The Zombie Slayers: Surviving The Outbreak (Zombie Apocalyptic Fiction) Series - Episode 1 (4 page)

BOOK: The Zombie Slayers: Surviving The Outbreak (Zombie Apocalyptic Fiction) Series - Episode 1
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Removing The Pain

Just as I though, it doesn't look good, you have a Bacterial Clostridium also known as Gangrene. Which may be why you have a fever. The pus filled wound, has gotten deeper. In Iraq I have seen, soldiers lose their limbs.  Listen and don't forget there are two main types of gangrene,dry and wet, Dry is for an illness, blocked in blood flow, like in diabetics. Wet is for open sores that get infected. Not cleaned enough, and bacteria spreads.

We still have some antibacterial meds. Stay still this may sting for a sec. Mary I'm sorry! I regret to have to tell you this. We are going to have to remove your limb.

Me and Harry will move you into another room, so Liz doesn't come in. When your ready we can begin.

Harry go check out room 210, knock on the door to see if its clear, watch the hall make sure no zombies are near. Liz grab some towels, shoe string, and some of those mini alcoholic shots in the cabinet.

Hey Kevin! room 210 is empty, and the hall is clear.

I love you dear, and take care of you sister, if I die and come back, as one of them. End my life again!

Ok Mary lay down on the bathroom floor! Harry close the door. I'm not going to lie, this is going to hurt, more than anything you fault before. Harry tie the leg, above the knee. Mary close your eyes and bite on these. And please refrain from screams. Kevin razed his machete, up high! Harry hold his breath trying not to cry. Do it quick! Harry replied with a small tear rolling down his eye...One... Two...Three... CRACK

The blade slam down hard, cracking the femur, ripping through the flesh and bone. Blood sprayed the bathroom floor like a leaky pipe. Harry lost his food, what a horrible sight, but for most part she was alright.

She is strong, didn't scream one bit, the blackened infected leg smelled like rotting fish.

we removed it from the room, because it made us sick.

Harry! Quick open those. Mini alcohol shots, vodka preferred, we have to clean the wound, yes it will burn.

you have learned your first go to room 204

close the door and get some rest, I'll finish up here, time for dressing.

Game Plan


Kevin decided to sleep in the bathroom with Mary, the rest of the night, check on her to make sure she was alright. The blood soaked dressing needed to be changed once, still the puss drains clear fluids, leaked on the bathroom floor. Kevin was hoping the infection didn't spread to far.

Harry and Liz came to room

While Kevin and Mary, they sleep on the bed. And watched their mother rest. Kevin had a smile on his face thinking to his self, were like a family on vacation in this hotel room. who'd ever

Thought a hotel to be good, doomsday bunker. This would be the last place to think of a safe haven.

Good night everyone, get some sleep tomorrow, will be a busy day!  Kevin laying against the cold bathroom wall, Thinking about how close to being dead he was.

Why am I still alive? Kevin thinking to his self, maybe to protect them?

"Life is so funny" when your willing to die you some how live! Now what's next? For now I rest, ouch

my damn chest still stings ears ringing, with a lite whistle sound.slowly the Slayer falls asleep...

The next morning, the sun rises shining bright, laminating the ruins. Kevin looks over to see if Mary is still breathing, up and down as the chest rises, "she's ok" for now he thought!"Harry! Liz!" Wake up we have work to do.

What type of work Harry replied, wiping the coal out his eyes. Time to teach you both how to survive and army way. And number one,

We have to clear this floor. "What do you mean by that,are we going to mop the floor." Says Liz

"No. We are going to clear, out every zombie on this floor!"

Better safe now then sorry later.

We may have to stay here a while, until we ready to take the move to Fort Brag! We will fort up until we have a 4x4 truck with a plow. supplies and weapons. That leads me to number two! We need food? This is a hotel right, then each room has a snack cabinet filled with water, snacks, and alcohol. "Harry don't drink it, ok!" It will only dehydrate you even more!

This place was pretty fancy, so I know they featured bed and breakfast. If we find the main kitchen, there maybe can foods.

"Number four, enter and exit."

We need to free the main stairway and lock the doors entering the stairway. The gated stairway, is our main enter and exit.

The elevator is to risky, to travel back and forth. You guys found a good spot to set up a castle.Once we have the tools needed we can travel no problem. There are zee swarms, horde of running zombies and razor dogs... And what ever else we haven't seen yet. The second gas tanker is still there so I know my crew will be back to retrieve it, Why! Liz asked. Because we need it, without it they can't power the AMD's. And fuel the plane. Mr Red will send the chopper to scout the area,the only problem is that choppers are noisy and draw swarms of zombies. "can't they just drive here! " Harry asked" They can but not all the way.They have to park than hike it. But they can just run them over, right! "Like bowling pins." Forget the movie effects, have you ever seen the damage a deer does to a car. A hair crack in the radiator, and your vehicle won't make it pass 5 miles without blowing the engine.That's why we need a truck with a plow.

We can make plows at the fort, but it all comes down to gas again.This is why there coming back. What we are going to do is clear a path, with the 4x4 and drive the tanker back to the fort.

If we try to enter the camp without clearance. They will fire on us, thinking we are bandit's.

Mary why can't we find a walkie-talkie, and radio the camp, to let them know we are friendly.

To answer that” Mary! System is a closed military circuit, we didn't want other camps, or complexes or bandits knowing locations of where certain goods were.

We kill many beast, but the worst beast of all is human beings.


Finding the Gas


Ok where the hell are we David?

Were almost there! Tanker 2 should be a few blocks down, keep you eye out, for anything moving.

I guess we are going the finally see this crater, "Mr Zombie Slayer Kevin" it's been a month, I just have see if the story is real. Juan says to Rico. Then David jumps in the conversation! Lets make a bet, want to put some silver on it.

(Silver was the new currency, Gold was still worth more, very hard to come by, most gold were in the US Mint, and untouchable.

Silver and Copper was more abundant, spoons, plates, fine china, computers, pipes it was every where you just had to find some.)

So how much? Says Rico

How about 5 pies = to one Morgan

( pies are slices of the coin)

How about 10! Rico and me.

David " Ok your on!" Easy money!

What are you guys, talking about!

Nothing sir! The three guys had smirks on their faces.


Dead ahead" we got zees, about seven, all walking type. Do not fire your weapons, mêlée only! David calls out.

Rico" hey Slayer you killed so many right! So what is your best finishing kill." Wait wait!" Finisher ha ha! I'll show you a finishing kill. Watch this. Juan responded.

I call this! "Home Run De-Header" Juan walks up the first zombie, pulls out a wooden baseball bat.

and stand at a right hand baseball batters stance, he looked as if he was waiting for a pitch. The first zee walks closer, as if it knows its going to eat. Juan swings the bat in a circular motion and Bam, strikes the zee in the neck causing the head to pop up straight into the air above Juan's head. He then swings
the bat at the head. hitting the zees head about fifty feet in the air. HOME RUN! The head slams to ground, like a watermelon be shoot with a catapult. Now that's a killer move Beat that Bitch! Juan screams out, with laugher. All of the sudden, a machete flow by like a black bird flapping his wings. " Swank" zombie two fell to the ground with the machete embedded into the zees skull!"Slayer the zombie Slayer" nice one what so you call that! "Birds of Prey" Slayer replied.

That's to easy! I can do that! This is the "Hawk Eye" Rico pulls a tomahawk ( Indian hand axe)

And tosses it straight at zees number three, the axe ledges into the zombies neck, the blacked blood leaks out! Zombie continues to walk forward! "Rico" Damn it I missed. He then walks up to the zee and finishes by striking brain with the tomahawk. David laughing his ass off, you failed on that one dude! Oh yeah can you do better?

"Rico calling David out!"


You see I don't need mêlée weapons, you only need your strength. David, charges head on like a bull, picks the zombie up like a wrestler, grabbing around the waist and slams the zombie backwards smashing head first into the cement. SPLAT! The zee skull cracks half way leaving, mouth and chin followed by a flat brain fragments.The body was flipped over as if the zombie rolling down a hill. Down goes zombie four.

Ohoooo! Damn that was sick! My turn! Let me show you guys, how to kill a zombie with finesse.Shawna draws her compound bow, loads an arrow and waits. She focus for a moment and releases.

Zombies five and six both fell to the ground, falling on top of each other with one arrow in both of their heads. That's called The Two for One! That's cheating Shawna, mêlée weapons only. Well it didn't make much sound. Says Shawna!One more who wants to handle this one.


Slayer then withdraws the machete from the zombie's head to which he killed earlier. He then runs toward the last zombie.

The machetes blade still dripping with blood, he slices the zombies between the legs and continued up pasting the stomach and torso stopped at the neck.The zombie split in haft leaving the head and brain intact. That's what I call "The Banana Split." See you don't always have to destroy,the brain, to finish a zee. Everyone remained silent for a moment. Damn! how in  the hell did Slayer...? You won! Said Rico. The team all agreed... There's the tanker, hurry let get it started and get a hell out of here.the tanker was dirty, tires were low on air, but for most part still drivable.Juan headed for the back of the truck, suddenly a zee appeared, he had no time to pull out his gun.

The bat was to long the draw, Juan yelled out! Guys I could use a hand. Rico charges up and slams the tomahawk to the back of zees head. Saves you again, that's two little bro! Yeah yeah! Thanks says Juan with a blank look on his face. Lets hurry bro check the tanks.

Shawna attached a solar rapid charger to the battery, David climbs into the driver seat and tries to start the truck, crank, crank, crank...ok I'll try again, the gas in the injector maybe old...
Crank crank, crank,
hmm seems like it's not getting spark. David searches the truck cab and finds a tool box, hoping to find tools to clean the spark fouled plugs. To his surprise he finds a note, it says.Help us please and we will do the same, The Distributor is missing, so the truck won't start.

In 204 Harry and Liz

PS don't bother checking the auto parts store.

What the hell is this! David said!

204? Where and what is 204.

Don't be alarmed, change of plans.

We have to rescue, Harry and Liz.

I did this because I knew you guys wouldn't rescue two teenage kids,

But they saved my life. look in that tool Box and grab the two-way radio.

Turn to channel 4. Mayday.. Mayday... Liz...Harry ... We on our way....! Hello is anyone there...!

A static sound of a voice unclear... To who it maybe. Kevin is that you? Yes! Is this Harry! ... Quiet for a moment Yes this is Harry.

Ok if this Harry what was your mothers name...No sound for a minute... "Then the voice came back" my mother name was Mary. Ok kid we on our way!

You planned this didn't you Kevin!

Shawna says with a very displeased look. Guys I know "I'm sorry but", when the chopper, picked me up, we left them there.

And that is a painful feeling to be left to die. Trust me I know the feeling. I did this to the tanker before we headed to the hotel. just in case, you got back to the second tanker first. I couldn't use my name," because" well I'm suppose to be dead!

The hotel is not to far from our current location. There use to be a road block here, me and those teenagers moved them, so we owe them a favor. Right?...

"Everyone follow me,"we can get the truck part at the hotel. Slayer stats! but no one paying attention.

"The Falling Star"

Somebody owes me some silver. Said David,

Rico,Juan and Shawna.were gazing at the crater, made by a zombie slayer named Kevin.It was a 20 foot zombie grave, filled rotting flesh and bones. WTF! Rico and Juan glazing at the carnage, the overwhelming destruction, in a playground. Wait wait! Hold on Kevin you stood on top of the tanker and shot it "then blew up yourself!" And lived?  Who told you that? Slayer replied with a proud gesture upon his face. The truth is I stood over there and shot the tank, the blast pushed me. Into the grass, about a hundred feet away. My chest and legs received a nice 2nd degree burn, because the gas splashed on my clothes. I was knocked out for about a day, so I think! then I heard a gun shot, it was Harry killing a zee. Walking in my direction.

The gun sound woke me , unaware to where I was I started trying to use the two-way radio,but then damn thing melted. A zee was crawling over to eat

while I'm still unconscious. Harry killed it, So we have to bring them back with us. They took care of me and I did the same. "Suddenly the military radio lights up "David! Kevin you there...!please answer, this is Mr Red.

Come in? Slayer grabbed the radio.. We copy Mr Red, what's the news. The swarm is closer than we originally suspected. They are headed to the fort. You got 48 hours, to get the tanker back we need that gas. OVER

Ok we will be there in 24, OVER AND OUT!

You heard him lets move.


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