The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon (7 page)

BOOK: The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
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There was dead silence after Madison
shared the information.

“We were aware about the Word Bank,
although I never realized the value of the fund they created!  Our thought was
to find a privately owned Financial Institution or Bank to embark on a
partnership with us.  Do you happen to know who any of those others are?” 
Shane wanted to know, impressed that she even showed an interest in articles
such as those.

“Uhm … no, I’m sorry. Just offered my
two cents worth.” 

Her mind was running a mile a minute. 
David was busy setting up a new branch in Dallas and it would be a project that
would set them apart from the other Banks from the word get go.  Of course, she
could not tell them that.  Maybe she’ll whisper something in David’s ear.

She only relaxed when they neared the
Hilton Hotel with nearly twenty minutes to spare, mainly due to little traffic
at this time of day.  Logan told her to park directly in the parking garage
below the hotel.  Shane ran inside to find a concierge to take their luggage
directly to their private suites they owned in the hotel.

Madison still avoided Logan and lifted
her duffel bag from the back of the car.  She reached in to tackle the rest and
Logan cursed.

“Leave it!  How long do you think you
can avoid looking at me, Madison?”

She winced at the use of her name. 
Clearly he was still angry.

“I am not avoiding looking at you.  I
just had no reason to do so yet.”

She felt his cold anger in the tightness
of his body as he stepped up behind her.  He took her by her shoulders and
turned her around.  She kept her eyes on the knot of his tie and she noticed
his lips flattening as it tightened.

“Did he kiss you?”

The unexpected question and the fierceness
with which he asked the question had her eyes fly to his.  He stared into hers
and she felt the heat dance a slow dance down her body to her groin, from just
the touch of his hands on her arms and the heat in his eyes.

“Not that it is any of your business,
but no, he didn’t.  Just for the record, I don’t go around kissing men I just

His eyebrow rose, the anger still
close to the surface.

“If another man kisses you, it is damn
well my business!”

His head lowered and his lips closed
over hers and immediately gained entry into her mouth before she realized what
he was doing.  He kissed her deeply, sipped from her tongue and enticed hers
inside his mouth and she leaned into the kiss, returning his kiss with sensual

Madison came to her senses and pulled
away from his mouth and took a step back.  He watched her with brooding eyes.

“We have a discussion to finish. 
Don’t think for one moment I have forgotten about it.”

The return of Shane with the concierge
broke their eye contact and Madison followed him upstairs to one of the three
suites they owned in the Hotel.

She unpacked her bag which consisted
of jeans and tees and one very flattering black mini dress.  Just in case she
bumped into a long lost friend and she got to go out on town.  She ordered
lunch in and was sipping on some juice lying on the lounger on the balcony when
the phone inside the room rang.  She groaned, but went to answer, having a very
good idea who it was.  The little devil on her shoulder prompted her to answer

“Hello, Dalton’s chattel speaking.”

The silence on the other side was
deafening and she panicked, wondering if she was mistaken.

“Very funny, Madison.”

“Yes, Mr. Dalton, what can I do for
you, sir?”

“For one thing, you can stop calling
me Mr. Dalton and sir!  I have a name, use it!”

“Is that why you called, sir Logan?”

“Madison, don’t push me!  I called to
remind you that we need you to drive us to dinner tonight.  We should be ready
by six, and Dottie and Shane’s date is meeting us in the foyer, so you can
drive around and pick us up in the front.”

She clutched the phone in her hand and
closed her eyes.  He was really going to do this!  He was going to make her sit
through another one of his dates!  Even after last night!   She decided to
swallow her pride and beg off.

“Please, do I have to?  Can you or
Shane not drive?”

“No.   The regulations on drinking and
driving here is very strict, and we will be having some wine with dinner.”

“A cab then?”

“Six o’clock, Madison.  Don’t be

She screamed her frustration in the
phone, but it was already dead.  The phone rang again and she automatically
reached for and picked the receiver up.


“I forgot to tell you.  I arranged for
a limousine.  They are delivering it around five thirty.  Make sure you are
there to sign for it.”

“A limousine usually comes with a
driver!  I have never driven a limo before!”

“Then it will be a new experience for

“I am warning you.  Don’t come crying
to me if I damage the damn thing!”

“If you do, it will come off your
skin!  Enough Madison.  I want you in that driver seat tonight, make sure that
you are!”

Chapter Seven

was angry enough to once again listen to the damn little red devil on her
shoulder.  She wore her tiny black mini dress, with her formal black pilot jacket
and hat with high heeled pumps. 

Her hair was left tousled and with her
eyes made up in smoky charcoals and greens, she looked like temptation

If she had to suffer through his
flirting with … Dottie … he would suffer too.  Well … she hoped he would!

She went downstairs and arrived just
as the limousine did.  She sighed as she signed for the vehicle and stood
looking at the monstrosity with her hands on her hips.  Trust Logan to not just
hire a limousine … no, he had to hire a damn four by four limo!  How the devil
was she supposed to drive this thing!

Pushing her shoulders back, she got in
and pressed the starter button and felt the power purr as the engine came to
life.  She drove around the block twice to become familiar with maneuvering and
taking corners.  By the time she parked the monster in front of the hotel
entrance it was just before six.  She got out, replaced her hat on her head and
stood waiting like a real limousine driver next to the vehicle.  She grinned. 
The only thing missing was white gloves!

Shane walked through the door first
with a cute brunette on his arm.  When he saw her, he froze in mid-step and
Logan walked into him with … of course … a voluptuous blond hanging onto his

“Dammit Shane!  What the de …”

And the air in his lungs froze when he
too saw Madison waiting next to the limo.  She smiled and turned to open the
back doors and waited politely for them to get in.  Logan cursed softly and had
to force his legs to move. His eyes caressed down her beautiful body and those
damn long legs on display for every man to ogle at!

He slapped Shane on his shoulder to
get him to move and draw his attention away from his Wildcat.  He started and
looked at Logan over his shoulder.


“Keep your damn eyes to yourself, little

Shane smiled broadly and shrugged. 
“I’m just one of many, big bro!  Just one of many!”

“I’m going to wring her bloody neck!”

“Why?  I for one appreciate her …

“Her bloody lack of attire you mean!”

Shane laughed.   “Your date is wearing
much the same, big bro.  You don’t seem to mind others ogling her.”

“What are you two whispering about,

Madison startled and had to cover her
mouth to stop the laughter that wanted to escape her mouth.  Logi?

Logan’s eyes met hers warningly and he
ushered everyone into the limo.  He turned to her and whisked his eyes down her

“This is totally inappropriate dress
code for work, Madison.”

“Oh, I am so sorry, sir.  I am not
knowledgeable on the dress code for chauffeurs.  I’ll be sure to study it up so
I am better prepared next time.”

His eye burned like green orbs of fire
and they narrowed on her.

“I give you fair warning, Madison. You
are dressed with the aim to entice and tempt.  Do not let me catch you near a
man tonight!”

She huffed!  “You have no say over
what I do, Mr. Dalton!”

“I have every right!  You gave it to
me last night!  Don’t play with fire, Wildcat.  You will get burned!”

“Yet, you have the freedom to fondle
Dottie!  Tit for tat, Logan Dalton.  You touch her once or allow her hands all
over you … I can’t guarantee what my reaction will be … Logi!”

“I am warning you, Madison!”

“As I have you, Logan!”

She swung away and got into the limo
and slammed the door shut, hitting the ignition immediately.  She watched Logan
get in and sat down next to Dottie, keeping a wide expanse of the seat open
between them.  Dottie of course slid closer immediately and pressed herself
tight against him.  Logan’s eyes met Madison’s in the rearview mirror when she
cleared her throat loudly.  He untangled her arms from his and moved to the
single seat across from her.  She pouted at him, but he turned to the build-in
bar and poured each of them a glass of champagne.

Shane nearly fell off the seat he
laughed so hard. He overheard the last part of their heated discussion and knew
why Logan suddenly moved seats.  Logan shot him a killing glare which made him
laugh even harder.  Logan looked at the pouting Dottie and sighed heavily.  It
was going to be a long night!

The drive to the Spindletop Restaurant
on Louisiana Street was ridiculously short and they barely finished their
champagne when Madison pulled up in front of the restaurant.  She shut off the
limo, got out and with grace that would put any limo driver to shame, opened
the door. 

Shane got out first and winked at
Madison.  “Hang in there, Maddy!  You’ve got my vote.”  She smiled wanly.

“Fat lot that helps me.  I can’t keep
an eye on him up there.  Please phone me when you’re ready to leave.  There is
no place to park this monster here.”

He laughed and ignored Logan’s glare
at his hand that rested on Madison’s shoulder. Dottie of course, nearly wrapped
herself around him like a vein, but he shook her hands off and took her elbow
in his hand and guided to the entrance.  Just before they entered, he handed
Dottie to Shane and headed back to Madison.  She had her back to him and his
arousal tightened even more when she leaned over to close the back door and the
mini dress pulled up even higher.

Madison startled when his warm hand
closed around her shoulder and spun her around.  The next moment she was
pressed tight against his chest and his mouth devoured hers.  He kissed her so
deeply they seemed fused together.  She clutched his shirt underneath his
jacket in her fists and leaned even deeper into the kiss.  He ended the kiss
and looked deep into her eyes.

“This damn dress is potent, Wildcat. 
I really hope you wore it only for me.”

Not giving her the opportunity to
respond he swung around and disappeared into the building.  Now she pouted. 
Damn the man!  He couldn’t just pounce on her and kiss her when and where he
chose!  She drove the limousine back to the Hilton Hotel, parked it and went to
the dining room for dinner.  Her motto for tonight was to be rather safe than

She just placed her order when she saw
Owen Brown making his way towards her and she groaned.  No matter that she
enjoyed his company earlier; Logan’s warning carried more weight.  His obvious
efforts to keep Dottie’s hands off him a clear indication of his commitment to
take her warning to heart.

“So we meet again and once again you
are alone.  You look absolutely stunning.  Are you having dinner on your own?”

“Seems like it yes.”

“It is a pity I have a dinner date
already, otherwise I would have loved to take you to dinner.  What about
tomorrow night?”

“I’m sorry, we are leaving tomorrow
afternoon.  It was nice meeting you though.”

“I would like to make contact with you
again.  Will you give me your phone number?”

Madison could not think of a reason
not to give it to him that would not sound rude, so she gave it to him and
dutifully saved his on her phone as well.  She finished her dinner and went to
the open arena at the Hobby Center for Performing arts where there was a music
concert held by local singers.  She sat at the back of the theatre so she could
slip out when Shane phoned.

It was already eleven and the show was
nearing its finale when her phone rang.  She answered without looking at the
screen, engrossed in the dance scene on the stage.

“Hi Shane.”

“Where are you?”  She groaned when
Logan’s abrupt question exploded in her ear.

“Are you ready for pick-up?”

“Answer my question!”

“I am at the Hobby Center watching a

“With who?”

“Other than you, that have been
entertaining a clinging vine, I had dinner alone and am watching this show
alone!  Do you need me to pick you up?”

“Yes, but I expected you to …”

Madison was so mad she just ended the
call and stalked towards the limo.  Contrary to the anger bubbling under the
surface she pulled up in front of the restaurant in a subdued manner and this
time refused to get out and play the dutiful chauffeur. 

As soon as everyone was seated she
asked bluntly without turning around, her eyes flashing in the rearview mirror
at Dottie nearly sitting on Logan’s lap.

“Whereto, Sir?”

Shane picked up on the strained
atmosphere that seemed even worse that before and asked politely.

“Please take us to the Mystery Zone
Nightclub.  It is just off Humble Westfield zone.  The ladies feel like

Her lips tightened but she refused to
look in the rearview mirror again.  She put the gear in drive and drove to the
Mystery Zone without GPS assistance. 

“How is it that you know the
directions to the club, Maddy?  Is there a side to you that we’re not aware

“Anyone at some stage of their life’s
hung around dance clubs.  I guess I got over that stage at a relatively young

Shane burst out laughing, catching on
to the hidden sarcasm immediately. He knew that neither Dottie nor Eliza would
understand the connotation.  Even Logan’s lips twitched, but he shot her a
stern glare in the mirror, which she chose to ignore, seeing as he was doing
nothing to stem the groping hands on his thigh.

“Do you have any idea what time you
will be all danced out, sir?  Or do you expect me to sit outside waiting for
you until the sun comes out?”

Shane glared at Logan.  “Of course
not, Maddy!  As a matter of fact, I insist that you join us.  If you just get
rid of that jacket, you would be a hit on the inside.”

Logan nearly punched Shane in the gut,
but could hardly retract the invitation.  Madison’s phone rang at that point
and she noticed it was Owen Brown.  Irritated enough with Logan at this point,
the little red devil urged her on and she pressed the button to slide the sound
proof glass shield in place between her and the group in the back.

She read the fury in Logan’s eyes,
just before the tinted shield closed.

“Madison speaking.”

“Hi, it’s Owen.  I hope I am not
bothering you?”

“Not at all. I just did not expect a
phone call this soon.”

“My dinner date finished early and I
was wondering if you would like to go with me to a club?  The night is still

Madison was so tempted; she was on the
verge of agreeing when she noticed the shield going down.  Clearly Logan did
not appreciate her shutting him out. She sighed in regret into the phone and
made her voice sound extra apologetic.

“I really would have loved to join
you, but unfortunately I am on duty.”

“At eleven thirty at night?  I thought
you were a pilot?”

“Pilot, chauffeur … if it moves … I am
the driver!  You know what they say … Jill of all trades.”

“Well, that is a pity.  I will phone
you when I am in Dallas again.  I am sure you get some time off.”

“I look forward to it, and thanks for
the invitation.”

He said goodbye and she dropped the
phone on the seat next to her, a small smile on her lips.  There was an eerie
silence behind her and she glanced in the mirror and she cursed the little
devil on her shoulder.  The little rascal was no match for the black devil
glaring at her in the rearview mirror. 

Shane sat grinning like a buffoon, his
date seemed confused and Dottie sat sulking with a lip that hung on her chest.

“Who was that?”

Madison gaped at him.  To blatantly
demand something that had nothing to do with him in front of everyone was
unexpected and the expression on Dottie’s face agreed with her.  His actions
since they got into the car clear that there was no reviving of embers tonight
in store and she was livid with the attention he showered the little chauffeur

“Really, Logi.  Leave the poor girl
alone.  Surely she has the right to some privacy?  Why don’t we rather skip the
club and you and I go for a private party in my hotel suite?”

The limousine came to an immediate
dead stop and before Logan could prevent it, Dottie slipped from the seat to
land in an undignified heap on the floor of the limo.  Shane turned his face
away and had to swallow hard to keep from laughing and Logan turned furious
eyes on her after he assisted an angry Dottie back on the seat.

“What is the matter with you, Miss
Phillips?  You could have gotten her hurt.”

“Then she should have worn her safety


“I only stopped because the lady
suggested a different venue for the balance of the evening … Logi … sir.  I did
not want to drive all the way to the club only to then turn around again.”

If he was not so angry, he would have
found her sassiness funny, much like the laughing idiot brother of his did; who
just laughed harder when he met his angry glare.  He sobered somewhat and said

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