The UN Series Complete Box Set (101 page)

BOOK: The UN Series Complete Box Set
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She shakes her head. “I just want you to watch for now.” She lies back flat as she starts to pleasure herself. Her legs close slightly and her back arches as she starts to pant. I hear rips and tears as her heels dig into the bedspread, but I don’t care. She comes loudly with my name on her lips as if I was really the one making her feel that good.

She lays there in front of me, her body shaking and her lips parted. She tries to slow her breathing as she sits up. She reaches over to the nightstand for the key. She doesn’t even get the second one undone before I’m on top of her pinning her underneath me. She’s still lightly shaking and breathing heavy in my ear.

“I’m going to love paying you back.” I look down to her closed eyes, and a slow smile spreads across her face.

“I know,” she breathes as she opens her eyes. “I look forward to seeing what you got, big boy.”

I smile as I reach up to her hand and grab the handcuff keys out of it. I sit up and undo the other handcuff that is still wrapped around my wrist. Once done I flip her over and pin her hands behind her back.

I center myself between her legs as I pull her ass up into the air. Her knees on the comforter and her heels ripping it to shreds. “Baby…” she says already panting once again.

I place a hand on her ass, and she flinches.

I smile. “Remember that burn I was talking about?” I lightly move my hand in a circle on her ass. “Let’s see if you still agree to ‘wanting’ it, when I’m done.” I lift my hand and smack her ass so hard, my hand stings as she cries out arching her back and pulling on the cuffs.

Oh yeah, payback is going to be a bitch.





I wake up with a pounding headache and a sore body. The knock comes again and I half roll, half crawl out of bed, careful not to wake Slade who is passed out on his stomach with his arms above his head. I’m pretty sure we both fucked each other senseless last night. I’m still lightheaded from the high my orgasms gave me.

I place a silk robe around myself and open the door to see Slade’s friend Parker standing there looking like he hasn’t even been to bed yet. And I’m pretty sure he’s still in his same clothes from last night.

His dark eyes look me up and down and then he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

“Yes?” I ask not caring how awful my hair and makeup must look.

He smirks. “Slade look as good as you do?”

I refrain from rolling my eyes. “What do you want, Parker?”

“Slade. Is he here?” He places a hand on the doorjamb and leans into it.

I want to say ‘of course he is dip shit’, but instead I just nod my head as I step aside to allow him in. “He’s still in bed. Just wait here.” I walk back to our bedroom and continue on into our bathroom—not caring to wake Slade just yet—my bladder is full. After using the restroom I walk out to our bedroom and see Parker standing at the foot of our bed, and Slade sitting up as he rubs his eyes.

“Fuck,” Parker says as he looks around the room wide-eyed. The bedspread is on the floor with rips and tears from my heels. There’s a lamp broken that I accidentally kicked over. The sheets are all tangled and torn lying on the floor as well.

“I can’t decide if you two fuck like rock starts or porn stars.” His eyes land on the handcuffs on the floor at the end of the bed, and he nods his head with a smile on his face.

I narrow my eyes at him, and I hear Slade chuckle.

I look at Slade, and he has a pillow covering his manhood. He has my red lipstick lips all over his chest, neck, and they trail all the way down to where… well, past the pillow that he’s shielding himself with.

“I would keep that comforter.” Parker nods looking down at it on the floor. “You know, like a souvenir. I’d pin that shit up on my bedroom wall at home.”

I walk up to him and place my hands on his back as I push him though our bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.

“Don’t mind if I listen, do you?” he shouts from the other side. “Now I know why you asked Josh about bondage when we were talking about anal last night.”

Slade laughs as he ditches the pillow and gets out of bed.

I turn to face him. “That doesn’t bother you?” I ask frowning.

He shakes his head as he comes up to me. “He’s harmless. He knows I would kick his ass if he really meant those things,” he says undoing the knot on my robe.I let it slide off of my shoulders and fall to the floor as his eyes look me over.

Then Parker’s words sink in. “Josh? Bondage? Anal?” I arch an eyebrow as I cross my hands over my chest letting him know he’s not gonna get a look until he answers the question.

“Uh—” He looks down at the floor.

“Just what were you guys talking about last night?”
Do I really wanna know?
I can only imagine how a conversation like that would go between five men.

“Those things you just mentioned,” he smirks.

I bite on my lip for a few seconds. “So you’ve done anal?” We have never had this conversation on what all we have done before we got together. I know he hasn’t been dominant with anyone else, but there’s still so much more out there that he could have done with someone else.

“I have not had it done to me,” he says with a smirk.

I refrain from rolling my eyes. “Have you fucked a girl in her ass?” I obviously need to be very clear on what I’m asking.

He burst out laughing.

“What?” I demand.

He starts coughing as he tries to cover up his laughter. He finally stops and looks at me. He’s trying to be serious, but the smirk on his face tells me it’s hard for him.

“Yes, I’ve done that.”

I ponder that sentence as I look him in the eyes.
Of course he’s done it.
Look what I’m willing to let him do to me. I’m sure women have just said ‘take me however you want me’.

“Why haven’t we done it?” I ask curiously.

That got a serious look from him. The smirk vanishes and his eyebrows shoot up. “Have you done it before?” he asks slowly.

I shake my head. “No, but you also haven’t even tried with me. Why not?”

He places his hands on my arms shoulders. “I’ve just never thought of it.”

“Hmm,” I say.


I let out a sigh and unfold my arms. “I don’t know if I should be thankful or offended.”

He chuckles pulling me into a hug. “Is that something you want to try?”

I look up at him. Is it? Not really. I’ve heard some horror stories from Courtney. That girl will try anything. But if it’s something he likes… “If you want to, I would try it.”

He leans down and kisses my forehead. “Anal is one of those things that you want because you can’t have it.” He shrugs. “With you, I don’t need it.”

I sigh in relief, and that makes him chuckle again. “Turn around,” he orders with a smile on his face.

I turn for him, and he starts rubbing my ass with his palm. “It still has my handprint,” he says quietly.

I turn and place my hands on his face. “Don’t do that. We were both rough last night.” I smile as I look at the hickey on his neck and the scratch marks on his chest that cut through the red lipstick marks.

“I was too rough.” He places his hand on my collarbone where he bit me.

“I never told you to stop,” I remind him. I have come to the conclusion; the rougher the better.

He smiles. “True.” He takes my hand. “Come on. Let’s get ready for the day.” He pulls me toward the bathroom. “How do you feel?”

“Like shit.” I look at myself in the mirror and cringe. My makeup is probably all over those expensive sheets and comforter that we destroyed. What’s left of my mascara and black eyeliner is smeared under my eyes.

He turns to face me in the mirror. “You have been cussing a lot lately,” he says with a smile on his face.

I shrug. “You’re wearing off on me, is all.”

“Oh is that it? You’re going to blame me?” he teases, turning the shower on.

I nod my head.

“Well maybe I should wash your mouth out with soap,” he says in all seriousness.

I walk up to him with a smirk on my face as I grab his semi-hard dick in my hand.

“Whoa.” He tries to jump back, but I don’t let go.

“I can think of something else you can clean my mouth out with.” My eyes drop down to his growing erection in my hand.

“Jesus Christ, Angel,” he hisses. “You’re trying to kill me.”

I let go and push away from him. “If you can’t take it…” I enter the shower.

I hear the shower door slam behind me, and I turn around to see him staring down at me. “I can take it.”

I tilt my head. “Are you sure about that?”

He reaches down and starts stroking himself. His large, firm hand wraps around his now fully erect dick. And I’m pretty sure it’s the sexiest thing he has ever done. Watching him pleasure himself is turning me on more and more every second.

“You’re going to be the one to take it.” His deep, commanding voice makes a shiver run through my body. “Now. To your knees.” His voice has turned rough, and it makes me break out in goosebumps.

He’s right. I am. I go down to my knees and look up at him as he gives me just what I want.




We walk out of the bedroom to find Parker sitting on the couch. “Wow.” He whistles. “You two clean up nicely.” He looks down at his watch. “Even if it did take you forever.”

“Why are you even here?” I ask.

He ignores me and looks at Slade. “Now I know why you’re marrying her.” He lifts his hand and gestures toward our bedroom. “Freaky.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “I like that.”

“What’s the plan for today?” I turn to ask Slade, ignoring him this time.

“How about some shopping?” Slade suggests, looking over to me from the window.

“Dude, we are not going shopping,” Parker whines.

Slade looks from me to Parker. “Do you want to go shopping?” he asks me.

I turn and give Parker a big smile. “Yes. I do.”

He lets out a sigh. “Shopping it is,” he relents, standing up. “Please tell me we are at least going to go out tonight and get trashed?” Parker pleads.

“It’s whatever Angel wants to do,” Slade states as he sits down and slides on his shoes.

“I want to gamble. I’m thinking blackjack.” I love blackjack. My dad always had game nights with his employees, and I would always take their money.

Parker smiles. “I’m pretty good at blackjack. I can show you a few things.”

I just nod. I’m sure I’ll show him a few things.

We go to walk out of our suite when I feel my phone in my pocket vibrate.

Will you help me do my hair and makeup tonight?

I smile, remembering when she asked me that just a couple of days ago while lying on my bathroom floor.

Yes. Have you landed yet?

I hated that she had to stay back a day for school but at least she was able to come in the first place.

Yes. I just checked into my hotel room.

We are about to go do some shopping. Would you like to come?

Sounds good. I will meet you down in the lobby.


“Missy is going to go shopping with us,” I announce once we get into the elevator.

“Oh, has she arrived?” Slade looks down at his watch. “I thought she wasn’t coming in until three.”

I shrug. “She said she’s already in her room.”

Parker rubs his hands together. “Who is this Missy chick? Is she single and dirty?”

I pull my lip back in disgust. “Dirty? As in like nasty? No. Missy is very sweet and pretty. Way out of your league,” I mumble.”

“No.” He shakes his head. “I meant dirty as in ‘down to get dirty’.”

Before I can tell him I’m not getting what he’s trying to say, Slade speaks up. “She’s off-limits, Parker.”

Just as we step off of the elevator we come face to face with Tate. He’s standing there with his hands in his worn-out jean pockets as he looks around the noisy casino. “What are you doing?” I ask.

He turns to look at me. “Been playing some cards,” he says.

“Win anything?” Parker asks.

Tate nods but doesn’t offer up how much he has won. “We are getting ready to go do some shopping. Do you want to join us?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I’m thinking about going up to my room to take a nap.”

Parker waves his hand in the air. “You can sleep later. Let’s go find us some bitches for tonight.”

That gets a smile out of Tate. “Sounds good.”

They start to walk off when the elevator across of us opens and out walks the cutest little blonde I know.

“Hey guys,” Missy says walking over to us. “Ready to go do some shopping?” she says with a smile on her face.

I can’t help but love Missy. I wasn’t lying when I told Parker that she was pretty. She is the natural, girl next door pretty. Her dirty blond hair hangs down past her shoulders and her black rimmed glasses she’s always pushing up her nose has her looking like the naughty little school teacher at times. She is just as nice as she is pretty as well. She’s so petite you just want to put her in your pocket.

“Absolutely,” I say walking over to her and leaving the guys behind us. “I’m thinking that I want a new pair of heels to wear tonight,” I say to her, and we start to walk off.

“I want to buy a sexy dress,” she says surprising me.

I look over at her. “Sexy?” I’m pretty sure that the only kind of clothes Missy owns is jeans, t-shirts, and Nikes. More comfortable than sexy.

“Oh yeah. Like Vegas sexy.” She wiggles her eyebrows making me laugh.

I remember back to us in my guest bathroom as she told me she wanted to feel pretty, and I can’t help but smile.

“Alright then. Let’s find you a sexy dress,” I say wrapping my arm around her.

I look over my shoulder as we walk out of the front doors of the hotel. The guys are trailing behind us as they talk about our plans for tonight. Slade gives me a little wink before he turns his attention over to Parker.






I look at the cards that are laid out in front of me. A ten and a five. Fifteen. I tap the green felt deciding to go for it.

I see Angel shake her head from beside me as if she wouldn’t have not done that.

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