The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (10 page)

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her son, Eli, would rule the Ashland Pack if he didn’t screw this up. Eli Cord and his brothers had only one
mission ten years ago and that was to kill Cale and Olivia McDonald, then kill
their kids. Mace was their son and
he was overseas when his parents were killed. In addition, Eli was supposed to kill
their daughter, Adrianna McDonald. Dalley didn’t know that Afton Mackenzie was also in Ashland when Eli
went after Adrianna. Eli was a typical
male, started thinking with his other head, and tried to rape her. Eli beat her, he thought to death, but
Selena McPherson gave her own blood to Adrianna, which saved her life. Now she was stronger than ever, they
called her the
. Dalley laughed aloud. She knew her Master wanted to keep
Adrianna to utilize the power she had, but Dalley wanted her dead. What the Master didn’t know wouldn’t
hurt him. She would need to keep
that under wraps for now. She
wouldn’t let Adrianna be more powerful than her. She was going to be Second in charge,
not Adrianna.

Jonas walked in the door with his body and head draped in a black cape and
hood. If the Vampire Council knew
he was the traitor, they would bleed him dry. Secrecy was the number one priority if
they planned to pull this off. They
had taken to hiding in a bigger town outside of Ashland. They’d found out that Afton Mackenzie,
the Supreme Alpha, was moving the Werewolf Society to Ashland along with the

Founder was the only werewolf that survived the first attack on the Supreme
Alpha at the Oakland Resort. They
would’ve succeeded if it weren’t for Adrianna McDonald. The spell she cast on Adrianna didn’t
work on her for some reason. She
should’ve been bound motionless just like the other Protectors. Dalley knew Adrianna was considered the
, but she felt certain her spell
would have held her. Her son, Eli
Cord, should have killed her; now she had grown more powerful and she had found
her mates. They needed to regroup
and wait for instructions from the Master. The Master’s identity would surprise them all. When the time was right, then the Master
would show himself.

Jonas removed his disguise while staring at Dalley Cord sitting at the

Edward, what happened? You said you
had it under control, that Afton Mackenzie would be dead. Now they know that black magic was used
to hold the Protectors and Guards. They will figure it out. You
have failed the Master. The Master
won’t be happy.”

Jonas looked up at Dalley Cord with disgust in his eyes. “It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t know the
had been found or that it was Adrianna McDonald. The plan was perfect until she showed
up. She has magic that I’ve never
seen. The air was crackling around
her because her magic is so powerful. I didn’t even know the

regardless of the outcome, the Master will not be happy. Eventually, you will have to show
yourself and do more than what you are doing. Killing somebody will be part of
it. I know you don’t like to get
your hands dirty, but this time you will,” Dalley stated while looking at
Edward Jonas with disgust.

enjoyed the look of fear in Edward Jonas’s eyes. It was gone quickly, but she saw it and

“You know
you can get your hands dirty too, Dalley. As soon as the Twister’s Council finds out you are out and the person in
the prison isn’t really you, then you will be hunted by them all. So I would suggest you stop acting like
this is all my fault and let’s try to fix it.” Edward stated as he got up pacing the

Dalley and
Edward made small talk as they waited for their Master to arrive. She thought about killing him at the
table, but she knew the people he owed money to would probably kill him. She couldn’t wait to see that.

Jonas was presently the Leader of the Vampire Council. He needed to keep it that way in order
to pay off his debts to some of the lowest scum on earth. First, was a wizard by the name of
Johnny the Fink? He was a wizard
and a loan shark who dealt with anyone including vampires, werewolves, and
fairies in order to make money. Edward was in debt to him for three million dollars. How he managed to keep it a secret from
the Council was beyond her. What
did he do with the money?

couldn’t believe the idiot spent three million dollars. She had heard he loved women and liked
to beat them. However, some didn’t
survive the beatings. So in order
to stay out of jail, he paid off the Madams not to tell. What a sick bastard, he deserved to
die. Oh well, she would let her
Master be the judge of how he was killed. Her Master wouldn’t let him live; he was too much of a liability to the
plan. Dalley sat there with her
hand under her chin, not listening to the vampire talk. She continued to sit and plan until her
Master arrived.

Chapter Eight

Cade and
Samson walked to Adrianna’s room to put their plan into motion. Cade knocked on the door but nobody
answered. Cade could smell Adrianna
in her room so they knew she was in there.

said, “Well, if she won’t open the door, then we will just have to go in.” Samson pulled a little pouch out of his
pocket that was used for picking locks. He used the tools and popped the door lock. He eased the door open, hoping to
surprise Adrianna. She wasn’t in
the bedroom but they heard her in the bathroom. They could smell that Adrianna had taken
a shower. It sounded like she was
putting on clothes. They needed to
act fast.

was just getting out of the shower putting lotion on her body when the bathroom
door slammed open. Adrianna went on
alert, going down in a crouch position, showing her fangs to the intruder. When she saw who it was and that both
Samson and Cade were looking her up and down, it finally hit her that she was
naked and showing everything to her mates. She quickly grabbed a towel to put around her, but before she could get
the towel wrapped and scream at her mates, Cade grabbed her by the arm, jerked
her into the bedroom, and threw her on the bed. Samson had one arm pinned down and Cade
had her other arm.

started thrashing, trying to get her arms loose from their grip. “What the hell is wrong with you
two? Let me go now.”

spoke first, “Now that we have your undivided attention, you will listen to us,
our beautiful mate,” he snapped, his mouth pressed into a hard line.

“Let me
put on some clothes first, then I will listen, geez.”

Both Cade
and Samson looked down at her naked body and shook their heads. “No,” Cade said still looking down at
Adrianna’s naked body.

I have told you before that I will be your partner, but not your ‘yes
man.’ I listened to your speech at
dinner, now you will listen to how it’s going to be. Cade and I have talked. First of all, we understand you train
the Protectors and Guards, but one of us will always be with you when you
do.” Adrianna started to speak and
Samson put his finger over her mouth to shut her up. “Second, I… well, we, don’t like being
told what to do either, so we need to compromise on this. So don’t think you will degrade us or
tell us what to do in front of others. We are your mates, not your slaves and third, your training in sex will
begin tonight.”

Both Cade
and Samson leaned down and sucked a nipple into their mouth, sucking hard then
licking around the edges, throwing Adrianna into a tailspin. Adrianna couldn’t think, she felt like
she was going up in flames. Her
nipples hardened under their torture.

wolf responded to the taste of his mate and started pushing him to mark
her. The smell and taste of
Adrianna’s arousal made Cade’s wolf crazy. He tried to stay calm but his wolf was trying to take over. He had never had this happen. Cade was always in control of his wolf,
until now. Cade pushed his wolf
back, telling him to hold on, she was an innocent.

Feeling their
mouths on her, it was so erotic and hot. She couldn’t control her body and the way it was responding to

looked up at her capturing her with his gaze. His hand reached down toward the apex
between her thighs. Then she looked
over and saw Samson looking at her with the same look. The look she would always crave

“This is
only a taste of what is to come, Adrianna,” Samson whispered.

“You’re so
beautiful, Adrianna. I don’t know
if I can control myself with you.” Cade’s voice was rough, a threat she wanted to come true, but she was
scared. Cade pushed his finger
inside of her. “You are so wet,
Adrianna. You like when I do this,
don’t you?”

please,” Adrianna begged.

“Tell us
what you want, Adrianna,” Samson asked.

Before she
could answer Samson, Adrianna cried out as the orgasm skyrocketed through her
body. She unraveled, exploding
around Cade’s finger. Her body
ached with desire. She tried to
breathe, but her heart continued thumping faster and faster. Cade never missed a beat. He continued to torture her by putting
two fingers inside her. Pulling
them out and then slamming them back in. He placed his thumb on her clit, already swollen from desire, rubbing in
a circular motion eliciting a moan from Adrianna.

She opened
her eyes and saw Samson crawling toward her head. He reached down and aggressively pulled
her head toward his. He kissed her
lips pushing his way into her mouth with his tongue. It felt as if he couldn’t get enough of
her. Their tongues tangled with
each other. He started sucking on
her tongue and lower lip. She loved
the way he kissed.

released her arm stating, “Keep that above your head.”

He wrapped
both his hands around her breasts, licking back and forth between them. He nipped at the hardening nubs, and
then licked them, taking the sting away. Her hand wove into Samson’s hair, pulling his head back.

He hissed
in her ear saying, “I told you to keep your hand above your head.” Samson said scolding Adrianna, “You
don’t listen well, angel. Don’t
make me discipline you for not listening to your mate.”

immediately put her arm above her head, not wanting the erotic torture to end
with discipline. However, now she
couldn’t stop wondering what Samson meant by discipline. Then she felt Cade between her legs,
placing them over his shoulders. He
started licking her, teasing her clit with his tongue. He spread her legs wider, as if she
wasn’t showing him enough of her privates. Cade started licking then biting her pussy lips. Low growls rumbled from Cade.

“Oh… Please Cade, please.” She didn’t even know what she wanted him
to do. All she knew was it felt
good and she didn’t want him to stop. She couldn’t stop the moaning with Cade licking and Samson biting. It was too much. She came again as her body convulsed
with her arms and legs shaking.

“Give it
to me, baby,” Cade growled.

looked down at her with his eyes glowing bright blue. She couldn’t drop her gaze from
his. She saw the desire and lust in
his eyes. “Tell us Adrianna, what
do you want?”

whimpered, not knowing how to respond,
do they want me to say?
knew it was too soon. She didn’t
even know them, but it felt so good and right.

“What do
you want me to say?” she whispered.

stopped the torture between her legs and then looked up at her.

“Just tell
us if you want to go further, because I’m about to fuck you, Adrianna. Very, very hard. I want to tie you up and make you watch
in the mirror while I fuck you. So
if you want me to stop then say it, because I don’t know if I can stop if you
don’t tell me to,” Samson stated firmly.

“I can’t
yet, please don’t be mad,” Adrianna whispered. Cade and Samson immediately released
Adrianna, pulling away from her. Adrianna felt the loss of her two mates when they both got off the
bed. Both of them turned around and
started to put their clothes on. Adrianna glared at them, pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms
around her knees. Adrianna placed
her head down and started crying from the way her mates reacted to her when she
stopped them from continuing. She
felt like the world was on her shoulders and she’d just let them down. Before Samson and Cade could console
Adrianna, she jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door and
locking it.

looked at Samson and asked, “What just happened?”

Then the
sobs coming from the bathroom had both of them going to the door, asking
Adrianna what was wrong. Adrianna
just wanted to be by herself. She
couldn’t do it, so they just dropped her like she was a whore that could be
thrown away when she didn’t meet their standards. At least that was how it felt. She knew they didn’t say that, but they
just stopped and started putting on their clothes. Adrianna felt so cheap. Then the memories flooded her mind of
when Eli and his brothers tried to rape her. She didn’t feel as if she was good
enough for her two mates, even though Eli hadn’t succeeded, she still felt
vulnerable and damaged.

started knocking, telling Adrianna to open the door. Both of them telling her that it was

asked through the door, “Did we hurt you, Adrianna?”

just go away, please, I need to be by myself.”

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