The Tudors for Dummies (AvaxHome Download) (46 page)

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claiming the throne, 32 School of Night (club), 274, 286

death at Battle of Bosworth Field, 34�35, schools, 21�22

313 Scot, Reginald (A Discoverie of Witches),

defeated by Henry VII, 9, 34�35 249

Edward V and, 33 Scotland

History of King Richard III (More), 80 Battle of Pinkie, 121

royal library, 50 Elizabeth I and, 223�224 Richard III (Shakespeare), 33, 317 England's invasion of, 120�121 Ridley, Nicholas (Protestant bishop), 174 Henry VII and, 45 Ridolfi plot, 235, 253 Henry VIII and, 71�72 Rizzio, David (secretary of Mary Stuart), religious revolution in, 224�225

226 Treaty of Edinburgh, 224, 225 348 The Tudors For Dummies

Scotland (continued) sheep, raising, 124

Treaty of Greenwich, 120, 121, 122 Sherley, Antony (adventurer), 328�329

war with England, 120�122 ships. See also Armada, Spanish

sea voyages first dry dock, 321�322

about, 209�210 Mary Rose (warship), 23, 48, 60, 263, 300

privateers/pirates, 12, 213, 256 race-built galleon (warship), 261

slave trade, 210�213, 303 sailor's life on, 263, 267

secretaries of state (members of Council), San Felipe (treasure ship), 260

14�15 ship yards, 20

Seen on Screen icon, 6 shorthand system, 325�326

self-government, encouraging, 298 Shrewsbury, Countess of (Elizabeth/Bess

serfdom, disappearance of, 36 of Hardwick), 284�285, 310

seven sacraments, 103 Shrewsbury, Earl of (George Talbot), 285

Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset. Sidney, Henry (Lord deputy in Ireland),

See also Hertford, Earl of (Edward 240, 241

Seymour) Silken Thomas (Lord Offaly), 42�45

execution of, 151 Simnel, Lambert (rebel), 40

failure to defuse enclosure issues, 125 Simons, Richard (priest), 40

invading Scotland, 121�122 Six Articles, 79, 104, 135

John Dudley and, 149�151 Six Wives of Henry VIII (film), 99

as lord protector, 118, 119, 125 Skelton, John (tutor), 56

ousting of, 123, 128�130 slave trade, 210�213, 303

Somerset House, London, 306 Smeaton, Mark (music teacher), 91

support of Protestantism, 132 social structure and conditions. See also

Seymour, Jane, Queen of England disease and medicine

birth of son, Edward, 67, 92 birthrate, 25

character of, 92 church and social advancement, 22

death of, 67, 93 crime, 23�24

Henry VIII, husband of, 62, 67, 92�93 dances, 26

Seymour, Thomas, Lord Sudeley disappearance of serfdom, 36

Catherine Parr and, 98, 99, 119 education, 21�23

Elizabeth I and, 120, 201 employment, 17�19

treason and execution of, 120 fashion/clothing, 26�27

Shakespeare, William (playwright) gentry, 22, 189

about, 24, 293�294, 316�317 homes, building, 21

Anne Hathaway, wife of, 305�306 infant death rate, 86

Macbeth, 250 inflation and wages, 19�20

Merchant of Venice, 294 life of common folk, 17�20

Much Ado About Nothing, 23 literacy, 22

Richard III, 33, 317 marriages between great families, 47

Royal Court and, 13 merchant guilds, 19

Two Gentlemen of Verona, 294 merchants, 22

Shakespeare in Love (film), 22, 25, 247, money/coins, 3, 102, 152

285, 294 music, 25�26, 65 Index 349

nobility, 297�298 Strange But True icon, 5

population growth, 17 Stuart, Mary. See Mary Stuart, Queen of

during reign of Henry VII, 36 Scots

spitting, custom of, 24 Stuart family tree, 46

starvation, 189 Stubbes, Phillip (Anatomie of Abuses),

theatre, 24�25, 247 246�247

villages, average, 17�18 Stubbs, John (The Gaping Gulf), 204 soldiers, British Army, 127 Stukeley, Thomas, 241 solo fide (faith alone), 16 Succession, Acts of, 161, 278�280 Somers, Will (court jester), 66 Sudeley, Lord. See Seymour, Thomas, Lord Somerset, Duke of (Edward Seymour). Sudeley

See also Hertford, Earl of (Edward Sudor Anglicus (Sweating Sickness), 22, 150

Seymour) Suffolk family tree, 46

execution of, 151 Summons of Array, 127

failure to defuse enclosure issues, 125 Sumptuary Laws (for clothing), 26

invading Scotland, 121�122 Supplication against the Ordinaries, 106

John Dudley and, 149�151 Supremacy, royal

as lord protector, 118, 119, 125 Elizabeth I and, 217, 218, 220

ousting of, 123, 128�130 Henry VIII and, 105�106

Somerset House, London, 306 Ireland and, 145, 220

support of Protestantism, 132 Mary I and, 170, 171 Somerset House, London, 306 oath of, 89, 111, 217 Spain Parliament and, 71, 171, 217

acquisition of Portugal, 318 repealed in Parliament, 171

Armadas, 261�266, 318�319 Supremacy Act, 109, 111, 171, 314

Henry VII and, 46�48 surgeons, 23

as super power, 203 Sussex, Earl of (Thomas Radcliffe)

Treaty of Vervains with France, 277 (governor of Ireland), 176, 220�221

war with England, 258�266, 267�268, Sweating Sickness (Sudor Anglicus), 22, 150

275�276, 318�319

war with France, 59�61, 186�188 Spenser (Mother Hubbard's Tale), 204 �T� spitting, custom of, 24 Talbot, George, Earl of Shrewsbury, 285 Spurs, battle of, 71, 73 Tallis, Thomas (musician), 26 St James's Palace in Whitehall, 82 taxes St Leger, Anthony (governor of Ireland), direct taxation after fall of Calais, 188�189

45, 176 Henry VII and, 48�49 Stafford, Edward, Duke of Buckingham, Henry VIII and, 108

74, 79 paid to the papacy (Peter's Pence), 315 Stafford, Thomas (rebel), 185�186 Technical Stuff icon, 6 Star Chamber, 39, 73, 74 tennis, 66 Starkey, David (English historian), 3 Boke of Bookery (Pynson), 323 starvation, 189 Prince and the Pauper (film and novel), 155 Statutes of Labourers of 1549 and 1563, 19 Private Life of Henry VIII (film), 99 350 The Tudors For Dummies

theatre, 24�25, 247 The Tudors (film), 3, 99, 108

Thirty Nine (39) Articles of Faith, 219 Tunstall, Cuthbert, Bishop of Durham, 143,

Throckmorton, Elizabeth (wife of Walter 161

Ralegh), 274, 287�288 Turberville, James, Bishop of Exeter, 190

Throckmorton, Francis (conspirator), 237, Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare),

253 294

Throckmorton, Nicholas (diplomat), 287, Tyndale, William (scholar), 16, 109, 110

288 Tyrone, captain of (Shane O'Neill), 220,

Throckmorton plot, 253, 254 240�241

Throgmorton, Sir George, 79 Tyrone, Earl of (Hugh O'Neill), 272�274,

tobacco, 302�303 276, 302

toilets (privies) and water closets, 21, 327

toils (hawks cages), 14

tomatoes, 327�328 �U�

Torquemada (Grand Inquisitor), 170 Ulster (Irish province), 272�274

torture, 141, 170, 234 Uniformity, Bill of, 138, 143, 217�218, 244

Tower of London unity of possession, 124

Anne Askew in, 284 universities, 22

Elizabeth I in, 164, 191�192 Utopis (More), 80

princes in, 32, 33 Uvedale, Richard (captain of the Isle of

Walter Ralegh in, 288 Wright), 181

towns, charting, 19

towns/villages, 17�18

trade and exploration �V�

cloth trade, 182, 212 Vasco da Gama (explorer), 49

England and, 209�210 Vergil, Polydore (first real historian),

at home and overseas, 20 292�293

slave trade, 210�213, 303 Vervains, treaty of, 277

widening during Tutor reign, 303 Victory (Lord Nelson's flagship), 322

trading companies, 253 villages/towns, 17�18

transubstantiation, 102, 104, 137 The Virgin Queen (film), 288

treason, punishment for, 238 visitations

Trinity College, 309 Elizabeth I and, 220

Trooping the Colour, 272 Henry VIII and, 105

Troyes, treaty of, 223 Mary I and, 170

Tudor, Edmund, Earl of Richmond (father Thomas Cranmer and, 135, 137

of Henry VII), 11 Volta (type of dance), 26

Tudor, Owen (father of Edmund Tudor),

11, 12

Tudor house (architecture), 21 �W�


wages, 19

about, 1�2


accomplishments of, 298�304

Henry VII and, 41, 43

family tree, 10�11, 46

Irish emigration to, 42

kingdom of, 10

lay of the land in Tudor times, 10, 43

origins, 11�12 Index 351

prince of, 10, 38 choir of, 65

as principality of England, 10, 41 death of, 75 Walsingham, Francis (spymaster), 15, 77, education of, 72

236, 254, 286, 325 fired by Henry VIII, 75 Warbeck, Perkin (rebel), 40�41, 45 Hampton Court bought by, 73, 309 Wars of the Roses, 29�30, 38, 41 handling international politics, 74 Warwick, Earl of (Edward), 37, 40 Henry VIII's annulment and, 75 Warwick, Earl of (John Dudley). See also as lord chancellor for Henry VIII, 72�75

Northumberland, Duke of (John Treaty of London of 1518, 74

Dudley) wealth and power of, 73

becomes Duke of Northumberland, 151 women

Kett's Rebellion suppressed by, 127 actors as, 25

as lord president of the Council, 149 burning as heretics, 175

ousting Somerset, 128�130 childbirth, 25, 85

reformation and racketeering, 144�145 clothing of, 26, 27

replacing Somerset as lord protector, 123 diet, 86

Somerset and, 149�150 education, 23 water closet and privies (toilets), 21, 327 legal position of, 164 Watson, Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, 190 as monarchs, 301 wattle and daub (wood and clay), 21 property laws, 87, 164, 192 Westmoreland, Earl of (Charles Neville), work in ordinary life, 18�19

228, 229 Woodville, Elizabeth (mother of Weston, Francis, 91 Edward V), 32�33 wet nurse, 56 wool market, 303 whipping boys, 13 Wyatt, Sir Thomas (poet/lover of Anne White, John, Bishop of Winchester, 196 Boleyn), 163 Wild Lands (Gaelic Ireland), 42, 44, 276 Wyatt, Thomas (rebel), 164, 191 William the Silent/William of Orange Wyatt's Rebellion, 163�164, 172, 191

(Dutch leader), 256�257, 267, 318 Wynkyn, Jan van (printer), 322�323 Willoughby, Sir Hugh (explorer), 303 Wilton shrine, 287 Windsor Castle, 128 �Y� witchcraft, 77, 248�250 Yellow Ford, battle of (Ireland), 273 Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas (Lord yeomen, 13, 18

Chancellor) York family, 11, 39

Anne Boleyn and, 75 Young Bess (film), 120, 231

centralising the government, 73�74 Notes ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ er! TM

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