The Wary Widow (26 page)

Read The Wary Widow Online

Authors: Jerrica Knight-Catania

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Regency, #Historical Romance

BOOK: The Wary Widow
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No, she was going to have to face her destiny and move on.
Sitting up in bed, she squared her shoulders and set her resolve. She would go about this day as if it were any other Saturday, and do her best to forget about what would happen in London the next morning.

“Gracie,” she whispered, gently shaking her sister. “Time to get up,

Gracie mumbled incoherently and nuzzled further under the covers.

“Come on, Grace, let’s go help mama with breakfast.”

“You can help her,” came Grace’s muffled reply. “Let me know when it’s time to eat.”

Laughing, Chloe threw the covers from her sister, who promptly grabbed for them.

“Chloe, it’s freezing, give them back!”

Within moments, a full-fledged pillow fight had broken out, both girls giggling like children. Gracie was just about to bring her pillow down over Chloe’s head when she stopped short, her gaze fixed on something outside the window.

“What is it?” Chloe asked, trying to see what had captured her sister’s attention.

“It’s him.”

Chloe blinked, still trying to free her legs from the tangled bedclothes. “Him? You mean Louis?”

“No,” Gracie replied absently. “Look. It’s your Andrew.”

Chloe joined her sister at the window and watched as Andrew climbed from the carriage, followed by Michael.

“Who is that?” her sister wondered.

“That,” Chloe answered, “is Lord Michael, Lord Andrew’s twin brother. Though I can’t for the life of me fathom why they’re both here.”

“I can,” Gracie stated, turning to look Chloe in the eye.

Chloe stared back at her sister
hope filling her heart
. Could she be right? Had Andrew come back to claim her? Had they found a solution to their conundrum?

“Well, don’t just stand there, you ninny!”

At Grace’s words, Chloe turned from the window and ran out of the room.



Andrew darted from his carriage toward the little cottage, Michael fast on his heels, ignoring the way his boots sank into the deep mud. He knocked and moments later the door swung open to reveal Chloe and her entire family staring back at him and his brother. There was a brief pause before Mrs. Clarke stepped forward to invite them in.

Like the Red Sea, the Clarkes parted to allow them entry into the tiny room. Chloe and her sister stood to the left, Mr. Clarke and his two sons to his right. Mrs. Clarke held her hands out to take their coats and hats, while the two youngest children clung to her skirts.

Andrew had never had the chance to meet Cassie and Jonathan, but he knew just by looking at them that they were delightful, as Chloe had said. They both had flaming red hair like Chloe's, and sweet faces.
Though there was a hint of mischief there, which Andrew found endearing.

He turned back to Chloe. No one had said a word, but she finally ventured into the silence.

“Are you going to tell us what you’re doing here?”

Andrew met with her sparkling brown eyes. They were filled with hope. Good heavens, he had missed her. He hadn’t realized until that very moment just how much. His eyes swept over her, stopping briefly to take in the small bump below her bust.
The place where his child grew.

Part of him wanted to run to her, to gather her in his arms and never let go. To
her in and kiss her until neither of them could think straight. Another part of him needed to chastise her for not telling him—for leaving him in the dark and agreeing to marry another man. But he decided to wait for a more appropriate moment to do those things—a moment in which her entire family did not look on.

“We have a certain matter we wish to discuss with you...that is, if you aren’t too busy?”

A trace of a smile came to Chloe’s lips and then vanished with apprehension. Was it possible that she didn’t want him there? That she had actually fallen in love with this

“I’m sure I can spare a few moments of my time,” she replied and then turned to her family. “Do you mind?”

They all broke suddenly from their trance-like states and began bustling about the cottage. Made up excuses to gather bed linens or to consult a botany book left the trio alone within mere seconds.

The tension hung thick in the air as they stood there, staring silently at one another. Andrew wanted desperately to know what she was thinking, but he wanted even more to just hold her. To remember what it was like to have her in his arms. Without another thought, he closed the gap between them and reached a hand up to Chloe’s cheek. She leaned into it with a sigh, closing her eyes as she did so. Her breath was sweet, like she'd just eaten berries right off the vine. He wanted to taste her, but he had to have his questions answered first.

“Why?” he asked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

She shook her head. “I-I
know. I suppose I thought you wouldn’t want to know.”

“Why would you ever think that?”

“Because...because Lizzie said...well, she made it seem like you were happy. Like you were excited to marry her.”

“I wasn’t,” he admitted, hating that Elizabeth had made her think such things when they weren’t true. “I was miserable. I spent every day thinking of you, hoping Elizabeth would cry off so I could come back to you. I only stayed away because you told me to. Because you made it seem as if you didn’t want me.”

She blinked up at him and he nearly melted at the pain in her eyes. “I thought I’d never see you again,” she admitted. “Or that if I did, you would would...”

,” he cajoled, finally pulling her to him. It was heaven to have her against him again — to feel her soft, feminine body pressed to him. “I’m here now. And I’m never going to leave you again. I promise.”

“But what about Lizzie?”

Andrew turned to regard his brother, who stood a few discreet feet away to allow them their moment. At his nod, Michael moved forward and cleared his throat.

“If I may?” Michael said.

Chloe pulled away from Andrew and looked from him to his brother. “Go on,” she prodded.

“Well, the thing is...ahem...what I mean to say see-

“He’s in love with your cousin,” Andrew blurted
unable to take any more of his brother’s stuttering.

“In love?” Chloe’s jaw dropped and her eyes grew round. “How? When?”

“Always, actually,” Michael admitted.

“Well, that’s wonderful! And what does Lizzie say to all this?”

Andrew cast his brother a glance and then turned back to Chloe. “She doesn’t know yet. That’s why we’re here. We think we should all be present to explain.”


Michael nodded. “Will you come back with us?”


Chloe wasn’t sure what to say to their request, but an unexpected interruption took her from her thoughts. At once, the three of them turned as the front door opened and a dark figure stepped through. There in the doorway stood a drenched Louis.

“Oh, good heavens,” she muttered, quite unable to believe the man’s poor timing.

His boots were muddy and the rest of him was soaked to the bone. Chloe tore her eyes from his dripping hem and met with his dark gaze.

“What is going on?” he asked, a confused frown marring his blond brows.

Chloe moved to step forward, but Andrew gently pushed her back and approached Louis.

“I take it you are Mr.

“I am,” Louis replied his voice tight. “I am Mrs. Hawthorne's betrothed, as well.”

“Well, I haven't received an answer yet, or even properly asked, but I’ve come to ask Chloe to marry me,” Andrew announced.

Chloe’s mouth dropped. Shouldn’t she have been the one to break things off with Louis? Andrew had no right to say such a thing to the man
was engaged to.

“Wait, Andrew-
She tried to intercede, but Louis was already on the rampage. He looked as if he might kill Andrew, and frankly, Chloe wasn’t surprised. She was tempted to give him a little cluck on the head herself.

The poor sap had waited years for Chloe to agree to marry him—he’d even run off so he wouldn’t have to watch her marry his best friend. But the reality of it, like it or not, was that she’d never really loved him in that way. Certainly she loved him as a friend—they’d known each other since they were mere children—but she’d only agreed to marry him because of her situation, not out of love.

“You’ll do no such thing,” Louis bellowed, bringing his boot nearly toe to toe with Andrew’s. “She’s agreed to marry
, and she will keep her promise.”

“I understand you have an agreement, Mr.
, but I daresay the fact that she’s carrying my child holds a bit more sway than that.”

“You abandoned her!” Louis’s eyes grew round and wild with frustration.

Chloe looked to Andrew, waiting for his rebuttal to the accusation. His fists clenched and flexed at his sides and his nostrils flared ever so slightly, as if he were trying very hard to keep his temper in check. If Chloe didn’t step in soon, there would surely be bloodshed. She took a step forward, but Andrew cut her off when she was about to speak.

“I didn’t want to,” he said, his voice low and full of regret.

“That isn’t the point, is it? The point is that you left, and I stepped up. I’ve offered her a home and security—security from your sort.”


“And what sort is that, pray tell?”

Louis sneered. “The sort that spend their time in their clubs and elite whorehouses, who squander money on ale and opium and depend on their elder, more responsible brothers to take care of them—to give them land and allowance

“Louis!” Chloe could take no more of this. “How dare you speak to Lord Andrew that way? You know nothing about him. Furthermore, he is a guest in my house and I will not have you speak that way to my guest!”

“Chloe, stay out of this,” Louis shot back, never once taking his eyes from Andrew.

Michael had been silent throughout the exchange, but clearly he couldn’t hold his tongue any longer. “Don’t tell the lady what to do.”

Andrew took a step closer to the man. He stood at least a head taller, but Louis didn’t seem to notice. His expression was as determined as ever.

“Or what?” Louis asked of Michael.

Louis’s tone had turned taunting, and Chloe knew she had to step in before Andrew and Michael pummeled him to the ground. She moved forward with the intent of wedging herself in between the men, but it was at that moment that Louis drew his hand back in a tight fist.

Before anyone knew what was happening, he delivered a startling blow to Chloe’s jaw. She staggered backwards right into Andrew. Her legs collapsed beneath her. Andrew caught her under her arms and eased her to the ground, while Louis stood there, dumbfounded by what he’d done.

“Oh, dear God,” she heard him mutter faintly as Andrew cradled her head.

“Chloe, are you all right? Can you hear me?”

She looked up at Andrew and gave a slight nod. Though her jaw hurt like the dickens, she was really more stunned than anything.

“Oh, God, I’m sorry, darling! It was meant for him, not for you—never for you! I’m so very sorry.” Louis dropped to his haunches and cupped Chloe’s jaw.

She winced from the contact and Louis drew back with more apologies. She could barely see through the tears of shock that filled her eyes, but all of a sudden, despite the pain and awkwardness of the moment, Chloe started to laugh. She knew there was nothing truly funny about the situation—good heavens it was the antithesis of funny. But she couldn’t help herself. How in the world had she ended up pregnant, with two suitors and a blow to her jaw?

“Chloe, are you all right?” Andrew ventured sweetly, his brow etched with concern. Clearly, he thought she’d lost her mind.

“I-I’m sorry,” she sputtered, wiping tears from her cheeks. “I was just thinking how absurd this whole thing is...can you help me up, please?”

“Of course.” Andrew held one of her hands firmly and locked his other hand around her waist to hoist her up from the floor.

She looked back and forth between the two men, knowing her decision, but hating to have to break Louis’s heart yet again.

“Andrew,” she looked up at him with pleading eyes, “could you and Michael give us just a moment?”

With a wary look for Louis, the brothers made their way to the other side of the room and took seats by the window. It wasn’t ideal—the cottage offered very little in the way of privacy—but it would have to do thanks to the deluge outside.

She took a deep breath and settled her eyes on Louis.
thwarted Louis.

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