The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (9 page)

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reached up and hugged Adrianna. “I
know life has fed you a bunch of crap, but I know you are strong. If you need me, then I will be
there. Since you are moving home, I
know life will be better.”

knew life was only going to get harder, but she had a job to do. It was time for her to start growing up
and taking charge of her own life. Adrianna wrote out two notes, saying the same thing and had both
delivered to Cade and Samson’s rooms.

couldn’t find anything to wear. Most of her clothes lay on the bed. Adrianna sighed. She never
put this much thought into picking out a simple outfit. Adrianna wanted to impress her
mates. She wanted them to want her
as much as she wanted them. Adrianna chose a yellow sundress that showed off her awesome
figure. She wore her hair
down. Adrianna had beautiful hair,
but people rarely had the chance to see it down. She always wore it in a ponytail for
work purposes.

heard a knock at her door. Cade was
waiting with wild flowers when she opened it. Cade just stared at Adrianna, looking
her up and down, finally making eye contact. “What’s wrong?” Adrianna asked, looking down at her

“Wow, I’ve
never seen a more beautiful woman.”

blushed as she looked down fidgeting with her dress. Cade couldn’t stop looking at her, she
was a beautiful woman. Her skin had
a slight olive color to it. Her
hair looked like silk hanging down her back. He had only seen her hair up in a
ponytail since he arrived at the resort. Cade finally realized he was staring at Adrianna as if he had never seen
her before.

Cade spoke
again, “You look beautiful, Adrianna.”

Cade, that’s sweet of you to say.” Adrianna looked down at the flowers and pointed, “The flowers are

“Oh sorry,
they’re for you.” Cade looked at
her smiling.

“How did
you know wild flowers were my favorite?” Adrianna asked, while admiring the flowers.

remember when you were little and your mom would send me and Mace to find
you. We always found you at Seige
field laying in the wild flowers.”

remember that?”

remember everything, Adrianna.”

looked up at Cade. She couldn’t
believe Cade remembered that. Something squeezed at her heart; the feeling unknown to her.
there be something to this?
thought. She swallowed and looked
away from his smile. Adrianna
walked over to her sink and put the flowers in a vase then filled it with
water. She sat them beside her bed
so she could admire them later when she came back home. She walked back over to Cade.

my lady, are you ready to go and eat?” Cade asked as he offered his arm to her.

“Yes, I’m
starving, but did you get my note saying that I would meet you in the dining

“Yes, but
this is a date and I will always pick you up at your door like a gentleman

stomach growled, embarrassing her.

“Well we
better hurry then before you start eating me.”

They both
laughed as Adrianna took Cade’s outstretched arm thinking how much she would
love to lick and eat Cade Maxwell. She could smell Cade’s cologne and his scent. Cade was yummy, but she had to stay on
track and make sure she didn’t lose her nerve when she came face to face with
both of her mates.



As they
walked into the dining room, all eyes were watching Adrianna. She had a beauty that was untouched and
she didn’t even know it. Samson was
waiting in the dining hall when he saw Adrianna walk in with Cade. He walked up to them but the smile had
left his face when he saw Cade had her arm hooked through his.

spoke before Cade could say something smartass to Samson. Cade had a wolfish grin on his face that
told Samson, Adrianna had chosen him.

you, Samson, for meeting me for dinner. I would like to talk to you and Cade together.”

looked at Adrianna as if he’d been sucker punched “I thought we were having
dinner alone, Adrianna?”

“We are
Cade, but we will be having this dinner together because I have something to
say to both of you. I have a table
reserved in the back for us. Nobody
needs to hear this conversation. Let’s sit down, all of us.”

looked at Samson as if he was going to rip his head off because of what
Adrianna said. Samson smiled and
waited for Adrianna to be seated at the table before he sat down. Cade pulled out the chair for Adrianna
to sit in. Tension was circulating
in the air around their table. Cade
and Samson were staring at each other. Neither one liked the fact they had to share Adrianna.

let’s order, then you two are going to listen. If you chose to leave, then don’t expect
me to take you back,” she stated in a firm tone.

Samson and Cade turned and looked at Adrianna, not understanding why she was
talking to them like that.

The waiter
came to the table and asked if they knew what they wanted to order. Adrianna ordered steaks with all the
trimmings for everyone. Cade and
Samson were still staring at her in shock. Adrianna felt empowered at the moment. She looked over and saw Damen and Mace
sitting close by. Damen smiled then
winked at her. He held his thumb up
telling her to be strong. Adrianna
knew she had to just get it all out and let them know how she felt. She knew Samson and Cade were very
dominate people and would run over her if she allowed them.
it, she was the Supreme Alpha’s Protector. She could do this,
she thought.

“Now, it
seems the fates have graced me with two mates, if my body and mind are correct,
then it’s you two. I’m okay with
that now. However, this is how it’s
going to be. First, I will have two
mates and not ‘let’s choose and then the other one will bow out.’”

Both Cade
and Samson knew now that Adrianna had been in her room and overheard their

“It will
be both of you as my mates or none at all. Second, I’m a virgin and I’m nervous about being with both of you. But I know you two will show me what to
do. I am not stupid, so please
don’t treat me as if I am. I want
us to get to know each other first, before I have sex with either of you. I will listen to you both, but don’t
think you will run over me and tell me what to do all the time. I am a grown woman and a Protector. Third, I have a job to do and I will not
give that up simply because you two can’t handle me being around other
men. It’s my job to train and
advise these men and women to be Protectors and Guards for their people. I will support you in your job, so I
hope you will return that and support mine. Now I feel so much better getting that
off my mind, let’s eat.”

Both Cade
and Samson sat there with their mouths open, looking at Adrianna as if she was
some crazy person. Their food came
to the table and Adrianna never spoke again. She sat there and ate, feeling great
that she told her mates how their life was going to be. Adrianna allowed herself to smile and
thought back at what Damen told her to tell them. It sounded rational in her mind when she
was going over what to say when she met with her mates.

Cade and
Samson sat at the table not touching their food, thinking about how they were
told how it was going to be with their mate. Plus, she was actually sitting there
eating and smiling.

finished and finally looked up at Cade and Samson, who were still looking at
her with a blank expression on their faces. Adrianna smiled at both of them before
leaning over and kissing both of her mates on the cheek.

“I am so
glad you both understand. I will
leave both of you to finish your meal and get to know each other better. I have to finish some paperwork before
we leave in a couple of days. I
will see you two later. Bye.”

got up; leaving the table thinking how great the speech had gone. As she was leaving, she saw Mace and
Damen eating at their table. She
smiled at them then winked at Damen feeling great about their little talk they
had earlier in the day. Adrianna
felt better as she left the dining hall returning to her room.



that about?” Mace asked Damen.

Adrianna came by my room today worried about being with her mates and them
fighting over her. I told her she
needed to sit them down together and tell them it was all or nothing, and the
rest would work out.”

“Look at
them, they look like a train wreck,” Mace said as he started laughing.

looked over at Cade and Samson staring at the spot Adrianna was previously
sitting in. “Oh well, its time they both started getting along with each other
and learning how to share her.”

“For some
reason I don’t know if it’s going to be that easy,” Mace said as he stared at
Cade and Samson sitting in silence.



It was as
if the haze had lifted when Cade shook his head and finally looked up at
Samson, letting a small chuckle escape his lips. “I think we’ve been put rightfully in
our place by our beautiful mate.”

“I hope
she doesn’t think I am going to listen to her tell me what to do. I am not made like that and I have
already told her so.”

snickered then said, “Well, if we have to share her, then she needs to learn
some lessons. First, she may be the
, but we are her mates and I
won’t bow down to her and do what she tells me to do.”

Cade and
Samson sat there calculating a plan to show their mate just who the bosses were
going to be in their relationship. This getting to know each other stuff, well they just couldn’t wait that
long to have their mate. They came
up with a plan to seduce their mate before they left for Ashland.


Chapter Seven

Cord sat at the table waiting for the vampire who was a traitor to his
people. She couldn’t stand vampires
and wanted to get rid of all of them. She believed that witches should rule the world. Her magic could do things that a vampire
could only dream about. She knew
that eventually she would need to kill the vampire, but she needed him until
her Master told her he was not useful anymore. He was just a pawn in the Master’s
plan. Dalley wanted to be Second in
charge. She knew she was good, but
she couldn’t produce magic like her Master. Dalley believed her sons would then rule
when they killed the Supreme Alpha as they were meant to do.

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