The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945 (132 page)

BOOK: The United Nations Security Council and War:The Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945
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ceasefire 546

failure to prevent genocide 27, 108–14, 502, 544–48, 561

genocide 27, 109, 111–12, 544–7

Genocide Convention 1948 545

humanitarian intervention 544–8, 557

Hutu rebels, sanctions against 220–1

internal war, characterisation as 545

non-intervention of SC 544–7

Operation Turquoise 111, 546

peacekeeping forces 109–10, 112–13

Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict initiative 547–8

refugees 111, 546

responsibility to protect 220–1, 547

sanctions 220–1

Special Representative of the Secretary-General 545

SC Res. 872 (1993) 545

SC Res. 912 (1994) 110, 502, 545

SC Res. 918 (1994) 110, 546,

SC Res. 925 (1994) 110

SC Res. 929 (1994) 111, 546

SC Res. 1013 (1995) 220

Special Investigative Panels 220–1

standing forces 108–14, 115–17

threats to international peace and security 548

UN Charter
Chapter VII

United States 544–6

Sacirbey, Muhamed

Sadat, Anwar
310, 312

safe areas
see also
Srebrenica; UN Protected Areas (UNPAs)

Bosnia and Herzegovina 194, 228, 232–42, 418–9, 432, 434–5, 447–50

Kurds in northern Iraq 390, 555

Salazar, António de Oliveira
348, 352

Salisbury, Lord

Samper, Hernando

San Francisco negotiations (1945)

and creation of SC 63, 65, 66–73, 76–80, 82–4

great powers, SC and 135

regional arrangements to use force 227

territorial administration 568

United Kingdom, colonies of 285–6

see also
arms embargoes; asset freezes; travel bans

al-Qaeda 528

Angola 210–11, 215

Afghanistan 457, 459–61

Arab League 385

Bonn-Berlin Process 222

commodity exports 215

compliance with 211

Côte d’Ivoire 481, 482–3

criminalization of non-compliance 214–5, 220

designation lists 223–5

diamond embargoes 215, 479

disarmament 208–9

economic sanctions 11, 12, 543

expert panels 220–1

financial sanctions 213–14, 222, 460

fuel 542

Gulf War (1991) 384–6, 390–1

Haiti 542–3, 555

humanitarian impact 211–13, 260

human rights 138–9, 206, 207, 223–5, 614

implementation, improving 55, 221–2

inspections 384

Interlaken Process (1998–1999) 222

International Commission of Inquiry (UNICOI) 220–1

investigations, to secure compliance with 61

Iraq 52, 138–9, 142, 207–10, 403

arms embargoes 214

economic sanctions 388, 390–2

Gulf War (1991) 384–6, 390–1

Oil-for-Food Programme 52, 209–10, 212, 390–2, 403, 599, 600

weapons inspections 384

Korean war 274

League of Nations 11

learning and innovation 213–15

Liberia 211, 221, 479, 490

Libya 138, 211

lifting, procedure for 139

monitoring 220–1

oil revenue 208–9, 390–2, 403, 476

Pakistan 461

reform 223–5

Rhodesia 206

rule of law 139

Rwandan Hutu rebels 220–1

Sanctions Assistance Missions Communication Centre (SAMCOMM) 216

sanctions assistance missions (SAMs) 216–17

Sanctions Coordinator 216

Sanctions Liaison Group 216

SC Res. 221 (1966) 206

SC Res. 418 (1977) 206

SC Res. 661 (1990) 205

SC Res. 687 (1991) 208

SC Res. 712 (1991) 391

SC Res. 713 (1991) 408, 415, 418, 420

SC Res. 883 (1993) 217, 611

SC Res. 917 (1994) 543

SC Res. 918 (1994) 110, 546

SC Res. 943 (1994) 431

SC Res. 948 (1994) 590

SC Res. 970 (1994) 436

SC Res. 988 (1995) 436

SC Res. 986 (1995) 391

SC Res. 1003 (1995) 436

SC Res. 1015 (1995) 436

SC Res. 1051 (1996) 395

SC Res. 1132 (1997) 476

SC Res. 1237 (1999) 220

SC Res. 1267 (1999) 39, 218, 460, 463, 528, 611

SC Res. 1333 (2000) 214, 219, 459, 460, 463, 523

SC Res. 1343 (2001) 221, 479

SC Res. 1363 (2001) 221, 611, 614

SC Res. 1478 (2003) 635

SC Res. 1506 (2003) 202

SC Res. 1540 (2004) 619

SC Res. 1556 (2004) 124, 506, 525, 559

SC Res. 1572 (2004) 215, 482, 524, 528

SC Res. 1591 (2005) 526, 528, 560

SC Res. 1643 (2006) 483, 524

SC Res. 1649 (2006) 523, 526, 528

SC Res. 1672 (2006) 525, 526, 528

selective sanctions 210–11

Sierra Leone 215, 221, 489, 490

smart sanctions system 210

South Africa 206

Special Investigative Panels 220–1

Stockholm Process 222–3

Sudan 658–9

Taliban 457, 459–61, 528

targeted sanctions 213–14, 223–5

terrorism 217–20, 610–14

counter-terrorism measures, compliance with 223–5

designation lists 223–5

monitoring 221

Pakistan 461

Taliban 218–20, 221, 611, 613–14, 618, 619, 623

arms embargo 218–20

targeted sanctions 219, 223

threats to international peace and security 7–8

travel bans 213–14, 222, 479

UN-authorized military operations 25

UN Charter 7–8, 12, 93, 206

United States 208, 210

Volcker Inquiry 52, 209, 391–2, 403–4

Wassenaar Arrangement 222

Watson Institute, study by 222–5

West Africa 489, 490

Yugoslavia, former 211, 215–17, 423

Sanderson, John

624, 626–7

Sankoh, Foday
477, 490

Santa Cruz massacre (1991)

Sarajevo ultimatum (1994)
236–7, 239–40

Saudi Arabia

Afghanistan 456, 457

Gulf War (1991) 385

US troops in 456, 457

Savimbi, Jonas

see also
creation of SC; great powers, SC and; missions and investigative panels; reform of SC; SC resolutions

administrative function 521, 528–31, 433

agenda 251–2, 258–9

briefings 252, 253

committee structure 252

committees of 613–8

composition 4–5, 90, 251

criticisms of 34, 36, 261–2

procedure 6, 253–4

declarations 253

difficulty on agreeing on military action 51

exclusion from participation, reasons for 6

GA, relationship with 276–7, 620–2

informal consultations 137–8, 252, 414, 416

informal public statements 253

informal recommendations from Secretariat 253

powers and duties under the Charter 1–10

presidency 6

procedure 6, 253–4

Secretariat 251–2, 253, 300

United States, uneasy relations with 51

SC resolutions

breaches by members of resolutions 52

gender mainstreaming in 577, 578

guidelines on use of force, establishment of 557

implementation of 43

SC Res. 16 (1947) 569

SC Res. 38 (1948) 329

SC Res. 39 (1948) 329

SC Res. 47 (1948) 329, 330

SC Res. 48 (1948) 301

SC Res. 50 (1948) 302

SC Res. 54 (1948) 302

SC Res. 57 (1948) 609

SC Res. 59 (1948) 303

SC Res. 66 (1948) 379

SC Res. 80 (1950) 334

SC Res. 82 (1950) 266

SC Res. 83 (1950) 156, 266, 303, 495, 500

SC Res. 84 (1950) 156, 266, 500

SC Res. 85 (1950) 266

SC Res. 91 (1951) 334

SC Res. 95 (1951) 281

SC Res. 98 (1952) 334

SC Res. 106 (1955) 281

SC Res. 107 (1955) 281

SC Res. 108 (1955) 281

SC Res. 118 (1956) 287

SC Res. 119 (1956) 160, 285, 291

SC Res. 120 (1956) 160, 291

SC Res. 128 (1958) 305

SC Res. 129 (1958) 160

SC Res. 143 (1960) 182, 501

SC Res. 157 (1960)160

SC Res. 161 (1961) 182, 633

SC Res. 169 (1961) 172, 182, 633

SC Res. 199 (1964) 633

SC Res. 209 (1965) 336

SC Res. 210 (1965) 336

SC Res. 211 (1965) 336, 337, 338

SC Res. 214 (1965) 337

SC Res. 215 (1965) 337

SC Res. 221 (1966) 206

SC Res. 226 (1966) 634

SC Res. 233 (1967) 161

SC Res. 234 (1967) 161

SC Res. 236 (1967) 161

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