The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales (33 page)

Read The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales Online

Authors: Carl East

Tags: #group, #erotic, #erotica, #oral, #lesbian, #romance, #fiction, #sex, #threesome, #incest, #mom, #son

BOOK: The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales
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I could then feel my legs being held up from
the front, and spread apart. I wondered what he was going to do,
for the cock inside my cunt would be in the way for him to fuck my
ass. I then got my answer, as he stretched my pussy to extreme
lengths by inserting it along side the other one. I screamed as
they plunged and pillaged my swollen pussy, but I never wanted them
to stop. I'd never imagined two cocks inside my pussy before, and
the way they stretched me made me cum again and again. My head was
turned at that moment and a cock was thrust into my mouth. I was
like a possessed person by then, and sucked this new cock into my


I could hardly breath as it moved back and
forth hitting the back of my throat with each new thrust, yet I needed to taste someone's cum. I wanted to swallow
every last drop and with each new thrust I knew I was getting
nearer to that goal. When it did explode into my mouth, I grabbed
it with my hand and milked him dry. By the time he pulled out I
could see for the first time at least eight naked men surrounding
the table, all waiting their turn.


My breasts were being sucked from both sides,
and suddenly I was gushing over the cocks in my cunt. I felt faint
but so deliriously happy, as man seed ran down my cheek and another
cock was pressing my lips. I sucked him in with relish and then
felt the two guys that were using my pussy cum together. I felt
used and a total slut, and that one thought made me cum again. I
was then turned over onto my stomach as the guy beneath me got off
the table and another one got on below me.


His cock found my pussy and pushed home,
amongst the oozing cream that was escaping from my pulsating pussy
lips. Then I felt someone entering my anal passage and I let out a
loud scream, as he was incredibly thick. I was then presented with
the same cock that I had in my mouth a moment ago, and sucked on
him again. I was also able to see more in this position and I could
see several cocks being played with at the head of the table, and
all pointing at me.


When I felt the guy in my mouth coming, I
also felt the splashes of several others as they shot their loads
onto my sweating body. By the time I came again, all the cocks were
withdrawn and they all started to re-dress and leave the hall. I
must have closed my eyes for a minute, as when I opened them there
were only three women left in the entire room.


They helped me off the table and cleaned me
up, before helping me with my clothes and showing me to the door.
When we reached it, I turned to one of them.


"I thought it would be one or two of the guys
making my night when I entered, I never dreamed it would be all of
them," I said, feeling both sore and incredibly tired.


"I hope you enjoyed your fantasy Cherrie, and
that you will try us out again, soon," she replied, as she opened
the door for me.


"I walked out into the night, not really sure
how long I'd been there, but there was one thing I was positive
about. I was going to visit Fantasy Inc again, and very soon.




“Cherrie is one of those rare people who have
no morals when it comes to sex, and has since joined our
organization as an agent. She has proved to be one of our best as
she knows how to pleasure a man more than any woman I know,” said
Colin in conclusion.


“I have to say, that was some fantasy you set
her up with, but surely the amount of people needed to fulfill that
fantasy cost more than the client paid? “ replied Peter.


“Not so sir, you see there were only two
actual agents that day. All the others were friends who were more
than willing to help, and one of those friends actually owned that


“I’m impressed…please carry on Colin,” said


“The next client’s name was Carol, who I
might add was very nervous during her initial interview. She wanted
to spice up her life a little as her husband’s performance in the
bed left a lot to be desired. I’m particularly proud of this one,
as it brought the couple closer together, but let me tell you her
story in her own words if I may?”


“Please do,” replied Judy.


Story Five


Certain individuals have always known me as
an old fashioned person, someone who isn't liberated or open
minded. Now after signing up for a fantasy with Fantasy Inc I can't
help wondering what these same people would say about me now.


My name's Carol and I am a twenty-five year
old housewife with a suburban background and a loving husband.
Geoff, my husband, has never thought of me as anything but a loyal
wife and mother to his future children. I've always known that he
loves me, and I think he knows that the feeling is mutual but our
sex life, it's got to be said, is very boring.


He tries (bless-him) but his imagination
leaves a lot to be desired. Anyway, the day I found the ad in our
local paper, was the day my sex life changed for good. My husband
had just kissed me goodbye, as he was off to work. I watched him
get into the car, and drive off. After picking the papers up, which
lay on the doormat, I prepared my first morning coffee and sat at
the table skimming through the ads.


Fantasy Inc was easy to spot as it had an
entire page devoted to it, and as I read their claims of any
fantasy coming true or your money back, I couldn't help wondering
what my fantasy would be. I stood up at that point and walked into
the hallway where a large freestanding mirror stood. I was still
wearing my dressing gown, so I opened it up revealing my body. I
was only wearing a bra and panties, so it was easy to see what I
had on offer.


I still looked good, and my pert breasts
still jutted out with no sign of sagging. I guess most women like
to look their best and I was no exception, even if my husband had
long since stopped noticing my figure. I then remembered the ad and
why I was standing there, and suddenly the thought of two men
taking me at once made my nipples harden. I realized at that moment
that that had always been my fantasy, and I dare say a lot of other
women fantasized about the same thing.


When I returned to my chair at the table and
saw the ad again, I wondered if I dared. After all I did love my
husband and even if it was a fantasy, I would still be going behind
his back. During the rest of that day I kept looking at the ad, and
no matter how my rational mind kept telling me to forget it, I was
drawn to the possibilities. It was the very next day that made up
my mind, as I tried everything I could think of to arouse my
husband. He was having none of it though, and I was left feeling
extremely frustrated and in dire need of a good fuck.


When he'd gone that day, I got dressed and
immediately left for the address in the ad. When I arrived the
receptionist met me, and took my details. After which an
appointment was made for that afternoon. So to kill some time I did
a little shopping, and a bit of window browsing until finally the
appointment time arrived. It's funny, but now I'd had time to think
about it all I was having doubts. My inner voices were conflicted,
but my sex drive won out in the end.


When I reached the building again, I took a
deep breath and walked in. I was a few minutes early, but was seen
straight away. The young man in charge, at least that's what it
looked like, asked me into his office and offered me a drink to
which I declined.


"Right Carol, may I call you Carol?" he
quickly added.


"Yes of course," I replied, sitting back and
making myself comfortable.


"Have you a fantasy in mind Carol, or would
you like to glance at our brochure?" he said, sliding said brochure
towards me across the table.


"I'll come straight to the point, and yes I
do have a fantasy in mind. I've always fantasized about being taken
by two men at once, and wondered if this was possible for you to
arrange?" I said, taking a breath and trying to gauge how shocked
or uninterested he would be.


"Believe it or not Carol that is the most
popular request we get here at Fantasy Inc. It's also a fantasy
that we tend to make happen within a few days of being asked,
that's how prepared we are for this particular fantasy. So if you
really want this it can be yours once you've paid the $250 fee," he
replied, showing no emotions either way.


I paid him in cash, with thoughts of my
husband seeing my credit card details if I paid in that way, and
that was it. I left after being told where and when I should go,
and walked out of the building feeling totally excited and a little
more liberated. As I walked towards the bus stop, I couldn't help
but wonder just what to expect. It wasn't until I reached the bus
stop that I realized my panties were damp, as the mere thought of
two men taking me excited the hell out of me.


When the day arrived, I checked and
double-checked the address just to make sure and soon found it. I'd
been given some suggestions on what to wear, but if there was one
thing I knew how to do, it was how to dress seductively. I wore a
short skirt and high heels, and my top was a low cut affair. My
breasts weren't big, but there was more than a handful and I had
rather large nipples when aroused. I had a coat covering all of
this, and once I stepped inside the building I was met by a couple
of gorgeous men.


"Carol, I assume?" said the younger one of
the two.


"Yes, that's right."


"Welcome, I'm John and this is Robert. If
you'd like to remove your coat, we can go into the back and get
more acquainted," he said in a business like manner.


I took my coat off feeling quite
apprehensive, but John took my coat without ogling me and hung it
up in the hallway. I was then led through what looked like an old
abandoned warehouse, before entering a room with various pieces of
gym equipment scattered around.


"Right, as you might or might not know Carol,
we work exclusively for Fantasy Inc," said Robert, pulling a chair
up for me. "Now we like to think we're professionals, and good at
what we do. Both John and I work out to keep in shape, hence the
equipment you can see scattered around the room. Now we could have
just met at some seedy hotel and given you all that you wanted, but
John and I like to do things differently. We'd like to take you
around this room, using the various pieces of apparatus and make
your day a memorable one."


"We think you'll enjoy the experience, and
might even want to come again," added John. "So the question is,
are you willing to put your faith in what we can do and follow our


"Yes, I'm up for just about anything you guys
want to do," I replied, feeling even more excited.


"Ok Carol, well first we'd like you to take
off your shoes as we go around the room, and then we'll show you
how much fun can be had in a place like this," said Robert.


I immediately did what I was told and was
then directed to a push-up bar, where you were supposed to lay down
on your back and attempt to pick up as much weight as was
physically possible. I was then told to place as much weight on, as
I was comfortable with, and lie in position in order to do ten
push-ups. When I'd put the weight on, I lay on my back feeling
totally exposed but quite excited. I then felt Robert holding my
legs just above the knee, and asking me to push up the weight for
the first time. John was standing behind my head looking down on
me, and as I pushed the weight up for the first time I could see
his eyes burning onto my breasts.


When I allowed the weight to drop back down I
could feel Robert's hands move further up my thighs, but didn't
look down. As I pushed it up again, I couldn't help but notice the
bulge in John's pants and for the first time that day I felt myself
getting wet. As I pushed it up for the third time, Robert's hands
were way up my thighs and I could just feel his thumbs resting on
my pussy mound. I wanted to stop at that moment and grab him, but
the prude in me stopped me from acting on that impulse.


I then witnessed John rubbing the hard bulge
through his pants, and tried to imagine how big it was. That one
thought made me feel so wet, and at the same time I could feel
Robert pulling my panties to one side and running a finger over the
dampness between my pussy lips. I heard one of them say not to stop
as I'd paused from the sensations that were coursing through my
body. When I lifted the weight the next time, John had pulled his
pants down and at that point I came for the first time. His
beautiful cock was sliding through his hand, and Robert's finger
had found my 'G' spot.


My God I felt hot, and with each push up of
the bar I came just a little bit more. By the time I'd done the
required ten push-ups my panties were soaked, and I closed my eyes.
Robert then told me we should go to the next piece of equipment,
and upon opening my eyes I found them helping me to my feet as if
nothing had happened. They both directed me quickly to the next
piece of apparatus, which was a small bench that had weights
attached below it on either side.


"The idea with this piece of kit Carol is
that you lie down on your stomach and pull the weights up on either
side. This will work your upper back and strengthen your arms, here
and here," he said, placing his hands onto the relevant spots.


As I got into position, my mind raced as to
what they would get up to next but I looked forward to finding out.
I gripped the bars that were at either side, eager to play along
with their games. As I took the strain and felt the weight pulling
slightly on my upper arms, I was presented with John once again
playing with his cock just inches in front of me. I noticed how
large the head was whenever his hand pulled back the foreskin, and
desperately wanted to suck on it at that moment.

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