The UN Series Complete Box Set (37 page)

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“It is,” he agrees.

“Thank you for yesterday as well,” I smirk at him.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He tries to hold back a smile as he looks over the city.

I put my hand on his face, pulling it towards me. “I know, Slade.”

He chuckles. “I knew that Holly would fold. She can’t keep secrets.” He shakes his head.

“I don’t agree with how you went about it, but thank you. That was very sweet.” I take a big drink of my wine.

“Did I give you enough?”

He doesn’t think he has given me enough?

“Yes, of course. I even have money to give back to you. It’s in my purse back at the house.”

He shakes his head. “Keep it. Buy yourself another pair of shoes.”

“Slade, I’m not keeping the money. I didn’t even spend half of it.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “Keep it,” he repeats.

I sigh, knowing this will get me nowhere. “Thank you. When is your birthday?” I haven’t asked him this question before now because I was worried he’d ask me about mine.
Now that the cat is out of the bag…

“November fifteenth,” he growls.

I laugh. “You hate your birthday too?”

“I’m going to be thirty this year.” He finishes off his glass of wine and then sets it down beside him. I set my glass down as well and lay down on my back, getting comfortable.

“There’s nothing wrong with thirty,” I say as I look up at the stars.

“You only say that because you’re not thirty yet.” He places a hand next to my side as he leans over my body.

I can’t help but compare his eyes to the stars. I could stare at them forever. I lift my arm, placing my hand on his cheek, and he places his left hand over mine. He pulls my hand away from his cheek and brings it to his lips, giving it tender kisses.

I smile.

He lets go of my hand as he leans his head down, stopping just inches from mine. He stares into my eyes as he places his hand on my cheek while running his thumb over my bottom lip. “You are unbelievably gorgeous,” he whispers. “And all mine.”

I tremble as his words fall on my lips. “All yours,” I agree.

Even though we are outside in the warm fresh air, it’s getting hard to breathe.

His lips brush mine, and I tangle my hand in his hair. His tongue softly meets mine, but I can’t do this slowly. I need hard and fast. I tighten my hand in his hair as he hisses in a breath.

“Fuck,” he breathes in my mouth.

“I want you, Slade.” I let go of his hair as my hands finds their way to his pants.

He pulls his mouth away from mine. “I didn’t bring you out here to fuck you, Angel.” He gives me a soft smile.


He shakes his head.

“Well then consider it a bonus,” I tease.

He laughs at me but then grabs my face in his hands as his face gets serious. “Every second I spend with you is a bonus.” His lips once again make contact with mine. I feel his hands leave my face and go to my shorts, unbuttoning them quickly.

He pulls away, sitting up. “Lift your hips,” he commands. I lift my hips as he pulls my shorts and thong down my legs. I kick off my heels and sit up, taking my shirt and bra off over my head.

I sit there and watch him while he pulls his wallet out of his back pocket, producing a condom. He removes his jeans and his shirt. “Lay down.”

I lay down, letting my hands fall beside my head while he positions himself between my legs. He hovers over me with a smile on his face while I feel the tip of him running along my sex, teasing me. “Please.” I will beg all he wants.

“How do you want it, Angel?” He smiles.

“You know how I like it.” I trust him completely with my body.

Just not with my heart.

He lifts his dark eyebrows. “Yes I do.” He enters me in one hard thrust as I cry out in the open night air. I place my arms on his chest, dragging my nails over his pecs. He grabs my hands and pins them above my head in one hand. “You like it hard and fast.” he says as I arch my back, taking in a deep breath. He pulls back slowly. “You like having me in control.” He pushes back in me hard, pushing my body closer to the cab in the process.

“Yes,” I pant.

“You like me dominating you.” He tightens his grip on my wrists.

“Yes.” I close my eyes.

“Look at me,” he demands softly.

I open my eyes and look into his beautiful blue ones. They are clouded over with want. “I like how you like it.” He pulls out slowly. “I like showing you that I own you.” He enters me just a bit, then pulls back out.

I wiggle. “Slade, please.” I need more.

“I like it when you beg.”

“Please,” I beg again, still trying to wiggle my hips.

“I like hearing you scream.” He pushes all the way into me, hard and fast.


“Just like that, baby.” He pulls back and enters me the same way as before.

“Please,” I pant. “Don’t stop.” I don’t want him to slow down.

He leans his head down to mine. “I wasn’t going to,” he says before his lips attack mine.




I lay on his chest, panting and trying to slow my heart while I watch him. His eyes are closed as he lies on his back.

“Angel.” He lifts his head looking down at me.

“What?” I smile a big smile, showing him that he has changed my mood immensely.

“We should probably get dressed and head back.” He runs a hand through my hair. “After all that screaming you did, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cops show up any minute,” he laughs.

I sit up, shoving him playfully. “You made me do it.”

“I know.” he gives me his victory smile. “And it was fun. Believe me.”

I laugh, grabbing my clothes and putting my shirt on.

We get dressed rather quickly. Slade loads everything in the truck, then comes back to get me.

“Here, let me help you down.” He stands at the end of the tailgate.

I wrap my legs around him, and he carries me to the passenger door, helping me get in the truck then walks around getting in himself. I lean my head up against the window and close my eyes.




“Okay. Did you get it done?” I hear Slade’s voice.

I blink a few times. Where are we? I look out my window and see we are driving down the highway. When did I fall asleep?

“That’s perfect, thanks. I know it was hard on such short notice.”

I close my eyes again while Slade talks on his phone. I feel him pick me up and carry me. “Lift your arms, Angel,” he says softly. I lift my arms, keeping my eyes shut as he undresses me and places me under the covers in his bed. “Good night.” He kisses me lightly on the forehead.

I close my eyes with a big smile on my face.

Right now I don’t care about my past or the future. All I care about is being in his arms and how happy he makes me.


Lying in bed together.

Right now.

That’s all that matters to me.





I wake up and see my Angel. I run my hand up and down her back, just feeling her soft skin underneath my hand. I remember what we did in the back of my truck under the stars last night, and I smile to myself. It was incredible. She is incredible; always blowing my mind. I never expected her to want to have sex out there. Once again she surprised me.

I lie down and grab my phone, noticing that my alarm is going to go off in ten minutes. I want to lay here the ten extra minutes with her in my arms, but I won’t.

I turn my alarm off and crawl out of bed, walking to the bathroom and turn on the shower.

I stand under the water, thinking about Angel. She was so upset and heartbroken last night. I hate not being able to help her. She tells me I do, but I know it’s only temporary. She forgets about it when I’m distracting her, but I’m sure as soon as she wakes up, her mom will be on her mind.

I rinse off and get out of the shower. I need to do something for her tonight as well. I need to keep her busy and her mind off of everything else. What can I do, though?

I dry off and open the bathroom door quietly, trying not to wake her. I see her still asleep, so I move slowly to the closet to get dressed. I put on a gray button up shirt with a black tie and black slacks, slip on my shoes, and proceed back into the bedroom. I walk over to the bed and softly touch her cheek. God, I wish she knew how much I love her. I will never be the same old Slade. There is no limit to what I will do for her. She just has to let me in and give me the opportunity.

I lean over and kiss her forehead.

“Slade,” she whispers, keeping her eyes shut.

“Shhh. Go back to sleep, Angel. I’ll see you as soon as I get off work.” I smooth her hair off of her face. She has already fallen back to sleep. “Night, baby,” I whisper.

I get to the office and try to work. It’s pointless, though. I’m too busy trying to rack my brain on what to do with Angel tonight.

“Rose?” I call over to her on speakerphone.

“Yes, Mr. Long?”

“Can you come here for a second?”

“Be right there.”

I stand up from my desk and pace back and forth in front of it.

“What do you need, Mr. Long?” Rose asks as she enters my office.

I continue staring at the floor as I pace back and forth. “I need some help.”

“With a client?” she asks, sounding somewhat confused.

I shake my head no. “With Angel.”

“What about Angel? Did you guys break up? I really like her.”

My head snaps to hers. “No.”
God, if she dumped me I would need a stiff drink and few doors to punch. Not help from Rose.

“That’s good to know. I was worried.”

“Tomorrow is her birthday. I want to do something fun tonight to get her mind off of….stuff. What do women like to do?”

“They love it when a man is romantic.”

“Romantic?” I say softly. What can I do to be romantic?

“Yeah. Take her home some flowers and chocolates.” Her eyes light up. “Do you cook?”

My shoulders slump. “No.”

“Don’t worry. Before you leave to head home, I will order you Chinese takeout.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” I nod my head with a smile. “Thanks, Rose.”
I should give her a bigger bonus this year.

“Do you have wine?” she asks.

“Yes.” Angel always keeps a bottle in the fridge. “I just need to call a flower shop.”

“I have one I can call.” Rose waves a hand in the air. “What kind of flowers does she like?”

“Uh, I don’t know.”
Am I supposed to know all of these things?
“Her favorite color is pink,” I add, hoping that will help.

Rose smiles. “I’ll get pink roses.”

“Thanks so much, Rose.”

She dismisses herself and leaves my office. As I sit down at my desk, Rose comes through the intercom. “Holly is on line two for you.”

I pick up the phone. “Hey, Holly. What’s up?”

“I know what you can get Sam if you don’t have an idea yet,” she says excitedly.

“I actually already got her something, but what is it? I’ll get it too.” I want Angel to have everything she wants.

“It’s a pair of heels. We saw them at the mall when we were shopping, and she fell in love with them, but they didn’t have her size. They said they were expecting a shipment today.”

“Well, how will I know if they came in today or not?” I don’t know anything when it comes to women’s shoes.

She laughs. “I already called. They are holding them for you. You’re welcome.”

I laugh at her. She gives me the store information and then hangs up.

I press the intercom button on my phone. “Rose.”

“Yes, Mr. Long?”

“I’m going to go ahead and leave for the day.” I start packing up my stuff. Angel needs me at home, and I can do the work I need to get done tonight while she sleeps.

“Okay. I will go ahead and get everything set up for you.”




Not twenty minutes later I’m walking around the mall looking for the shoe store.

“Can I help you?” an older brunette woman asks as I enter the store.

“Yes, I am here to pick up a pair of shoes. The name is Slade Long.”

She nods her head and walks behind the counter. She grabs a black box and opens it for me. “Are these correct?”

I give her a questioning look as she unwraps the bubble wrap from around one of them. Why would a pair of heels need to be wrapped in bubble wrap? I stare at the black high heel she holds up, speechless. There is no way these are them. Without saying anything, I pull out my cell phone and dial Holly’s number.


“Holly, what did these heels look like?” I say, panicking.

She laughs. “You don’t think they’re sexy as hell?”

“Sexy?” I ask, astonished. “Try dangerous.”

“She loved them. They’re hot as hell, and I think they are on sale.”

“They could be used a weapon, to kill me.”

“Then you better be good,” she laughs as she hangs up.

I place my phone in my pocket and look up at the lady who is smiling, trying to hide her amusement. She scans the bar code and puts the heel back in the box but not before wrapping it back up. “That will be two hundred and thirty five dollars.”

I pull out my wallet and hand her three one hundred dollar bills. She places the box in a sack and hands them to me, and I walk out of the mall to my car and place them in my trunk. I want them as far away from me as possible.

I’m worried about Angel. I haven’t talked to her once today. I’ve texted her twice since I’ve been off work, but she still hasn’t responded. I hope she’s home. She hasn’t said anything about working tonight. She always tells me when she has to work. What if she already has plans?

I pull in to the garage and grab the takeout, flowers and chocolates before getting out of the car. I walk into the kitchen and notice that everything looks the same as it did this morning. I place the vase that came with the flowers under the sink faucet, filling it with water and grab the bottle of wine with two glasses. I head back to the bedroom, trying to carry everything in two hands.

Angel is lying in bed. Has she been there all day? I place everything on the long dresser, then walk over to her.

I kneel down by her as I speak softly, “Angel.” She opens her eyes; they look red and swollen. “Are you okay, baby?”

She nods her head. “Yeah.” She gives a small smile. “How was your day? Was it a good one?”

I smile as I shake my head. I can tell she has been crying, but she wants to know if
had a good day. “It is now. Are you hungry?”

“Yeah.” She sits up.

“Well, you’re in luck. I brought Chinese home.” I walk over to grab the sack as I hear her gasp.

I turn around, thinking something is wrong. “What?”

“Did you get me flowers?”

“Yes. Why? Do you hate flowers?”

“No, I love flowers.” She smiles.

I smile.

I pour us each a glass of wine, then sit down on the bed next to her and open up the Chinese bag. “What’s your favorite? I got several different things.”

“I love sweet and sour chicken and fried rice.”

“That’s my favorite too.”

She places her hand on my arm. “Thanks, baby, for bringing home dinner and for the flowers. It really means a lot to me.”


“You’re welcome, Angel.” I hand her some food as we lean back against the headboard and eat our dinner. I want to ask her how her day was, but I know it wasn’t good. I want to ask her if she even got out of bed today, but I know she didn’t.

I just want her to relax tonight.






“Happy birthday.”

I feel Slade’s breath on my neck, and I turn around to face him. The smile drops off his face. I know I have a blank look on my face, but it’s better than crying, right?

He reaches up, running his knuckles against my cheek. He sighs, and it makes me feel bad. It should be a happy birthday. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but with him. I give him a small smile.

“It is now,” I whisper. He smiles and sits up, pushing the covers off of him. “Where are you going?”

He doesn’t answer as he walks out of the room. I sit up and stretch my body. I didn’t sleep very well, and spent most of the night tossing and turning.

Slade walks in with his right arm stretched out to the side, holding a square box wrapped in silver wrapping paper. My brows scrunch together. “You shouldn’t have bought me anything.”

“Well, I did. And yes, it’s Christmas wrapping paper. Sorry, it was all I had.” He laughs as he places the box on the bed, then takes a few steps back.

“Are you okay?” It looks like he’s scared of the box. “Is there a lizard or a snake that’s going to pop out when I open it?” I look at the box, then to him.

“I wish.” He runs a hand through his hair. I giggle as I watch him eye the box like it is a bomb about to explode. I reach over and pick it up.

“I love the wrapping job,” I laugh. It’s like he just rolled the box and then taped the paper on the ends. He remains quiet and away from the bed as I tear the paper off. Once the paper is gone, and I see the box, I look up at him in astonishment. “No,” I say, shaking my head. “How did you know about these?”

“Holly called me, told me you wanted them.” He shrugs. “So, I went and got them.” He looks at me and smiles.

I squeal like a school girl, then rip the lid off of the box and tear through the bubble wrap like a kid on Christmas morning. They are the hottest pair of heels I have ever seen. They are six inch black high heels with a round toe. The round toe is covered in black leather with silver spikes that vary in length and sizes. Running up the back of the heel are little spikes that are all short in length.

I look up at him and my smile is so wide that my cheeks hurt. “Thank you. I love them!”

His face and shoulders fall. “Those are really the ones you wanted?”

I nod my head excitedly.

“I was hoping it was a mistake,” he whines like a little boy, making me smile even more.

“Why?” I laugh.

He points a finger at them while his eyes bulge out looking at me. “Look at those! The next fight we get into, I can just see you kicking me in the balls. Or you could throw them at my head.” He says it with the upmost serious face I have ever seen, and I burst out laughing at him. I can’t help it. I fall back on the bed laughing so hard that tears falls down my cheeks. He gets on the bed and straddles me.  He still has that serious look on his face.

“I could wear them only during sex.”
There’s no way I will only wear them during sex.

I don’t think he could look any more scared, but I was wrong as his face pales a bit. “You could stab me in the leg or the ass.”

“Great sex leaves marks.” I wiggle my eyebrows.

He grabs my arms and holds them down by my head. “Well, I guess I could tie each ankle to a bed post. Yeah,” he nods his head. “That way you can wear them and they won’t kill me.” He smiles. “I like them already.”

“Chicken,” I whisper as his face comes down to mine.

He smiles then his lips are on mine, kissing me hard.

“Thank you baby, I love them,” I say as he pulls away.

“Happy birthday, Angel.” He places the box on the floor, then digs around in his night stand. He finds what he’s looking for and places the condom beside me on the bed as he settles his face between my legs, once again showing me I am going to have one hell of a good birthday.




After Slade leaves for work, I find myself standing in his kitchen with my phone in one hand and a check in the other. I look on the kitchen counter and see the flowers Slade got me, and they make me smile. He made my day when he brought me flowers. I had never been given flowers by any man except my dad. It warms my heart.

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