The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon (5 page)

BOOK: The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
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Tonight it was a sultry redhead with
red lips, red nails and … surprise, surprise … a red dress! If you could call
the tiny slip of material barely covering her, a dress!  She had to collect
them on the roof of his office and sat glaring at them as they exited the roof
entrance door.  Madison chuckled when the redhead tried to cover her hair to
prevent the air thrush from the blades blowing her neatly set hair to blazes. 
She pouted her lips at Logan and he glanced over at Madison before he nodded at
her and walked over to the chopper.

“You want me to what?”  Madison glared
at him.

“Shut down the chopper.”


“I am your employer, I give the
instructions, you, carry them out.”  

He snapped at her irritably.  Damn
Deidre, he should have known better to ask her with to the opening of the new
art show in Dallas.

“Of course, sir.  Anything you
command, sir.” 

She leaned over and shut the chopper
down and sat drumming her fingers impatiently.  Of course, little miss redhead
had to wait until the blades came to a complete stop before she trotted over on
her high heels.  Interested to see how she was going to get onto the chopper
with her short tight dress and high heels, Madison got out and politely opened
the back door.  She stood back and folded her arms over her chest, trying to
contain her mirth.

First she tried this why, then that,
but there was no way she would be able to get on the chopper in a ladylike
manner and when Logan caught the mirth on Madison’s face he snapped. 

“Don’t just stand there, Miss
Phillips.  Help her in.”

“Me?  She is your date!  You help her

She nearly strangled in laughter when
redhead tried once more and her dress nearly lifted all the way to mid-bum. 
Her laughter stopped when she noticed Logan’s eyes on the rounded naked bottom
with only a G-string as cover and she stomped closer, grabbed her by her hips
and literally shoved her head first on the seat, ignoring the indignant shriek
from within.  She stood back and slammed the door shut.

“She’s in, sir.”

“Spoil sport!” 

He chuckled and walked around to climb
in on the other side.  When he was on a date he always sat in the back with the
ladies, and she had to sit through hours of senseless flirting until she was
ready to scream.  Why do some women believe men were attracted to females who
appeared weak and needed protection?

She jumped in and put her earphones
on, then leaned back in her seat and waited.  She didn’t have to wait long.

“What are you waiting for?”

“Your last instruction was to assist
the lady into the chopper, sir.  I am awaiting your next command.”

Silence met her dry drawl and she bit
her lip to stop the laughter.  She could imagine his expression, just from the
chill she felt in her neck from his glare.

“We are ready to go, Miss Phillips.”

She shrugged, leaned over and started
the chopper and presently they were on their way to Dallas Love Airfield
airport.  The art show was held at the Dallas Country Club, a few miles from

Madison plugged her iPod’s earphones
into her choppers’ and switched on her music.  At least that would spare her
from having to listen to their incessant flirting.  The high pitch laugh of the
redhead penetrated even through the music and she increased the volume. She
started to relax and eventually sat jiggling in her seat on the tune of the
music.  She nearly jumped out of her skin when Logan’s hand clamped over her
arm.  She switched the iPod off and glanced over her shoulder at him.

“I do not appreciate being ignored
when I talk to you, Miss Phillips.”

“My apologies, sir.  I was listening
to some music.”

“Music!  You are on duty, Miss
Phillips.  I expect your attention on me all the time that you are.”

She glared back at him.

“You are kidding, right?”

“No, I am not.”

“Very well.  What was it you said?”

“I said I expect you to drive us to
the Country Club and wait for us to bring us back to the Airport.”

“What?  I am your pilot, not your

“You are my employee, to fulfill a
service and see to my needs.  I require you to drive me tonight to the Country
Club.  You do have a driver’s license?”


“Then what is the problem?”

“No problem, sir.”

She clenched her teeth and seethed
inside.  He was going to torture her to death with his redhead!  Of all his
dates so far, she was the worse.  She seemed to be related to an octopus.  Her
hands were all over Logan the few times she glanced back and if she didn’t have
to pilot the chopper, she would have thrown her off, without thinking twice!

She’d just about had it with him
flinging all his floozies in her face.  The remarks he made to his dates were
filled with double nuances meant for her and most nights her libido burned and
shivered inside her long before they even reached their destinations.

Upon arrival at the airport, she
secured the helicopter and sighed when she turned and noticed Logan and redhead
were already seated and waiting for her inside the SUV that pulled up just as
they arrived.  She dragged her feet but had nowhere to go, but to do his

She slammed the door and started the
vehicle, whilst jabbing their destination into the GPS.  She pushed the lever
to drive and the powerful SUV shot forward smoothly.  She tried her best to
tune the couple in the back seat out, but glanced in the rear view mirror when
she heard the distinct sound of kissing.  She gnashed on her teeth when she saw
red tipped fingers around Logan’s face and red lips smashed against his.  The
sounds were coming from her, moaning as she tried to move her body closer to
Logan’s.  Madison saw red, especially as he didn’t seem to even try to push her
away or stop the kiss.

In her anger she nearly missed the
turn and pulled sharply on the wheel and heard a satisfying bump and shrieks
from the back seat.

“Dammit Madison!’

“My apologies, sir.”

A glance in the rearview mirror put
her mind to rest when redhead moved away from Logan to open her purse and take
out her lipstick.  Madison grabbed a tissue from her pocket and handed it over
her shoulder to Logan.

“What is that for?”

“Your lips seem a tad red for your
outfit, sir.”

He grabbed the tissue and she bit back
her laugh when he rubbed it viciously over his lips.  She could only blame the
devil that sat squarely on her shoulder for what followed next, but when
redhead spread the lipstick over her luscious lips, she slammed on the breaks
and nearly laughed at the indignant scream and the bright red line over her

“Bloody hell, Madison!  I thought you
said you had a driver’s license.”

“I do sir, but I never claimed to be a
good driver!”

It took a while to sooth Deidre’s
bruised ego and he cursed Madison on the one hand, but on the other he was
elated that she was so jealous.  She could deny it all she want, her attitude
against all his dates over the past near four weeks have been hostile to say
the least.  It was the first time however; she took it to this level.  He could
not stay the smile that hovered on his lips.

Chapter Five

parked the SUV just on the left of the main entrance into the Country Club. 
She got out and stretched her arms high above her and sighed.  She would have
to get some energy boosters if she was going to keep up with his schedule. 

It was not long before other
chauffeurs flocked around her.  When Logan peeped outside to check on her an
hour later she sat on the front bender of the SUV laughing and joking with at
least six muscled young men hanging onto her lips.  She looked up and sighed
when he swiped his hand at her, indicating he wanted her to come to him.  She
excused herself from the laughing group and walked slowly in his direction,
nearly faltering as his eyes burned all over her body with every step she took.

“You waved, sir?”

“You are sorely trying my patience,
Madison.  I just wanted to check on you.”

“You did not need to call me over to
check up on me.  Where is your … date?”

“She went to the powder room and she
usually spends quite some time there, so you can entertain me while I wait.”

“I … you … enterta … oef!” 

She swung around to stomp away, but he
grabbed her arm and pulled her with him to a secluded alcove around the
corner.  He pressed his body into hers, effectively imprisoning her between the
wall at her back and his hard unmovable muscled body in the front.  She gasped
when he pressed his erection hard against her soft stomach and his groan echoed

“What … are you doing?”

“What does it look like?”

“I am not one of your floozies!”

“More’s the pity.”

“Let me go!”

He ignored her and leaned closer and
his breath whispered hot against her lips.

“Just one kiss, sweet Wildcat of

“I am not yours …”

Her denial sounded unconvincing even
to her own ears and his lips closed over hers.  Her panties were already
drenched the moment he ground his hard erection against her and his hot tongue
delving deep into her mouth send a second rush of wet heat down her body.  She
moaned and pressed her hips against his, wishing there were no clothes that
separated them.  Her whole body shivered and she was on fire.  He has been
stoking her desire for nearly four weeks and she was on the verge of

Madison moaned and leaned her head
back against the wall as his lips left a trail of heat down her neck.  He
grabbed hold of the top ends of her pilot suit and pulled.  The zipper gave
easily and opened all the way to her crotch. His hands closed over her breasts
and his mouth caught her cry as he squeezed and pinched her nipples.

She shrugged the suit off her
shoulders and wiggled it together with her panties over her hips and stepped
out of the one leg, whilst her hands searched for and opened his pants.  The
one hand pulled his pants and jockeys down and the other closed around his
shaft.  She squeezed and caressed down the length of his fully aroused shaft
and he nearly exploded.  She lifted her legs and wrapped first the one, then
the other around his waist. She still gripped his shaft in her hand and
positioned him against her eager sheath. She moved down on him and pulled him
hard against her with her long strong legs around his waist. 

She moaned and he groaned against her
neck and suddenly he was deep inside her, all the way to the hilt and he never
even realized how he got there.  He reared back and looked into her glittering
eyes.  She was hot, extremely hot where she closed around him … she fit him
like a tight glove and he gritted his teeth.

Madison could not keep still any
longer.  She throbbed around him, she needed him to move, to take her and make
her his … just as she was about to make him hers.  She started rotating her
hips against him, pulling him into her deeper and kissed him urgently in his
neck, her hands locked around his back.

Logan could not control his need any
longer.  He stopped trying to get past her taking charge and boldly seducing
him and taking him into her, so smoothly and so deeply he couldn’t breathe. 
When she started moving and he felt her naked flesh so hot and so wet against
his, he lost control.  He thrust into her, so hard and so deep, her body slammed
against the wall with every forward plunge. 

“God, Wildcat, hold on, this is going
to get even rougher!”

Her response was to urge him on, she
trashed against him with a wantonness that surprised even her.  She was
desperate for the release of the tightness in her groin that kept building with
each thrust.

“More … I need more!  Logan!”

His mouth closed over her lips and
caught her scream in his mouth at the same time his fingers closed over her
clit to stroke and then pinch.  Her body tightened and arched back against the
wall, pressing tighter against him and forced him deeper.  Her inner walls
tightened around his shaft so hard he groaned at the ecstasy of it. Her climax
ripped through her and she stopped breathing.  He thrust hard, once, twice and
then his release shot from all the way up his legs and his quivering hand
protecting her back from the wall.   The heat of his release filled her with so
much force another climax rippled through her and he caught the second scream
in his mouth.

He kept his shaft pressed deep inside
her until her tremors stopped and his shaft throbbing.  He lifted his head and
looked into her eyes.  They were heavy lidded and he wished he could see her
expression, but it was very dark where they stood.  He leaned closer and kissed
her deeply. His shaft jumped inside her to remind both of them they were still
intimately bound. 

The high pitch voice of his redhead
shuttered the intimacy between them.  Madison loosened her legs from his waist
and pushed at him, but he refused to budge. She said urgently.

“Your date is calling, sir.”

He sighed, realizing now was probably
not the time to try and talk about what just happened, but damned if it was
exactly what he expected it would be with her!  He withdrew gently from her and
stepped away.  He pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and dried between her
legs, ignoring her screeching and struggles.  Then he dried himself and pulled
up his pants, watching her struggle into her pilot suit with trembling hands. 
He pushed her hands out of the way and pulled the zipper up.  He lifted her
hair from the back and let it fall from his fingers.

“Make no mistake, Wildcat.  We are
going to talk about this!’

  Madison nodded and watched him walk
away, her heart thumping wildly in her chest.  She has only been intimate with
Andreas, and never once has she had a climax with him inside her.  Her whole
body quivered and her sheath throbbed at the loss of his big, hard shaft inside
her.  He gave her two shattering climaxes, one after the other.  She was in a
daze and shuddered just thinking of seeing him with redhead on his arm.

“Oh God, I am going to make a fool of

She knew she had a very possessive
nature and now that she took him, he was hers and she had no intention of
sharing him with all his floozies!

Logan could not stop thinking of how
wanton and demanding his Wildcat was when she took him in the darkened alcove. 
Yes, he could not deny it.  He was not the one in charge, she took him.  And he
loved every second of it.  He did not even try to enjoy the evening with Deidre
thereafter.  All of a sudden her false pretense and desire irritated him and he
only wanted to go and find Madison again.

Needless to say, the rest of the
evening was a total and complete disaster. 

When they eventually walked outside he
could not find her anywhere and he became angrier by the moment.  A young blond
chauffeur approached them and cleared his throat.

“Mr. Dalton?”


“Miss Phillips apologizes for her
tardiness, but she apparently had a sudden attack of …”

“Yes!  Get on with it, what?”

“Harumph, she had an attack of …
floozinitis … and had to go home.”  He nearly strangled trying not to laugh,

“Floozinitis?” He struggled to keep
his own laughter at bay.

“Just so, sir.”

“I see.  Anything more to the message”

“She asked me to take you to the
Airport, sir.  She drove home with the SUV.  She said you can take the fuel
usage off her pay.”

“And what about the inconvenience she
is causing?  Where should I recover that from?”

He shrugged and opened the back door
of the limousine and took Deidre’s hand gallantly to assist her into the

“I’m sure the two of you will come to
an agreement on that, sir.”

“You bet we will.”

Logan fumed.  The whole evening his
mind was filled with his wildcat.  Her uncontrolled passion and wantonness she
unleashed on him.  He looked forward to taunting her with Deidre on their way
home and to find her gone irritated him to no end.  It was the first time a
woman ran away from him and he didn’t like it.  He didn’t like it one bit!

It was another hour and a half before
he locked the hangar after securing the helicopter and he stalked around the
building in the direction of her cottage.  If she thought to hide away from him
after what she did, she had a surprise coming.  He tried the door and anger
surged through him when he found it unlocked.  Did the woman have no sense! 
Even here danger lurked around every corner!

Everything was encased in darkness,
which meant she was already in bed, sleeping.  He shrugged out of his jacket
and threw it on the couch in the lounge, then his shirt which followed the same
path; He toed off his shoes and removed his socks before he headed to her

He stood in the doorway staring at the
woman sleeping on the bed.  The curtains were open and the moonlight shone
brightly into the room.  She was on her back, in the middle of the bed, with
her one hand on her stomach and the other thrown over her head; her face turned
away from him.  Only a thin cotton sheet covered her.  He walked closer and
slowly pulled the sheet from her body.  His breath froze in his lungs as her
beautiful, naked body was unwrapped bit by bit.

His semi hard erection shot to full
arousal in a millisecond.  He dropped his pants and jockeys and kneeled on the
bed with one knee and spread her legs with his other leg to settle on the bed
next to her.   He pushed his leg until it pressed against the warm apex between
her legs.  He reached up and stroked lightly over her one nipple, smiling when
both shriveled into tight buds with the second stroke.  He rubbed his hair
roughened thigh against her cleft and groaned when he felt her heat against his

Madison arched her back and turned her
head, her eyes opened and she moaned when he rolled and pinched the nipple
between his fingers.

“What took you so long, Babe?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck
and pulled his head down. Her mouth met his half way.  She kissed him with such
urgent passion he felt his whole body tighten with desire.  She caressed his
broad back, tracing the rippling muscles and moaned when he pushed his leg
harder against her slit, now wet with desire. Excitement rushed along with
raging fire through her body to settle in her loins as his shaft pressed hard
against her hip.

He nibbled on her lower lip before his
lips scorched over her cheek to catch her earlobe between his lips and he
sucked softly.  Her hips lifted off the bed, her legs hugged his leg between
hers in need.

“Oh … Babe, I need …”

“Yes, Wildcat.  Tell me what you

She pushed at his chest and made to
turn her body to roll on top of him.

“I’d rather show you.”

She screeched in frustration when he
caught her hands and pulled them over her head and held them down with his
large hand around both wrists.

“Oh, no you don’t.  You had your turn
… now it is mine!”

His eyes burned into hers and his
breath snagged in his throat when a slow sensual smile turned her into a
veritable Goddess of the moon.  He watched her and smiled when her eyes widened
then became half lidded when he pinched her nipples.  Slow, warm kisses down
her chest and around her breasts drove her crazy and she pulled desperately to
loosen her arms from his grip, but he only tightened his hand around them.  She
pushed her breasts higher towards him, silently begging.

“Come on, Wildcat.  Tell me what you

“Your mouth.  Please Babe; I need you
to take them in your mouth!”

He didn’t need any further
encouragement, his mouth desperate for the feel and taste of her.  His lips
closed over the one nipple, while he continued pinching and rolling the other
between his fingers.  He licked over the tip and she moaned, he blew on the wet
tip softly and she moaned, he pulled the tip into his mouth and suckled, softly
and she moaned. He drew harder and sucked her nipple deep into his mouth and
she mewled, arching her back to press her breast even deeper in his mouth.

Madison’s body was on fire, her skin
tingled all over and her whole body pulsed in time with the pulling and sucking
of his mouth on her breast.  He moved to her other breast and she tried to pull
her hands from his again.

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