The Wayward Wife (10 page)

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Authors: Jessica Stirling

BOOK: The Wayward Wife
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‘How am I supposed to do that?'

‘Why don't you start by calling him,' Mr Willets said and meandered out of the office and left Susan alone with the telephone.

The property at the corner of Rothwell Gardens and Fenmore Street, a short walk from the King's Road, had once been part of David Proudfoot's portfolio but, three months before war began, ownership had changed hands and the rent was now paid to a reputable letting agency.

Danny had asked Vivian why her brother had shed his London holdings but Viv claimed to have no idea what David was up to in the wilds of Herefordshire, apart from growing cider apples. He rarely, if ever, came up to town, and his magnificent Mayfair town house had been requisitioned as part of a deal with some element in government and, with delicious irony, now housed an organisation dedicated to bringing Jews out of Europe.

The gardens hadn't changed much, though a public shelter replaced the flower beds and one or two of the stately oaks had been felled in the interests of safely. The apartment block, more concrete than brick, reared up out of the darkness, every window blacked out, the doorway outlined by one of the ubiquitous blue bulbs that only served to deepen the shadows.

Rolling stock carrying military machinery had precedence even on main lines and it had been a sluggish journey from Evesham to Paddington. Danny had no excuse for not letting Susan know he was coming and no reason to suppose she was cheating on him – apart from a niggling suspicion that her life outside Broadcasting House was a good deal more lively than her life within.

The night was shot through with whistles and shouts laid over the rumble of lorries and the clatter of trams, sounds that seemed almost threatening after the silence of the fields round Evesham. He peered up at the window of the second-floor flat but had no way of telling whether or not the room was occupied through the heavy blackout curtains.

Lugging his overnight bag, he crossed to the doorway, climbed the stairs to the second floor and, fishing his key from his pocket, let himself into the flat.

He put down the bag, switched on the standard lamp and looked round. He didn't know what he expected to find, what evidence of infidelity Susan might have left in view. The room was as it had always been, clean and tidy and cold. Kneeling, he lit the gas fire before he went into the bedroom.

The bed was strewn with tangled sheets and blankets. Susan's nightdress and dressing gown had been tossed across a chair and a garter belt and stockings lay on the floor by the dressing table.

He returned to the tiny kitchen behind the living room and found a half-pint of milk, a little piece of butter on a dish, some cheese wrapped in wax-proof paper, a couple of eggs and half a loaf fresh enough to cut.

He grilled cheese, made a pot of tea and ate at the table in the living room. Then, at just after one o'clock, he washed the dishes, turned off the fire, made up the bed and fell into it and, within minutes, was fast asleep.

She blew softly into his ear. ‘Why didn't you tell me you were coming?'

‘Last minute,' he said, stirring. ‘I tried callin' your office but the line was always busy.'

‘Oh,' Susan said. ‘Yes. It's been a madhouse all day.' She snuggled close to share his warmth. ‘Still, I'm here now and you're here now and that's all that matters, isn't it?'

‘What time is it?'

‘I don't know – after four. How long do you have?'

‘I'm due back day after tomorrow,' he said. ‘Susan, where've you been?'

‘Viv's. I partook of one gin too many and fell asleep on her couch. Aren't you wearing pyjamas?'


‘What are you wearing?'


‘That,' she said, ‘is disgusting.'

‘I'll take them off if you like.'

‘Please do.'

‘What were you up to at Viv's?'

‘Working on her intonation. Mr Willets wants her to contribute to
Speaking Up
. Didn't I tell you?'

‘No,' Danny said. ‘No, you didn't.' He rolled on to an elbow and peered at her. ‘What else haven't you told me?'

‘Lots,' she said. ‘Everything's happening so quickly it's impossible to keep up. Tomorrow I'll tell you all about it.'

She pulled him to her and, seizing his hand, pressed it between her legs. He wondered, vaguely, why she was naked and if this was how she slept when he wasn't here. He felt her nipples stiffening against his chest and her lips already moist under his hand. Tenting the bedclothes over her shoulders, she straddled him and lowered herself on to him, something she had never done before.

‘Wait,' he said. ‘I don't have a letter on.'

‘I don't want to wait,' she said and, tilting her hips, brought him into her.


‘Brown coffee, please,' he said, ‘an' one o' your rock cakes.'

‘Danneeee,' Breda squealed. ‘You sneaky beggar!' She spun round and, to the alarm of Stratton's customers, yelled at the pitch of her voice, ‘Ma, guess who's 'ere?'

Wrapping an arm round Danny's waist, she dragged him into the kitchen, chattering all the while. ‘By gum, you're a sight for sore eyes. What they been feedin' you down there in the country? Never seen you look so 'ealthy. Ma, it's Danny. Danny's come 'ome.'

Ladle in one hand and a bowl in the other, Nora looked up from the cauldron that simmered on the stove.

‘Danny,' she said. ‘Mother o' God, it's our Danny.'

He kissed her cheek. ‘Good tae see you again, Nora.'

Wagging the ladle, she said, ‘Sure now and you'll be wanting fed. Are you staying for your supper?'

He laughed. ‘Time enough to think of supper after I've had lunch. How are you?'

‘All the better for seeing you,' said Nora.

‘You up for the week?' Breda asked.

‘Flyin' visit. Back to the grind tomorrow.'

‘Have you seen 'er ladyship yet?'

‘Seen who?'

‘Your wife,' said Breda.

‘Aye, I saw her last night.'

‘That would be fun,' said Breda, then, when an angry male voice from the dining rooms demanded service, yelled, ‘Keep yer bleedin' 'air on, 'Orace. I only got two 'ands.' She set about loading a tray with bowls of soup. ‘Susie not come with you, then?'

‘No, she had to work.'

‘She should've called in sick,' said Breda. ‘Here, make yourself useful.' She handed him the laden tray. ‘Carry this out for me while I make the sarnies.'

‘Oh,' said Danny, ‘it's so good to be back.'

‘Get out there, big boy, an' don't give me no lip.'

‘Yes, dear,' Danny said, grinning, and carried the tray out into the dining rooms and served the startled customers with his own fair hands.

She took neither coat nor cardigan from the hook behind her desk and with Mr Willets engaged in conversation on the telephone, slipped out of the office as if she were heading for the cloakroom and not the public telephone box in the street behind All Souls.

Without her identity card or BBC pass she breezed past the doorman, calling cheerily, ‘Back in a tick,' in the hope he wouldn't go all official on her return.

Fortunately, the phone box was unoccupied. She hauled open the door, plucked up the receiver, damp with some other person's breath, dialled the Lansdowne's number, fed pennies into the slot, pressed the button and, hopping like a schoolgirl, waited to be put through to Mr Gaines's suite.

The valet answered. In a voice stiff with disapproval, he asked if she wished to speak with Mr Slocum. She informed him that, no, she wished to speak with Mr Gaines and added that she was calling on behalf of the BBC.

She waited, eyes closed, for the valet to tell her that Mr Gaines was not available but after a few tense moments heard Robert say, ‘Hey, Susan, what's up? Has my contract of employment been approved already?'

‘No, Robert, I'm not calling about the contract.'

‘What is it, then?'

‘It's about last night,' she said.

It seemed natural to take his arm as if he were her boyfriend or her husband. What with the war and half the men away – though you wouldn't think it given the crowd of touts and louts who were out in force that breezy weekday afternoon – Nora's neighbours had better things to gossip about than Breda Romano's scandalous behaviour.

She'd been pleased when Danny had said he'd walk her as far as Billy's school before he caught the Tube back to Charing Cross. It had irked her to have to share him not just with Nora, which was fair enough, but with a bunch of customers yapping for attention as if their time were more precious than Danny's.

It was a mild afternoon with fluffy cloud and fragments of blue sky showing above the river. After the murk and slush of winter Breda felt quite liberated to be stepping out with Danny again, even if it was just to hoof up Cannon Street to pick up her kid. It crossed her mind that she might tell Danny about the mess her old man was in and ask his advice but she was reluctant to share a secret that might yet turn out to be profitable.

She clung to his arm and matched his stride.

‘What's she like, this floozy what got dumped on you?'

‘She's hardly a floozy,' Danny said. ‘First of all you don't cop a First from Oxford if you're the floozy type an', second, the BBC won't employ you.'

‘They employed Susan, didn't they?'

‘Come off it, Breda.'

‘Okay, okay. This girl …'


‘Yeah, is she nice?'


‘Oh, a spark there, is there?'

‘My pal, Griffiths, would like to think so.'

‘What 'e like then?'

‘Welsh,' said Danny.

‘Nuff said,' said Breda. ‘Susie pleased to see yah?'

‘Sure,' said Danny. ‘Why wouldn't she be?'

‘Well, we all know 'ow “busy” she is these days.'

‘What're you drivin' at, Breda?'

‘Nothin',' said Breda innocently. ‘Anyhow, you got
chance now, ain't yah? Nice educated young thing sharin' your digs. Got a figure, has she?'

‘Well, yeah, I suppose she has.'

‘Flittin' about in 'er nightie, like.'

‘In winter in Evesham? Hardly likely.'

They parted to give right of way to a young woman with a baby in a pushchair. When they came together again Breda said, ‘Susie ain't the only one entitled to 'ave a bit of fun, Danny. This is wartime, right?'

‘Are you havin' it off with somebody, Breda?'

‘Me? Crikey, no! Ronnie's enough for me.'

‘An' Susan's enough for me,' Danny said. ‘Let it go.'

‘Don't you wanna know if she …'

‘Naw, Breda, I don't.'

‘Never took you for a softy.'

‘I'm no softy. I just happen to be in love with my wife. What the hell's wrong with you?'

‘I just don't wanna see you get hurt.'

‘You don't like me bein' hitched to Susan Hooper, do you, Breda?'

‘Well,' said Breda, ‘if you fancy a buttered bun, it's got nothin' to do with me.'

‘Tae hell with your nonsense, Breda.' He unhooked his arm from hers. ‘Tell Ron I'm sorry I missed him an' give Billy a hug from me.'

‘Where you goin'?'

‘Opticians for an eye test.'

‘I didn't know you was blind.'

‘Half blind,' Danny said. ‘Only half blind,' then, kissing her perfunctorily on the cheek, turned off into Chater Street and headed for the Underground.

‘Far be it from me to tell tales out of school, Daniel,' Vivian said, ‘but I think you'd better keep an eye on your wife.'

‘Really?' Danny said. ‘Why's that?'

‘She's becoming far too fond of the bottle. If she falls asleep on my davenport one more time I'm going to have to charge her room rent.'

‘Two gins, just two,' Susan said. ‘I was, I admit, tired.'

‘I don't blame you for nodding off,' Vivian went on. ‘It's all
fault, Basil, for convening meetings in the middle of the night.'

‘If I'd known Susan's husband was in town,' Basil Willets said, ‘I'd have let her off early. Contrary to what you may think of me, Vivian, I'm no Simon Legree. Compared to the average producer—'

‘No such animal exists,' Viv put in.

‘Compared to some
producers I'm a model of sweet reason.' He turned to Danny. ‘What's it like at Wood Norton? Is it still “Yes, sir. No, sir. Three bags full, sir,” or are you all chums together?'

‘Might be a wee bit less formal than it used to be but the pecking order's still intact,' Danny said. ‘It's tricky trying to explain BBC protocol to translators who've been top dogs in their own country. You've been a leading light in, say, Leipzig University an' speak five languages fluently, naturally you find it hard to kow-tow to a bloke who looks as if he should be sellin' insurance door-to-door.'

‘Someone like you, Basil,' said Vivian, who, it seemed, had already gained the upper hand in that odd pairing.

They were dining in a fish restaurant off Baker Street, not far from Mr Willets's rooms in Gloucester Place. Susan would have preferred to spend the evening alone with Danny but could not, in conscience, refuse Mr Willets's invitation.

They had barely finished starters before, inevitably, the subject turned to
Speaking Up for Britain

Basil Willets was keenly interested in what Danny had to say concerning the skill of German broadcasters in opinion-shaping. Susan had downed two glasses of wine and devoured most of the turbot on her plate before the producer drew her into the conversation.

‘Of course,' he said, ‘we'll soon be doing a little opinion-shaping on our own account now we've found our newscaster – all thanks to Susan.'

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