Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)
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“That’s good, Emily,” Gabriel rumbled behind her. “Because we have no intention of letting you go. This is all we want too, honey.”

“Just this,” Noah sighed in pleasure. He slowly traced the outline of her jaw as he stared into her eyes.

“And if you
try to leave, I will tie you to our bed and make sure you can’t escape,” Gabe added.

Gabriel’s words took a moment to sink in, but then Noah and Emily burst out laughing. Gabe gave in and laughed too, the motion causing Emily to squirm between them. They each placed a hand on her and stilled her movements, not wanting their cocks to come back to life and hurt her.

They knew they probably should have shown more restraint and been mindful of how tender Emily was. But after experiencing the startling fear of her possibly walking away from them, they needed to reconnect with her in the most intimate way they could and remind Emily that she was most assuredly theirs. That no one else would ever cherish the gift of her love or her partnership as they would. As they always had.

Emily looked over her shoulder and smiled at Gabriel. “You said
bed. Will we share a bedroom when we get home, or do you each want to keep a separate room?” Her fingers glided over Noah’s chest while she awaited their answer.

“I hadn’t really thought about it.” Gabriel shrugged.

“But now that we are?” she asked.

“We both have king-sized beds, so it would be easy for all of us to fit in either one,” Noah said and brushed a kiss across her brow. “I like having you between us, so it doesn’t bother me to share sleeping quarters on a permanent basis. But sometimes I’ll want you all to myself too. So it’s probably best to have more than one bedroom, and we can just play it by ear. I think we’d all be happier if there was no schedule or sleeping rotation.”

“Gosh, no!” Emily immediately said and wrinkled up her nose. “That would be awful! Let’s never do any such thing. We’ll just go wherever the love and passion of the moment takes us.”

“God, I love you,” Gabriel chuckled and kissed her shoulder. “I’m in full agreement. We can have one room we all share and then another for whoever wants privacy.”

“Yes, I like that,” Emily nodded. “And can I ask a more delicate question?”

“Em, our dicks are still inside you. How much closer could we be before you know you can say anything to us?” Noah laughed.

“Hush,” she admonished and swatted his chest. He just captured her hand and began to suck on her fingertips.

“Ask,” Noah mumbled as he laved his tongue between her thumb and index finger.

“Gracious, that feels good!” Gabriel nipped her shoulder to get her to speak. “Okay, okay,” Emily smiled. “I was wondering what you thought about having a family together someday. Do you want children?”

“I like kids.” Noah nodded and drug her pinkie deep into his mouth.

“You are a big kid,” she chuckled. Noah bit down on her finger and winked at her.

“I think we would do a good job raising any children we have,
we decide we’re ready for that,” Gabriel said. He sounded a bit more serious and Emily looked over her shoulder at him again to gauge his mood. He smoothed her hair back and moved his hand down her side to caress her hip.

“I think you’ll make an amazing mother, Emily, and I’d love to see you carry our child. But honestly, it will take me a few more years to be ready for that. Noah and I see the worst people in humanity target young children and teenagers in our line of work, and I’ll need time to get myself ready for the demands parenthood will bring. I’ll want you and any children we have to be utterly and completely safe, so I’ll know such predators can’t get to my family.”

Gabriel stared at her with such raw vulnerability in his eyes, that Emily could not help but reach for his face to comfort him.

“I can understand that fully, Gabe,” she said and offered him a tender smile. “And I’m honestly not quite ready yet, either. I’m only twenty-three and I need a few more years, too.”

“That’s good.” Noah’s mischievous smile made Gabriel and Emily chuckle before they heard the rest of his statement. “Because we need a few years to play without worrying that we’re waking up the kids. You’re a screamer, Emily, and a newborn probably wouldn’t be able to rest through all of that noise.”

?” she said in challenge and arched an eyebrow at him. “Well what would you call those loud noises that come from you and Gabe? Hmmm? Sounds like shouting and yelling to me.”

“All in the name of love, though, baby,” Noah played back.

“Luckily, our neighbors are far enough away that we can yell all we want,” Gabriel said with a lazy smile. “Em, we need to clean up, honey. And you need to eat something. You really only had one meal today, and you need more.”

“I know.” She took a deep breath and tried to draw the moment into her heart, mind, and soul. Just seal it away, so in times of stress or trouble she could pull it back to the forefront of her mind and bask in the glow they’d created together.

“We have all night to come back to bed and lie here together,” Gabriel said, as though he were reading her mind.

“Well, with that promise in mind, I’ll agree to get up.”

“That’s my girl,” Noah praised. He kissed her forehead and then slid from the clasp of her pussy.

Gabriel gently eased back, coaxing her softly to breathe in time with his exit from her body. They helped her rise, steadying Emily as she stood beside the bed, and then they directed her to the bathroom. Noah turned the shower on, letting the water warm before they stepped inside.

And as they had in the bed, they placed her between them. Gabriel washed her hair and back, while Noah lathered a cloth and gently took care of her front. They used the lightest of touches on her most intimate flesh, knowing she needed minimal contact after all the love they’d shared throughout the day and night.

They let Emily help bathe them, finding opportunities to massage or caress her when she turned her attention from one to the other. It was a natural cadence, one that would only get better over the years. And one which they all knew was worth fighting for.







Emily woke the next morning to the delicious smell of coffee wafting near her nose. She sniffed the air appreciatively and rolled over onto her left side to get closer to the aroma. She heard Noah’s deep, throaty laughter and she smiled as she cracked her eyes open to look at him.

His blonde hair was tousled, giving him a sexy, lazy air and his stubble was even more pronounced. He sat on the side of the bed with one leg drawn up so he could see her clearly, his other dangled off the side. In one hand he held a mug and with his other he reached out and began to trail his fingers through her long, blonde tresses.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he murmured. “Do you have any idea how precious you look when you first wake?”

“I look a mess, Noah,” Emily chuckled and stretched, feeling every bit of her lingering soreness from the previous day’s activities. But it was a delicious soreness that reminded her who she belonged to, so Emily smiled over the possessive stamp they had placed upon her.

“No you don’t.” He laughed softly, the sound rumbling in his chest in a way that had her wanting to sit up in bed and kiss those delectable sculpted muscles.

“I like that you think I look decent when I first wake up.” Emily gave him a goofy grin, and then closed her eyes to enjoy his light massage on her head. “Hmmm, that feels divine,” she hummed. “Don’t stop.”

“Oh, but I have to,” he played. Noah moved his hand from her hair and down her arm until he clasped the sheet that lay draped over her. He slowly peeled it back and then let his palm glide over her abdomen and up to her breasts.

“Noah,” she breathed. Emily looked up into his eyes, seeing them clearly hooded with desire. Yet, she noticed he also seemed to be tempering that desire so they could both enjoy the soothing, delicate dance of his hand over her skin.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured. Noah shook his head just a bit, and watched as his hand moved over to her hip and then skated around to her backside. “Everywhere.”

Emily couldn’t close her eyes as Noah slowly explored her body in a way he hadn’t yet. She lay as still as she could, watching him as he did her. Watched every flicker that registered in those green depths, which spoke of his longing and affection for her. How had she ever gone without this, Emily wondered? Or thought that she could survive with only their friendship binding them?

“Gabe and I have plans for us today,” he said, as if finally remembering that he was supposed to tell her about it.

“Oh?” Emily asked, her word coming out as a breathy gasp as his fingers began to lightly tease her right nipple.

“Hmmm,” he hummed and nodded. Noah leaned forward and placed his mug on the bedside table, then bent down to blow over the nipple he had enticed and toyed with. “Lie back, Em,” he directed her.

She rolled to her back and stared up at him as his lips hovered over that sensitive peak.
, she mentally begged him, wanting so badly to feel his lips on her there. But Noah continued to blow across Emily’s skin until she arched up, trying to force him to take her nipple into his mouth.

He chuckled and then moved over to blow across her left nipple, drawing out the anticipation. They both looked on as her body immediately responded. Emily whimpered, needing more than he was giving her in the moment.

“What’s the matter, baby?” he asked between puffs.

“You know what I need. Why are you making me wait?” she asked in exasperation.

“All in good time. Patience is a virtue, or so I’ve been told. I’ve never had much, but you inspire me to do better. With you, patience is a beautiful thing to behold. And it can be so rewarding.”

,” Emily warned, almost growling his name in frustration.

“Look how tight and alert they are,” he mused, completely ignoring her pleas. “You see, Em, for guys, this is heady stuff. I told you we’re visual creatures. So seeing evidence that our touch, our nearness, our very breath can turn you on… Well, that’s enough to get any man’s blood pumping. In the right direction, that is,” Noah added.

He gave her a wolfish grin that made her think he was either planning to continue this torture or gobble her up any second. She wanted the latter. So how to get it? Noah said he liked words. Wanted a picture. So, Emily decided, it was time to paint him that picture he seemed to crave. To use her skill as a writer and show him just what he was missing out on – using only her words.

“Yes,” Emily nodded slowly, “your breath can make my nipples hard. Completely rigid and begging for your tongue to trace them slowly. For your lips to close around them and suckle them. Gently at first, but then with more pressure until I can feel the same pulses between my legs.”

“My pussy will get wet,
so wet
, and then even my clit will pulse in time with the rhythm of your lips on my nipple. I’ll feel that invisible chord, deep within, tying the different parts of my body together. And when you finally graze my nipple with your teeth and suckle me hard, I’ll completely lose all sense of myself and come so hard that moisture will flood my folds below.”

“My back will arch off of the bed and the only coherent thought I’ll be able to form is calling your name, because it will be you who brought that pleasure to me. You and no other man, because no other man will ever touch me as you and Gabriel will.”

“But,” she shrugged, “since that is all the stuff of dreams at this moment, I suppose I should get up and get ready for whatever you and Gabe have planned for the day.” Emily tacked those last words on as nonchalantly as she could, and then began to slide out from under his arms.

Noah grasped her shoulders, holding her firmly in place, just as Gabriel pushed himself off the doorframe where he’d been leaning, taking in each and every tantalizing word she’d spoken. She hadn’t realized he was there too, so lost in Noah’s game had she been. Emily looked from one to the other and knew she was about to find out exactly what her words could do to her men. And she couldn’t wait.

Gabriel set his own mug of coffee down on the opposite nightstand and then he dropped onto the mattress on her right. He looked from Emily to Noah with a dangerous smile playing on his full lips.

“I think someone here is a very good student,” Gabriel said softly.

“I’d say,” Noah rumbled.

“Shall we test her theory? See if her nipples really will do all of that for her?” Gabriel asked, arching an eyebrow at Noah, not Emily. As if they had discussions about her body all the time while she lay under them, hungry from need and want.

“She came in the kitchen last night just from my lips on them. I think she’s learning her body’s response to us well. Aren’t you, baby?” Noah turned his eyes back down to Emily and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

“Well, let’s see what happens when she has both stimulated at the same time. I think her body will surprise her,” Gabriel pondered aloud.

And with that statement, two heads leaned in to take a nipple into the warm clasp of their mouths.

Emily gasped loudly from the dual sensation of their lips taking possession of her breasts. It was hard to process it all, for she felt as if her entire body had suddenly been doused in the flames of red hot desire, not just her nipples. She reached for each man’s head and threaded her fingers through their hair, then closed her eyes and let go.

Her body relaxed into the bed and Emily felt Gabriel growl around her right nipple. She’d noticed the day before how much he seemed to like her compliance, her submission. She supposed that was what she was really giving them. It felt good not to think about how scripted everything might be otherwise, if she were trying to position them, direct them, or control their lovemaking.

No, Emily thought, that was never what she wanted – never wanted their love to feel staged or fake. Because what she was experiencing in the moment was what freedom was supposed to feel like. To know that if she placed her trust in them, they wouldn’t abuse it. Rather, they’d cherish it and her, and thereby give her what she needed. Even if she couldn’t always articulate her needs, they would learn her body well enough to know and bring her release each and every time. She would always feel complete in their arms.

Noah’s tongue began to dance around her nipple while Gabriel teased her other with his teeth. Slowly, the buildup began. And just as she had predicted, Emily felt that tightening in her stomach and down below that she’d mentioned to Noah. She massaged their heads as their lips began to suckle her, both of them using light suction at first, but then morphing into a strong pull that had her crying out.

She began to pant and squirm, but each man placed a hand on her legs and held her in place. Gabriel hummed against her skin and Emily could feel the vibration all the way to her clit. She yelled their names and felt the first wave of bliss spread throughout her limbs. The pleasure seemed to radiate from her breasts outward, until every fiber of her being was aflame.

Gabriel raised his head from her breast first, but his movement prompted Noah. They each leaned back slowly and beheld the amazing sight before them. Emily’s skin was flushed pink and her chest rose and fell heavily as she gasped for air. Her hair fanned out around her head on the pillow like a halo from all of her thrashing as she came.

Gabe felt as though he’d sensed her orgasm in his soul, which honestly amazed him. Just as it had been in the kitchen the night before, when Noah’s lips had brought Emily to fulfillment, he’d had such a head rush watching her soar. And for a man to feel that good when his dick wasn’t involved, Gabriel admitted it must mean the heart utterly and completely was. At least his was. And from the satisfied look on Noah’s face, he knew he could safely say the same was true for his best friend.

Noah let his hand begin the slow glide up the inside of Emily’s leg. He smiled as her eyes reopened and he beheld the hazy remnants of her orgasm in her gaze. His fingers brushed against her lower lips and he felt just how wet she was from their play. Slowly, he drug his fingers through her folds and then used the moisture to make the glide of his thumb over her clit easier to bear.

“Noah, I can’t take any more,” Emily pleaded and shook her head at him. “You’ve got to stop.”

“I’m not going to hurt you, Em.” He shook his head and watched the war within her play out in her violet eyes. She was still slightly unsure of it all, though she’d tried to step out of that comfort zone and entice him earlier. With words that Noah knew she had spoken for his benefit. He wanted to reward Emily for her bravery, and show her that her body was capable of orgasming many, many times.

“I’m just going to touch you lightly here while we talk about today. Try to listen and concentrate on what I’m saying. If it truly does hurt, you need only tell me and I’ll stop immediately. Okay?”

Emily stared at Noah momentarily and then nodded and bit her lower lip.

Noah concentrated on her clit, while Gabriel’s palm moved up her right leg and his fingers began to play with her pussy’s entrance. Together, they petted and stroked her delicate flesh in an intimate dance while they calmly began to outline their day.

“First, we have breakfast for you,” Noah began. “Something light to start with, because we’re all going for a run afterwards. We looked over the packet of brochures that came with this place and realized there are all kinds of nature trails that snake all over this mountain. And after our talk on the back porch last night, we also realize that we’ve done you a disservice by keeping you inside this cabin. No one knows where you are, and with Kaden and Garrett watching our sixes, we can help you breathe a bit of fresh air again.”

Emily’s eyes clouded with unshed tears and Gabriel reached out with his free hand and smoothed it over her forehead and hair.

“We’re taking what you’ve told us to heart, honey,” Gabriel said tenderly. “You need to get out, feel the sun on your skin, and feel free while you’re at it. So, we’ll exercise for a while, because we all need it and enjoy it. We’ll come back here and shower, then head to a place we’ve picked out that’s perfect for a picnic lunch. Noah’s already packed one of the coolers you had in your car, and it’s sitting in the kitchen waiting for us to use it.”

Emily tried to hold on to the beautiful day they were painting for her while their adept fingers stroked her into near oblivion. But the words they were using were far more erotic than those she’d teased Noah with. Because they were a promise that all was not lost to her yet, and she attempted to savor them as her body began to grow ever closer to another orgasm.

“When we return here, we’re going to call Lawton and ask him to put Tara on the line,” Noah continued. “You’re going to talk to her for as long as you want, and then you can either sit and write while we fix supper, or you can go relax in the hot tub. Your choice, baby. Today is all about you, Emily. You breathing a little easier and smiling again. Sound like a plan?”

“Yes,” she nodded and tried to smile. But her tears made it come out as a watery, tremulous attempt.

“I think she likes it,” Gabriel said with a broad smile. His grin was big enough for them both, and he nodded at Emily as he eased a finger inside her, searching for that special spot. “Come for us now, Emily. You’re right on the edge, I can feel it.”

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