The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon (8 page)

BOOK: The Wildcat that Tamed the Tycoon
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“I think the mood has been spoiled and
we do have an early meeting in the morning, big bro.  Maybe we should give the
club a skip for tonight.”

“Yes, you are right.  Let’s just have
a nightcap at the hotel before we drop you ladies off.”

Madison pulled away from the curb and
stopped in front of the impressive doors of their hotel soon thereafter.

“Am I to drop the ladies off, sir?”

“Yes, but you can wait here, we won’t
be too long.”

“Yes sir.”

She got out of the limo to stretch her
legs and was once again surrounded by a group of ogling jocks by the time the
Daltons came out with their dates on their arms.  Madison noticed them and
excused herself from the joking young jocks with a smile.  After being abused
by Logan their attention gave her ego a boost.

“Bye-bye, sweet Maddy mine!”  They
sang to her as she walked away and Logan’s angry glare was testimony to the
attention they gave her retreating backside.  She chose to ignore him and got
into the Limo and started the engine, thrumming her fingers on the steering
wheel waiting for them to get in.

They dropped Eliza first and then
Dottie.  Madison’s hands fisted when he walked her to the entrance of the hotel
with Dottie nearly climbing his leg with every step.

“That woman should audition as a vine
for the next Hamlet performance!”

Shane chuckled and then groaned when
Dottie grabbed Logan around his neck and pulled him down to lock her lips on
his.  Madison sat steaming for a full five seconds before she slammed the door
open and got out.

“Logan Dalton!”

He pulled away from the kiss and
looked at her.  He quickly pushed Dottie away lest she thought the erection
that slammed against his pants was because of her kiss.  Madison stood just
inside the open door of the limo with her gorgeous legs spread and her fists on
her hips.  A slow smile curved on his lips and she seethed in anger.

“Don’t you dare walk through that

He was amazed that she openly staked
her claim; with no regard to the woman he took on a date and who expected him
to spend the night with her.  Which he had no intention of doing anyway, the
embers Shane referred to had died years ago already.  He did not have as many
sexual trysts as the tabloids claimed.  He took a lot of woman on dates and to
functions, but he did not have sex with all of them.  As a matter of fact, up
to last night he has not been with a woman in probably eleven months.  He has
just been too busy to indulge in those pleasures.

Dottie fumed and tried to pull him
back against her, but he turned her towards the door.

“Thanks for joining us, Dottie.  It
was nice seeing you again, but as far as anything more … as you can see,
Madison is quite possessive.”

“But … I thought she is an employee of

He answered something non-committal,
said goodbye, turned and walked straight into Madison, drawing her tight
against his aroused body.  Gasping at the hard ridge pressed against her
stomach, she slapped his arm and snarled at him.

“Don’t you dare press your … your … I
refuse to be used to douse the flame from your … Dottie!”

Logan ignored Shane’s burst of
laughter from inside the limo, he leaned down and growled against her lips just
before his mouth closed over hers.

“Oh no my love, this is all you!”

He kissed her senseless, right there
in front of the hotel entrance, in front of a fuming Dottie and in front of a
flabbergasted Shane.

“Hot damn, big bro!  Since when have
you become so amorous in public?”

Logan ignored him and took his time
ending the kiss.  He looked into her eyes and saw the unfulfilled passion in
hers.  He rapped her on the nose.

“You, woman, will drive me crazy.”

He turned her around and escorted her
around the limo and opened the passenger door.  She glanced at him

“Get in, I’ll drive back.”

“Hey, no fair!  Why can’t she sit here
in the back with me?”  Logan waited until he pulled away before he responded.

“Because, little bro, you won’t be
able to keep your eyes off her legs.

Madison blushed when his warm hand
landed on her thigh and he stroked it tenderly, deliberately stoking her desire
higher all the way to their Hotel.

Chapter Eight

took a quick shower and pulled on boxer shorts and a tee-shirt.  She brushed
her hair and smoothed night cream on her face.  The one thing her mother
drilled into her and Grace from very young; to look after their skin. 

She went to stand on the balcony
looking out to the thousands of lights scattered into the black night and
sighed, stroking her thigh where Logan’s hand rested not so long ago.  Her
loins tightened just thinking of him and she caught her bottom lip between her

Just last night she made a decision
that their relationship would be purely professional.  She groaned.  She still
couldn’t believe she made such a ruckus in front of Dottie’s hotel.  But oh
Lord, that kiss he gave her thereafter!  It was worth making such a fool of
herself.  It was a wonder he didn’t fire her on the spot!

Her Grand pops words flashed through
her mind, that she was the driver of her own happiness.  She bit her lip
again.  She could not deny her feelings for Logan, nor her desire and need for
him, nor her jealousy and possessiveness that he was hers and hers alone and
most of all, her love for him.  She knew Logan had no desire for long term
relationships, even more so marriage and that he didn’t believe in love, but
she was twenty nine years old and high time she became the driver of her own

A slow smile curved on her lips. 
Logan Dalton might not realize it, but he just lost his status as a Bachelor.  
He was hers and she was going to collect, whether he was ready for it or not!

She slipped her feet in her slip-ons,
grabbed her room keycard, cell phone and headed for the door.  Shane and she
came up to the rooms together while Logan signed the limousine over to the
front office at the hotel.  The three suites were the only ones that were
serviced by the one specific elevator and she knew Logan’s suite was the one on
the left.  She peeked out the door to make sure Shane was not lurking around
and prayed that he was not with Logan.  She walked to Logan’s door and pressed the
bell, waiting impatiently for him to open the door.

The moment he did she took a moment to
catch her breath.  He clearly just came out of the shower.  He had a towel
wrapped around his waist and was busy towel drying his hair.  Her eyes singed
over his broad shoulders, his muscled chest to caress over his torso which
sported an impressive six pack.  Her eyes moved back and their eyes met. 

Logan drew a deep tortured breath in
his lungs, coming out of the frozen state he was in from the moment he opened the
door to find her standing there.  He had every intention to go to her room and
the joy to find her coming to him, warmed his heart.

 She took the two steps that separated
them and her hands flattened on his chest, slowly following the path her eyes
just did, until they closed around his neck and she pulled his head down to
slowly and seductively close her hot lips over his.  He pulled her against him
so hard and tight she groaned, but tightened her arms around his neck and
deepened the kiss.

Desire was instantaneous the moment he
saw her and now it became painful.  He reached out and pushed the door closed,
then walked her back and pressed her against the door, lifting her higher so
her lips where on the same level as his.   He pressed tighter against her, his
mouth slanted desperately over hers, kissing her deeper, demanding her complete
and total surrender. She gave it immediately, wantonly yet demandingly.

His mouth left her lips to trail hot
kisses over her cheek to her ear. She moaned as he pulled the earlobe between
his lips and sucked until she panted.


“Yes Wildcat?”

“Take me to bed!”

“I will … eventually … but not yet.  I
need you now!” 

He whipped her tee-shirt over her head
and groaned when her full breasts bobbed when he pulled the shirt off. He was
still groaning when his lips closed over a fully erect nipple and he suckled it
hard and deep into his mouth.  His hands gripped her boxers and tore it in
two.  Before she recovered from her surprised gasp his towel was gone and he
plunged inside her, filling her to the hilt.

She keened as he hit her core and she
thrashed against him, her legs wrapped around his waist, forcing him even
deeper.  He started plunging into her with his ferocious need driving him
harder and deeper.  Their need for each other was so strong they plummeted into
the abyss within seconds and their shouts echoed through the room.

Holding her against him with his shaft
still pulsing deep inside her, he carried her to the room and he granted her
demand, he took her to bed.  That night, they hardly slept and by the time
Logan allowed her to leave, the sun was already peeping over the horizon.  He
lay back against the pillows and watched her pull his dress shirt he wore the
night before, over her delectable body.

“I sincerely trust you are not going
to form a habit of tearing my clothes.  Imagine what Shane will think if he
found me in your shirt in the passage!”

“That you just spend the whole night
having sex with his brother.  You look good enough to eat in that shirt, Wildcat. 
Come here and say goodbye properly.”

She crawled over him, her hands and
knees on either side of his legs, watching his face and giggled when the sheet
in front of her slowly rose as his arousal grew.  He grunted and frowned at

“It is not funny, Wildcat!  We do not
have time now!”

She slowly pulled the sheet down and
uncovered his shaft now fully erect.  Logan growled.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Why, Mr. Dalton, sir.  I’m following
your instruction.  I am saying goodbye …” She lowered her head and closed her
lips around the tip of his shaft and he shouted, grabbing the sheets in his

“Good God, Madison!”

She stroked her tongue over the
rounded tip and gently suckled him deeper into her mouth.  She pulled back,
racking her teeth softly around his shaft and he lifted his hips off the bed.

“That was for saying we had sex and
not made love!”

She closed her lips over him again and
pulled him deep into her mouth, sucking hard and with a sharp bite on the tip,
released him. 

Goodbye, Mr. Dalton, sir.”

She jumped from the bed and with a
seductive swing of her hips disappeared quickly through the door.  He heard the
front door open and close and he groaned in agony, his shaft jumping in need,
still wet and quivering from the heat of her mouth around it.

“Hot damn!  That woman will make me
lose my mind!”

He jumped up and stood under an ice
cold shower until his body cooled down.  A slow smile formed around his mouth. 
What did she say last night?  Tit for tat!  He couldn’t wait to give her just

He sobered and thought back on the
night of bliss he just spend in her arms.  She took as much as she gave, she
demanded just as much as he did.  He took her so many times he lost count. 
That in itself was a totally new experience for him.  He has never spent a
whole night with any woman.  As soon as he found his release, he left.  He
could count on his one hand the number of women he had sex with more than once.

With Madison … he could not get
enough.  The more he had her, the more he wanted, needed to bury him inside
her.  Just thinking of her send a rush of need through his body.  It sounded
tacky even thinking it, but every time he buried his shaft inside her warm
sheath, it felt like the first time.

was right, what they shared was not just sex, they made love.  He stiffened. 
He should not confuse the level of satisfaction he got from her with deeper
emotions.  He would never open himself to the emotions that broke his father. 
That turned himself into a hard and cold man.  The sooner Madison realized what
they had was sex and just sex, the better. 

following week Dalton Oil was inundated with rigging problems from all over. 
By Friday afternoon she was bone tired and could only imagine what Shane and
Logan must feel like.

There were four fires at four
different wells within a period of six days.  The Daltons went to assist with
extinguishing the fires at all four sites.  They have incorporated the latest
advances in technology specifically to be in line with their environmental
concerns. All their wells were equipped to be capped while they burn.
High-powered water sprays and Purple K dry chemical, which Logan explained was
a potassium bicarbonate mixture, were then used to extinguish the fire.

It was fascinating to watch them in
action and Madison could not take her eyes of Logan.  He took his shirt off and
stood on the one side dousing the fire with the high–powered spray pipe in his
hand.  The muscles in his arms and back bulged and she literally drooled.  He
gave her strict instructions not to move from the helicopter and to stay out of
the way. Of course her immediate reaction was to insist on helping.

Logan took her chin in his hand and
looked deep into her eyes and growled sternly,  “No Wildcat, I don’t want you
to get hurt,” before he kissed her hard on the mouth. Her resolve melted
immediately and she relented.

With everything that happened since
they came back from Houston, they have not been together intimately again and
her body craved his.  In a short period his touch, his command and possession
of her body has become like a drug and her loins pulsed constantly in need.  If
the problems didn’t let up, she was likely to jump his bones the next time they
were in a secluded spot.

“So Maddy.  Are you sorry you took
this job, yet?”

Shane walked up next to her and she
glanced at him with a wide smile.

“Never.  This is so much better than
the same boring routines piloting Boeings for an Airline.”

He stood wiping his hands with a rug
already dirty from oil and sighed while watching Logan in the midst of the
extinguishing operation. 

“I wish he would just take a break. 
He is dead tired.  I don’t know how he still manages to stand upright and fight
the fire.  He does not stop until the end.  No one else keeps going; everyone
takes a break, even me.”

He swiped the rug behind his neck and
sat down next to her in the open door of the chopper.  There was not much space
so they sat very close, but somehow Madison did not feel uncomfortable.

“Have you been able to ascertain what
caused all these fires?  There has been one nearly every day since we came back
from Houston. It seems as if they are getting bigger too.”

Shane’s face tightened and he looked
around.  He shook his head.

“No, with going from the one to the
other, we have not had the time to start a proper investigation.  Our safety
and environmental team has already started, but Logan is the one that usually
finds the anomalies, the triggers of these fires.”

“Do you suspect arson or sabotage?”

“The thought has crossed our mind,
yes.  It is just too much of a coincidence that a fire flares up a day or two
apart on various sites.”

He took a swig of water and stood up. 
“I am going to try and see if I can get Logan to take a break.  He has not had
wet or dry over his lips since last night.”

She watched Logan shook his head at
Shane and moved over to hit the fire from a different angle.  Shane looked at
her and said something to Logan again and his head swung her way, a vicious
look on his face.  He literally threw the hose at Shane and stomped in her
direction.  She stood up slowly, worrying her lip with her teeth.  What the
devil did Shane tell him to anger him so much?

He reached her and stood in front of
her with his hands on his hips.   His eyes were as green as the clearest
emerald and glittered with anger.

“Miss Phillips, let me make one thing
very clear.  You are employed to pilot me around, and await further
instructions whilst I am busy - unnoticed!  You do not flirt and drool over the
damn half naked riggers and fire fighters!”

She glared at Shane, who stood
laughing his head off, but he gave her thumbs up and she realize why he did
it.  At least he got Logan to take a break.

“Well, Mr. Dalton sir, I tried, I
really tried … until you took your shirt off.  That’s when the drooling

She reached out and trailed her finger
down the center of his chest, following a rivulet of sweat running down his
body to dissolve into his pants.  Her finger however, did not stop at his
pants; it carried over his belt to lightly run down his zipper that suddenly
became hard with his arousal.  He groaned and sucked in his breath. Her eyes
that followed the path of her hand now rose and met his again.

He reached out and gripped her behind
her neck and slowly pulled her closer until she was flush against his sweaty
chest.  She didn’t complain, rather her hands flattened over his nipples which
hardened immediately, causing her own to shrivel into tight nubs.

“Your timing sucks, Wildcat!”

He lowered his head and his mouth met
hers in a slow, deep and passionately tender kiss.  He explored her mouth
slowly and swirled his tongue along her teeth and the insides of her cheeks
before their tongues sparred in a passionate dance.  She shivered as desire
flushed her body and she was on fire from the intensity of the tender kiss. 
She moaned into his mouth and her hands curled over his muscled biceps.

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