The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Vampire (THE VAMPIRE Book 1)
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“Mr. Augere will be pleased to hear that. I think I should mention: he was rather angry—now downgraded to just irritable—that we had pushed you through the screening process so quickly. But I told him you had volunteered since you were already in town. He understood.

“I could go over some things with you now, if you want, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.”

Jason hesitated just a moment, not wanting to appear too eager. “Sure, okay.”

“I will send a confirmation letter out to you today. You will need to sign the confidentiality agreement witnessed in person. We will work that out. I will notify our accounting department to send you the necessary paperwork; you should open a checking account in Boston as soon as possible, to expedite the transfer of funds.

“Please take at least the next five weeks to put your affairs in order. If you need more time than that, it will not be a problem; just let us know.”

“I think that will be sufficient.”
I only need a few days…FIVE weeks?

“Mr. Augere will authorize relocation expenses through the accounting department and I will send those funds out to you either today or tomorrow. Do you have any questions?”

“Yes, uhmm… I assume I do pay something for living expenses…is that deducted from my paycheck?”

“That is a good question. Mr. Augere does not like to be in the position of being both employer and landlord, so we have worked out a maintenance fee. This will be $250 per month, until next January, when it will be increased to $300 per month, indefinitely. It is deducted from your check biweekly and deposited into a separate account. The reasoning is that if you use something he does not, and it needs repair or replacement, rather than have him pay for it, that expense would come out of those funds. If you wanted to paint, remodel, partition, or if and when renovations are needed, etc., those funds would be available, and remain so, accruing indefinitely.”

“So—no other rent expense though? What about utilities?”

“So far, you would have no other additional expenses. He would pick up all travel related costs. We provide your health insurance, retirement funds etc. Basically your main expenses would be of a personal nature: food, furnishings, etc.”

It took a few moments for that to sink in.

“If I have left something out, or got something wrong, the accounting department will sort it out. It will all be spelled out in your confirmation letter. Do you have any other questions?”

“I might, but not at the moment.”

“You can call me, if you think of any…wait…it seems there was something else…that I had to tell you…oh, yes, I remember now; he had spoken with me about this. Your personal appearance—”

Oh, okay. Here it comes,
Jason thought.
Whatever it is I will just have to accept it now. Clean cut; shorter hair; wearing a suit every day; whatever it is I will just have to suck it up

“We ask that, whenever you travel together, especially if you travel with him for long distances, that you go for a slightly less noticeable look. Mr. Augere does not like to draw attention to himself, particularly while traveling. He often wears a business suit for that reason. The rest of the time, however, your preferred personal appearance is perfectly acceptable. He especially wanted you to know that, and not to be offended at the request.”

Jason was stunned for several moments.

“Seriously? My clothes, my hair—pierced ears—the—the jewelry that I wear—he says that it is all okay?”

“Absolutely not a problem.”

Mr. Genier formally welcomed him into the company then and hoped the next few weeks would not be too hectic for him. He stated again if there were any concerns to please not hesitate to call.

And just like that, smoothly and efficiently, quickly and easily, he had a job. A new beginning.

“Decisions and revisions can be made in a minute, which a minute will reverse. Do I dare ruffle the fabric of the universe?” Jason wondered aloud and then laughed. In the space of a few minutes a person’s life can change: A brief encounter; now a short phone call, and his universe became something completely different.

He suddenly felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of him. A door had opened and now the future looked bright, exciting and inviting. And then suddenly, a brief cloud of doubt surrounded him. That moment, and any doubts, quickly passed and his feeling of contentment returned.

Chapter 3

Beacon Street

The two story residence on Beacon Street had been purchased at a cost of $3.2 million. Most of the renovations were nearing completion per Augere’s exact specifications, and in record time, at a cost of nearly an additional one and a half million.

Augere had had the crews working double shifts and now he had moved into the house to keep a closer eye on the progress of the work. Everything was coming together exactly as he wanted it, and still there was daily hammering, polishing, painting and moving in of items on a constant basis. He had decided to close off the second floor completely, walling up the main staircase to the ballroom there and placing a locked door where a second stairway entrance had been located. He planned to retain the only knowledge, and the keys, of that other entrance.

The walled up second floor was in need of some cosmetic repairs, but could easily be converted to additional living space, if needed. Which Augere did not anticipate requiring any time soon.


In Minnesota, Jason woke up many mornings still gripped by a sense of urgency, an immediate feeling of panic upon awakening: a need to do something, get something done, be somewhere in particular or take some kind of action—and then he would remember: I don’t have to worry. I have a job. Everything is going to be okay.

Actually, it seemed it was going to be more than okay.

He had received a large thick envelope from the Genier law firm containing his employment confirmation letter. Now it began to feel real to him. Included with it was all the necessary paperwork and the details about his benefits; he had filled out what was required and sent the forms back.

And then he had received another envelope whose contents did not quite seem real. It contained a check for $8,000, designated for relocation expenses. Not to be used for airfare, apparently, as that was already covered in a separate voucher.

He called Genier, wondering if there had been a mistake. He didn’t want to keep the money, especially if it was an error. Genier’s gentle laughter reassured him.

“Mr. Augere authorized it. He really has no clear sense of what relocation expenses entail. I’m thinking—you might need to ship some personal stuff; or put things into storage. Accounting has approved the amount. So I would say, use what you need now, and if there is any left, just put it in the bank, or use it to buy things you might need when you are at the residence.”

“Okay. I just wanted to be sure.”

The next four weeks passed too slowly. He was not accustomed to having so much free time on his hands, so little structure. He was still careful with what money he had and still lived as someone who was on the precipice of disaster. Once he was installed in his new job, and he knew what to expect, he would finally be able to relax about finances.

He was leaving his car as promised to his sister Carrie, to use as soon as she got her driving permit. He was taking two suitcases full of clothes, his laptop, some of his books, his paranormal investigation equipment. Not all that much really. Some of his furniture was going into storage. He was heading into the vast unknown as far as he could see. He would know more once he got there and figured things out.

At the end of April the weather in Boston was expected to be mild. As the plane approached Logan airport, Jason began to feel nervous. “It’s just like starting any new job,” he told himself, “you’ll get over it.” He was anxious about the living arrangements. He just wished he knew exactly what to expect.
Well, I’ll find out soon enough I guess

The taxi pulled up to a large two story red and grey brick building on a narrow street in a quiet section of Beacon Hill. The building looked large enough to contain several apartments or condos possibly.

Above a set of shiny double black doors at the front of the building, a gold plaque read: 1626 Beacon Street. This was the right address. But which one was the right door?

Two shiny black doors were at either end of the front of the building, identical to the two front doors at the center. All of the doors had three brick steps leading up to them. There were three mailboxes total, one at each set of doors. It was a little confusing. Which one was the place he was looking for? He decided to ring the doorbell under the gold plaque at the center doors of the building.

He heard a pleasant sounding chime. He waited nervously. He half expected a butler or maid to open the doors, given the size and stateliness of the place.
Only in the movies

Augere answered the door. Jason immediately felt his throat go dry and tighten at seeing him again, and so unexpectedly. For some reason he hadn’t thought he would see him personally. Not like this. The sky was overcast but Augere stepped back slightly as he squinted a little. “Come in.” The tone of voice was even softer than Jason remembered. His eyes were almost shyly downcast and Jason couldn’t see his full expression.

Jason brought in the larger of his suitcases and nodded as he said a quick hello. Then he retrieved his other two bags from the sidewalk and set them down inside the large foyer.

He quickly took in Augere’s casual appearance: black jeans and a dark grey long sleeved pullover shirt. Impossibly he seemed even younger than Jason remembered him. The suit he had worn when last seen had definitely made him seem somewhat older. Augere continued to make no eye contact and offered no assistance with the luggage. For his part, Jason tried not to stare at him, though he was, arguably, one of the more attractive people, male or female, Jason had ever seen. He moved with such a fluid grace. “This way,” he said softly and took off across the foyer.

Jason followed him, trying to take in his immediate surroundings as they walked across a gleaming dark wood floor. An elegant white and black chandelier hung near the entranceway. On either side of the foyer were identical black elaborately carved wooden doors. Augere led him to the one on the far right side of the foyer.

“Your quarters are here,” he announced and then, with barely a pause said, “come this way,” and abruptly took off again.

He led Jason toward a set of dark wooden paneled doors that dominated the end of the foyer, but then he turned to the right instead.

Down a short hallway Augere paused before the entrance to a modern gleaming kitchen that held stainless steel appliances. There were grey marble countertops and white and black cabinets. Otherwise the kitchen was stark and basic. There was not even a table and chairs, though there was room enough for them. Just off of the kitchen, there was a huge walk in pantry, with numerous floor to ceiling shelves—space enough to store nonperishables for a year probably—except all of the shelves were empty.

“You will need to get provisions,” Augere stated simply, still with no eye contact. “I never take any meal here.”

Provisions? Whoever says “provisions?”

“This way,” Augere said, taking off again at a brisk pace as Jason tried to keep up.

He paused outside of the two dark paneled doors at the end of the foyer and as he opened them he stepped aside so Jason could see inside. What met his curious gaze was one of the most beautiful rooms Jason had ever seen. He stared, taking in as many details as he could at once: a huge black desk dominated the middle of the room, sitting on a large round gold, black and white oriental rug placed over a forest green carpet. Rich earth and jewel toned hues were to be found everywhere: in the various plush chairs and several small sofas, the lamps, the drapes, the varied art work that covered the walls.

His eyes rested on a plush deep purple chair, then a rose toned couch with crimson pillows; a small emerald green loveseat sat across from a deep burgundy one. Several built in dark wood bookcases along the room’s perimeter were completely filled with books; there was a modestly large flat screen TV on a dark wood shelf unit, with several DVD’s lying on a nearby dark round end table; a huge mahogany fireplace—and all of it Jason thought, seemed ready for the cover of a glossy home decor magazine. He didn’t get to see the rest, as Augere was once again on the move, telling him, “You may use the contents of the library as you wish.” He led him down a hallway on the opposite side of the foyer. He stopped in front of a door and stood there looking silently at Jason. After a moment, Jason guessed he was expected to take the initiative and he opened the door himself. It was a laundry room, with a gleaming white washer and dryer, complete with a small comfortable sitting area, a place to fold laundry, an ironing board and shelves for supplies; these shelves too were empty, and the entire room had an unused look. Jason nodded, and then closed the door. So far everything seemed to have a new feel or a freshly painted look to it. The house, the furnishings—all of it even seemed to have a “new” smell that was quite pleasing though somewhat unexpected. Almost as if he were viewing a model home, staged but not lived in.

Augere had already moved on, and Jason had to hurry to catch up. Now they were back in the kitchen again and Augere showed him an entrance to the garage through a covered breezeway that also opened onto a portion of an enclosed patio. A set of car keys hung on a hook by the kitchen door.

“You may take the car as you need to, within reason. Always ask me first, and remember to replace the keys.”

Along the brief tour they had passed several other closed doors but none of those areas were shown to Jason. They arrived back in the foyer, stopping at a large black console table along the wall in the foyer, quite near the other dark carved door identical and opposite to the one that led to Jason’s quarters.

Jason stood admiring the beautiful black table, the base of which was comprised of several gothic arches. A huge violet colored vase on the table held a dozen or more roses of various dark hues. Augere retrieved a set of keys from the table and handed these to Jason, nimbly taking several steps back as soon as he released the keys to Jason.

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