Read The Undead in My Bed Online

Authors: Katie MacAlister;Molly Harper;Jessica Sims

The Undead in My Bed (32 page)

BOOK: The Undead in My Bed
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I frowned. Was this an attempt to ditch me? Was he counting the hours until I left? “But you’ll be vulnerable.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“And can you defend yourself when the sun is up?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “The other guy’s a vampire, too. I don’t need to worry about that.”

“Wrong. He’s working with a werewolf. You’d be a sitting duck if
found you.”

He said nothing.

“I thought so,” I replied, my tone crisp. “So I need to look after you until you can get somewhere safe. That’s what a friend would do.”

He smiled at me then, slow, sensual, and my insides turned to mush. “Thank you, Ruby. I’m sorry you’re stuck with me for a bit longer.”

His tone implied that he wasn’t sorry at all. I smiled back at him.

My smile faded a little when he began to unbutton his pants. I found myself staring at his fingers as he slid his fly down, my throat suddenly dryer than dry. “Um, what are you doing?”

“A convenience store can’t be far from here. You need to eat something. I can hear your stomach growling from over here. And if you’re going to be my bodyguard, you need to keep your strength up.”

“There’s a few rats in the building,” I joked.

“You might have to leave those for me.”

“Funny,” I said, then realized he was
I hated the thought of fighting him for rats. “All right, then. Give me your pants.”

If the guy
behind the counter at the 7-Eleven thought it was weird that a woman would show up at four in the morning dressed in a man’s clothing and buy six hot dogs, all of the beef jerky on the shelf, three
bags of chips, and two gigantic bottles of water, he didn’t say so. He simply took my cash and went back to watching the movie on his monitor. I trotted back to the plant with my stash swinging from my hand. I didn’t like leaving Michael alone, but it was either that or starve to death.

I ate all of the hot dogs before I even made it back and was polishing off the first bag of chips by the time I crawled back through the window. Michael looked relieved at the sight of me, devouring my body with his eyes.

“You look ravishing in my clothes,” he commented.

“Aren’t you supposed to tell me that I look better out of them?” I teased, stripping off his pants and handing them to him. He wore tighty whiteys that outlined far more than I remembered, and I blushed every time I looked at him.

It should be sinful for the undead to look that good.

I sat cross-legged (my borrowed shirt covered plenty) and offered him some of my haul. “Can you eat human food?”

He shook his head at me. “I’ll be fine.”

“How often do vampires need to drink?”

“Not often.”

That surprised me. Shapeshifters had high metabolisms because of our supernatural bodies, and I had assumed it’d be the same for vampires. But perhaps not.

I gestured at the nearby window. “Sun’s coming up soon. As soon as it goes down, we’ll get out of here, since they’ll be back tonight.”

“One of my safe houses isn’t far from here.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I said, getting to my feet to adjust the tarp over the crates, just in case they’d shifted during the fight earlier.

He stood, too… and stumbled.

I automatically reached out to steady him, alarm pounding through me. “Michael? You okay?”

He sat back down again, leaning heavily against one of the crates. “Yeah, just give me a second.”

“Is it the poison? Are you still sick?”

“I’ll be fine,” he said in a hard voice. “Leave me alone, Ruby.”

“Oh, sure,” I said sarcastically. “Because I know when I’m fine, I fall over and have to support myself on furniture. That’s totally what fine people do, right? How silly of me to be concerned.”

His mouth quirked on one side. “You’re concerned about me?”

He was about two inches away from getting a fist in his mouth. “Don’t try to change the subject on me.”

“I’m just a little weak still,” he said, raking a hand through his hair. It stood a little higher. “It’ll go with time, and I imagine it’ll be gone with the next feeding.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, a sinking feeling coming over me. “Tell me the truth—how often do vampires need to feed?”

He gave me a rueful smile. “How often do
need to eat?”

“Michael,” I said in an exasperated tone. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because there’s nothing to do about it.”

But there was. I was full of nice, fresh blood, and he wasn’t asking. I knew it would be kind of me to volunteer, but the memory of how horrible it was still made me shudder with distaste.

But I didn’t want him to starve, either. I sighed.

“It’s okay, Ruby,” he said, straightening his shoulders. He rubbed his head, making that crazy hair stand up on end. “I’ll be fine. I just need to sleep it off.”

“Actually, I know what we can do,” I said, rolling up one of the long sleeves of my borrowed shirt.

I almost hated the hungry flash that crossed his gorgeous face. “You’re going to feed me?”

“No, I’m going to go catch you one of those rats.” At his startled expression, I rolled my eyes. “Of course I’m going to feed you.” I finished rolling up my sleeve, my movements jerky. I was nervous and more than a little wigged out. After vowing never to feed a vampire again, here I was, offering up my good wrist like an idiot.

Michael’s fangs elongated as I stepped toward him, and the look in his eyes grew sleepy with desire. “I won’t hurt you, Ruby. I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” I said in a
hard voice, and shoved my wrist forward, offering it to him. “Let’s just get it over with.”

He took my uninjured wrist tenderly, his thumb brushing over the soft skin. Then he looked up at me, and his pupils were nearly black, they were so dark with hunger. But he only pressed a kiss to my palm. “You don’t believe me when I say I won’t hurt you? I vow it.”

“Says the man with four-inch fangs.”

He grinned, and the fangs seemed even larger. “Two inches. But you flatter my ego.”

I flushed at the innuendo and turned away so I wouldn’t see him maul my wrist. “Just get it over with.”

He reached for my chin and turned me toward him, his expression puzzled, the hunger dilating his eyes abating a little. “Did… did I hurt you badly last time?” He looked miserable at the thought. “When you fed me?”

It was like having my wrist torn from my arm
. I nodded, unable to stop the trembling in my body.

His free hand brushed over my cheek, and he looked at me tenderly. “And yet you would feed me again?”

I shrugged, averting my eyes. “You’d do the same for me.”

“I would,” he said, and the words seemed to have more weight than a simple meal should involve.

He snared me around my waist and tugged me
close, and I fell forward into his arms. “It’s not supposed to hurt,” he murmured. “The bite is pleasurable.”

I said nothing, but my expression must have said volumes.

Michael tugged me closer. My breasts pressed against his upper body, and he released my hand. It instinctively went to the firm wall of his chest. His skin felt cool against mine but not unappealing. Instead, his hand slid to the collar of my shirt, tugging it away from my neck. “Do you believe me when I promise you that it won’t hurt?”

I froze, instinct and memory warring against the feel of Michael against me. My sex had started to throb with need, my nipples scraping against his chest, hard little pinpricks.

“Do you trust me?” he said.

My fingertips twitched against his chest, and then I nodded slowly.

He leaned in so close that I thought he might kiss me, but he just ran his lips over my jawline.

I shivered against him, my fingers curling just a little.

“The trick with vampires,” he said as he breathed against my throat, “is that our saliva is a bit of a wonder drug. It’s a coagulant and an aphrodisiac all at once.”

I stiffened in his arms. “Aphrodisiac?”

He pulled my hair away from my neck with one
hand. The way he held it, I was forced to tilt my head a little, exposing my neck.

“Let me show you,” he said softly. He leaned in and licked my neck at the curve of my collarbone.

The sensation was ticklish and sexy and sent another pulsing flare to the junction of my thighs. That was nice, but it didn’t feel like anything special. “I’m not sure that I’m feeling anything. Maybe shifters are immune—”

“You’re not immune,” he said with a chuckle, and licked the same spot again.

“I still don’t… ohhh…” The spot he’d licked felt amazing. Tingly. Warm. Delicious. My sex suddenly felt hot and slick with need, and my nipples ached, they were so tight. I reached for him, tangling my fingers in his hair. “Oh… I see what you mean.”

He licked at my throat again, more languidly, and I couldn’t stop the moan that rose from my throat.

“We don’t drink from the wrist,” he said against my throat. “Too many delicate bones there packed close together. Not enough surface area. The neck is so much more pleasurable, wouldn’t you agree?”

My hips rose involuntarily, and I dimly realized that I was straddling him. Didn’t care. God, he felt good. My skin felt flushed and hot with need. “Oh,

He groaned against my throat. “I love hearing you say my name, Ruby.” He drew in a ragged breath and then nuzzled at my neck once more. “I’m going to drink now, sweetheart.”

My body tensed a little at that, my heart fluttering with fear. Before I could protest, though, I felt his tongue press against my throat once more. Then there was a tiny pinch, and I felt his teeth sink into my throat, felt him pull hard, sucking at my blood.

God, it felt as if he’d thrust deep inside me. I whimpered, and my free hand went to my sex, finding it soaking wet and aching with need. This was such a bad idea, but I didn’t care. I rubbed myself as he drew from me, and I heard a low groan low in his throat. His fingers curled into the curves of my ass as he drank, and I moaned, needing more. Wanting more. My hand slid away from my sex, and I fumbled with the zipper of his pants. His cock was hot and hard under me, and when I ground my hips down on his, he thrust against me with equal heat. He wanted this, too. I didn’t care if it was just the aphrodisiac of his tongue or my own desperate, lonely need, but I needed him deep inside me.

“Ruby,” he whispered softly against my throat before sinking his fangs in again and drinking once more. He lifted his head, and I felt those long fangs slide free of my skin once more. “Are you sure—”

“Yes. I want you,” I whispered. I pushed at his head, encouraging him to return to my neck.

His tongue traced the spilled blood on my skin, licking it away, and then I felt his fangs return, felt his teeth sink deep.

I moaned. My fingers found the hard, velvety
length of him. It sprang free from his trousers, and I felt his grip tighten on my hips. I wrapped my fingers around that hard length and sank down over him, my breath sucking in as he seated himself in my tight warmth. It had been a long time since I’d had sex, and he was big—had he always been that big? I whimpered again as his hips gave a jerky thrust and his tongue moved against my neck. I couldn’t tell if he was still sucking, but it didn’t matter. He was deep inside me. I rocked my hips, moaning at how good he felt filling me.
My beloved Michael.

He thrust up into me, and I cried out at the delicious sensation. His tongue lapped at my neck as I leaned forward, brushing my nipples against his chest. His hands tugged me down hard every time he thrust upward, and I heard him whisper my name. I rode him, need overtaking me, until I was rocking atop him savagely, heading for a climax, his thrusts becoming just as frantic and jerky as my own. His fingers dug into my hips harder, pulling me down on him with each wild, rough thrust. Just when I was close to hitting the peak, he bit my neck once more. I cried out at the pure, piercing pleasure, my entire body stiffening, and felt him tense underneath me in orgasm. Waves of ecstasy rolled through me, exploding through my shuddering body, until I returned to earth and found myself panting, sweating, and weak in Michael’s arms.

His hands slid up my back, and he pulled me close for a long, hot kiss that tasted of my own blood, his
fangs now retracted. I kissed him back, heat flaring anew as his tongue rubbed against my own. The kiss seemed to last forever, and he pressed repeated smaller kisses on my mouth as if he was unable to stop tasting me.

I suddenly thought about what we’d just done and flushed with embarrassment. We’d been reunited for a blink of an eye, and here I was climbing all over him like a jungle gym. Since I wasn’t a one-night-stand type, this might complicate things.

“Thank you, Ruby,” he whispered against my mouth, and pulled me down under the small shelter with him as he moved toward day-slumber.

Those three little words echoed in my head, taunting me, as Michael fell asleep.

Thank you, Ruby.

Thank you?
As if I’d handed him a sandwich or something? I’d let him
from me! We’d shared wild, orgasmic sex! And I got a pat on the shoulder and a thank-you?

Like a friend.

Chapter Five

decided to sleep in my jaguar form so I would be ready for any surprises. When the sun was about to set, I scouted the area once again, looking for hints that the vampires would be back as soon as the sun went down. When I saw no traces of trouble, I headed back in, shifted to human, and demolished the rest of the food as I waited for Michael to awaken.

After we got out of there tonight, my life could go back to normal. Quiet job, quiet days, quiet nights alone. Normal and lonely. Michael would continue running, since the vampires knew he was in Fort Worth. He’d be gone again just when he was back in my life. Now, when I could date him. Could sleep with him. Could touch him and not worry about endangering others with my lust for him. I touched my mouth, thinking of his kiss. My fingers strayed to
my neck, where nothing indicated that I’d been bitten. He’d been right—it had been wonderful.

BOOK: The Undead in My Bed
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