The Timekeeper (23 page)

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Authors: Jordana Barber

BOOK: The Timekeeper
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“Princess, we’ve discussed this before. We are not giving you additional anything to take with you to the other side. I thought we’d made this perfectly clear. Azul is not the only one with you, Sargon and Zipporah are also under your command.” I’d expected his response. That asshole didn’t give two shits if something happened to me, I ‘d just be recycled again.

Zak had never felt the pain of dying, the agony of your body shutting down one system at a time. He wouldn’t until he met his own end, which judging by his attitude would be untimely. Cause of death: Royal Assassin.

“With all due respect, Chairman, I believe it would be in your best interest to make sure she stays alive as long as possible. Think of the impact on the mortal side if no one is present to monitor situations or keep the peace.” I looked over at Dex.

I hadn’t expected for him to stand up for me. I was impressed he willingly called the Chairman on something that seemed so obvious. Judging by the reddening of Zak’s face, he wasn’t nearly as pleased. I had to stifle a chuckle right along with Councilman Xandar.

“I’m not sure
why this is any of your concern. Regardless, the Council already made the decision on this matter centuries ago. The fact that she continues to bring this up is becoming tedious. Azriella, let it go, your personal security is absolutely suitable.” I nodded my head silently, no point in arguing. When Dexter opened his mouth to say something I elbowed him.

He needed to abandon the topic as a lost cause, and I had to pick my battles
This wasn’t one worth fighting right now. Dex was sweet to be concerned with my wellbeing, even though my death would only benefit him

“I understand, Chairman. Let’s move on to the third item on the agenda.” I waited for the Chairman to nod before I continued. I glanced over to Dex and smiled. This would certainly make him reconsider the number of Guardians I was allowed in the mortal world. Too bad he‘d already made his decision. How sad for them.

“I had another reason for bringing Ambassador Sloan with me this afternoon. I am notifying you of my arrangements to take on a third husband, Vampire Ambassador Dexter Sloan. Everything has been cleared with all other parties, and we are waiting to set a date.

“The question is simply whether or not I’m allowed to come home to attend my wedding and continue with the planning, or if you are going to force me to wait out a terribly long engagement? I suppose the point is moot if I’m killed in the coming weeks, but in case I manage to survive it would be nice to know the answer ahead of time.” The entire Council looked shocked.

Councilwoman Melisande Elson-Elmut leaned forward and eyeballed Dexter. She was an older Were, stern and calculating, but still managed to be reasonable. She often reminded me of someone’s younger looking grandmother.

“You got both of your husbands to sign off on this? Even Prince Zev?” I nodded and smiled. Despite what they thought about my coming marriage, I was happy with being able to spend time with my love in an open setting. Melisande leaned back in her chair, chewing on my relationships

“I wasn’t aware you were on speaking terms with him. Something must have changed, but your personal affairs aren’t my business. Congratulations, Princess, I certainly hope you have better luck with this one.” That would be the last I heard out of the old bat.

She whispered something in to Gustov’s ear and he smiled, nodding slightly in agreement.

“I believe the Princess should be allowed to come home for her wedding and honeymoon. She could work something out so it appears she simply went on vacation in the mortal world
No one will question her absence. However, I suggest a time limit of two weeks be put in place and then you will resume your normal life.” I beamed at him and Dexter bowed in a perfect, respectful way. I always could count on Xandar

“I second that, a woman must be allowed to live her life as she chooses. She’s restricted by unfavorable scheduling, I see no reason for us to make it worse.” Melisande finished, eyes locked on mine. My smile grew at the sight of her old crow’s feet.

She lifted her hand and had indeed taken more than one husband herself, judging by the number of wedding rings on her fingers. It wasn’t typical for a Were to take more than one spouse, however, Councilwoman Elson-Elmut was royalty. We’d always been held to a different standard within our families
and multiple marriages were a requirement

To my surprise
Narisa Secor announced her favor next, forcing the Council to vote on the matter. I waited patiently as they tallied up the yea’s and ney’s. In the end, the motion was granted, everyone choosing to be more reasonable than the Chairman and Councilman Camon Lascpor. Councilwoman Enaldie Gundir finally spoke, giving me a definitive answer

let me be the second to congratulate you and Ambassador Sloan on your upcoming wedding. I wish you the best, but let us move on. It’s getting late and we all have places to be.” I smiled at her.

“I thank the Council for their approval, this makes things considerably more enjoyable for us. I only have one of other matter to inform you of tonight. This is not a request
I’m putting in my notice. After this lifetime, I shall not be returning to the mortal world in an official capacity. I will stay in Aliis and no longer remain in the service of the Council.

“I have things I need to tend to in the Deep Desert and Dexter and I are looking forward to having children. I simply cannot continue to juggle two lives any longer. I’m getting too old and worn out.” Melisande nodded, barely tipping her head. I’d spoken to her about my resignation before, in private.

Chairman Zak spoke and didn’t sound pleased, “This is unacceptable
There is no possible way we are going to be able to find someone with your qualifications to replace you with the limited notice you’re giving us, Azriella. It will take centuries to retrain a replacement, and they will never be as good as you are.” I shrugged.

I wanted to tell the man “Too fucking bad
deal”, but I held my tongue. Maybe I didn’t need lessons from Dex. I understood his frustration, not only had I weaseled my way into a two-week vacation from my life, and I was quitting.

“Chairman, you’d better start looking and pray I don’t meet an untimely death. I have to say it would be extremely inconvenient if something happened to me. In truth, Sir, you should’ve already planned on replacing me, and started looking centuries ago. You couldn’t possibly be so foolish to believe I’d work for the Council forever.” They all knew exactly what I was getting at.

They weren’t going to allow me additional Guardians, and now they realized how important I was to them. Only a few came close to my qualifications, but no one compared equally with all of my capabilities.

“If convenient, I’ll offer my services to you on a contractual basis, but I’m not making any promises. I’ll tell you
several candidates are capable, but you’ve burned too many bridges in the past. They won’t have anything to do with you. I bid you all a good night.” I bowed and turned on my heels with Dexter close behind me.

Murmurs floated around the chamber, but not one spoke up or tried to stop us from leaving. They wouldn’t dare, not with the Ambassador and my soon to be husband with me. Starting a war with the Vampires didn’t behoove them, at least, not yet. The time would come when the Veil fell and the fanged creatures of the night would be forced to defend themselves. Of course, this is exactly why my father was going to be happy to find out I had chosen to marry someone high in the daylight impaired government.

We exited the chamber and I found myself looking into the large main hall. I needed to speak to Azazel, but I wasn’t sure how to get Dexter to Belt ta `Demm without asking him to move around in the quickly fading daylight. In another half hour the sun would be low enough to travel, by the time he arrived in the Deep Desert, the glowing orb would be close to rising.

“Aldaren, we need to meet with my father, but I’m here astrally, I can’t transport you.” He pulled me into his arm, holding me tight against his body and I wanted to melt into him.

“We have a portal back at the Embassy, love. Come with me and I’ll show you. You have so much to learn about my kind’s lifestyles. We are no longer barred from the living. When we first met as children, it was illegal for me to take blood from you, not that it stopped me.”

“What about now?” I grinned at him.

“The laws changed, but it wouldn’t have mattered
Nothing could stop me from sinking my fangs in your tender flesh.”

I took his arm and allowed him to lead me to a door that opened into a large staircase that spiraled down into the bowels of the building. Despite the sporadic torches lighting the way we were in darkness
making it difficult to navigate if you didn’t have excellent night vision.

I’d never been in this part of the structure in all my time of service. I had no need to explore. As he guided me down the stone steps, he explained the architecture surrounding us.

“When the Council had this city built, the Vampires complained of no way for our officials to move around and conduct government business in the day. They allowed us to connect our network of tunnels to the underside of the buildings. The passages were already installed all around the area, but when they surveyed for construction, they found the only untouched ground.

“When our race and those arrogant fools had a falling out, they started telling people the shafts were in case of an attack, leading the members of the government to safety. We’re all to old to forget and knew better
” I squeezed his hand in the dark
The corridor was too narrow for the both of us to maneuver side by side.

“I knew they were here, but I didn’t think anyone used them anymore. I assumed they’d all been closed off.” I could barely make out Dexter shaking his head in the gloom.

“The tunnels aren’t owned by the Council. They belong to the Vampire Clans of Portlandia
We’re in possession of the only keys to the doors and the rights to be here. We made sure when everything with the Council started going south. If something happened in Portlandia, we wouldn’t allow them access. We’d simply let them perish topside.” This was all useful information on where the Vampire’s loyalties stood.

When he finally reached the end of the long
seemingly never
ending staircase and Dexter unlocked the door at the bottom, letting me step through
then quickly closed and locked it behind us.

“Are you the only one with keys? I mean it’s a status thing right? You’re the Ambassador.” The long, wide stone built passageway was a little better lit than the stairwell, it was easier to catch his nod. I could see in the dark, but my eyes were made to pick up the smallest traces of light, not total cave darkness.

He took my arm again and began leading me to the left. We had more than enough room for us to make our way to the Embassy side by side now. The space could have accommodated a full-sized SUV. I loved the sensation of his body next to mine, and wasn’t interested in separating myself from him

“Only the Vampires in positions of power keep keys. To retain a key, you must be a ruler of Kambuis. We had to ensure even our own kind wouldn’t abuse the privileges we’d worked to gain. Our relationship with the Portlandia’s government is fragile at best
and we don’t need renegades ruining it for the rest of us.

“I hold the highest position on the Council of Kambuis, I am a king in my own right. No Clan is allowed to make a move without my approval. I’m sure you believed me to be a simple Ambassador.” Well, that certainly explained a lot. 

“I had no clue
but at least I can admit this engagement had nothing to do with politics. I knew you were with Kambuis, but I didn’t realize you worked your way so high up on the totem pole. That would explain why you made the High Council a little nervous.” I chuckled. My father was going to be thrilled about this arrangement.

“They don’t know who I am, my sweetest Az. No one outside of Kambuis is aware of who runs our government. We keep our identities a secret
We’d rather not be hunted down in our sleep and slaughtered
and it keeps our families safe. You cannot tell anyone.

“You’re only privileged enough to know this information because we’re engaged. I thought you should aware you will soon be inheriting two kingdoms. Yours from your father, and mine from our marriage, which will add to the collection you already have
I assume you claimed the Dragon’s land
as well as the Styx’s domain.” I wasn’t sure what to think.

“Aldaren, my father always taught me I needed to let the power take me where it wanted me to be. I’ve never looked for it, nor have I ever wished for more. I was trained as an Assassin. You know my mother hoped I’d follow in her footsteps, but when she saw the potential for me to be the Queen of the Deep Desert
the sense I must’ve inherited from Azazel, she told me that was my true path.

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