Read The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf Online

Authors: Scarlet Hyacinth

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM, #Vampires

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf (6 page)

BOOK: The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf
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us to open up to new allies.”

Mentally, Derek counted to ten, telling himself Mizuki’s words

were only the natural admiration an underling had for a talented

leader. He didn’t quite manage to convince himself, and it was a very

good thing that the limousine finally pulled into the underground

parking lot of the coven. Otherwise, Derek might have lost control of

his wolf and throttled the woman.

As soon as the car stopped, they slipped out of the limo and

headed inside with Mizuki leading the way. Melanie took advantage

of this and elbowed Derek. Derek was not surprised to notice

Melanie’s now undisguised concern.

“Are you okay?” she mouthed at him.

“Fine,” Derek replied automatically. Knowing she wouldn’t be

satisfied, he immediately revised his answer. “Just jealous.”

He didn’t have to elaborate on that since, as a werewolf, Melanie

understood the mentality of the beast. Ever since Derek had confessed

the truth to her, she had become very protective. No matter how much

Derek claimed that he wasn’t sure of his feelings, Melanie had settled

on the fact that he had found his mate and was determined not to

leave Tokyo until Derek had claimed Kaname.

Now that they were actually here, though, things were far more

complicated. In any case, Derek was happy she was here with him. If

nothing else, her understanding and love would help anchor him and

keep him from doing anything stupid.

They veered through various corridors, and Derek did his best to

pay attention to where he was going and to Mizuki’s voice as she

explained the layout of the coven, while still attempting to prepare


Scarlet Hyacinth

himself for the moment he would see Kaname once more. But all his

resolve turned out to be useless when suddenly, a powerful awareness

gripped him, wiping away any thought of preserving control. Derek

was familiar with it, and still, it struck him so hard he nearly keeled


Mizuki stopped, and Mel did so as well, which was thankful

because Derek didn’t think he could walk any farther. Kaname

Yamamoto stood in front of them, his arms crossed over his powerful


Derek’s wolf snarled inside him, aching to nuzzle the vampire’s

cheek, to rub his body against Kaname’s and claim him. Whatever

illusion Derek had that what he felt was anything but serious vanished

as if it had never been. Everything inside him screamed
, and

Derek could no longer mute that call or pretend it didn’t exist.

To a certain extent, Kaname must have felt it as well, as his gaze

was hot as it swept over Derek. Nevertheless, the vampire seemed

more in control than Derek. With a brief, polite bow, he

acknowledged their arrival and said, “Welcome to my coven. I trust

you will enjoy your stay.”

“Thank you very much, Yamamoto-sama,” Mel replied. “I’ve

heard so much about your home from my family. I’m very grateful for

this chance to see it firsthand.”

Mel’s words snapped Derek out of his trance. “It is a pleasure to

see you again, Yamamoto-sama. We come to bring regards from the

Wade family and many thanks for your assistance.”

“No thanks are required,” Kaname replied just as formally.

“Cooperation between our two species is a must in today’s world.

Now, please follow me. I’m afraid last time we didn’t get to introduce

you to the coven as much as I’d have liked.”

For the next few minutes or so, they continued their little tour, and

Derek learned many more things about the vampires living here. A

part of him managed to accumulate the knowledge Kaname offered,

but the other was completely focused on the vampire’s presence. He

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf


got to the point where he wanted to scream, the urge to touch Kaname

so intense he felt like he was burning from the inside out.

Finally, Kaname told them rooms had been prepared in advance.

“Melanie-san,” she told Derek’s sister, “Mizuki will lead you to your


Mel looked startled, but nodded. “Thank you very much,” she

replied. “You are very kind.”

Derek embraced his sister and offered her a comforting smile. Still

seeming a tad concerned, Mel nevertheless followed after Mizuki as

the female vampire led her farther into the corridor.

When the two women disappeared, Kaname and Derek were at

last left alone. Derek stared for a few moments after them, berating

himself for not going with her. After all, this was all so very new for

Mel. What kind of brother was he to leave her all alone in a vampire


Alas, Kaname took advantage of the moment of distraction.

Before Derek even knew what was going on, the vampire grabbed his

arm and forcibly pulled him close. He pinned Derek against the wall,

bringing their bodies together. “Well, it looks like we finally have

privacy,” Kaname purred in Derek’s ear. “Now, perhaps you’ll tell me

the real reason of this visit.”

Much to Derek’s shame, a small whimper escaped his lips.

This was what he’d been afraid of. With a mere couple of phrases,

Kaname had reduced Derek’s control to ashes. And still, Derek

couldn’t bring himself to pull away, to break out of the vampire’s

hold, not when he felt Kaname’s hard erection nudging his thigh,

pointing out that Kaname responded in full to Derek’s desire.

“Ah, I see.” Kaname licked a trail of fire over Derek’s neck.

“That’s a good answer.”

Derek didn’t remember speaking, but perhaps he didn’t have to.

Could Kaname read his mind? Derek had learned a lot about vampires

in the recent period, but he still wasn’t sure as to how far the elder

vampire’s abilities extended.


Scarlet Hyacinth

“Yes, I can read your mind,” Kaname replied to his silent

question. “Does that bother you? If it does, I can stop.”

It was an honest offer, Derek realized, and that gave him a small

anchor of reason in the sea of lust that thrashed around him,

threatening to consume him. Licking his lips, he looked up into

Kaname’s deep, dark eyes. It was unusual for Derek to be in the

embrace of someone taller than him. Back in his pack, he’d taken

both male and female lovers, but he’d never been in a submissive

position. The idea made him shudder with anticipation and need. He

didn’t try to mask it anymore, though. Instead, he told Kaname, “It

doesn’t bother me. I’m an open book for you.”

It wasn’t a privilege Derek granted lightly. All his life, he had

guarded his emotions, being the yin to his brother’s yang, quiet and

reasonable where Jace was impulsive and outspoken. Their sister

completed them with her kind, very real strength, but out of all of

them, Derek suspected that he was the one his father had in mind for

future pack leader, when the time came for Soren to take over as

werewolf elder.

To be honest, Derek didn’t covet the position, nor did he yearn for

any seat of power. But he had learned from a very early age that for

people in positions of authority, there were always powerful

expectations, and he didn’t want to disappoint.

Only, when he was with Kaname, all that suddenly ceased to

matter. It might be foolish and naïve, but he trusted Kaname. He

trusted what his wolf told him about the vampire, but also what he

had learned on his own, as a man.

“I’m honored.” Kaname brushed his lips over Derek’s cheek. “I

did not know you held me in such high consideration.”

“How could I not?” Derek replied. “Many people in your position

would have refused offering us help. You extended your generosity to

the shifters and you even aided us when we brought our issues to your

doorstep.” Derek paused and considered what he was about to say. In

the end, the hesitation was quickly swept aside when he understood

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf


that he couldn’t hide from Kaname even if he’d wanted to. “Both I

and my father are well aware that we’re not truly liked by many of

your people. It is regrettable, but it is also something we need to

change, for the benefit of both our nations. You see that, and so much


“I am merely a man who wants the best for his people,” Kaname

replied. His lips were soft and warm as they brushed against Derek’s.

“But enough about that. I think we’re long overdue some time to


Those words were the only warning Derek got before Kaname

grabbed him and draped him over his shoulder. Derek released a noise

that sounded far too much like a squeak for his comfort. “What are

you doing?” he asked the vampire. “Do you want everyone to see?”

“Don’t worry, Derek,” Kaname replied as he caressed the curve of

Derek’s buttocks. “I have my ways to avoid any unpleasantness. Just

trust me.”

What could Derek say? As much as he craved Kaname’s touch,

this was new for him, and he couldn’t help but feel a measure of

apprehension. But he never would have come here if he’d maintained

any doubts about Kaname’s integrity. If Kaname said he would

protect their privacy, then the vampire would undoubtedly do so. The

real question in the matter was a different one, though. Could he trust

the vampire with his heart, as well as with his thoughts and dignity?

That was what Derek didn’t know, but he pushed the dilemma out of

his mind before it could spoil these moments. He wanted Kaname,

and he’d have the vampire no matter what happened after that, and

whatever price he’d need to pay.

* * * *

Even if Kaname had lived in this coven for centuries now, he

found it hard to remember where to locate the secret passageway

leading into his office. Under normal circumstances, he’d have no


Scarlet Hyacinth

trouble with such an easy task, but Derek’s thoughts and emotions

assaulted him, a continuous barrage that Kaname had not expected

and could not contain.

It was only by luck that he managed to stumble onto the hidden

corridor winding behind the walls of the coven, and only his innate

vampire grace had kept him from losing his footing or, worse, his

calm. He had greatly anticipated seeing Derek again, but the

overwhelming lust that had gripped him just at being in the wolf’s

presence again had taken his breath away. He couldn’t even think

clearly any longer, the desire to bury his hard-as-nails cock inside

Derek so intense it swept away all else.

Thankfully, once inside the passageway, he fell back on the

memories of his previous times navigating it, and his body did all the

work without him even having to think about it. As such, he could

focus on Derek, who was still draped over his shoulder, wriggling


“You should stay still, Derek,” Kaname whispered to Derek. “If

you don’t quiet down, I might just drop you here and ravish you.”

The way Derek’s breath caught would have betrayed the

werewolf’s thoughts even if Kaname hadn’t been peeking into

Derek’s mind. However, due to Kaname’s abilities, he glimpsed every

daydream that popped inside Derek’s head, and he couldn’t suppress a

low groan. He saw the crystal-clear image of himself, pushing Derek

on all fours, tearing his clothes and thrusting against him. He noticed

that Derek’s imagination didn’t go too far, and when the reason

ghosted over his consciousness, the wave of lust that followed almost

made him lose it completely.

“Oh, Derek,” he said, gripping the werewolf’s ass possessively.

“You don’t have to worry about a thing. I’m going to make this so

good for you.”

“Not worried,” Derek replied, panting like he was running a race.

“Besides, who decided you got to be the one on top?”

The Vampire Who Thirsted for a Wolf


Kaname laughed breathlessly. The werewolf truly was delightful.

“You did,” he answered. “You do, when you tremble in my embrace

and surrender to my kisses.”

Derek had no answer to that. His mind had become of blur of

confusion and sensation, and it was all Kaname could do to stick to

the original idea and not stop right there in the middle of the damp


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