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Authors: Sylvia Burton

The Windsor Girl (21 page)

BOOK: The Windsor Girl
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After which, he heard, ‘but Missus Barnstable, I can’t manage to lift you into the tub.  I’m not strong enough’.

‘Then drop me in the damned thing, you ninny’.

Richard smiled, for the first time in many months.  Vicky could be a bitch.

He went inside, just in time to hear an almighty splash, accompanied by the words, ‘oh, go away, you fool’.

The maid came running out of the bathroom, near to tears.  On seeing Richard, she said, ‘I’m sorry sir, but Missus Barnstable is not very pleased with me, I’m afraid’.  Then she quickly disappeared out of sight.

The bathroom door was slightly ajar, so he called to her, ‘Vicky.  It’s me’.

‘You can’t come in Richard, I’m naked’.

‘Well, I didn’t think you bathed in all your finery’.

‘You sound different.  Are you all right?’

‘I’m more than all right Vicky.  You won’t believe what I have to tell you’.

He eased himself down onto the floor, outside the bathroom door and sat with his back resting against the jamb and told his sister everything that James had revealed.

‘Can you imagine, Vicky?  All my searching will soon be over.  And my son?  What about my having a son, Vicky?  Can you believe this awful year of misunderstandings, is at last, coming to an end?’

Victoria's tearful voice came to him, from behind the door.

‘Richard, please come in, I’ve made myself decent’.

Richard pushed open the door to find Victoria in the soap filled bath, with a large white towel, wrapped around her frail body.  She held out her arms to him and, like a child and he went to her.

Both were in tears as she held him, soaking him to the skin, in her attempt to show her love.

‘Richard, I am so pleased for you.  Your love and determination has won through.  You refused to give in and now you have an opportunity to put things right’.

‘Oh, and I will, Vicky.  I’ll make it all up to her’.

‘You are a fortunate man to have a second chance, and believe me Richard, Ellie is worth every minute of effort you’ve put in’.

‘I just hope she will accept that I didn’t remember?’

‘Try not to worry, Dear.  I have a feeling that everything will turn out the way you wish’.

‘I do hope so Vicky, for all our sakes’.

Before he left her, Richard lifted her from the tub, towel and all, and sat her in her chair.

‘Now you will have no need to yell at the poor maid’, he said, kissing his sister on the end of her nose.

When Victoria was alone, she gave thanks to God for his blessing of reconciliation, if indeed, reconciliation was possible.

The next evening, Richard waited for his brother to come to him, with Ellie’s permission to see her.  He knew he had a lot of explaining to do and he prayed he would get the chance to put everything right. 

The clock on the mantel struck nine and Richard, already in a stressed state, began to doubt the reality of it all.  It was as if he had dreamed the whole thing.  Like the pictures which constantly came to his mind’s eye.

‘My God!  That’s it!’  The realisation hit him.  ‘The visions are not dreams, but flashes of memory.  I remember!  I actually remember!  The pictures were not of James, but

He rejoiced as he felt, once again, the love and passion of that night, and knew that his intuition had led him in the right direction.  She had always been the woman he loved, even when he was not aware of it.

He glanced again at the clock.  What had happened to James?  He should have been back long ago.  Perhaps Ellie had refused to see him.  This thought made it impossible for him to wait any longer.  He could not waste another day.  He would go in search of his brother.

His steps took him
once again, to the area he had visited yesterday.  He could not think why, but it seemed to be right that he should.  He walked first one street, and then another, peering at every passer-by, all of them huddled up in their winter attire.

Richard found himself, outside an al
e house, and having had no luck, in the last hour, decided to go inside to collect his thoughts.

As he entered, the noise of garbled conversations met his ear.  The place was full, to overflowing with, mainly working, men.  He seated himself on a vacant seat, at the end of a wooden bench, close to the roaring fire.

He ordered a flagon of beer, from a large man, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up above his elbows.  He eyes roamed around the room, vaguely noticing the pretty barmaid.

You not from these parts are you?’

Richard turned around to see a wizened old man, cloth cap in his head and bright, inquisitive eyes.

‘It’s true I’m a stranger to this house’.

‘Aye, I thought as much’, said the man, noting the cut of the stranger’s clothes.   ‘
You can always tell a stranger by the way he looks around at the place.  I knew as soon as you came in.  I said to myself, ‘he's not from round here’.  I can tell by your ‘togs’.  Aye!’

Richard was not listening, but searched the faces of the men there, not really expecting to find his brother. 

He watched as a woman, in the corner of the room, drank down a black liquid, taking a full glass down in one large gulp.  A drunken man was weaving his way to the bar to refill the woman’s glass.  He observed the man as he stumbled and fell against the bar.  It was then that Richard took a second look at the barmaid, who proceeded to mop up the beer, which was spilled in the collision.

Could it be?
He thought, his heart pounding against his chest.  It had been almost a year, and her long hair had always been tied into a neat knot.  This girl’s hair framed her face like a golden halo, but yes, it could only be Ellie.

‘I see
you eyeing up the barmaid?  Well lad, you'll get no joy there.  She’s bonny lass, and no mistake, but even with your smart clothes, she’ll have nothing to do with you.  Aye, others have tried and got a slap for their efforts’.

The old man sniggered as he gave this information, but Richard hardly heard a word, but asked the man, ‘do you know her name?’

‘Aye, but I tell you you've no chance, my fine fellow’.

‘Tell me her name man’.

Sensing the voice of authority, the man said, ‘it’s Ellie something or other, nice lass, an all.  Drives men mad in here she does with her nice yellow hair.  Makes me laugh, it does cause she won’t have nothing to do with them’.

Richard made no other comment, but his eyes never left Ellie’s face.  Having mopped up the wet bar, Ellie continued to serve the men, standing at the bar, but had the feeling that she was being watched. 

As she lifted her eyes, they focused inexplicably, on the stranger who was sitting by the fire.  Her heart missed a beat as she realised who he was. 

Their eyes met across the crowded room and it was as if there were no others people present.  Her breath came in shallow gasps and she felt the surge of love, running, like the blood surging through her veins.

She went towards him.  She had no control over her body, her legs kept moving in his direction and, in a flash, she was standing beside him.

Richard stood up at once, his eyes, saying the words his lips were unable to speak.  They stood, face to face, neither saying a word.

Richard searched her beautiful face, and he could see the Ellie of his, most intimate dreams.

‘Ellie?’ was all he said.

‘Richard, I never thought ...............’

‘I’ve searched for so long Ellie ..........I tried to....’

‘I never knew Richard ... I never…’

Albert came to her, ‘Ellie, may I be of some help?  May I suggest a bit of privacy?’

‘That would be a help, sir’, said Richard, his eyes still on Ellie’s face.

‘You can use the back room for a while, if you want to.  I can see that the two of you have much to discuss’.

‘Thank you Albert, you’re very kind’.

Once inside the room, they stood there, not touching but looking into each other’s eyes, each searching for the truth, both holding their breath, with hopeful anticipation.

Ellie was now the first to speak.  ‘This cannot be, Richard.  You being here, I mean’.

‘I must have scoured the whole of
Yorkshire and yet here you are.  How are you Ellie, and the child?’

‘We are well, thank you.  Did James tell you I would be here?’

‘No, he said he would ask you if I could call on you.  But Ellie, he
tell me the child was mine’.

‘He had no right’.

‘He had no choice.  He could see I was losing my mind, searching for you.  He was reluctant to tell me anything, he knew that I loved you but said he had to keep his promise to you.  He was to tell me tonight if you would agree to see me, but he did not come to the house and I could wait no longer.  It is quite by accident that I am in this bar tonight’.

His arms went out to her and he added, ‘Ellie.  I thought I would never find you.  I have searched this town ever since you left the house’.

‘Why did you search Richard?’

‘Because I love you Ellie’.

Ellie wanted Richard, but she had to be sure that he truly wanted her. 

‘Tell me Richard.  Is i
t because of the baby that you have sought me out?’  Her heart wanted to cry out, ‘please, my darling, say it isn’t so’.

‘Oh no my angel.  Because I found I could not live without you.  At first, because of the drink, I remembered nothing of our night of love, therefore, I presumed that James was your lover and the child his.  Even then, I could not help but love you.  Then, slowly, it kept coming back to me, in flashbacks of that night.  I thought I was going mad’.  His eyes pleaded with her to believe him.

‘And now Richard?  Do you remember everything?’

‘Every single wonderful moment, my love’.

He kissed her lips tenderly, as if afraid to crush them.

‘Oh Richard, my darling, how I’ve longed for your arms to hold me’.  Her arms went around his neck as she returned his passion.

‘Oh, Richard.  I love you so’.

‘I will never lose you again, my beautiful Ellie’.

There was a quiet knock on the door, but it remained closed.  Albert’s voice whispered, ‘Ellie, we’re all done here lass, if you want to go home?’

‘Thank you Albert, we’ll be out in a minute’, she turned to Richard and kissed his lips once more, ‘would you like to come home with me and meet your son?’

‘Ellie, it would complete my happiness.  I must hope my poor heart can take the strain of so much excitement’.

They opened the door to a smiling Albert, waiting for them, along with a worried looking James.

‘Richard, I got held up.  I sent a boy to the house to let you know, but you had already left.  I’m so sorry’.

Richard put his arm around his brother’s shoulder and said, with feeling, ‘it matters not, my brother, for I have found my love, at last, and tonight I am the happiest man on earth’.

James’s face lit up.  ‘Then Landlord, give me a bottle of your finest wine, for we are to celebrate a most important event’.

Albert passed him a bottle, saying, ‘it’s on the house, my friend.  I don’t know what it is you’re celebrating, but I’ve got a good idea.  Now get yourselves off and enjoy your happiness’.  He winked at Ellie as they went outside.

James envied Richard but had to accept that there had to be a loser, and he was the unlucky one.  Nevertheless, he presented the wine to the couple as they left the public house.

‘Take this, and toast your health and that of your child’.

‘Won’t you come with us James, you are more than welcome?’ said Ellie.

No, my
dear.  I will leave you to make up for the time you have lost, and I hope you will be successful with all you plan’.

‘Then, good night James’.

‘Good night Ellie.  Richard’.  Then he was gone.

Later, at the little house on
Parson Street, Richard cradled his son in his arms; he felt an overwhelming love, the likes of which, he had never known.

Ellie, standing by his side, whispered, ‘his name is Will.  William Richard’.

‘Ellie, he is beautiful, but not so beautiful as his mother.  However, let it be ‘on record’ that I consider him the most handsome child, and I adore him, as I adore you, my love’.

They embraced in silence, holding the child between them, and there, in the glow of the fire, they made a picture of true contentment.

Ellie gazed at Richard, her lovely eyes brimming over with love, and whispered, in her heart,
oh, my dear Richard, you are here, I am at last, in your arms, and now know where I belong.

Twenty Five


There was much excitement in the kitchen, everyone speaking in ‘hushed’ tones.

‘Well, I never’, whispered
Doris, her eyes so wide they threatened to pop, ‘who would have thought it?  Master Richard to marry a ‘lowly scullery maid?’

Missus Blunt brought down the wooden spoon, she was using, onto
Doris’s hand, her face as black as thunder.

‘How dare you speak like that about Ellie?  How dare you?  For your information, young lady, Ellie was a respected member of ‘upstairs staff’, and no less than ‘personal maid’, to Missus Barnstable’.

Doris rubbed her reddened hand, ‘I didn’t mean anything bad about Ellie; really I didn’t.  I like Ellie’.

‘Well, don’t let me hear you talk like that again.  Master Richard should think himself privileged to have Ellie as a wife.  She’s a sight better than the women he associated with before, and that’s for sure’.

She stirred the mixture, with vigour, splashing the substance over the side of the bowl.

decided to risk another reprimand, careful to keep her hands behind her back.

‘And what about the baby?’ she asked.

‘None of your business Miss, now get back to work before I send you to see Miss Maud and have your wages docked’.

scurried away, wondering just what she had said to upset Cook so much.

Kate had heard what had been said, and was aware of the gossip, which surrounded the wedding arrangements.  Of course, the fact that the child was Richard’s was now common knowledge in the house, and everyone was interested, for different reasons.

Doris was simply ‘nosey’ and keen for a bit of gossip.  She meant no harm.  Molly, on the other hand was, downright jealous, of Ellie.  She, herself, had always wanted to work upstairs, but had never been considered suitable.  She had been upset when Ellie had become personal maid to Missus Barnstable.  And now?  Well, she was adamant that she would never take orders from the new Missus Courtney’.

She conveyed this information to Kate, after making sure that Missus Blunt was nowhere in sight, ‘I for one, will not bow down to a scullery maid, and no-one will ever make me’, she sniffed.

Kate had not responded, other than to say, ‘that’s your decision, Molly’, but Kate knew that when the time came, Molly would adhere to the rules of the house, the same as everyone else.

William was relieved that things had worked out for Ellie, after the hardship she had suffered.  For the last five years, Ellie had been like family to he and his wife.  He had some reservations, of course.   Being of the ‘old school’, he found it hard to compr
ehend such a thing, the Master’s son, marrying a maid, of any position, was almost unheard of.  Nevertheless, that is what was happening and he had to accept that there were changes in the world, which were hard to understand.

The mixed feelings were not confined to the kitchen staff, alone.  There were some, upstairs, who had misgivings about the affair.

Miss Maud was beside herself with annoyance.  Ellie had always been a problem to her.  She had finally admitted, if only to herself, that her dislike of the girl was, simply, a matter of envy.  Ellie was all that she had never been.  Elegant, beautiful, and sweet natured.  Everyone, who came into contact with her, loved her and if that wasn’t enough, she was going to marry Master Richard, the son of the house.  Miss Maud considered life most unfair.

As she was sorting through the menus, in readiness for the forthcoming reception, she suddenly, stopped what she was doing.

‘Oh, my goodness’, she said out loud, ‘I will have to refer to her as ‘Ma-am’.  I simply can’t bring myself to do it, I know I can’t’.

She put down the papers, and placed her plump hands to her face.  ‘There’s nothing for it.  I will have to leave this house’.

Tears of sadness, and bitterness, ran down her round cheeks.  This had been her home for thirty years and she was too old to obtain another position.  Certainly, not a position of this quality.  But she knew she could not demean herself, in front of Ellie,
she must loath me for my past treatment of her
, she thought, and shed more tears, but these were tears of ‘contrition’.  She was now paying for her sins.


In the dining room, Louise was sitting with Victoria, and discussing the event to come.

smiled, with undisguised pleasure, ‘I am so happy for them Mother, they love each other so much’.

believe you are right dear.  I have never seen Richard so happy and determined to do the ‘right thing’, said Louise, a feeling of motherly pride, lighting up her face, ‘and he
doing the right thing, isn’t her darling?’

was exasperated with her mother, ‘oh Mother’, she sighed, ‘the right thing?  He is doing what he desires more than any
thing.  He is marrying the girl he adores and ‘the right thing’ does not even enter his head’.

‘I know that,
Victoria, it was only a figure of speech’, she said, then continued, ‘I do wish she would consider staying here for the next few days, until the wedding.  I do not like the idea of little Will living in that terrible place’.

‘It’s not so terrible, really mother.  Ellie is quite capable of taking care of him and, after all, it won’t be for too long, the wedding is only a week away’.

Louise looked thoughtful, ‘yes dear.  You
know, don’t you?  That your father is not too pleased with the union?’

‘He will just have to accept it, won’t he?  There is nothing he can do.  Richard is, after all, passed the age of consent’.

‘He is aware of that, Victoria’ she said, and then a look of concern crossed her face.  ‘You know dear, he worked himself into a fine old state, last night, with the guest list.  I’m afraid he has cut it down to a minimum, it’s almost down to family, only’.

‘It’s well known that Father is a snob’, said
Victoria, silently thinking,
as you are mother

Victoria, don’t be unkind.

‘Well it’s
, mother.  He would have liked Richard to marry Elizabeth Goodyear, and now he has to make do with Ellie Windsor.  He should think himself lucky, for Ellie is worth ten of the Miss Goodyears, of this world, and the sooner he realises, the better’.

‘I don't know how you can speak of your father, in such a way, he’s misunderstood, that’s all.  And he loves you so much
Victoria, you’re his little girl’.

‘I know Mother, and I love him too, but one has to recognize his faults’.

Louise knew her daughter was right, but she could not help but defend Edward.  After all, he
her husband.

‘By the way, we have sent an invitation to Lucy Musgrove, as company for James.  Though I’m very much afraid he seems to have lost all interest in her of late’.

‘And we all know why, don’t we Mother?’

Victoria, it was only a passing infatuation with Ellie, I’m sure of it’, said Louise, quite convinced she was correct in her opinion, ‘if Lucy accepts the invitation, who is to say that they will not consider marriage themselves, at some future date?  I wonder where your father is?  He takes such a time to come to the table I often threaten to start dinner without him’.

shook her head in despair.  Her mother amazed her.  She was always the last to see the reality of life.  Still, the attendance of Lucy, at the wedding would make her father happier. 


At this moment, Edward was in the bathroom scrubbing his fingernails.  He was thinking about his sons as he washed the day’s grime from his hands.

If only my sons had a little common sense.  Where they get their foolish ideas from, I’ll never know
’, he thought, reaching up to the cabinet for his shaving pot. 
If only they were like me, how easy things would be

He began to lather his brush with soap working the lather around his mouth and nose. 
Drat this damnable maid,
he thought, s
he’s obviously out to get her hands on the family’s money.  She recognises a ‘good catch’ when she sees one.  It didn’t work the first time, with James, so she has had to set her sights on Richard.  Well, it won’t do her any good.  I will cut Richard out of my will and that will be an end to it
’.  His face was red with anger.

Edward held his skin taught and drew the razor down his face, watching as the bristles came away, along with the lather.

‘Bloody thing’, he hissed, as the sharp blade pricked his skin.  A tiny droplet of dark, red, blood appeared, and then ran down his chin and onto his dressing gown.

‘Blast’, he cursed.  ‘Blast it to Kingdom come, and blast that infernal girl, and her bastard.  Blast them all the Hell’.

Suddenly, his hand no longer held the razor.  It caused a loud ‘clang’ as it fell into the white, enameled washbasin.  He was surprised, as he hadn’t intended to let go his grip.  What the hell was wrong with him?

My God
, he had no sensation in his hand.

He became conscious of the pain in his chest, only when his legs gave way, and he slid to the tiled floor.

Edward remained there, fully conscious, for one minute, then closed his eyes, for the last time.

Mable found the master fifteen minutes later, when she went to pick up the used towels and was unable to open the bathroom door.

She felt there was something in the way and pushed the door again, which served to open up a small crack.  She could see that there was something terribly wrong.  She ran down to the dining room and, unceremoniously, burst in.

‘Come quickly, Ma-am.  There’s something wrong, in the bathroom.  I can’t open the door’, she cried, her face white and her eyes wide with fear.

The mistress quickly rose to her feet, and ran from the room, calling to Victoria, as she fled ‘ring for William’.

Louise ran to the bathroom and tried to push open the door, but it was useless.  She
knew, beyond doubt that her dear Edward was lying there.  She was afraid she would injure him if she pushed too hard, yet was afraid not to.

‘Edward?  Edward, can you hear me,
dear?’ she cried, through the crack of the door.  ‘Please darling, don’t be afraid, I’m here and William is on his way’.

Moments later, William rushed into the bedroom, and helping the Mistress to her feet, he put his weight against the door and gradually eased it open, one inch at a time, until it was wide enough for him to slide inside.

The sight before him, confirmed his worst fears.  The Master’s face was colourless and had the appearance of marble.  His eyes were open yet unseeing.  He saw the door move.

’t come in Ma-am, please’.

But Louise was already easing her way in, ‘William, what is it?  Oh, please don
’t ... say ... Oh, My God, no?’

‘Leave him to me, please Ma-am.  You shouldn
’t see him like this’, but Louise was kneeling down, beside her dead husband, kissing his still face.

‘My Darling.  My love.  Please don
’t leave me.  We’ll make you well’. 

She collapsed, into her grief, weeping as if she would never stop.  William nodded at Mable.

‘Try to comfort her a little.  I’ll get the Doctor’. 

He placed his hand on the maid
’s shoulder, ‘stay with her until Missus Barnstable gets here’.

As he left the room,
Victoria was being wheeled in.  ‘William?  Is it Father?’

‘Yes, Miss Vicky, I
’m afraid he is dead’.  He was unaware that he had addressed her as he had done many years ago.  Victoria nodded, and silently, made her way to her mother.

‘Come Mother, you can do nothing here’, she tried to reach her mother through the doorway, but could not manage, because of her invalid chair.  Silently, she cursed herself, for feeling so helpless.

She talked to Louise through the door, finally, persuading her to go downstairs to the drawing room to await the Doctor.

Mother and daughter sat together, clinging to each other.  The Doctor found them this way when he made his appearance.

‘My Dear Louise’, he said, sympathetically, ‘I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do.  The Dear man is gone’.

Louise turned her tear filled eyes towards him, ‘I think I knew he would not recover.  I just pray he didn
’t suffer’.

‘I can assure you,
Dear Missus Courtney, he was gone in an instant.  It was a massive heart attack, quite unexpected, but not a rare occurrence in a man of his age’.

Louise had regained her composure, as would have been expected of a lady of her standing, and now she said, ‘I will have Miss Maud pay your fee, Doctor’.

She made for the ‘bell pull’, but was stopped by the doctor.

‘Do not distress yourself about the fee, Louise.  I will send you a bill at a later date’.

BOOK: The Windsor Girl
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