Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (27 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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I pulled mysel
f over to the other side and an
amazing view opened up
me. The window was ceiling to floor and was a
wide as the bath. The green sea of the mountains and nation
al park filled the floor and a
cloudless topaz blue filled the sky. If I had the supplies I would have painted it. I lay on my front and folded my arms to rest on the side so I could gaze out at earth

” I said out loud before dipping my head
once more, only when
I came back up
I was no longer alone.

“I must agree
” Draven
voice sounded even more powerful as it echoed in the
vast room. He was stood back
leaning on one of the marble pillars casually watching me and I could feel my skin burning from embarrassment. It was like I had been caught with my hand in a cookie jar.

“Umm….how long have you been there?” I asked
dipping further under the water to hide my modesty. This action made a bad boy grin cross his lips.

“A while
,” h
e said knowing this would get more of a pink che
eked reaction. Of course when it did,
his grin widened. He was dressed
unlike me and his long denim legs strolled over to the edge of the bath. I was still on the other side and he cocked his head back slightly to motion for me to come to him. When I didn’t move
he frowned at my lack of co-operation.

“Come here
” He ordered but again I wouldn’t and I knew teasing him was
a good idea seeing as I couldn’t really give myself to him fully. But he replaced his frown with cunning
and wicked lips. Then he dipped one finger in
the water and I jumped when it started to go cold.

“Ok ok
” I said before giving in to him in record time. He
sat on the steps next to the bath and
dunked his arms in as I
got nearer, pulling
me the rest of the way.
But not before he made the water turn back to its usual relaxing temperature.

“That was cruel

“I would call it more of a

tactical decision

. And besides what can you expect when you look like this
” His mouth found my wet shoulder and he tasted the water off my skin. I closed my eyes with pleasure w
hen his mouth moved closer to the curvature of my
neck. Then his hand expertly found the inside of my leg and he moved it upwards until I let out a moan when he hit his mark. I quickly shifted before anything more happened and he groaned while my neck was still in his mouth.

“Draven, we can’t
,” I said barely le
gible. The feeling was burning the lower part of my body making me want him to take me
so badly I couldn’t breathe. His bite left my wet flesh and he looked up at me
for a moment I thought he would do it anyway because his eyes were now
It was frightening. He stood up and I thought he was going to leave.

“Don’t go
!” T
his made him lose his Demon side and he smiled down at me.

“I am not going anywhere

“Then what a
re you doing?” My question
answered as he
yanked off his T-shirt displayin
g a perfect male torso overfl
owing with muscles upon muscle
. He continued getting naked and started to unbutton his jeans removing them from toned olive skin. This then made
it even harder for me to control my burning urge to have him inside me.

“I am joining you of course, you

in my bath remember
” He added in a cheeky tone.
I moved out of the way
putting some safe distance between us. However once he was in, his hands searched for my ankles and when he found them
he pulled me into him. I slid right to his body
as if
we were magnets
and he held me in an iron hold
so I wouldn’t leave him again.
I tried to worm my way out from him but it was useless.

“Don’t struggle
” He whispered into my wet hair.

“But we can’t do this
” I said in vain.

I just want to feel, nothing more
. Let me feel you, all of you
” He asked
he repositioned me so my back was against his chest, once there
fingers found me. I let out a moan and tensed in his arms. He moved very slowly and delicately over my happy place
in a circular motion
He continued to move to his own rhythm and wh
at a rhythm it was! My mind went
cloudy and my breathing got heavy with each motion he made. He was
so skilled
in the art,
it was almost like he could feel everything I felt and to increase the pleasure he would move it to how he
liked it.  

“Do you want me to stop?”

please don’t” I begged
as I was close to ecstasy. I buried my head
to the side,
into his chest and his other hand
cupped my exposed, heaving breast
. It felt as though
my eyes w
ere rolling back as the intensity
increased and with every
moan I let out I could feel his
own pleasure increase behind me. His manhood was getting harder and bigger
like a force of its own
. So I pressed back on it as I was
in between his legs with my back against his front.

I pushed back on him again and his fingers moved faster in return. He was kissing my neck and he licked up to my ear, before turning it into biting. He took care not to bit
hard but I could tell it was difficult for him. I bent my head to on
e side to allow him access but
when he wouldn’t do it
I put my hand
s behind my back and found his C
ommander. It was actually the fir
st time I had touched it and I
now realised why it sometimes was hard to take. He was huge!

He groaned louder and I got the reaction I wanted as he bit down into my flesh making me come instantly. I screamed out and jerked
, causing
the water
waves. He held me down and pulled me closer. My hands were moving quicker
and as he sucked on my neck at
the holes he had made there
his rel
ease came quickly after.
We both seemed to jerk against each other in sync until our wave riding became a calm bob in the water.

I looked down and saw little droplets of my blood
from my neck
disperse in the bath water. Then he licked the puncture marks, sealing the
My body relaxed into his body and he held my head to him until my breathing came back to its normal rhythm.

that was lovely
” I said and then let out a satisfied sigh.

I must
agree and
also a first

He said completely sated.
I turned to look at him and when I saw him with wet hair I wanted to do it all over again. I put my hands on his face and moved them back through his hair and down to his neck before kissing him. He was surprised by this gesture
as he didn’t respond until my kiss got
deeper and
more intense. When I stopped
I didn’t pull
back from him
. I
held my lips over his and licked before finding his neck.

He seemed shocked by my enthusiasm but he must have found it a massive turn on because he moaned
letting out more air with his heavy breathing. Then out of nowhere his hands grabbed my wrists and he restrained me back. I thought I had done something wrong until I saw his face. He had his eyes closed while he spoke.

“I don’t think you should do that again while I can’t have you
fully. I was close to losing
control and I don’t think I could have stopped. But when we can, then what you just did would please me greatly
.” He said all this as if
it was a strain and I smiled that I could do that to him. Man oh man
why did I have to be on!!!!

“So when you said this was a first, what did you mean?”
I asked once I had given him a minute.

“I meant
I have never found pleasure this way, without sex that is
” If his face hadn’t have been so serious I would have laughed. No way!

“You mean….you never…you know

I waved my hand around like this would help.

use words my lo
ve” He was mocking me as he
what I meant but he just wanted to see me go red again…I was sure of it.

What I mean is, you never found release without intercourse?” As soon as it was out Draven cracked up laughing to a point where
couldn’t find words. I folded my arms across my chest and moved to the other side. He tried to control it but he did a lousy job.

“Keira come back here, I am sorry
” He didn’t look very sorry! So I shrugged and dipped my head back to get my hair wet ready for washing.

“I find it very sexy when you do that” He was trying to butter me up but I wasn’t taking him on. I reached for the shampoo but he got there first. When I tried to retrieve it
held it higher above my head.

“Give it
” I ordered but he smiled
at me
making me melt.

“Have you forgiven me?” He said making it impossible to stay mad at him.

“I don’t know, say it again
” I was now teasing him but he obeyed by lowering the bottle and mouthing the words “I’m sorry” over my lips.

We stayed in the bath for what seemed like ages as we started to play around
splashing each other like kids and then he refused to let me wash my own hair. The problem with this of course is the feeling it created below. His
large hands
circling my head and neck was just heavenly and I tried v
ery hard not to think of the bul
ge behind me
that just never seemed to go down. Then
of course
it took me even longer to get out of the bath because he kept pulling me back

Finally when I got out
he was the
re before me holding a big black
fluffy towel to wrap me in. He rubbed me down before using the same towel on himself. I think he liked the smell of me and that
why he did this because he seemed to smell his own skin after it.
I was too embar
rassed to ask

He handed me a black soft robe that felt softer than anything I had ever felt before. I had no idea what material it was but I
just hoped it wasn’t an animal.
He allowed me time alone to change some things after yet another trip to his expensive toilet and when I
went back into the bedroom there was food
waiting for us
which made my stomach very happy.

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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