Read The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga) (29 page)

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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“Why not…Oh
, she is stubborn isn’t she?
” Sophia stamped her foot and now I was the one laughing.

“She is
” Draven answered. Ok this wasn’t fair
they were ganging up on me.

“Please Keira
do it for me, what is there to be afraid of
” His velvet voice was slowly winning
me over
but I didn’t let on.

“Because if I do
then you will be in my head and know everything and what if I can’t get you back out! I
want to keep my thoughts private
thank you
very much
Ok so I did sound a bit w
iny at this point but peer pressure was never a welcomed thing. 

“But what have you to hide from me?” Now he raised his eyes like I was keeping secrets from him. Of course there was a few, including the name Lucius!

“Nothing!” I said a little too defensive.

“But you could block Sophia again

but you are stronger than her, you can almost access my mind already and I have to try very hard to resist
, so if I do this
might never find a way
back again
” Sophia huffed at this, not liking
to hear
how her brother

s power was far greater.

“If that is the case, then show me via Sophia, talk to her and I will listen through her mind. When I hear your voice
I will be satisfied
” I was failing fast and he knew it
so to seal the deal he ran his fingers down my cheek before whispering in my ear.

“Please my love
,” a
nd t
hat was all it took to crack me.

! B
know that
I am not happy about being made to do this!” I said before lifting my knees up and getting comf
ortable. Draven didn’t look as though
he felt guilty for making me do this. He looked
that he had won.

I relaxed my mind as
I had done last night. I listen
to the
sounds around me trying to pin
point one. I heard a door close in the dista
nce and even some birds from an
open window. I heard the clock pendulum rock
mundane motion, counting the seconds one, two, three and then my head filled with Sophia’s smug voice.

Good girl Keira, my brother will be pleased

I am glad I could put on such a good
I said unhappily but Draven’s eyes lit up at his discovery.

But look
happy you have made him, besides he would have asked me anyway and this way saves me a lecture

She even sounded sincere in my mind.

“Glad I could help

I said sarcastically and Draven laughed
but stopped abruptly as though he had seen something he didn’t like.
His hand that
my arm tighten
ed and his face became stern, giving me
feeling he was about to confirm the reason I didn’t want to be doing this.

“Who is this boy Justin?

The voice I had heard in my head filled me with dread
, as it was no longer
the sweet voice of Sophia’s…oh NO

This voice belonged to Draven and now

e had be
granted full access! 




















hapter 13

Oh Lord… Draven



After that Sophia excused herself at Draven’s request. This meant Draven wanted to talk to me about Justin without Sophia to witness our little discussion. Of course I was still furious about him deceiving me. Once we were alone
I got up and folded my arms.

“We are not talking about this!” I said as I grabbed my clothes from last night and went into the bathroom but he was stood by the door before I could blink.

“Oh yes we are
my dear
” He
claimed but he
t yet look as angry as I did
I could
n’t imagine it would
take long
in coming

if we are
going to talk about it,
then first we are going to talk about you tricking me!” Ha
! Now
this made him look sheepish.

” He tipped his head but I wouldn’t give up that easy.

no, not this time! Y
ou forced me into something I didn’t want to do and as a result you saw something that is going to make you paranoid! Explain how this is fair?” He was trying to think of something diplomatic to say but for once I had him stumped.

“I did not force you into anything
” What a load of horse shit!

you just
used…what is you call it…t
actical decisions! It was a bloody guilt trip and
know it
” I decided to get changed there in front of him and I did it while
I was still having a go at him.
He looked
amused by my angry dressing.

“Answer me truthfully, if you can, did you know that would happen?” I had pulled my top on the wrong way round and he look down at it and nodded. Oh great
and when I was trying to make my point as well! So I almost tore it off and put it back on the right way round.

I will admit
I had an idea
” I raised my eyebrows and sucked my lips in and he thought twice about his last statement.

“Ok, ok…more than an idea
” No
he looked guilty…finally!

“You knew
” I said and he just nodded. I threw my hands up and made a GRRR sound as I walked away. He was about to say something else but I turned knowing what it was.

“Oh no
don’t you dare say it!”

“And what was I going to say exactly?”
He leaned casually on his desk as he too had crossed the room. He looked smug.

“You were going to blame it on being half Demon
” I said and his smug face was no longer…I had guessed right. Now I looked smug and w
e both couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ha, you’re laughing
and therefore
can’t be angry at me anymore
” In less than a blink he was before me capturing my face in his large hands and
was now kissing me before I could protest…ok not that I would have. When he finished he looked
pleased with himself.

“And what are you looking so happy about?”

“I just survived my first real telling off. I feel almost human

He then winked at me and I knew it was just going to blow over and go down as one of our quickest disagreements

“At the risk of angering you again, I would very much like
if you could oblige me and explain who this boy is. As from the embrace he gave you, I’m sure you could shed some light on the matter
” He was tr
ying to keep it light and cautious
, as
g up the fact that he had obtained
this information under dishonourable terms.

“He is no one, just another friend or more like family as he is Frank’s younger brother. He came t
o the house to see him as he’s
just come back from
travelling.” I tried to make it as matter of fact as I could but my voice wasn’t as steady as it could have been.
Thankfully as soon as I had heard his voice in my head
I had blocked him out with all my might and that had been t
he end of
his brief encounter with
my thoughts. It could have been much worse, as he could have picked up on the fact that I have been hiding my dreams about Lucius.

“I think the boy has other ideas of friendship with you
” He said in a stubborn tone.

“You got that from a hug? He
’s just
a little…touchy
all. No hidden
” Ok
knew this wasn’t
ly the
truth as he had made it a little too obvious that he liked me but we did kind of have a thing once.

“Well at least he is gone now

He said and I kne
w I should have used this opportunity to tell him about his stay next weekend but I didn’t. I just didn’t want to worry him even more and if I was lucky I could get away with him not finding out. I could just stay here for that weekend. But then I remembered how Frank had asked me to take him
the club one night…umm
I will
have to rethink this one.

Sophia didn’t knock but just glided through the door without a care in the world.

“Are you ready?” She asked looking me up and down.

“I need to stop off and change first but then I’m good to go. I need to stop at the supermarket on the way back for tonight
” Draven shot me a look.

I forgot I’m working
” I said thinking I would have
call my sister and tell her it was off
but Draven smiled.

“Oh no you

not, we have made plans and I am not
cancelling on your sister

He looked far too pleased about this. 


” He said
ly, so I knew
on this
he was concrete.  S
o I came up with a solution.

but I work tomorrow night to make up for it
” He was about to tell me No but he thought twice
about it
when he saw my face
so he just sighed instead and then held up his hands in defeat.

“I think we should go in my car

I said to Sophia who was waiting with an amused expression.
Draven let out a roar of laughter when he saw Sophia’s face
drop at my words

“No way
!  I am not being
seen dead in that thing!” I was hurt but she didn’t care on this matter
because plain and simple…
she was being spoilt.

“And what’s wrong with my Bronco?”
I asked crossing my arms.

“Keira my dear
I might not be practical but I am ric
h and I do have standards to up
hold. No offense
” Ok
I had to admit I didn’t think I would have seen her in my car but still
she shouldn’t be so s
uck up!

BOOK: The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)
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