The Tycoon's Virgin Bride - Part 3 (The Corskovi Dynasty) (7 page)

BOOK: The Tycoon's Virgin Bride - Part 3 (The Corskovi Dynasty)
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you nervous,
Sherwood?” Carlos asked as he shifted
some papers on his desk.

No, Mr. um…

please don’t stroke your fingers like that. It drives me crazy.”


paused not saying a word then the question came out to her like an explosion.

there a reason why you aren’t wearing panties right now?”

entire body ran cold. She stiffened as if frozen by her own guilt and shame.

me?” she asked trying to stifle the quiver in her voice. The nerve of him! How
could he possibly know? Don’t tell me Mr. Super stud had x-ray vision eyes,

don’t like having to repeat myself,

don’t understand…”

time he dropped the papers he was holding on the top of his oak desk, looking
more unreadable and he stared into her eyes. “You walked in here with no
panties on,
Sherwood. Is that not true?”


could smell the scent of your sex as you entered. And that dress…you should
have worn a slip underneath if you wanted to refrain from exposing yourself.”

felt fire heat her cheeks. Her throat closed up. He could see what she was
wearing…or not wearing underneath her dress. Oh, God! Talk about a bad first
impression. Talk about a bad wrong impression. This was so not like her. What
was she thinking? She’d really screwed up now.

“Might I
remind you of our dress code.

me, sir…but it doesn’t specifically say to wear panties.” She was sorry when
the words carelessly left her lips in defence of her ego.

dress code is to dress in a professional manner,
Sherwood. And continue to call me sir.”


was Carlos thinking? That she could be the one? No way. She was way too out of
his league. Gullible. Innocent. She’d never pull it off. They’d never believe
he’d chosen her to be his lawfully wedded wife. Yet she was the best prospect,
he’d read her history and knew about her bereavement leave for her mother and
how she’d asked for a company loan on a few occasions. Looked like the kid
deserved a break. He wasn’t always accepted into the
family as the illegitimate son of the heir. He knew what growing up struggling
was all about.
She was certainly
than those gold-digging super models
and socialites he’d dated in the past.
The ones who would
sell his story out to the highest bidder of the tabloids.
A muscle twitched
in his jaw at the very thought of that. Again.

come back to that later.” His voice was calm and cool like a breezeless summer
day. Yet his eyes were compelling. He seemed to enjoy the innocent company of
this young psychologist in training. Educated, smart woman with
values—except for the panty disappearance act.
“By the way, next time you want to come
off in a public place, please ensure no one else is around.”

know…?” she stopped herself.

A grin
of amusement touched the corner of his lips and his eyelids dropped to Elsie’s
cleavage momentarily.

were workmen nearby to fix the echoing around the change rooms. Well, to put it
short, they had assumed that I was in there with you. Not a good thing. But
when they saw you come out alone they’d figured it was just …yourself.”

look on Elsie’s face was that of morbidity. As if someone had just told her
that she was no longer alive and living in an alternate universe. The color
left her beautiful pouty lips and face

you going to be alright?” Carlos voice did not raise a fraction it was cool and
calm and steady as always. He got up from his seat and walked over to Elsie
putting his arm around her.

Cherie. It won’t
go any further. I’ve told the men they are not to mention anything.”

looked up to him meeting his gaze with pleading eyes that soon turned to

“Do you
often have your staff followed or watched?”

when they are in places they shouldn’t be. You didn’t read the sign that it was
under construction?”

were signs? Why
it off?”

rushed in there so fast according to the security cameras. The washrooms are
fine, just not the changing area where you…were left with your fantasies.”

enjoying this aren’t you?”

really. You almost had me on the front page of the tabloid again. Could you
imagine if they were underpaid disgruntled workers looking for a way for a fast
The tabloids paint guilt first then you have to
prove your innocence later.”

“I see
your point. I’m sorry…I don’t usually…do this…I was just trying out the…new…”

saw the way her face turned thirty shades of red. He did not want to hurt her.
But he was aroused by her presence. His crutch was reacting to her sweetness.
Her sex. Just knowing she was not wearing panties right now and the scent of
her sex was killing him inside. He wanted to jump her right there and then.

would have a
full blown
erection very soon. He had to
resist his urge to spank her or to fuck her senseless. Maybe having her this
close to him was a mistake after all.

truth was Carlos had been watching her for over a year now since she started
working in the café on the ground floor of the
building, admiring her from afar.
Her sweet
with the customers.
Her humility. Rushing
off to classes after her shift finished. She never got involved in gossip and
greeted the cleaners. He’d been watching her closely. But his position stopped
him from doing anything about it.
Until now.

you involved?”


He drew
in a deep breath. He didn’t like to ask questions twice.

I’ve been busy with my studies.”

What made you decide you could work for our Home Pleasures department?” He
gazed directly into her
again she fidgeted with
her fingers. She was a bundle of nerves.


heart was thundering uncontrollably in her chest. She was toast and she knew
it. There was no way she could work for Home Pleasures and not for Carlos
again. What did she have to lose? May as well walk out with her dignity and
stick with her café job pulling in more hours and begging for a scholarship to
finish her education. He was toying with her wasn’t he? Well she’d give him the

um…I needed a decent stable well-
with good benefits to pay off
my debt and fund my dream of finishing my college degree and eventually
becoming an industrial psychologist. I thought the Home Pleasures department
was out of my league since some would call me a prude but I thought—I
could learn anything. What did I have to lose?”

could not believe the words oozed out of her trembling lips. Her voice was
remarkably steady considering how she’d felt inside. But after that humiliating
experience of being caught masturbating while calling out her boss’s name, what
else could possibly go wrong?

A grin
of amusement touched the corner of Carlos sweet full lips and he looked
So adorable.
She could reach out and devour
him. There was some magnetic chemical reaction in the air between them.

He got
up from his seat and shoved his hands in his suit, looking like a hot
model, his eyes fixed on Elsie as he circled her like a
prey ready to eat. “Honesty.”

felt her throat close up. Was he assessing her or disappointment in her? She’d
soon find out.

“I love
that in a woman,” he said in a low voice that sent shivers up her spine.
Butterflies let loose in her stomach.

mouth was glued shut after that long spiel. She was terrified of saying
anything else at that moment.

“Do you
love sex?”

mean I think that question is irrelevant
and very daring of you, sir.”

want me to hire someone selling sex toys if they hate sex. Don’t you think that
would be like selling candy in a candy store when you don’t like
The vibes would surely be trickled to the customer,
Sherwood. I can assure you.”

certainly says a lot about you selling women’s pleasure toys,” she finally

why not? Fuck, they sell guns to hurt people in some department stores
, ,yet
they want to censor objects that bring people pleasure.
How fucked up is that?”

by his rawness, she replied. “You have a point…sir.” It didn’t take long for
her to find out that her charming prince was a dominant man.

glanced to the side and caught his erection bulging through his crotch of his
expensive looking pants. Her pussy throbbed with need and anticipation. She
really wouldn’t mind him taking her right there and then. She wanted Carlos
inside her right now. God, what was wrong with her
all of a sudden?

stood to the side and glanced at her, stroking her hair slightly. “Who did that
to you?” His voice was cold as ice and emotionless.

what?” she breathed heavily.

scar on the side of your hairline.”

rather not say at this time…sir.”

well. We don’t know each other on that level yet. That’s fine.”

sucked in a deep breath and kept her head forward. Her nipples hardened under
her blouse. Could he see that, too? Was she going to get this job or not?

do you know about me,

question got her.

spent a lot of time changing the direction of
department store from when your grand…I mean your great-grandfather opened up
the flagship store in lower Manhattan
Macy’s. You work hard and spend time on perfecting how to please your customers
the believe
that happy customers are repeat
customers. And…you’re the hottest item out there in the whole corporation.
Women would fall over each other for a chance to be with you and you don’t even
know it. You date occasionally but you’re a typical workaholic. Married to your
ambition and power and making your mark in the world.”

eyebrow raised a fraction for the first time.
A sign of his
being normal.
“Is that how you feel about me?”

don’t think I’ll answer that question, sir.”

A grin
played on his lips again. “Fine. Are you aware of a non-disclosure agreement?”
He said leaning into her, his intoxicating aroma gripping her, driving her
crazy. She had to have him or she’d go insane. He nuzzled her neck with his
soft lips and she felt her head spin into a whirlwind.
She wanted him inside her. She must be
dreaming? No way could this be happening. Carlos
stroking her, touching her neck with his lips. God, why
slide his fingers down her
blouse and ease the ache in her nipples. Why didn’t he pull up her dress and
pleasure the wetness between her legs and throbbing folds?

turned around stunned for words. “A non-disclosure agreement?”

“Yes, a
confidentiality agreement or confidential disclosure agreement, secrecy
agreement whatever you call it, it’s a legal contract between at least two
parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge or information with
restricted access to those involved.”

gaped in shock.

because I want you to sign one before I proceed further with our…meeting.”

doesn’t make any sense.”

will soon. Do you agree to sign one? That what we do and discuss from this
second on shall be kept inside this office and between the two of us and not
another living breathing soul? Yes or no?”

drew in a deep breath and tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach and the
ache in between her thighs. Was he going to fuck her? Make love to her? Show
her some weird and exotic sex-
that she’d only
fantasized about? Was he going to make her his love slave or some submissive or
something? Oh, my God! But if she didn’t sign then she would never know.

handed her the document. “I see you thought this through.” She wanted to ask
him how many other women have signed such a document.

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