The Timekeeper (25 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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“My name was Alexander then, my Lord. I couldn’t bear her in agony over such a useless piece of flesh, but she wouldn’t grant me the pleasure of killing him. She still won’t allow me to dispatch him, your Grace.” A smile flashed on Azazel’s face briefly and his eyes dimmed. He wanted nothing more than to plot my first husband’s death, and in this, Azazel and Aldaren met on familiar ground.

“Perhaps I reacted no hastily when I said no originally. We have something in common so you can’t be that bad, can you? I wondered why she didn’t choose the man who meant so much to her for all this time, instead choosing to marry the damned scaly beast. Tell me, are you willing to sire a child with her?”

I was impressed that my father was behaving so well. I could do without being referred to like a piece of livestock, but I’d been counting my blessings. Usually by now, he would have torn my guest apart or sent him running for the door with fear. I looked at him questioningly, but he ignored me. He must have been getting soft in his old age. Aldaren met my father’s question with a broad smile.

“Nothing would please me more, several if I dare to hope. She is, and always will be, the love of my life. To be able to father a child with her would make this long journey worth living.” I smiled and squeezed his hand again.

I didn’t care if Azazel said no or not, this visit was only a courtesy. I’d made up my mind about marrying this man and having his children no matter what anyone thought

“I suppose for once, I agree with my daughter’s choice in husbands. You know
I despise her spouses, but you I might actually come to like. You have my blessing. This is a good marriage both politically and otherwise. One warning, Aldaren, but I doubt it’s something you’ll need to worry about. If you ever hurt my daughter in anyway, if you think of going back on your vows, I will hunt you down like a dog and put you out of your misery. Do you understand me?”

The King waited for Aldaren’s response, and he didn’t flinch when he answered, “I do.”

My father clapped his hands together with a grand smile beaming on his handsome face. He stood up from his seat abruptly, coming close to knocking over the chess table. My father’s advisor came back into the room and bowed

“My King?” Azazel grinned like I hadn’t ever seen before.

“Relboron, old man, I want a herald first thing in the morning to announce to the realm that my daughter marries again. We are going to have a wedding, and this time, Hell as my witness, I actually approve. Everyone in the land is invited and to prepare for a festival. The revelry shall last a week
in honor of Princess Azriella’s third marriage.”

Relboron bowed again and began to turn away, quickly stopping himself. He turned back to my father, his long robes and beard tangling around his feet

“My liege, when shall I announce the wedding is to take place? The people will want a date for this joyous occasion.”

Azazel stopped for a moment, “Are you taking leave to come here, daughter mine, or will those bastards you work for not allow it?”

I beamed, “Yes, Papé. I am coming home
a couple of weeks for a wedding and honeymoon.” My father grinned at the old Djinn

“Announce for this wonderful occasion for the next full moon
I’m not sure of the exact date so figure it out
about two weeks away, if memory serves me.” Well, this was certainly unexpected.

“Papé! Why so soon? That’s not enough time.” I protested. He was rushing this along for his own personal gain, although I would be forever clueless as to what he planned to achieve. He gave me a glare, and it silenced me right away, his eyes glowing bright red again.

“Hush your mouth, daughter mine. It’ll be the perfect time for you to marry this fine man. Two weeks is sufficient to plan this event if Zipporah is the one coordinating it
and she works best under pressure.” I didn’t like being quieted or told what to do. This is exactly why my father and I refused to get along.

“Are you in such a hurry for more grandchildren you are willing to ruin this for me? There is so much going on in my life right now
I can’t handle an abrupt wedding, not like this
Not being forced on me.” I stood up and Azazel turned to face me

“What are you planning to do about it
daughter mine? I’m not giving an inch on this. I overlooked every other time you disobeyed me, but I will not overlook this. This is a perfect opportunity for you to take a break. You will show up for this wedding in two weeks. That’s final, young lady.” I glared at him. I knew when Azazel made a valid threat

I spun, glancing at Aldaren before I moved toward the exit. I had no intention of sticking around to let Azazel tell me what I was going to do. And people wondered why I wouldn’t come to see him unless it became a work related mandate.

I would gladly take over the kingdom, just as long as he wasn’t around me. We couldn’t get alone. As I reached the door, I didn’t care if Aldaren followed me or not. I twisted to face my father again, who stood with my fiancé
scrutinizing my temper tantrum.

“One more thing, Father. After this assignment’s over I planned on coming home for good. Although, now I’m wondering if that’s really a smart idea.” I whipped back to the egress, but only took a couple steps before Azazel started to speak.

“You’re just like your mother, stubborn. Azriella, stop please. I apologize for being such a bastard
It’s a terrible habit I can’t seem to break.” I stopped mid-stride, but I didn’t turn. Not often did my father admit to any wrong, and he never acknowledged when he was being an ass. I turned around.

“Azriella, I’m sorry. I should have explained myself rather than dictating. My soon to be son-in-law must think I’m an ogre. Come back and we can talk about this
like civilized adults. I don’t want to fight with you, I see you so little and can’t afford for you to be enraged and stay away for another century.”

I said nothing, nor did I move. When the King of the Deep Desert went down on one knee
I realized he was sincere. My father pleaded with no one
and never placed himself in a submissive position.

“Please, I beg of you. At least listen to my explanation. If you want to continue to be angry with me, then so be it.” I couldn’t stop myself from walking back to him and putting my hand on his shoulder. The King shouldn’t beg in front of witnesses, I was embarrassed for him. 

“Stand up old man. That is no way for a King to behave.” He gazed up at me, still kneeling, and wrapped his strong arms around my waist

“This has nothing to do with being King, Azriella Desmodia Carnadine. This is a matter of the heart
between a father and his favorite daughter.” I held him for a moment, glancing at Aldaren, who seemed both sympathetic and awed

“Please, will you consider marrying the man you truly love when I ask of you? I married your mother on the same day. It would mean everything to me if you considered joining your most loved mate then. We conceived you on that night. You’d do Cassandra and me a great honor.” I hadn’t been aware of when my parents had married. 

Cassandra and Azazel rarely spoke, choosing to remember fond memories rather than fighting. My father cared for his other wives, but not to the extent he loved her.

“Oh, Papé. Why didn’t you just tell me in the first place? I’d be honored to share a wedding day with you and Mama. You don’t always have to be such overbearing dick-head, you know. Sometime you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.” His once glowing vermillion eyes had faded back to being a deep maroon. His lovely features had softened and a slight smile played on his lips
I swore I spotted a tear in his eye.

“You, of course, are right. I should’ve asked, but I got so excited
I wasn’t thinking clearly. Are you truly considering returning home after this assignment? Please, don’t let that be something cruel to spout out in anger.”

Aldaren spoke for me. I didn’t mind, he knew what I wanted to say, he always did. The bonds of our marriage hadn’t yet tied us together, and I wondered if anything would change
other than our titles.

“We left the Council offices just before coming here. She put them on notice. She’d like to spend more time with her family. All of us.” I spotted my father’s eye tear up. He looked up at me, seeking some kind of confirmation what the Vampire said was true. I nodded, I couldn’t stay mad at him, not enough to shun him forever. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

“You’ve made me happier than I ever hoped to be. I look forward to your return in two weeks.” I kissed him on the cheeks

“I’ll anticipate your arrival.” He released me and I turned toward Aldaren.

“Let’s go, before the sun comes up. We still have time to get you home.” I took his hand, allowed him to bow to my father and lead him out of the throne room.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, King Azazel. I looked forward to becoming one of the family.” Azazel smiled and shooed him toward the outlet

“Likewise, son, but she is right, you had better go before that damn glowing orb rises. You have a wedding in two weeks, it would be a shame to have to cancel because you burned up.” I pulled him out the door, we had no time for formalities.

We hurried back through the gates of the palace. The Assassin positioned on the outside wall was nowhere to be seen, but she couldn’t have gone far. I ran him down the street and back to the Embassy, spinning him around to face me as we stopped at the entrance.

“I love you, but you have to get inside and I need to take care of some things if we’re to be married soon.” He wrapped his arms around me, looking to my eyes.

“Nothing would make me happier, my love.” I moved my lips swiftly up to his, being trapped in a kiss that singed the tips of my hair. He released me and glanced up at the sky. He opened the heavy wood door and gave me one last fleeting grin before sliding into the building

I stared up at what would turn into a beautiful day. I’d love being home when the time finally came. For several minutes I stood motionless, before an arm snaked around my waist and a hard body pressed alongside my back.

“Princess, did I hear correctly? You’re taking Dexter Sloan as your husband?” I nodded, tipping my head to the side so my neck was exposed, displaying my small punctures
leaning against Warde’s large body

“I wondered if you were going to make it.” I felt him chuckle, rumbling deep in his chest.

“I wouldn’t miss seeing you for the world, your Grace. You still haven’t answered my question.” I pulled away from him and turned to gaze into his phosphorescent blue eyes.

“Yes, I am to marry Dex.” He’d find out sooner rather than later. My father had sent poor old Relboron to notify all of Aliis about the upcoming event. By the same time tomorrow, everyone would know.

“Interesting choice in partners, but it’s no concern of mine. Another husband changes nothing for me. I’m sure Neal will be heartbroken. Do you plan to tell him, or are you just going to let him find out when the news reaches him?” Warde knew better than to bring up his brother’s feelings for me.

“Neal gave up on us a long time ago, Warde. Which you’d be aware of if you ever bothered to speak to him, but since the two of you won’t get along with each other, acting like spoiled children on the playground
you’ll continue to be left out of your brother’s business.” He gave me a cold stare

“I’ll stop fighting with Neal when he understands he cannot control me. I’m not a child, Azriella. I won’t be treated like one. Neal doesn’t seem to comprehend the situation. In truth, I don’t even remember what the fight was over, but he started it. Until he apologizes to me, I refuse to speak to him. There is nothing childish about my reaction.”

My eyes sharpened on his handsome face. He was built much like a royal Elf, a carbon copy of his brother. Regal facial features, blond hair, cold blue eyes and remarkably tall and slender, all of the things that made their race indistinguishable.

Despite being an Angel, I had always believed he should’ve been born a Demon. Warde was cruel, and unnecessarily so. Love had touched his heart once, betrayed it and left him as cold as a corpse in the barren winter wasteland of the North. We thought the same, Warde and I, and didn’t let our emotions interfere with decisions that needed to be made. It was our way, the way of the broken hearts and damaged souls

“Tell me, Azriella, do you love this one, or is this a political?” I’d answer him honestly, but I was unsure if I would care for his reaction.

“For love, my dear, sweet Angel. Always for love.” A slight smile tugged at the corner of his perfect lips.

“As I had hoped. At least one of us will be happy, even so late in life. I imagine you’ll be assuming control of the throne soon as well.” I nodded, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what he was getting at.

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