Third Time Lucky (10 page)

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Authors: Pippa Croft

BOOK: Third Time Lucky
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Impatience tugs at the edge of his voice now. ‘I don’t care what my father would think and I won’t discuss my mother with anyone. I’m sorry if your parents are offended, but it can’t be helped. And as you told me yourself, you’re very busy with the gallery expansion. I expect you’ll want to get back this evening,’ he says firmly, making it clear the conversation is over, as he makes his way to the door.

There’s an audible gasp from Valentina and then more expletives. I suppose I ought to laugh or cheer, but the last thing I want to do is walk in on them and risk a full-scale war. It’s like volcano versus iceberg and for now, I think I’ll stay out of it.

Back up in the bedroom, the minutes stretch to thirty before I hear the door open. I bury my head back in my art book, not that I’ve taken in any of the contents.


I wait a few seconds before I glance up at Alexander. ‘Oh, hello. Sorry I didn’t make breakfast. I must have lost track of time.’

If he doesn’t believe me, he doesn’t show it, but he does look fed up. ‘It’s a good thing you didn’t come down,’ he sighs. ‘I’ve asked Valentina to leave. Ideally right now, but I doubt she’ll be able to get a flight from Heathrow until later this evening.’

close the book. ‘I thought she travelled everywhere by private jet?’ I keep my tone light.

‘Not on this occasion,’ he says ruefully.

‘I’m not going to lie. I’m relieved she’s leaving but I’m sorry it’s been awkward.’

His face is inscrutable as he crosses to the window, then all I get is a back view. ‘I need to do my physio,’ he says dully, sounding like the sky has just fallen in on him. When he turns around, I realize he genuinely does look worn out and I’m reminded that he’s on a long road to recovery.

‘Is the arm getting any better?’ I ask tentatively, all too aware of his volatile mood.

‘It’s fine.’ He walks over to me and sits by the bed. I think he’s in far more pain than he lets on and the realization that it may be a long time before he’s fit for duty is beginning to sink in.

‘OK.’ I pause. ‘Well, unless you want help with the physio, which I’m guessing is a ‘no’ …’ He confirms with a shake of his head. ‘Then it’s probably too late for breakfast now so I may as well go for a run and then grab some brunch.’

He brightens. ‘Yes, why don’t you take Benny out with you?’ Delighted to see his dark mood lift even a little, I readily agree.

Soon, Benny is loping around me, sniffing round hedgerows, marking his territory and wearing out his tail muscles in his delight at being taken out for a run twice in one morning. I haven’t gone that far because
I’m starving and really I just wanted to give Alexander some space.

This time, I do a quick circuit of the deer park and start walking back towards the stables for my cool down. I’m skirting the side of the house, turning the corner towards the boot room entrance, when a red-faced Talia dashes up to me.

‘Have you seen Alexander?’

‘He was in his bedroom but that was half an hour ago. Why? What’s happened?’

‘Bloody Valentina! She took Alexander’s hunter out for a ride without asking and she says he’s thrown her. You’d think she’d broken her ankle from the way she’s shrieking.’

‘Where is she?’

‘Back at the stables, giving everyone hell in between screams.’ Talia pulls a face. My heart sinks as I wonder if this will mean Valentina won’t be leaving as soon as I’d hoped.


‘Does she need an ambulance?’ I ask, walking alongside Talia.

Talia snorts. ‘Of course not. I’m not wasting their time; she can go off to A&E like everyone else.’

What sounds like a howl of agony comes from the direction of the stable yard. ‘I guess I’d better go and find Alexander,’ I say reluctantly. I’d really hoped to be able to leave him to get some rest.

Talia stomps off, while Benny, who seems delighted with this new excitement, races ahead into the hallway, his claws clattering on the tiles. After I find Alexander and fill him in, we hurry down to the stable yard and the sight that greets us is like something from a comic opera. Valentina is sitting on an old mounting block, holding her ankle and moaning at Talia, who is behaving with admirable restraint.

‘Can I fetch you a pack of frozen peas? You should get some ice on that …’

Valentina rounds on her. ‘Frozen
! What the hell do you think I am? I don’t need vegetables, I need expert medical help.’
I’d second that
, I think, but not of the kind she means. ‘Oh, Alexander, thank God you are here. Your stupid hunter threw me.’

strides forward. ‘Why were you on him in the first place? What were you doing to him?’

‘Me doing to
? He is the most useless animal on the planet. I have no idea why he decided to throw me.’

‘I thought you never fell, Valentina,’ he retorts, then in a softer tone: ‘Here, let me see this ankle.’

He kneels down and with his good hand probes the flesh around her ankle. I’m no doctor, but I can’t see any swelling. Then again, she can’t have fallen very long ago so maybe the bruising has yet to come out. I’m desperately trying to be charitable and failing by the second.

‘Owww!’ She screws up her eyes in pain.

‘I’m sorry,’ says Alexander soothingly, while continuing to check her foot and ankle with his good hand. I remember when I twisted mine outside his house and he did the same to me … I nearly went through the roof, in more ways than one.

Valentina watches him, wincing occasionally.

Carefully, Alexander replaces her foot on the concrete yard and stands up. ‘I don’t think it’s broken.’

‘What? How can you tell? I need an X-ray.’

‘I doubt it but if you want to get checked out, Brandon will take you to A&E. Shall I call the contessa for you?’

She manages a brave smile. ‘There’s no need to trouble my mother but you must know I can’t possibly go to A&E on my own.’

‘I don’t expect you to. I’m sure Helen will be happy to go with you.’

purses her lips. ‘You mean you won’t come?’

He stiffens. ‘If I thought it was necessary, of course I’d come, but I have a meeting with someone from the regiment later today.’

‘And they are more important than me, of course!’

‘That’s not what I’m saying. Do you really want to sit for four hours in the local minor injuries unit only to have some doctor say you might have bruised your foot?’


‘A&E isn’t the nicest of places, Valentina, and the hospitals are stretched to the limit as it is. I really think you’d be better at home.’

‘You could call out your doctor,’ she says sullenly.

‘I suppose I could, if you really want me to.’

‘You can’t just leave me here like this!’

‘Look,’ he sighs. ‘Let’s help you to your room and get an ice pack on it, give you some paracetamol and then rest it for a while. Talia can give you some vet tape to strap it up.’

tape? I am not a polo pony!’

‘It’s the best thing for it,’ I say, trying not laugh. ‘I can vouch for that.’ This is the same remedy Alexander offered me when I fell over outside his house in the autumn.

‘Will you bandage it for me?’ she wheedles, ignoring me completely.

Alexander holds up his sling. ‘With one hand? I don’t think I can, but I’ll ask Helen to help you.’

curls a lip. ‘Thanks for nothing,’ she mutters, then seems to cheer up. ‘Of course, I can’t possibly leave until it’s healed.’

‘Of course …’ I mutter.

She glares at me but Alexander says, resignedly, ‘Let’s see how it is after you’ve rested it. Of course you can’t go if it’s too bad, but you’ll have Brandon to help you at the airport.’

‘The airport? I will be black and blue by tomorrow,’ she says, then directs her next comment straight at me. ‘It will be days before I can even think of leaving Falconbury.’

I can’t keep silent any longer. ‘You might find you have remarkable powers of recovery.’

‘My genes are excellent, but an injury like this will need a lot of rest,’ she snaps back.

Talia stands by, tight-lipped. Suddenly Benny dashes forward and sniffs Valentina’s foot.

‘Get him off me,’ she cries, batting at him.

‘Here, Benny!’ Alexander calls but it’s obviously the most excitement Benny has seen for months. With a joyful bark, he lunges forward and licks Valentina’s foot like it’s a beef bone.

‘Vile creature!’

Benny obviously doesn’t speak Italian and takes her shriek as encouragement to cover her foot in drool. ‘Get off me!’ She snatches up her riding crop and catches Benny’s rump with a sharp crack. Yelping in pain, he skitters backwards.

are all frozen in shock.

‘How dare you!’ Talia lunges forward and wrenches the crop out of Valentina’s hand. She grabs Benny’s collar and pulls him protectively against her legs.

Valentina’s ‘O’ of outrage changes into a sly smile. ‘Did you hear how your groom spoke to me?’ she says to Alexander.

‘She was worried about Benny – we all were. You didn’t need to go that far,’ I cut in, furious.

Valentina regards me with contempt. ‘I would expect you to defend her.’ She addresses Alexander again. ‘You heard that,

Alexander’s face is like thunder. ‘Yes, I heard.’

Benny slinks over to Alexander and eyes Valentina with a blend of hurt, fear and confusion that deserves a canine Oscar.

‘I’m sorry, Alexander,’ Talia’s voice is quiet and small. It’s not like her at all but she’s obviously worried she’s going to lose her job and despite what she had to put up with when the general was alive, I know she respects Alexander and adores the horses.

Valentina’s eyes flash. ‘You should apologize to me, not him.’

Talia folds her arms. ‘You shouldn’t have hurt Benny, and I know it’s not the first time you’ve hit him,’ she accuses.

‘Talia was trying to protect my dog, and I don’t blame her,’ Alexander says coldly.

Valentina pouts and says, ‘I was in pain, and I’m
sorry for lashing out but my foot is so sore. Come here, Benny, I did not mean to hurt you.’ She holds out her hand. ‘Here, boy.’

Benny shrinks back behind Alexander, a look of horrified innocence in his eyes.

‘He won’t come to you now,’ snaps Talia.

Valentina merely smiles. ‘I hope you’re going to fire her for this, Alexander.’

Talia is as tough as they come but I can see she is worried.

‘Valentina. Shut up,’ says Alexander, looking thoughtful. ‘Talia. Are you accusing Miss di Cavinato of mistreating my dog?’

She looks up, taken aback by the question. ‘Well, yes, I am. I’ve seen her hit him and kick him. More than once.’

Valentina snorts. ‘She’s lying.’

‘She’s not.’ I can’t stay silent any longer. ‘I also saw Valentina hit Benny with her riding crop on the day of the hunt.’

‘She’s making it up,
; she and your groom have always been against me and they would say anything to make me look bad. It’s her word against mine.’

Alexander turns to Talia, grim-faced. ‘Talia, I think I’ve heard enough now. Some people might expect me to insist you apologize to Valentina,’ he says. I am shocked to hear him talk like this and start to interrupt.

He shoots me a warning glare that makes me instantly
shut up. ‘However, on this occasion, I’d fire you if you
say you’re sorry.’

Talia’s mouth is open in astonishment and I want to punch the air for joy.

He turns to Valentina and his tone is glacial. ‘I’ve always known you loathe Benny, and I’ve tried to overlook it. Not everyone likes dogs, which is fair enough, but as for beating the animal, lying about it and then trying to have one of my most loyal and valuable members of staff fired – I can’t forgive you for that, Valentina.’

She narrows her eyes. ‘What are you saying? That you care more for your dog and your groom than me?’

‘At this particular moment, that’s a pretty accurate assessment.’

‘But what about my ankle?’ she shrieks.

‘I’m sorry you’ve been hurt but I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think. Talia, would you mind fetching Robert and Brandon so that they can help Valentina up to her room?’

‘It would be a pleasure, your lordship.’ Not bothering to hide her glee, Talia saunters off to the house to fetch help.

With Talia gone, Valentina clearly needs a new target and I’m in the firing line.

‘How dare you treat me like this in front of her,’ she cries, jabbing her finger in my direction. ‘And how could you even think of throwing me out with my ankle like this!’ she shouts at Alexander.

I said, I’ll have Brandon take you to the airport and make sure there’s someone there to help you. In fact, I’ll ask Helen if she’d mind calling Alitalia right now and book you a ticket on the first flight to Naples tomorrow morning, if you want to be back in Positano? First class, of course, and I’ll charge it to my account.’

Forgetting her injury, Valentina jumps to her feet and stands with her hands on her hips in the yard. ‘You will not treat me like this!’

‘You seem to have made a rapid recovery,’ I say calmly, raising my eyebrows at Alexander.

The look she gives him is pure venom, then she laughs at me. ‘You shut up. I know what you are like. Playing the innocent victim, the nice little all-American girl, and all the while you are turning Alexander against me.’

‘You’ve done a good job of that all on your own.’

‘I know why he is treating me like this. You’ve told him about the sex clip, haven’t you? Just to make me and Rupert look bad.’

Alexander frowns. ‘What’s this about the clip?’

She shoots me a death look. ‘I knew she couldn’t wait to tell you. I knew she would go running to you, bleating about it.’

‘Actually, I haven’t even mentioned it,’ I say, still calm, waiting for the fireworks which will surely now come.

There is a long pause as Alexander looks from me to Valentina, and then we both watch as the colour gradually falls from her face.

He turns to me.

Oh no, this isn’t the way I wanted to tell him but I guess I’d better get it over with. ‘It’s true,’ I mumble. ‘That sex video … I found out at the Boat Race party that she was the one who sent it, with Rupert’s help. I was going to tell you but the time never seemed right.’

There is another long pause, during which I wish there was a huge hole in the ground that could swallow me up and transport me straight back to my uncomplicated life back in Washington.

‘I see,’ he says quietly. I don’t think he truly wanted to believe that his ex fiancée would do something that low.

Valentina sneers. ‘Acting the saint suits you, Lauren. How can you stand it, Alexander?’

‘I’m glad to see you feel better, Valentina,’ he says icily. ‘It seems like you can leave immediately after all. Robert and Brandon will be here in a moment if you still need a hand.’

He turns and strides off towards the house.

She trots after him, her injury apparently miraculously healed. ‘Wait,
! We can work this out.’

I go up to my room – I have to leave Alexander to sort this out and have, quite frankly, had enough of the pair of them. I get out my books and do my best to focus on what I realize I should be spending my time on anyway. For the first time, I really seriously question my decision not to go home and get away from all this.

From downstairs I hear shouting and doors slam
ming and I guess the staff are having a field day, probably selling tickets to watch the drama.

A few minutes later, I hear the thud of someone walking up the stairs.

The footsteps walk past the room and down the hallway, then pause. Seconds later, they start again and grow louder. They stop again outside my door and I stand up, expecting the door to fly open at any moment. My pulse picks up, ready for the fray, but there’s only silence and then a hissed whisper.

‘You little bitch. You think you have won but it’s not over. No one does this to me and gets away with it. Wait and see; you’ll regret the moment you ever got involved with Alexander.’

With a final expletive, and before I have a chance to open the door and return fire, she stomps off along the landing again, and there’s a loud thud as she slams her door.

I roll my eyes, getting back to my studies, or trying to anyway.

Eventually, I give that up. I really can’t concentrate so I try to find solace in my art, getting out my pencils and sketch pad. I flip through the drawings of Alexander I did when we were at Falconbury for the hunt ball. He found them and teased me about them, mainly because they were of him, not because of my skills, or lack of them. Looking at the sketches now with fresh eyes, I see they’re not nearly as bad as I’d remembered
although, as ever, I can see acres of room for improvement.

Analysing them is a sobering exercise and I decide to go for a safer subject than Alexander so I sketch a picture of Benny, tail wagging, rooting in the hedgerows. I find drawing a mixture of delight and frustration; at times I can get lost for hours in my work but there’s always a point where I want to throw the sketchpad at the wall.

Before long, I’ve abandoned the dog and moved on, sketching the outline of a brooding Alexander, bare-chested and with his arm in a black sling. My fingers move faster, driven by the compulsion to capture his scowling fury with Valentina.

I’ve no idea how long I’ve been working but I become aware of raised voices outside the window and push my pad and pencil aside. Gravel crunches loudly and then a vehicle pulls up and stops at the front of the house. When I peer out of the window, I see Valentina tripping down the steps in her spiky boots – no sign of the ankle injury – while Robert packs her bags in the truck of the Bentley. Next to the car, Emma is handing notes to the driver of a cab just as Valentina waves away Robert’s attempt to help her into the Bentley.

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