently awaiting my arrival, wiping down the spotless counter.

“Good afternoon, Princess. How are you faring today?” I slid onto the barstool

“I seemed to be overextended, but other than that, I’m okay.” He put another rum and coke in front of me as I finished the first one and set my glass down

“Why so burdened today, if you don’t mind me asking? I would think you of all people would be used to this by now.” I gave him a slight smile

“I should be, but I’m not. Ask away, Drake. I’m a tad overwhelmed with everything happening. I’m whining
I know. This is where you ask me if I need any cheese.” He chuckled.

“Whine away
sunshine. I’ve got the time to listen, and you never know, maybe I’ll find a way to make this easier to deal with for ya.” A genuine smile crossed my lips.

“Sounds great
The first thing is the crazy Angels trying to kill me. It appears to be the most pressing issue.” He gave me a smirk, like he didn’t believe me

“I understand, but I get the impression you’re already working on taking center stage in handling them. If you don’t mind me pointing out, it doesn’t sound like that’s really an issue.” He was right

I’d grown fairly accustomed to having things trying to dispose of me or plot against me
It was old news, but did make a sensible excuse to complain

“Okay, let’s try something else. How is everything going with my granddaughter?” He chucked

“Avoidance, always an excellent plan. Last I heard Aural didn’t trust Warde to do what he was supposed to be doing. At least according to Aural, Warde’s created the impression he’s up to a fair amount of double-dealing. Aural accused Warde of playing both sides and holding out in Hel’s best interest. I don’t believe this of your Warde at all Princess
and she got a similar response from Marquis Nicolai.

“Your cousin also left a message
Warde’s been looking for you
He might’ve run into a snag pulling everything together. Something about not being able to find the correct spell to counteract Hel’s manipulations, and you would know what that means? Regardless, he’s willing to meet you wherever you like. Send word to Mal and she’ll get it to him posthaste.” I frowned and nodded.

“My meeting with the Council is later on today in Portlandia, then I plan on stopping quickly in Belt ta `Demm. Tell him I’ll get the information to him shortly after sunrise outside of the Vampire Embassy in my Colony. As far as Aural is concerned, she’s always been skeptical of Warde. I gather it’s got something to do with the short-lived relationship they decided was a good plan when Dante married Meredith. You’re not suppose to know anything, so don’t you dare repeat a single word to anyone.” He placed his hand over his heart and the other hand in the air

“You have my word as not only a bartender, but as a loyal servant. I’ve never repeated anything ever said to me in confidence, Princess.” I grinned.

“I know. You are one of the few people I trust, Drake.” Rarely, a Demon will smile, and I was blessed enough to witness the miracle. I mean a real
a full blown, toothy grin spread across his face and I was shocked.

“Princess, you saved me from a fate that would surely been most unpleasant. You’ve always treated me kindly and respectfully. I’d never betray your confidence. I do have one concern though.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Yes?” Drake started to wipe down the bar again, which I was beginning to believe was a nervous habit. Funny, Demon’s didn’t often get unsettled without good reason.

“I heard you talking about leaving the Council’s service. When that happens, I’ll be here with no one to serve. I respectfully request I be allowed to come with you to Aliis when you retire? I understand the risk to you, and I don’t want to put you in jeopardy. I wouldn’t ask if staying with you wasn’t important to me.” He had been with me for so long, so many lifetimes.

He’d always found me, kept watch over me as I grew up in whatever my new life turned out to be. Drake was my own personal Guardian Demon, and the way I figured, he was better than any Guardian Angel I could ever hope for

“Of course I intend to take you with me. You’re like one of the family. It’s no skin off my nose about getting you in either. They can’t prove I smuggled you in, and as long as you stay off the radar, we should be fine. I’ll come back for you after I die, that is
of course if the Veil hasn’t fallen by then.” He grinned and nodded. We heard someone walk into the bar and I turned to see Zev strolling toward me.

I groaned and Drake looked at me and moved his eyes to the phone. I shook my head
Echo would be back any minute
so I wouldn’t be forced to deal with him for long.

“What do you want
Zev?” He took the stool next to me, giving me a once over.

“You look lovely today, darling.” I rolled my eyes. Another issue to add to this wonderful day, and Zev had forced this mess to come full circle

“Ditch the flattery and cut to the chase.” I demanded. I had more than enough on my plate, dealing with him wasn’t the main course of the meal.

“I was simply wondering if you’d had a moment to speak to Azul and Dexter yet?” I glared at him. This was one thing I wasn’t looking forward to when I retired. Zev would be able to harass me whenever he felt like the need, and I couldn’t say in Belt ta `Demm for the rest of my life to avoid him
He knew it too.

“Yes, Zev. I did. Surprisingly enough Azul left this matter up to me. I found that a little strange, but he was sincere. Dexter on the other hand is not as forgiving of your past treatment of me. He’ll tolerate you, but I wouldn’t push him. Unfortunately, I haven’t made my final decision yet. I’ll let you know when I do.” I finished my drink, praying Echo would stroll into the bar at any moment.

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