The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series (24 page)

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looked at Mace. “I saw Dalley Cord
sitting across from Selena. She was
waiting for her to wake up. That
was all I saw before I woke up.”

Mace stood
up, “Dalley Cord. The bitch is in
prison. You had to be mistaken,

“No Mace,
I know what she looks like. She had
the same expression on her face; it was the same way as she used to look at

Afton went
over to the phone, calling a number waiting for someone to pick up. “Felix, this is Afton. I’m sorry old friend; this isn’t a check
up call. My mate has been kidnapped
and Adrianna saw Dalley Cord in a spell, she had her. Yes, I know she is supposed to be in
prison. Thank you, get back with
me.” Afton hung the phone up. “He is going to check, but she is supposed
to be in prison.”

“We need
to put the pack on lockdown, Mace. We can’t take the chance of anybody else being taken. Can you start the first phase of the
plan?” Afton instructed Mace.

looked at Afton then told him they changed the plan because they thought that
Selena was a bad guy. Afton turned
around, not knowing where to put the rage he was feeling. “I will take care of it, Alpha.” Afton just nodded as he went to sit at a
small table.

couldn’t stand that they had brought on this sadness to the Alpha. She moved off the bed and went to stand
in front of him. He had placed in
his head in his hands so Adrianna bent down to her knees and placed her head in
his lap.

“I’m truly
sorry, Dad. I wish I could change
this or exchange myself for Selena, but…” Adrianna let the tears fall from her

placed his hands on his daughter’s head, telling her that Selena would be
okay. He had faith in Selena’s
abilities to survive. “Adrianna, I
need to tell you that Selena thought of you as her daughter. She loved you very much. She knew she would never replace Olivia
as your mother, but she felt that she took over when Olivia died. She had become friends with your mother
before she died. Olivia asked her
to look out for you, to protect you, and to love you. I believe she has done that.”

cried harder, knowing that Selena had been there for her and she had betrayed
her by believing she would harm her.

“I will
make you this promise. I will get
Selena back and I will kill whoever took her.” All eyes turned to Adrianna knowing
something had changed in those few minutes. She looked stronger, like a person with
a mission.

let’s get everybody together. We
need a plan to get Selena back and to kill the Son of a Bitch who took
her.” Adrianna walked over to the
table they had used before to lay out the plan.

Damen came
over to the table smiling. “Now
we’re talking.”

They all
came together that night as a united family. Trust was now something that was a given. Cade had called Jacob and told him what
had happened and asked him to make a lot of sandwiches; they would be there
soon with everyone and they were hungry.

Felix Ross
had called Afton back, telling him that once he went into Dalley Cord’s cell
and placed the truth spell on her, one of the female guards appeared in her
clothing. Someone had cast a spell
on the female guard who never showed back up to work. She had come to work and everyone
thought she had left, but instead she had been put in Dalley’s cell with a
clone spell. This gave Dalley the
ability to take the guard’s place as she walked out of the prison dressed like
the guard. Someone powerful had to
cast the spell because it lasted a long time. The guard had been missing for over two
months now.

planned this has been planning a long time. They have to be strong enough to cast
that type of spell.” Afton informed
everyone that Felix told him that only a few witches or wizards could perform
the spell. “He said one was Selena,
her brother Magnus, and Felix. Since Magnus died fifteen years ago, that leaves Selena and Felix. They thought about you, Adrianna, but
since you were with your mates when this happened, you wouldn’t be considered.”

Mace got
up, pacing the room. “We have to
think about this. Who could be
behind this? We know now that
Dalley Cord is helping. She isn’t
strong enough to pull this off or smart enough. They don’t think things through, they
just act. They make mistakes. If we find Dalley, then we find Selena. How can we find her? Think everyone.”

“Jacob can
find her. Jacob is her nephew. He isn’t like them, but he knows how
they think and what they do,” Adrianna said as she was walking to the door. “Well, come on, let’s go home, and talk
to Jacob. We may not have a lot of
time before they move her or do something else.”

The ride
home was filled with anticipation. They finally had a way in or they hoped they did. Jacob was there only hope. He was waiting on the porch when
Adrianna and the others pulled up.

just finished the sandwiches and they’re on the table.” Adrianna walked up to Jacob with hope in
her eyes. “Did you find her?” asked

“No, but
Jacob, we need your help.” Jacob
looked around at everyone wondering what he was about to get into. “Come with me, Jacob.” Adrianna pulled on his arm.

sat Jacob down in front of his computer. “Jacob, you are one of the smartest people I know. I need for you to find your Aunt
Dalley,” Adrianna asked.

that’s easy; she’s in the Twister’s Prison.” Jacob snorted.

“No Jacob,
she broke out,” Samson stated as he leaned in closer to Jacob.

told Jacob what Felix Ross had told them. Jacob started shaking because Dalley was one of the ones that had
tortured him along with her sons.

son, nobody will hurt you. I won’t
let them,” Afton said. “I promise.”

The same
words were echoed around the room, letting Jacob know he would be protected
because this was his family now.

straightened up and looked Adrianna in the eyes, which was a first for
him. “Okay, what do you want me to

explained that if Dalley were out, she would have tried to contact some of the
family. She would need answers
about the pack to give to whomever she was working with. Adrianna asked Jacob if he had any
suggestions on whom she would’ve called and how to find that out. Jacob looked up like a light bulb had
gone off.

He looked
at Mace, “Alpha, do you remember when you asked me for a list of everyone in
the pack and along with their numbers and addresses? Well, I went beyond that, I did a family
tree on everyone. I even gathered
account info, e-mail,
and bank accounts. I searched for
property in other states, etc.”

looked at Jacob in surprise, “Jacob, you’re a damn genius. So start with your family, the ones who
are still here in the pack.”

grinned at Mace. “You got it.”

Cade came
up to Adrianna and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you!” Adrianna smiled, telling Cade that she
loved him too. He nodded his head
in the Supreme Alpha’s direction. “He needs you right now.”

kissed Cade back, and walked over to the Supreme Alpha who was sitting on the
couch looking out the window. “Dad.”

looked at Adrianna with a half grin on his face. She sat down beside him. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to
hear you call me that? I used to
dream of it. I didn’t think it was
possible because you would think of Cale. I know how much you loved him,” the Alpha stated with tears in his eyes.

“Yes, I
loved him, but I love you too. I
have a big heart and he will always be a part of it, but you are my dad and I
have your blood flowing through my heart. I’d say that gives you a permanent place in there.”

you, sweetheart,” Afton said as he grabbed Adrianna’s hand kissing it.

“We will
get her back,” Adrianna stated firmly.

“I know,
but Dalley Cord hates Selena, she was always jealous of her, plus Selena would
tell the guards when she had visions of Dalley trying to escape. She hated Selena. I pray she doesn’t hurt her.” Afton couldn’t finish. He started shaking thinking about Dalley
hurting his mate.

“Dad, I
promise I’ll get her back to you. I
will.” Adrianna promised.

yelled, “I found her. She called
Lilly Cord, my cousin. She was just
a little girl when Dalley went to prison. She is in college now in Fellington. I didn’t suspect her, but checked anyway
and I saw several calls to her, then after that, I saw where Lilly called Liv,
my other cousin. She was calling Lilly
and getting Lilly to call Liv and find out about the pack. We need to trace that number.”

asked for the number and called a contact he had with the CIA. This would be a big favor and Samson
would have to pay up when they asked, but since this was important, he
agreed. “He’s checking the number
to see if it’s on and if so then he will trace it and call me back.”

“I should
have guessed it would be Liv. She
hates my family. Every time we have
a run, she gives me dirty looks. She still blames us for breaking her family up,” Mace growled.

“Alpha, I
know you think that, but Lilly doesn’t even know everything that happened. She is trying to better herself. If Dalley was calling her, she doesn’t
even know that she was telling her things about the pack. She probably thought Dalley was just
curious about what was going on with her family and in the world. She is too nice to say no and just a
little naive. Please don’t think
all of my family is like them. Lilly and I have been through a lot. She went three states away to college in
order to get away from them. We
still keep in touch. If I called
her, she may know something. She
may be able to help.” Jacob looked
at his Alpha asking for permission to call his cousin for help.

Jacob, but place her on speaker phone so I can talk to her too,” Mace said.

called Lilly Cord at college waited for her to answer her phone.

Lilly answered
on the third ring. “Hey Jacob, how
they hanging?” Everybody smiled at
Lilly’s comment as it made Jacob turn red. “They’re hanging fine, Lilly. Listen, I need your help. I
have you on speakerphone so Alpha Mace can talk to you too. Don’t be scared, you’re not in trouble
or anything.”

“Okay, is
it my sister Jacob, did they get my sister?” Everyone could hear the fear in Lilly’s

Mace spoke
before Jacob could talk. “Lilly,
your sister is fine. Why? Has someone threatened you or your

Lilly said as she started to cry.

Lilly, I will protect you and your sister. I promise. I’m sending
Protectors now to go and get her so nobody can hurt her. She will be coming to stay with you
until this is over, but I need to know who threatened you.”

controlled her crying and told the Alpha. “It was Dalley Cord. She
called me two months ago asking about you and the pack. She kept asking questions about where
everybody was living, the evacuation plans, and about your sister,
Adrianna. I knew then that
something was wrong. She told me to
call my sister, Liv, to obtain the information, and call her back. I told her no Alpha, I did, but then she
put her son Eli on the phone. Eli
told me he would get Liv, hurt her like he’d done to Adrianna and then he would
kill her. He said he knew where I
lived and he had someone watching me. He told me to go look out my window and look for the red sports
car. When I looked out the window,
I saw a man with long, black hair and a big scar down his cheek. He said the guy would cut me up into
little pieces, but before he did that, he would have fun with me first. I’m so scared, Alpha. So I did it. I haven’t been to class in a week. I thought they were in prison. Please forgive me, Alpha.” Lilly broke down crying pleading for her
Alpha to forgive her.

looked around the room and everybody was staring at him. They were wondering what he would say to
the young wolf. “Listen,
Lilly. I forgive you. I know what Dalley and her sons are
capable of. I know you didn’t have
a choice, but you should have told me sooner.”

“Oh Alpha,
I wanted to, but Dalley said if I told anyone she would know because she had
spies watching the Alpha and his family. I’m sorry, Alpha. I know
what the Cords are about. They are
cruel people and they would hurt us just for the fun of it.”

Lilly, now let’s put this behind us. We need your help now. Do
you think you can pull yourself together and help us?” Mace asked.

Alpha, I can. Tell me what I need
to do.”

Mace asked
Lilly a lot of questions and wanted to know if Dalley had asked about anyone
else. He asked if she heard anyone
else over the phone when she called. Lilly told them in detail what was said. She told them things about the Cords
that Mace and Jacob didn’t know. Lilly was smart, so smart she tested on the genius level. She also told Mace that she had visions
and has had them since she was young. She explained in detail what she seen in her visions since Dalley called
her the first time.

explained she observed Dalley bowing down to a man with dark hair. He wore a black cape with a hood on
it. She seen his face but didn’t
recognize him. She could see
another man who looked familiar, but she couldn’t recall where she’d seen him. She said they had a woman tied up
sitting in a chair. The woman was
cussing the man in the cape. She
couldn’t understand or hear what they were saying, except the woman was pissed
at the man in the black cape. Lilly
said the man was very powerful with magic. The magic was sparking off him. The woman in the chair looked as if she needed food or something. She looked like her energy had been
drained from her.

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